How much of it is PROFIT BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY AUGUST 21 19 Blatchfbrds Your profllx dupand on In amount and warns gut rho gain you want So an your leedlnn com by using Blakhfcrd Hog Grower good you use In of II ya you no bigger gain wlih ï¬rm In and rap flnlxh for high mulke prkex lull you rho lash uhoul rhlx grand and 10 emamkul In vsu lo Whlnndlnq In rexulll Blaichfnrdl Hog Grower gualily feed that amnlly mm on In me Call In and learn how In an rho mail from your hoglIï¬u Blulrhford way Butler Feed llggar Proï¬ts FVE POINTS URRYS 35 BAYFIELD ST Hos 619m RALEIGH and ELEM BIICYELES We SERVICE We SELL Has us vuylnr blntk ma Its whllu hlrl Hm nnc nlmple lfn lhnll ImCHM wipe Hm 011 of llp slick tuner urlllnu your nun nlrnvu um 01 hr wnyl xlnd mllcn Hn nnllnn hr 5er pmkmarkul nr rllhld on purl ha 13 nunuully brluw In nnrlncv ll nll ï¬nally 101w ll Gmnzc no but In Inukan nvrr std mr hr all on Hm din Ille and the dip Illrk Hm run lull you lol ahoul th the car 100k llkc Inlldr If It Ix man mm at mid Meal m1 cnnklln lrnn nchl and mm rnulm runlllnu mm or cyllndrr xnlulnx mu Immer ml with um ncllhmku its way lnlu Hu rrnnkrnsc nnd wm vvrmuully nunrk volilhtd alul mlrlncrl mm nu trunk muu louumll mo mm 0w Nukn um plm In mummy rhnln md mm lhr dip chk Aml wmlr wrrr nbuul Ix mu Un lmc pulnx mu Hu llnnnhllu clmnulnu nll Irrmlcnllyu lhlt acid nullun nunlml Hm vllnl lmldu In prllfllly lullnu qu ull work In wuul mlnu yuur nmlnr lvn nlmuly mmuoncu nu lrmk wnlchlmz lnr hhw mum mm mm ermm blur not black nr umyb mm In nnolhrr my ulrk fur nlylnn up car Ihm nrr mm at Hm xlmpIr mu anyane run permit whru Illlvmmi muuml lur II In rnr llrfvrr Mr mlnrl on Hr lul munr IIde wlvple lnnku tum HIM lll utml luly lur Il mvncr In whom Wrll mu II III Ilul whlh yuun nhupvluu uuund wr wnnl ynu lu mlluly ynur HII Mull llw ur yuurv luuklng nl Ltmk ll uvrr llnvr llvr Md Jump My Illd down on Alnll 14m wnnl hm nlu ll 41M Hr In drlvr IRA WILSON BELL USED ms 3013 LARGEST DISPLAY IN BARR BICYCLES hmam India Illndclllc xlnu nlr rondlllonlng heal er Very low mllcnu Hun blue IIIHI Hold with warranty asTsiytTemsï¬eet URRXS COOKSTOWN Tud hum BICYCLES 1953 PBNTIAC SEDAN mom lel Hu erumnan Inkc mu lhc Hp sllck 1mm hc wipr ll of and mu it back in Man cllctk Hm messy Jub and an uxy way In man up clmn want special mean can zratulaunn or musical greeting deiivered via lhe airwaves in reiative or iriend in Korea law minutes of your time Brief Idler addressed in the alinwlnz address and fivuceni stamp is the only invesimcni required Eadie Maple Lea 25th Canadian Inianiry Brigade CAPO sooo cla Posimflsier Vanwuver BC The requech win he played and the mgssages read over the ai BROADCAST GREETINGS TO TROOPS Now Avallahle In BaxIla ulxh prolelnneds tantalu in vitamin and Ill Scrvn mum Cereal 70 Dunlop SI Phone 9052 Bfllllll TELEVISION REFRIRGERATION CO HI DUNLOP ST Phone 2059 MILLET SESAME THE 5001 BA SPECIALIZED ALL MAKES 0F ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT SERVICE OLD MIle The Canon exchange In lech p00 Emflnnd dnlm back 1770 when Joshua Hall lmcd busi nLsn collun brokcr about two man um uu mum in Candi Ancordlm to the Candim Amy sun 3de MIN IAaL wit the hnndhn Arman Korea hunï¬red at menaer And musical requcsu have bun han dled line the 500 mu ludnn opened in January the Amyx new mutation centreshave the 38th parallel Buwlln Mnuh fhc