Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Mar 1954, p. 1

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Well another flower Ihnw hns come and gone It was certainly worry lhls year with the season so late and our Shaw so early to knuw there wuuld be any bloom 111115le EXAMINER WEDNESDAY AUG 25 195413 Everywhue these days pLODIE are holding llawer shows and soon well have In airs and more flower show Those whu have late dates will be the lucky nnrs unless vcry early frost inter vanes rsmmgn as it may seam we had only Dnc entry large mnrlzolds in uur show Mine are Just nicely budding om now As ers were very cw and usually they tuxm one at aur lamest cm rlns 0m Thmmy Aug 19 several members our sucluly visited lhu Where in Qualiy Chianti118 BROWN Ell PREPARE YOUR LAWN LrIul nml curlmn uppmm nlnn nrcumulnlu on the tip of lurk plum mm Kunwnl lhu mm mm duiuuilu uIlndrpuxilnnclunlly divun cfinlrlvity mm lhu eluc lmdon nml Imp llw plug from lirin Till rnllml nmfinnx It mu In wnuud ruul nnd puwmr The 11mm Gnmllnn nlevclnpmnnl In JI ycnu nmv 1m wny mm In uxgl tnpllvo In your car hut now llm cnplivo puwrr run Iw unloclml lny Him Inwlinu with lCl law these dcposlu nunl power Thcsudcpnsiln build up In cnm lnmlirm churnan uml glow ml hm whvn ynu mp un Hm ncmlnh Mar to mm cur or min hilL lhrso ml lqmln apt ufl the funl charm lwfuru lhu v£tnn is xvndy for it powrr nlrolu Ihiu is cnllml preiflniliun mwir wnrkn against you muml of ur you Mum and cmhnn luposilw whlrh mrnmiplu fur lhu munn pawn todnyu cunl can now be mnlml discovered nlhhllvu lCI FOR FALL snnnma USE TCP now blended into both Shell Gasolines releases thix power by neutralizing lead and carbon deposits As Much As 15 of The Power Your Engine Could Develop Is Being Held gqptiue Phone 5000 By JEAN GADLE The Bunie Horlicnlluml Socier NOW GARDEN NOTES LIMITED GINGER ALES 1mm Inn In at mtg can you equal new catalogue are lhEncw llly bulbs listed great deal of work ls being done to produce more varicllcs of lilies nnd the rcsulls alwnys interesting Lnsl ycm was fortunate enough In receive several bulbs or llnvumoycr us gm These are lulrly similar Henryl bu luch lovely 111ch lhranl nnr bluom film when he armor is shcd Lily bulbs lire quite ox pensive and would suggest be ure anyone invest in lilies they read one lhc newer banks on lily cultural One lhul ls hlghly mommcndcd written by man who has nontrlmlndmuch In Im provlm um lily is The New Hunk nl Llllcs by Jun de Gran Thls book cosls nbuul $150 plus puslage Chen or bank but in far less dclail Ti KlinLS Cun flower show sponsored by Strand Wmcna lnsututel We ware amazed at what in show his small communin was able to make and pass this mxnmaunu on lhat another year more 01 the Barrie numbers will visit their nefighburs and give them the sup pnrt lhey deserve They will see some mighty inn bloom and per haps gcla cw tips on showman shlp mm Mrs Black who has been cxhiblung for manyymrs laking mu prim too Im told Thls coining Sunday anyone whu wishes will have nchnnce 10 vicv3 some mo lovely gqrdcns at Bank chmding those that won prizcs in the Hoynu Beau Dalian Contest We have nbouk 12 lo 16 gardens in Barrie 10 Visit and lnur in Vespm We have bus Lhnrlnred which leaves the Wellington Hole corner at 130 nm TlckoLs are $1 The tour will and bowcen and pm Th1 tour is sponsored that you may meet and know musewho lava the flowers and whouy 1n beautify their