Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Mar 1954, p. 15

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wM Mr and Mrs Kcllh Burlrum ul Hurrio spun Sunday with Mr nnd Mrs Lloyd Iuursnn Allcnd Vrddlfix Al Thomhlll Thusc nlluldlnu he Trace Sllnpson waddler 1n Tllornhill Unllcd Church In Sulurddy Aug llrrml Vlsllurl Mr and Mrs Vlclor Dicker or Shanty Day wan Sunday guest 01 Ml and Mrs Verne ncflrdsnll Ammc me wcck Km Mrs HmwnV Torunla spcnl ho Vtflk with Mr and Mrs Alvin Grocnlaw Mn Kuasl of Sumin sme law days with Mrs Terry MISS Llndn Conllnu ls SDLHIHIIK lhu week with Mr and Mrs Wnlsml Nave Tu Cornwall Mrs Mull flowat and sons Le land and Barry are moving this week Cornwall where Mr Rowat Is cmnlayed All wish 10 health and happiness 1n heir new home Owen Sound vlsllor Mrs Morrison Sheila and Ian OI Owen Sound arc visilln ML and Mrs IBlcr Clum Mr and Mrs flown and daughmr Judy returned mm motor trlp to Dryden and down hruuglLUIc Unilud sums try their tests conducled by Mrs Emlcy the Canadlan Red Cross Society The successful pupils were as allows junior lest Ross llnacuck and 10ch Ing letan lnlcrmcdlare lcsr Ann Whlllon scnlor est Andrew Copeland Myrna lnglclon Leland Rnwnl Blll Schanfcr lfldpble In minnow Barbara Frunch Ruth Ann Archer Margie Corbett Ann Phillips Hanlet Elllall Mary Grlcr Doris Lester Marjorie Ma dlll Mlchollc Mnlncrney Helen Palmury Judy Rnwnl Froddlc Schclll minnow to fish Donald PalmerV John Ecnrrlsallv Joan Gra ham Robert Hcamsnn Mac Lou ghccd Karen Sprlnu Judy Camp bcu Phyllis Gnham neuy mm llps from ladpolc to fish Davld Campbell Lorna Slrarh sh la beglnners Barry Hawal llclun Crewson Wreathn Slralh Ruth Slmlll Donna Madill Mary Lord Wayne chklnsnn Doreen Bea cock Dllllo mm spcfic Ie week with Mr and Mrs Dan French V9ycrlcy Local Swim Tell This year xDl pupns galhnrnd mm Elmvnln New Flns Anm wnod Saurln and Grassland the Hillsdale pond or inshuclinn In swimming spunsorcd by he Home and School Association 011 Monday Aug 16 10 ma ad um Baby Girl ML and Mrs Douglas Wright are happy In announce the birth daughuer In St Andrews HospitalV Midland on Aux 17 SL Andrews Hospllal Mid land on Aug 16 to Mr and Mrs William Rawn Elmvalc daugh ter Fl Fllr leulnck llldnl The lollowlnz will be the ludzex In Elmvale Fall Fair next momh heavy hurses Frank Hull Dun dalk light harsu Websol Oakwaod bee came Warn lca Barrle dalry caulé Professor NL Staples OAC Guelph sheep Everett Mark le Brl lnln swlne Allen Barrle poultry Morren Barrle domcsll classcs Mrsl MEAuley and Mm Glllles Flesherlon Sal at mm sale at home made baking was held Saturday morning at 11 am on he lawn at Dr rcorans under the auspices Presby crian choir ll lllE BARBIE EXAIIIINEB Flt pausr 1954 Rm ul éhabury spent with Ms molhnr Mm News of Elmae wAvmoo uoNIIIAI talcum diflercnt manh bivd who Young or old Ihlx coo Is Ihun fly Irom dunnol Unlqvo prefers lo run and Mill vulher IInnlup bL nmm Vlsflor nmm visxmrs with Mr and Mrs John namxng were noss flaming Mrs Crate Homing ul Newmnbmnk Hone Thompson 01 Torcnm Dun Townsend ox Ham SA RATHBUN Hume From West Mrs Irwin Elliuil Murncd home arm munlh with relative in Western Canada Blrlhdzy Caller On Friday afternoon Mrs Huwrird Spring Ma Man nlnl Mrs Martin Eaardsall Mrs Rowat Mrs Terry Ind Mrs Fergus Rowat motoer to ml dalr to spend the day with Mrs Townes an the occaslon 01 her birthday Baby cm Congrawxauonx to Mr and Mrs Healherington on the nrrival baby girl Mlmmry Mealln The Womens Mlssmnar Socl cly 01 Central PiusZytcrlan Church will meet Tubsday Aug 31 pm the home Mrs Earle Reid Please note the change in date and um Vlsh Uncle Mr and Mrs Russell McKay Calgary vlsiled his uncle Mr and Mrs Russell Jcrmcy alums Home Master Nanfinn McKay rulurn ed arm spending week with his cousin Carol Reid Visitors Mr mu Mrs Slnrcys were Mr and Mrs chdbs Mrs Marks and Jo Ann Marks 01 Taronlo and Mr and Mrs Brown at Vascy 21 were Mr and Mn Gordan Spring ML and Mn Murray chIE Mrs Douala ansmllh Miss Ann Rum and Mn Thomas RIMIIE MITCHELL SQUARE Main TheIWomcns Insmuh will mm