Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Mar 1954, p. 2

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flIHE BARBIE mamas WEDNESDAY AUG 25 Tommy Bolton Ideas are News of Mambo Recent Vlslliirl Recent visitors at Jack John sons were Mr and Mrs William Norman Lowes oi Guelph and Mrs and Mrs Ella Hlbbcrt and Iamily of Toronto Home From USA Miss Betty Ireton returncd home Irena Los Angeles Call Iornia by plane to Maitnnvin the early part at last week Another real estate deal In the making Is theproperly oi Mrs Easton which bears the sign For Sale Allisten Visitor Mr and Mrs George Wilson of Allistun Spent pan of day last week at William Sharpes Mrs David Clark has returned home from three weeks visit with relatives at Mcatord and Port Elgin On Short Vlsll Mrs Iloy Cooke of Toronto with her parents and Mrs Scyihcs and Mrs neeiby Barrie hqd short visit with Mrs Scythe lart wcck Mrs Cooke and Mrs Scythe went bird watching at some familiar haunts WA Meeting Date Trinity Womans Association wIll hold their September meet lng at Mrs Gordon Henrys on Wednesday Sept Two Weelu Holiday Mrs Johnson left on Sat urday with her daughter Mrs David Zoos and iamily of To ronto Inr two weeks at Sunset Beach ml Millard Bay were Al Beach Mr and Mrs GeorgeIInlt ac companied Mrs Milligan Miss Audrey Milligan and Joe of Bar rle to Wasaga Beach on Sunday Aug I5 Mr and Mrs Euakc oi Barrie were In the village here on Saturday Mr and Mrs Will Johnston and to WinnipegJasperVentouver Youll find smart ncw travel comfort and convenience on CanadianNatitmalsContinentalLimitedAttritCtivctiay coaches relaxing lounges spacious drawing room and compartments restful bedrooms popularpriced duplex roomcltcs and berths Here is pleasant travelling with wide range of accom modations for every hudgctl For exam rlc look at these low coach fares hetwccn Toronto an way$67l lrountlt Vancouver One S10715Iroportionatelylowiares apply for tourist antipothcr types sleeping car travel Avit oboul Iuhllonllal auvlnpa allorod by New Family Fem Io WoriaruCanario and to MidWell and Walnut U$A Eon and mi ovary day Tho Conllnoaioi limited mm Monirool Oiiawo Ioronlo Mlnalti Winnipeg Satkoloon Edmonton iolpar and Vancouver for monoliont and Information in will or phona your Ioral Canadian Nuiivnol Porrvnylr Agnnl vacationing at Fred lahnatool Mrs George Walrh of Mount Albert motorcdup on Monday for her mohter Mrs Grace who event this Int week here with relatives Sunday Visitor Mrand Mrs Allan Henry and two sons visited on Sunday at Oahwood with Mr and Mn Dan Parliament Mrs Henryl mother Mn Cameron of Guthrie new at her daughtera Len rar Trip Miss Belle Rodgerl leit last Wednesday with Mr and MB Albert Dawson for trip to Sault Ste Marie Weekend Visitor Mr and Mrs James Peacock and their little daughter Chris tine at Toronto spent the week end at Er Peacocks St Judes WA SI Judes WA will meet at the home oI Mrs Isaac lcnnett on Friday Aug 21 at pan It is expectedthat Miss Juanita Jamil son will be there to talk about the workcarrled onln Bishop Hordcn school at Moose Factory Ilere Recently Mrs Charles Joholtt Barrie vis Ited last week at lamlesnns Miss Karen Sykes Ivy spent few days last wcck with Elizabeth Jamleson ORIGINAL STATE New Hampchire was the tlrst oi the original Id states to declare its independence of Great Britain and adopt constitution The date was Jan 1176 six months before the adoption of the federal Declaration of Independence votiho oanrallrzaa like to have work aornn with loin or pockets and slots Ior that added toltch oi mun uoncu Youlllovreclataiha protection it Iva email workmana cloth too The aprnna are available in stem or can shah them Inexpentltely out at denim or duck oourntnr mutanutmnma Phone ZSSS KEYS CUT While Well we make all types of keys We are authorized Is Iuers oi Hunting and Fishing LICENSES illliiIIS HARDWARE WP DELIVER Bil liunlop Hi Phone 1556 iii whflhlw MEN Wilt IIIINII 0P TOMORROW lliIiilTiSll MODEIlIlTllIN TODAY rent so r5 WMMOIV Till HOUSE OF SEAG Strum BCADff RAM BORDENRCASC OFFICER with MR LIEUT DANNY HAYDEN twasclaie or Camp Borden escorts the in LtGcn Wells CB OEE DSO Vita Wells and 00 Lampe Rat Iwnkunl Japan AF to the In Cs Launch at lrom Clmp