mixed mum bowling match on Monday cvcnlnl Aug 23 was dccldcd success with 18 rinks In play Unfortunately the mhmorm came award the End me sccnnd xnmc whlch was con ruled as clghl ends which was vnry nancable to all sklpi and the prim were all given lrsl Hum high wnh two wins and one hlxh or one MD as Inllnwl W114 mcr Palmers ï¬nk Tnucnmm Krunl Nuwmnxkcl Cranslon of BetIon and Morris Aurora The groom wru ln splendid Ihnpc and all cxprvssod wlsh be back soon Mixed dancing every Friday Pine Crest mllen north of Bar rie nn Highway 27 nr mllu mum at Elmvnle Musicby 8211 toms Admission 50c smwr Enrrlc nnd Vexpr Horticultur al Societys tour at the Gardens 01 Bun1c and Vuprn 20 Gardens 11 ed Sunday August 29 Bus leaves Welllnzlon Hole Carnot 130 pm relurnlnz between and pm Tickels $100 No cars uwed on out For morvnuon phone Mrs Ball 3358 ï¬r Mrs an12 1543 9889 Currem popular record relrasea are being made available to he stalan disc Jockeyxby the Am erican Armed Fame Radio Ser vlces supplementing regular shaws sent by the Canadian Broadmsiing Corporation and tape recording from privaw station across Canada Commencing Sunday evening dusk regular shawan of general lnlerm films at Bayvlew Park sponsored by Barrie and District film Council Silver collection NanceParents of children starting in Vespra Township area nchnnls September term are re quired 10 iurnish proof of age teacher Starling nge 81h birth any before March the allowing year Smllh Secretary 99 Weekend Vllflorl Mr and Mrs IL Keogh and VIrglnla spent the weekend with lhtlr Eonmnd family Mn and Mrs Jack Keogh at hclr summer home at Lake Rosseau Vllllllu Son Mr imd Mrs Boyd were v15 mng at the home of his son Mn and Mrs Doyd Monday cvcn lng ln flunkvlfln Mr and Mrs mmmas Earnen In and ChmHe spent me past weekend in Huntsville the guest ol Mr and Mrs Brookm Vlslllul Ptrcnla Mrs Luke McKcnnn and ch11 drcn Peter and Betty are vult ing her parents Mr and Mrs McGoey Nzw Louflrm 152 Dunlap HI menu 12 Replln Remodelllnl Blonzu Ind clunan Reilnlnl Bmll uan whln nu II Mon and more paoplu nro making Dutch XAntry their mum or Homo naked Speculum rm homu mm brud m1 yum mu whol Ilmlly will mm In In many Hpetm or plrnlu pum Ind ram wukmu ON DIET We lulu IMLT Ill Dillll lpfllllly Illa lulu WNI Var cuIomm who If an altl lhom In your 0mm ManUlm mun LOCAL Funlun FREE DELIVERY SERVICE ORDERS IN IIY PM DELIVERED THE SAME DAY TOTTENHAM DUTUII IABTIIIEH CUP CAKES CAKES HUN IHNNHII ROLLH NEW BRAD HOME MADE HIWAD COOKIES llllfl Tho Tonal ol lho Town AMBMCAN DEEIGNEH Cnnbcnn lho npllll Amm lln mannad my dtlflnrd by Chicuonrchllccl Dlnmcndl from South Mrlc an on the Unlled 5mm xlockplle of Ilrnlczic mnlcrlnl hr mllllnry and tlvlllnn nerd The funeral service on Monday Aug In the chapel Reynoldd Funeral Home Drnccbrldflc was cunduclcd by Rev Morrow with lntcnncnl In 51 Thomas Church Ccmolery Pallbnnren were three lnmdsons the dc ccntcd Everett l1ka of Bank Dannld Hancock llunlsvllln and Alghlon Hancock vaenhursl and Pam Ayolle ol Barrie Gor dnn Brunlon n1 vacnhurst and fry Dauphin cg nrncehrldxe Helm and lrlundl from To mnln London Burk inlll Barrie Ilnd Oshawa alluvial ihc lam unernl 184 Years of Age Amps Hoyle Dles at His Home in Matchednsh On th reiircmem ML and Mrs Vnrcoe moved Io Bracdaridze 10 live wiih their daughter Mrs Wiggins Mr Vmcm passed nwny shortly niizr going Brnc ri gu and Mrs Vanna continuc id