homes is hoped lhat you may gain some Ideas fur your own gardens Lvnn if its only growing um dlfleren Ilnwen Sec lhe Cbmlng Event mlumn for more details This Is he Clme cl year when all fall catalogues are comlng ln and soon bulbs wlll bu nvullablc locally Next week JFIL John snn who has given much study to bulbs will write lhls nulumn lro gmlmn vruvcntefl nnd pnwvr works or you Moreover 1110 its tun nu longer divert ly away from llm elec 1m npnlk nous buck to wmklurning mlmm uworl Willi continued mm Shall zmlim wm rcr yuu gut up 121 limuslungorapmkpluglife Kuncup wlmoul wol In nutshell lCl nddillvo you your nnuiny new Au mg 0ch pr modern Elll luilhoul In power wanllnu Aldo uflucln Ihnlu why youll feel your cnxlncl lmd lump by the limo Hm locum Inukfu In consumed 18 lo 35 TCP nrlvllllvo change llm rhnrudrr ur um dunnsitn Inxtond of glowing rvdhu in Lumhuslinn clmmlwnx the deposits are fire mgpflgl Apt began hmmg of neat Inlercsl ta me In Ihe 30OUNCI IOHlIS VLUE DEPOSIT Thy wauum my ugen LN 11 Eire AlvVJardLDunna Jncohs Run Davles Betty Blrdwood Tim Poole Helen Moore Thelma Travers Irene Gotk From Clmp Harden cmim mu pgna of Jvnvul rnn lhu mu mum nnl lain the Pot IE In In mu and umd with nm or mun pm km or um nm or mean The mm 01 lhu mm or on LI nunr Ondl hurl In Thin Iniwhue ell an elllll Dmnmy Flint Galn Diploma Congralulatlons our 1mm Slullcnls Tommy Bruwnlce nnd Dunglas McMaslcr who celwa mm dlplnma having pass ed on nlnL suvacls nuy am planning to cunlhnm nl unlvurslly June Hrunsknl who passed nn VL subjects will cnnfilhu al HDCI nuxl ynnr Enjoy mp Mr and Mn Allen mum and Mrs mumz McMuler unauycd 11 um lrlp Owln Suund chnrs day night where name Gncl Aces came up wnh 04 win In mm mm PWH pluynfls Home From IlnllLlIy Mix Helen lalmur has rchlrncd lmmo nllur lmllduylnu wllh Ann Bull Mr nml Mw ulllnuwmnl mm rmmly Vhlled rmnu Sumly Mum Tmuuln mm wrckrml wllh pmnu hm In Win wine And mm In mm vlnlen rmml my ennmem And drum um wnn mgr Ihldu Home Vcrkcnd ChumI Mnnu Tnmnlu WM hwm wllh Ill llnrull nr 1th wcrkLnll 1N noun non NAME man Wan 0n mum Miss June Brunskill wns on hol ldays Inst wank with rclnllycs In Couksvlllm Sunday School Memo The Sunday VSchnnl of SL Georges Angllcan Church held the nununl plunlc ul lhu Fuxuslry Pqu in Angus lelled Conslns Miss Mnrln Henderson Mllslnn spenl weekend wnh her cous Ins he Ellis sislum Home Anln Mr and Mrs Dcmnslcr nm no name again arlLr snmdinu lwa mnnths with lel daughter In mum Wall 1121 the Mrs Kmhlun Irk or ank Mum and An mm llmnl mm culled on mm num Mrs John nulc and svvcml cnuslm In ml communfly nccnUy vmun mum Mrs Kulc Wlflln ls nwmllnl luw day wllh Mr dauahlrr Mnr Inl Mn Shnmvnll Hmm folllnannd vmlm nml Ml1 any 7mmme dcnscd Guian on which nbom $125 In Clly For Monlh Donald Coulls returned home Sunday after spending LI mnmh 1n anonln Required mum Sorry lo rwurl Mel Sm had me mluhrrlunu cu lhulul ruluiring 5mm slllchu Sunnidale Corners Theatre Group in Yesant No Wm ma UTOPIA ma haven ax mm mu hum and vmua Mu Jnhn were men close Ind lhelr umuecb or union mm or mum mm In unlm ply Culture run 0ch siihlivi nmoui I1 lmIx lncllucd weran or purlru harassed mulhvr vnduuvorlnu to keep pm bumm nu wnnlnu dnuuhlcr Wm Ilelluhlhll um um any pm pluyrd by ciuulblu Mm Muure nlwuyn nn Insulinnu Gloupu mmmuuom Mu Muun mum nul unly um mm Willy but xnurh mum luppnn mm mm unnmunlly Umn Ihu mmu Mr Ammu Marsh hlrml lho Jnnuw hunlly and