Borden cltlten Lieut Danny Haydenrurmerly the Japanese Kamakazl ROASC whom many Dordeniics will recall as member at the POS staff at HQ and prominent Iigure In the Camp Softball League Is presently serving at the RAM Base at Iwakuni Japan In letter to Mr Wally Owen Arlm Olilcci HQ Licut Hayden says in part through thLl normal grapevine which seems to have unending vlncs we over here have heard oi the many changes In per sonnel and In the Carrlp proper All news has been good news so Borden must still be The Camp Im still employed by Movc meowand Still here In Iwakunl which Is large ltAAF and Amer can combined Air Base It was air base the home and base ot the illlatcd sulcldc pilots lwakuni is the steppingcit airport or per sannnl lying between Japan and Karma and vlcgversa Last wcck had the pleasure of disembarking an old Bordenitc Major Mitchell pl the RCIC School Many other Bordcnlics have passed through here Would you be kind enough through the medium at your papcr to pass my regards to all my triends In Borden LIeutHaydcn enclosed photo graph which we are pleased to print hcrtwilh Wc wish him and all our Burdcnitcs now ovcr scaai the bcst Di good luck and sate return In the battle of Cape Matapan In the Mediterranean in Hill the Italians lost scvcn warships the Briliuh none Canadas Food and Drug Act IRM was the first law In tilt western world providing Ipr an alysla or submitted samples Productive grasslands Valuable Asset top Farm flu mm productive well Ieriiilml LadinoIeacno paaiure such an this In valuable nuct to any Arm Grassland Arming Ia vnlualrle But It hIII little value Imicsa uled with judgment The heat prncc dun will vary from place to place but It will In general based on ihe allowing Consillcrlv tIonr in Ullng the most productive Icnst crodlhlc IIcItla Ior raw and grain crops in rotation that Include at lcaattmc and prrIvrttlily years of high yielding toll Conlcrvlnl torago grauoa and Itl timer bl Maintaining rolllntt Innrla In rotations which Include Drndncllvc grasses anti les umu in long in possible between culllvatcd cram Keeping writhing hillIdes In grams and lrgilmea all the time hill lilallrllll high production by periodic mi ivntltrn tdi rrneinu the alccpcai alnprl lo keep culllo oul and maintaining lIIlIn perman rnlly In trrta Uraulanti lamilnl darn not In volve maintaining all available hunt or the arm nrnnnnrnllt in gran Iihlgrrn ul vnrmuin aim uvrn ransom why this nulliltl ncccllnry IRrr tiralraltlo ll lltltlllon tllllllrrl Illllnlly yhhi hiriur tltnn porinnnrlll uuu tutel Irmiucilnn II more do prndnhla and mum linlinrmly dlairlhutcd throughout the grat Ing period Cropping system that In volvc plowing or renovation elcry tcw years give better opportunity to restore terlIIIIy by incorporat lng llrne Commercial Irrtillzer and barnyard manuILI min the roll tar Periodic plowan or renovn lion lirlll meritan provide an op portunity tn Iltiitl antl Illlllro lor agtx htal llliifli in roll and live stock requirement of the farm to Winn Inrnm are mun In rotations the Inilul llnd rnort ci tccllve use can be made perltrr vorietle oi grnaaea Mill lcgllmcl ta Forage grasses and leg ltlnrl blilltl lul Ilulnlll ctrntcilt oi hli and the hut possible nw ut ltlllfllil II llllllil IAIIIII the and II rlnwrri and prepared on rlllii vaietl mp like mm or pntnlml int Certain worth that are rnnnnun to nnlum nIII mm rIIrrIIvrIy ttrlllrollrtl In rulaillrll nnrlum llvrliock Iinrnnilrn are Itll prevalent in young pnatttrta limit In nlilcl lines Itnxnlantl farming thin tit Amy tuil un nt land to any ueu crnllnn llnl rnrh itclirratiltll nunt immut rruutulhitity rur nmllm wltlrh runnu mniluu lng high level ut production HE GREEN FRONT STORES Hardware China iiiIIs Toys Where You Buy More For less suoewaut BICYCLE $2595 With Stabalizcr for girls BICYCLES BY LCM STANDARD SIZES 54995 to $5995 JUVENILE SIZES AVAILABLE ALSO CORN omens Makes task apleoaure HIGH GRADETRICYCLES By CCMand Thistle $1095 $1500 $1595 $1750 $1895 $2100 $2295 $2495 for 75 DOLLS HIGH CHAIRS METAL $259 wooo $300 ALUMINUM SAUCEPAN SPECIAL Has Egg Poacher Attachment 9iic Regular Value 5225 sold at 99c when purchased with another piece or Lifetime Aluminum JUST IN FROM ENGLAND mom BESWICK