ML and Mrs Bill Parker and lamfly Slrnclsvilln were recent rvï¬sitnrs wilh Mr and Mrs Gram Dunn 111E BARRIEEXAMINERE FRIDAY AUGUST 21 1951 Call uen mccnuy Mr and Mrs Ivan Gamblcnnd ion Knnncxh of Blackwalor call ed on Mr and Mrs Gordan Rawal recently 0n Ilnllday Mr and Mm Gnrnel ï¬eld are on Rs lire end of our Traditional Sale approaches you will ï¬nd bargains on all three fleers do aaï¬miss his grand opportunity oiheaulilul furniture at hargaia prices AUGUST SALE pieces Only One of the most popular Kvochlor designs brand new weave of 100 Nylon covers in green glay or red Another Kmehler August Sale Special HILLSDALE ONLY ONE 01 KIND HT THESE PRICES Recent Vhllun SMITH SON BUDGET TERMS Mrs Fred Webb and Children and Mrs Glllcsple Meldul were Thursday visimrs with Mlses and hnncr Mr lfld Mrs Douglas Ronald and amily have returned to their ham at Klrkland Lake Mrs amnion Thompson Have aflernuon lea on Friday Aug holiday Balm Beach WM NLI uvu lien an Week Aflemoun Tea Return Home FURNITURE LIMITED FREE DELIVERY ston Relum lo uman Mr dud Mrs Robert Hummln and Rnsanna and MLss May Whue have relurnud Io Hammnn mox spending lwn weeks halidnys here with Mr and Mrs George MaxMn Home from Dellan Mrs Bob Davidsfln and sonso tor her malhcr Mn Towns in honor of her 11rd birthday 111m attending were MIL Din RUWIL Mm Teny Mn Beam Mn Manning Mn flownd Spring Mrs Archer an of Eimvule Mn Garden Rnwli She received number 01 nice gifts Vhfled Gnndpltnll Miss Elllcne Dmsmore Hwy Ind Margaret Dinsmore 01 gauge 11 hav relurncd home all din week with lhelr grandparents ML Ind er Rogers Vlslls Brother Sister Miss Bertha Johnston Miami Florida ls visiting her Mother and sister M35 11th and Wlllrcd John 1951 lllllll Ton Express Very low mllnaxe One owner xlnc IIDW BUY wnH continue at Dangerfield Motors LIMITED use Mil DIVISION nunrono 81 nm em Slmvoe Counlyl mun Dulu WITH CANOPY KROEHLER crIESTERIIELD SUITES at GREAT REDUCTIONS Sunday visitors with Mmmd Mm Cï¬ï¬‚onl Pndei wereMr and Mn Wiltred Warrlnnr Keswlck and Mr and Mn Eugene Warrlmr and Sbns Mark Ind Gary 01 1mm nugh Church 0pm Miss Esther Downer Walsnn Downer and David Dauthcrly at tended hc openlnl the new Memorial Chanclat Glen Huroli on Sunday Afternoon Aug21 Sunday Evenlnx VIle Mr and Mrs Wllllam Green acrc Miss Sadie Wench and Wnnchv Thurman vlshcd Mr and Detroit are mending in In lb vluue visiting 1mm Weekend Gnu Mr and up Rule ma Douglas at Tommo were week end uuesu with Rev and Mn Moor Vlsllln Fuent Mr Ind Mrs Em LeGear and lamfly landed an vlsmng hu parcnu Mr and Mm Albert Thompson Mldllnd Vkllum Mr and Mrs Herman Crawe Midland visilcd Herman Porter r1 family Mcalord Vislmd Mr and Mrs Rogers Sundny Wiener Rant The young people afBarde Prus bylnry held winner roast at Ellis rial Manday cvenlng ball game tor the playofl hmwcen Allandnlc and Alllsmn was rained out but me soclal evening and slngsung Was held In the Presblyerlan Church Sunday School room wllh nmund 60 young people present One ol the newestPull As Illustrated pieces upholstery is 100 Nylon noon +5 Kroehler Desngns The Sundly Vlsllon EGBERT Comein and See or yams 319500 Blunt Vlnllnli Vlsltors with Mrs Hall on Sun thy and during the week were Mrs Wllgins and Garden at Barrie and ML and Mrs Wal ler Andrews Nuwtan Rablnsnn munhm Vhlhn Mr and Mrs WallerHurlburl Tntlenham span any with Mr and Mrs Clulord Mooney Illel Charm loony Sunday ev Grandmother George Burn mending couple week with his grand molher Mn Galley New Lode Wlnl mutual Doll Conï¬nluhflons Miss Mary Smhh upon winning beaulllui doll last week It the Barrie K1 wanIs Frolic Mr And Mn Herb Terry Ind dluxhler Amman vislted Mr and Cecil Whitman one day last AI Wmn Bmh Mr and Mn 11 Moonéy and Mr and Mrs Harry SmlflL Mary and Myrna spent Sunday at WI saga Bench Msses boromy VDowncy and Barbara Orchard scent law days at