duh filly mm umuw nullur 01J0 wm rxu rnlly mxlrnyrvl by Tim loulv llm Null nllllrull pan wmu km him 1an and mm Km 10 mm lhc mum mu llmvml hlIan uullu cnnnhlu In ma qu he mm mm nl Hum umhmd young mun even luv luuml hnmll mumwhul mmme Allrpnwunl nu own nnllslncllnm nccmlnnl mm cull 1m wrll Hum hulrvd mid by some bovine neigh rbnm on the family cornpnlch nil icd to last minute greaseJob on ihu family car resulled inuihe writ or arriving at the Public Schonr Audiiprium on Saturday nighi iaui midway through me first In oi the RCAC Thbairn Groups pron duniiun of Yes and ND com lcdy in two acts and an epilogue by Kenneth Hume Were it post Ible to sue Ihe show over again 1we should make pointai being in our seat well before cumin me so very well presented wnu this summer pruducuon the Grnupi Dunn Jacobs was ndcqunk In her IUIL Ju lhc older the actors dauuhlcrs and the prin cipal chnmcmr in me comedy Axuund Jo and her pusilblv ac Hun the authur bull MS lhflm bu we fell lhal Mm Jacubs luck Ld something at me eolur nnd vlv acily called for by her role Iluwcvcr 1n vlcw Incl lhnl she is ubvluusly an experienced nclrcss and was playing lu far on many rows empty svau in nu dillun to small but npprcclnllvr mldlcncu we may have cxpcvtvd loo much 01 her We are luoklnx urwunl lu $0M hut agnln Bully mrnwuuc as in youngest ol lhu flucturs daughters had rule wlIlch xnve hur lnr loo Mule WNW llxna un slauc Huru we navea player who hm pulse ex ecllcm dlcuun and the exiunllnl uhllfly make pal bulluvuhlc Ii evldonceu by hur skllllul hundv Hm UN hll which required hLl l0 wln over Mr xiulcrn beau Adrian Mllrsh We shuulIlIlke to MT 1m vlnycr ulvun muru pru mlnml rules In ulum produrllom A1 nlly Jarruw she was In Hu muln cxcvllonl Hulvn Moore HI nectar wile Emma nnv her munl lol hm and dewm 1e wnonnnnee in every production at his kind there is almost ineviubly une actor or aeiress who is what is known as slandnutr For his outstanding periormancc in not one but two rules in Yes and No we unhesilatingly award lhe palm to Doug Mourc His porlraynl ui Rev Richard Jnrmw the elderly and somewhat irzscible Rector at Upper Werlun Sumersetshire Eng land and that xenllemnns Curnie Rev Mr Earshot young cleric who experienced considerable dili lrully in deciding between the charms ni his Reelor we daugh iers was dell aecurnle and aim gather believabler The ease and lnLise wilh Which lhl player switched frum one character in the miller inllieaics laient well above woman The wrller was nol ma pramd by Dougs purlmynl oi hl purl in Hay Fever previuux prudueliun uI lhe Group but in Yes and Nu was perlectlnn listii Wt luck for rd in more ul hix excellent wurk vwllh lire Grml Pitasenlation Of Yes and No HE WILSON BUILDING NIAGARA lOAN 2mm luvu mu on mmy Nlum lamb 6000 WAY to PAY an UNEXPLCTED MU JOHN hrs NIAGARA Sawmill MO IS ELSWOKTH BLONDIE MUGGS AND SKEETER IF ANIDOUY THAT 10 ME lWlM AilIMP III GlIISIWF PKQCHANCEEléu POIEON TOO AND 5THANGLE5 Jamil In POGO The Miracle fabric finish Easls you nothing extra al THINK Dosmvgn EXPLNN THE News OF vouR uncoucr hm m1 WELL unvm no l6 no we VOU llHHEE NEE EAEJMMKE U16 Mil MKS 341534 weermum 6H5 wru mwmw gmmf MlCIh many Wu mfigwma Ifrutwa SIIFFEA Ah LIKE we MEI WHO wu MS MADEUPI For Pickup Delivery Dbl Ncm vow Fm Queue 0N4 HE HAVAAWW you Mm Ayup HIM Iy Wally BM By Ch By Sui Wall Kelly ick Young umnmu 1393

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