IOTIERIES IIORSES COWS BIRDS AND DOGS GRAND COLLECIION INDEED PERFECT COPIES OF REAL ANIMALS PRICES ARE MOST REASONABLE COME EARLY FOR BEST CHOICE WHEELBARROWS For CHILDREN METAL $193 woon $493 BABYS BASSINEITE wicker Away ahead 01 the clothes basket SALE OF DINNERWARE CARNIVAL zo IllICE SETS JAMBOREE 20 PIECE SETS REVEBEY 20 PIECE SETS YELLOW GLEAM PIECE SETS BLACK FLAG FLY SPRAY 43c 15c $150 $275 FLY SPRAYERS GLASS FOUNT soc The man who cannot laugh Is not only Iii ior treasons siratagems and snails but his whole lite Ia already treason and stratagcm watch him STAINLESS STEEL CUTLERY SETS 0F 12 PIECES ONLY $415 SETS OF 24 PIECES only 195 SETS 0F 32 PIECES only $945 OPEN STOCK IN PLAIN AND PAIIERN TEA DESSERT SOUP BLMTABLE SIOONS DESSERT FORKS KNIVES REVERE WARE UTENSILS COPPER CLAD STAINLESS STEEL BUILT FOR LIFETIME or use BUY IN SETS on INDIVIDUAL PIECES BUY LAWN MOWERS NOW ALL AVAILABLE AT cur PRICES SUPER HEALTH COOKWARE now IN THREE WEIGHTS IIOUSEWIFE SAVES TIME dc LABOUR FOR TIIE HAVE IT AS SINGLE PIECES 0R SETS YOU MAY CHOOSE IIIIRRY and RllllIILll ARMSTRONG TWO STORES FOR YOUR SH OPPING CONVENIENCE 98104 DUNLOP EAST PHONE 2801 6971 DUNLOP WEST PHONE 4946 Wm Ilclurn To Montreal Mn and Mrs George Illtchman and inmlly have returned to Mont rtai atler visiting Mrs George Cowan tor tow days runner Realdenla Visit Mrs Cranston of Toronto Iormer resident herc In the manse for nearly 21 years was recent vlsiior here In town Vlalled Relatives Weldon Abernathy ol Sfluit Ste Marie Visited his sister and bro thers here and other friends for part ot the summer vacation He Is on the teaching stall at that city Vlallcd Family Ilcrnanl Manlly at Hamilton visited his ianIIiy here over the wcckcntl Had Treatment Mr and Mrs George Kelly have returned item Ianttiea Wash where Mr KtIIy was lilkinfl trelli mans at ll clinic and Is much en coltraKtti with results Their two EOIIR Pillll mitt lLltr WlIlI were alayiul with their nrunupurmu nt Ilnltay have also returned home 0n Vlrlttan Mrs Thomas Marstien til the Inn Tellwilimn opentun stall is on twowcrkn vacation Iiahy Ilny Congratulations to Mr and Mn Mimtiinll Mum nee Vera liaal hum DI Ilttrlinultm en the hirih ht turn Allu it Ilally tlirl Aim in Mr nu him nul pit me John Silluitlun oi Toutn Ilaln ilnliuillrr in Aug it Will Ile At lunvml llirtltr Imr Inlrltk Ccclllc Ilrn nanl with has iiien nllrntllnlt minrmcr Mlliiili In Ttirtlntti Is on Ivlu Wrihl vacation III the Ctltivttnl of rottentam visit her parents andolher Iriends She has been on the high school stall of St Josephs Barrie for the past thrce years and will be on the start in St Caihnrlncs high school for the coming year Recent Visitors Thomas Marsdcn and daulthtcr Mrs Marjorie Icch and Patsy were rtccnt visitors with Mr and Mrs Ernie Mnrsden 01 Esptnola Ont wars Meeting The WMS oi Fraser Presbyter Ian CIIIINII held their monthly mcellnit in the Sunday School room on Friday evening Inst Well Known Figure Passes James Elliott well known rcsidcnl 0t Tullcnham passed away at Slmcoe Manor Dccton on chmstitly Aug ll He had sill Iercd stroke II couple at years ago irum which he never iully recovered The itinernl was Irnm the Anderson Funeral Home Tui icnham to Ilalncy Church Cem etery Adiala Ilc leaves one sis Ior Mrsr Peacock at Toronto and one brother William Ellinit oi oi Toitchhnm Weekend Guest Mrs White ot Toronto was weekend guest of Mr and Mrs Walkem IIonor BrideTollo number oI Irientis tram here attended shower at Colgin In honor of Miss Christina Ilennan amt Earl Dotty who are beint married In Si Franlc Church hcre next Saturday at IO am til at lilo tumtut tr list II Illfllgll Iy no ninlla In xrnllttsr turt II III III unit ltmia or Ituhnl lriil Iu IIIIIIiuy lullt Ii am ruling Itmll III II hull II Imlui lmi Iann WINE xamau or LOANS lCnh ID nun Mu VIN on um out mo in $23 540 my Nullth for seasonal extremes ro pay up old bills on mi loan quickly on it itientlly lrnla that mu hum Ilia ltolzo or thousands nn year No Inhahltr neuIIiy wanna IIIIP lllVKll Jutt phoao first Ior loan In one trip Employed man woman matriul or Iin Inmlmm Write or come In to llama today MAI Ill I0 IA FINANCE C0 Pltuml 3m Pllenu

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