mum nqd Niagara Falls Recon Vllflon Recent visitor 1i Youngs Included Mr and Mrs Ford Dan olhy and Marlon Vellch and Anne Campbell all of Baxrim and Miss SaXsbury Fenglon Falls Rev and Mrs Madden or Krlvin spent few days II Plowrlzms Rev Madden mum Former Mlnlller llua HOEHLER PCE DAVENPORT SUITES MINESING Reg 522900 was AUGUST 51111 189 114 DUNLOP ST EAST BARRIE PHONE 5557 minister hm oak the service In United Glunh on Sundly Min Ind Fawn who recent ly rdumed mar flva wezkx Fort Frances the nut 01 MIL Funk lgvtrldxe he Iormcr Nor nu Clam Mingling mend lnl couple week Harry Foystons Recent lelton Mr and Mrs Cecil Kesler and daughters For Calhome Mn and Mrs Fnd Maguire Mr and Mn Plnwrlghl and lumflle 01 Slayner Mr nnd Mm York and lamny Toronto visited at Muzulres Mr and Mn Duslo were 5n Toronto and Bracehrldze lnl weak Miss Mnguhe is home alter sav nral weeks wflh relatives in Sta nor Cnuxlns FumrIl ML and Mrs Parker were in Uxbridxe on Saturday anend ing the unerul of cousin Mur ray Mustard weekend Vllflon Dr and Mrs Jackman of Slrasbwrz Sask Mr and Mrs Carlton Creemorc Mr and Mrs Carr and Mr and Mrs Thomas Carr Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Vic Miller during the weekend llama lmm llosplhl Norval LuckJ able to be hnme aner some tlmc In Barrie hospital Mrs vMel Wadi and mend nl Tumntu spent couple day thh he gum lien Knupp Mngnd Mrs Mékne and Rummy unlnyed trip to Niagara Falls with ï¬ends on Sunday Rev arid Mr Veuis are En holdny al Aflenwtyd Each FAMOUS KROEHLER ROCKERSIN FACTORY SELECTION COVERS Your flpporlunily To Save up In s17so on one of these THE MOST COMFORTABLE CHAIR MADE $5250 flUflllSl SALE PRICE Vlslkd All REDUCED 5404 one out of But working Cun employzd 1n manuhztur In the tune proportion in Inc United sum The royal Ind clan 01 club St Andrewlln Scotland wu granted patron 01 Km WHUun IV in X834 MONTREAL mind day the unlucky wnyl 00 right now sunriptned um and gurduxplreqh vcgclnblea are at their best And they the very best when served as hm with the gums MIRACLE vmr SALAD DRESSING xomhmg mom delirious nor healthfuL than Lbs vnlnminpnrkad salad or summerwhen fruit vn Labia mm chicken nr ï¬sh when the are blended with Mincla youll hm Hm dimgenre with imclc Vhifl Youll ï¬nd um Mimic Whip has um 12ch flflvur mu um math Ionnd mm salad dressing So pmpmc riram vcgclnblzs in the too oHJm uriy morning than mh blcn and crown them mlh th ol Mimch Whipand back for family Ipnlnusol um lo he Ptoblum or vunlul coma and mum Ihcnylxum llm wonderwblkinz inzrcdicnz in BLUEJAY Com Pluslcrs llmuy lium Rel right duwn mulcr Um corn nnd hnlp push it out from underneath me ï¬rst really new mcdiwuan or corn and callusns in over seventy ycnml In lclunl oats Phenylium went to wmk 33 lulu nnllMarkcd 31 mnmfunlv than an lendjnz rcrpcdws Why dpnt you enjoy Hus wondnrhll nth mm mlinlul 1m nék rm BIanys win Phonylmm at your uvuurilc dmu counter today an Yau Eur Longer For Fully Gnd mum to we you new eel in exchanue for the nld Well lmzw more hmtlicnl WW the Ptoblum or nunlul coma ivc you new eel in exchanue for the nld Well lmzw more nuclignl ROYAL IATBONAGE on or Pom smey hum man Aw mum mum lymbul lmllu to 1h um suluf yr ub 3r flu Fmgh mm train The word doll 1m chfldrenl toy believed La have come mm the old None an1 melnlnl enl Lluh Secret About wnshdny prod ucLs that you may nntlmvu known Laun dry Blue works Moran rum other producls In yobr rimu water it comes lllons of liny pmlclcsv Hun wcuvu Ihmugh your damn tlulhas on han light like minin hm soqui slo give lhem new bnllimt wlxilcnml This is thn secret of wmhing wan and dc MrgenLq rcgunllcm of their colour take out din Blanch mm out sluinm Bur Laumhy llluc add wlxilunm In your clean white clolhm It actually Idda shades of apzlrklu to your whim things In Int coirnncmns nLUE Sr mama BLUE AUSIBALMN snoop OLD WORD is 41