iv with her dnuuhicr Two months ago Mrs Wiggins sold her pro poriy in Bracebridxe Ind moved to Amhersiburg taking her muLher with her Bcsldu Mu Wiggins Mrs Var cnn is survived by iwu other daughters Lena oi Amherstburg and Mn Ed Brandt Violin oi Barrie and two sons Ipmy 1nd Cliliord oi Banie Farmer Barrie Rvesidenl Passes Mrs JVarcoe Nativo Orillia District ï¬gner resident at the Barrie district Mrs Joseph Vnrcoe pm cd away on Friday Aug 1951 In her 71th year nt Amherstburg where rhe had been making her home wIlh her daughter Mrs Edythe Wiggins Mrs Vllcoe hnd heenn semiInvalid for 20 years and had suflered another stroke belore her deafll The lnrmer Jennie Edlth Snndo the decmscd was the daughter the hue tynllam and HannnhSnn do and spent her utrlhood around Ihe Orilun district later 0an to work in Burks Fallsr Them Ishe mct and married Joseph Vnrcue In September 1603 They lived In Burks Falls unML 1922 when they moved to Barrie They farmed here until the rpm at 1918 was born Dec 22 1870 at Slailhwahe Huddersï¬eld York shire England He amended Ihe Church at England and Wu staunch supporter of the Conser vative party and had beenac qunlnted wth Sir Rabert Borden onelime Prime Minister Can ada Mr Huyle had many Mend throughout Lhc district and the tuneml servlcegvas luger mend gd It was held from Ebblnmns Funeral Hanna Goldwater on Sat urday afternoon to St Johns An gflcanchurch Makhedash Ser vice was conducted by Rev Rob art ngby Pallbearers vwere John Fell Ernest Ollver George Fell Radclmc Leonard and Mel viye Hoyle Survlvinz relatives are two sons Italian Barrie and 13st przvlously at Mnlviaedash six grandsons David Leonaiul Mel ville Douglas Han and Lewis Hoyle tuur urlnmfluyhteu wm nllred Amy Jun nM June Huyle three ureabgnndsons Kenny Robert and William Hnyle and two greabgmnddaughlers Linda and Sherry Lynn Hoyle Amn Hoyle armtr Cold water dmrm or the past 49 years pissed away at hh Me resldence lot 13 concession Mlmhedash Township on Mauls He Wm 84 Mr 50le had been inJAillng hallh or nmgber 01 years Mr Hoyle was predeceased by his wifezo ye £3 my AllIslon To ronto Eula Barrie Fergusonvnle and Port Severn amended the un era CALL THE EXAMINER lOll RINHNO ION smuww MATERIAL olkded 40 in 86 of iclal Mp tn mcnrd nn Kncredlblc $65 nvzrage Au placed our member in the select 400 bracket includlnz cleanup hitter Verde Wilsonwflh 400 average Muriel Lamb Margaret ough Fern 01m ell Verde Wilson lama McLean Dorian Plrker Robbin Lennox Dot Miller Hazel erzh Ena Howcrofl Marian Cough Ethel Reid Belly Blshop The Marsellnlse was sucnlled bccnuse It was Sung by vnlunteers Ihey stormed the Tullerles In arl durlnl the French revolu Muriel Lamb Iop Butter Greer Aces Muriel Lamb wha ante flred Mldhnd Menhlnu to several hdles sonbau championships fln Ished arln mm the Individual batting net of Bank Greer Aces over the regular Barrie district sphedule Um avoragu llsted below do not 1nclude Jhu scasonn upener ngnlnn Orillla or any playoff um esls 30 um In nun um um Ma Fuhil am End no am In Ion mum ox Wuk In 1055 gm wnk CKBB PROGRAMS DIAL 1230 nun 11m L10 nonnu cum non mm an am no cmlm at mm mm Vin 1030 ma non 11 spam nan nn Hnuhlnl mm mm awn mm Ind WINbl Er 05 Jun 7am Io an 11 nor am urunluv now unme mu Illa 3W 1215 mm mwn 10 NC ma nunuln Bond Lo mum wmnu mum um mra gm wu mm county 8m us sum 610 Inn 050 Bulletin Band 700 Blmnul 175 Bum um amm 71 Red 