Thursday Sept at ham Mrs Harold Walker Roll call Name In part 01 Lhc Brilish Em mm VISIICI Relatives Mr and Mrs Alfred Brown Unionville spam xuw days vis xun relatives LOUH IHIIR SUN LIFE ASSURANCE C0 WAVERLEY lhono Glil Vlsmn Grandmolhzr Master Douglas Murdnch ol Larder Lake ls mm mumcr Mrs Thomas Reyna lllan Mn and Mn Jack sma hnrn Shurleen and Judy or To romo Mr and Mrs WIlIXam Ham dy of Vlclurlu Harbnur Miss Melissa Graham Am on vlsllcd Mrs Wallncv Wood nver me weckcnd ln Olluwa Mrs John K2115 Ethel and Wal lace 5mm low days Wllh Mr and Mrs Richard Ruskin In Osh In Temple Recenllyt Lynda flaming spam week in Toronla with Mr and Mrs Jack Sucahnm Cumunfly club The August meeting the Com munfly Club wn hald at the home MIL Papa with not on Inge an attendance due 10 he qu mnl 1mm ma MN ler lvuu uwvum Id NW owv mu unvnlmrnmu mum 3255 12 you DHl wuomo Welktnd vim KNOCK mm II ummnul nonlm luVHDWWlml uuuw mm mm mu luv Mr and Mrs Allcnjnd am lly spent Sunday Benverlon with their daughter Ean at camp Vblflng Conlllu Earl gmd Herbie Shannon are spending he week wlh lhclr cous Ins Eden and Danny Mchnald in Guelph Visited Sister Mrs Reid and children Col lingwnod spent few days with her sister Mrs Hogg Recent Vlslton Recent visitors wllh Mr and Mrs Jnscph Cochrnnc were Mrs Gourlic and Mrs Calder of Van busy season bu chose Illendln had he plenum hen1n Mr and Mrs Porlwny spaken and wu much enjoyad by Lunch wra served by the mm Ind cm In El Wllh Grandparents Carol Webb is an hollday in Al lislon wllhv her grandmothcr and Eraquthcr Mr and himScan DONT MISS THESE OTHER EXCITING FEATURES WHEN YOU VISIT THE CNE Dauxhler Cunp WV gffiazzling2vz hour VARIETY snow featuring TOP ACTS from all over the world uman mm on Snunmmummmm MHWV VMIMI LII uqu rm IM 1w mmw II In cur EVA RbyyvRégers Troyube and TRIGGERihesmuneSf horse in the moIVies owl my man ROY ROGERS AFTERNOON AND EVENING ranto and Mrs Gang Out West Russéil Hood on on Monday by lraln on Mp thmuxh the Can fldfian West Holiday ere Glor and Eleanor Jenna of Thomlo and Bob Denney ananta have been holiday vis Xtors at the home at Mr and Ms Henderson Slxfl Blnhdly Mm Gordan eniemlncd boy halt Thursday ntlernunn In honnr her son Bruce who wax celebrating his sixth birth day um mm mm Ilvl comma Home Al Weekdd and Mm Pram or T0 were weekend Iucsu at Mr rs floss Mlxiams BURNS exhlbllion oi proclslon drllls TICKETS NOW ON SAlE ll CNE BOX OFFICE on Ihl Eloy Hull lawn and at flu Box Ollkn In ll CNE Omndllnnd al the Exhlblllan Pallfiplfl IMO mm In IllService DvlllSquadx In outstanding Canadian Army thulch Riders In mdollyMyourlulclllthlcnml mum minute IN IV 14 upl 1mm NI mlml ramm uk ml lnlwmlm erm Wm Mr and Mn Clarence Buyer on Sundzy On Mnndlv Mr Ind Mm Ru Bmulhmn Ind chu drenv Carolin and Nichol or gunsmn visited It the Buyer home ML and Mn Lcllhlon MCQIIXI Ian and ML and M11 chk Gfllls and lamlly spent Sunday at Fer gus Cpl and Mrs Gurdon Ind chlldrcnspent last Saturday In 1h Niagara dlsmck Mr and Mrs Ed DLvlin and hum of Toronlnpspcm Sunday with Mr and Mrs Lorne Buyers Donna and Hévcrley accompanied them humc spgnd um week Tommn Miss Jessie Buyers Is on holiday this week with Irlnnfis Saublc Beach Al Penn Sunny 0n llnllday Beach Hume on Elmay rum mumu It mu mum uqumm mun my Nhnra ROY ROGERS IN ArItRNOON GRANDSTAND CIRCUS ROY ROGERS IN EVENING ORANDSTAND VARIETY SHOW Ruind Son SLSO MAIL ORDERS CLOSE AUG 20 thrilling makmydo demonslrallpn All mm mm$250 u5onoo15¢ and soi tnrinfxmim run mawa umpul lumlwv sum NIHIINIVI um um qmnlmmmnm mum momma King oflthe CowboYS CIIHBHES FOB CHARTER Tnvel convenlnnllj Ind lnexpenslvfily by modern crumbs couli rum Greer Trmpamuon wmum comm hockey nma or wnekend ln Mantral Nlaxar Falls or Wlnrllgli youll ranch your dexllmunn qulckly Ind salcly In cnmlorlaplc LODGE CLUB CHAPTER GROUP Ounorql Admluloq Advlll 75 Chlldun I5 5m lllNlrl Iv III Shll II In In mmmmm Iwowo Mul 1mm pm In mm mm mpwr mm lmu mm on unwuu Ann qu on mm mm un Mud hyllmhl um III Lnlumlw Amman mun $1me onnl mun

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