5mm nu 713 mm umln an v00 Inn 309 mmm IAIIJIDAV so am on can Nm mun um mm 1mm xenon mum elm IJD III 100 um Imam nu Nm us um mm Mann anionl wmnu ST VINCENT PARK SUNBHY A0619 830 pm Wherod Ihoy all go Where OY 90 livrn without fmolmlulcd Ila girl lllm thin mom mullch um out of Kollouu Com Flnkm llxlu morning than my ollm nwnl 11M hnppculnu mm limo Ilmtu luauo Hellon Cam Flnlm just nnhunlly Mln bull to uwmpooplo Ilmn nny qllmr an Alwnyn hnvu Hull dm Nu wondvr mme mmwn pick up mum package of Krlloul Cum Flnkm nvnry llmo Ihoy buy my other kind of mm FRESH from 7W9 HISTORIC BAND CONCERT HY BARRIE CITIZENS BAND TITLE SILVER COLLECTION eer am mu nudllnl moo in Dunn Tm 1000 when Palm Broam 1030 Numm Ind loam 1013 noonum tinma mu Bonn scam um wmnu man no Punk ma mm It BIIIEGIIJ all rm um ulna mo Nun mo runny rmmu mo cmm mama Church Th church CILIMI Loo Music by Mumn 11a Conn cuwmu us mmua 2m Emmy mm un um To 11 am mu no my 0mm 00 HIV no rm Jun can gogmu ma um rumma TellhA WK mm 1130 III lftyflgm 11 um nomad mm man gm Conn Haul om Communlu mm mm HannaMD no mmm Mum 7m Bummu Emma Mln um moo 3mgqu mm may mm mm llnn 00 MINI all Cnuludl or mm 00 gm mg xn You no yovelerr1 ac um um 05 lththIl In TE 15 mm mum ggnn mu hu us sun on Nu us xnmlue nan Hum am 100 Luv Why an umnn 1mm IUNDAV 373 361 352 333 41 J54 Plan In the creatlon new program to molane Club 1230 are under way and It Is expected ha me new shnw will hit the Air waves on Monday anemuon Titled Spotlight on Sung the show will be broken up mm 15minute seg menls with each segment teatuflnx nrcheslra or vocalisL As per mm mu uuum mam cenm 10 mm on ma wmam mo 1mm run um um 05 Ill 1mm nao nuunn up mu 1100 Lunch DIM nnLl no Vlclllon vmua Lu wnum 7mm HI no mm Your all or Bl my zoo wmnu Pomul no no rm an 30 in an no moms alone no Murder mannhl moo 11 mm uuuum was mu Damm 1109 mu anon mm um um Round 345 mm to mun even an NIH Inmunu Mo caunu Ilmlr ml 100 530 am an new flufllnu Mum Report Mu In mm Bumm mldllnu Plrm 1mm new mmnu walnu New man In Nun unnum The Inn mm New Yo Trldlnl Pm Jun alumna ma mm 445 518 835 38 5mm laqqd Bum no mu tar LIA Nun nun Ml MoNuAv Ind wuum 0n Mnlor Trip Mkses 3th and Marla Ilnrrls Mr and Mm Maurice Brown and family and Mrsl Wllliam Brown 12 Saturday mnrnlng on mulor lrlp ta chhurn 535k 10 v1 Mrs Wllllam Browns brothers Herbert and Henry Teasdale sundny mum Sunday lellors wllh Mrl nnd Eplelll Elulrlc your lecy TV Dlntrlbntun no ham to pmem lhll uhlduln CELT Fromm lhreu mu weekly or Ihl enn unlenA of View In Battle Ind Dhtrlcl In Ovllllu It Went Bl flnulh ll Mllllnl My Sly2L Hume 69 Collier St 145147 Dunlap SI Phono Bnnlo lile hm lel 190 my 1mm llvlnv no Imm An no In Loo our mu Iv 1Io lulu Mm 11 HIGH STREET Phone 2772 BARBIE DRIVE CHE C0 ETD CBLTTV Exclusive CRUSEY TV Dislxlhulors ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILINGS INTRODUCING THE REVOLUTIONARY ALL NEW CROSLEY TABLE MODEL TELEVISION EPLETTS ELECTRIC WE WILL GLADLY CALL AT YOUR HOME BARBIE IRON WORKS RENT Channel Toronto AS PRIVATE AS YOUR OWN For $1000 Deposit New Cars Reasonable Rates SATURDAY AUGUST 28 SUPER SUNDAY FRIDAY AUGUST 27 STEEL FOR SALE Free Esllmnlcs In Dani ACAR lUGUST 29 In It on loo Yanl 1mm nun nu mu 1m wm mum NEXT T0 GRAY COACH cm can can mu rum SUNDAY630 pm MR GABLE neimmun wool 1mm MOST COMPACT DESIGNED WEIGHT ONLY 51 LBS PHONE 5046 Smnll rlmuxh Io lmndlc mm cumull curry Phone 155