Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Mar 1954, p. 4

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munu CAPTAIN Chme Wlllml Cnmnlnud Cl ur mum In unuunm new mum nialnlnnt or Ulnmlnrlzn Hun Mr Iunn Hrmlqunmm Jnlnlnu llu CAP 1910 00 mmlnnn snrvrd VMIOHA Mullunn UIIUHKIIUM Cun mln In the unulnrorlnu hmnch And at the mu husllllumz RCM Llnlsun Officer 10 um lluynl Cummlnslon nu Vub emu Qunllllcnllunn mluro mxumlnx Illa nrw unnltlun he served us llpcclnl Imch Enulncur Mr Purse Hendqlmuom Ilhull Mum rhnll by pLmc and would not have an nlhcr oppaxlunny or visiting the cnnynn Hnwcvur unc Dclmilcr was qulle undlsnmynd llc hm bruuxhl Ilong Ms Hush tqulpmlnl and was firing ll blue lash hull wllh every ahull nn malltr wind the shrink The Ivcalher brought dismay mun or cnlour phulugraphy en gnualgm who wnqm be rcluminn Under Sun Ontario First pol icy we journcyul up hn Alzuma Cenlral Rullwuy out Saul Sltr Mnrle Ihls summer having long wnnlcd lo su lhc Agmwn canyon probably 1h most mugtdvrallwny route ln province ll proved In be all clnlmcd Dr wth track Ihal curve 115 way along he bank at 1hr Montreal River through rock culs rlslng several hundred cc and In plums seeming nlnwsl In meet uvcrhcudr lluvy nln and shrouds or mlsl mined the upward Journey but SCIde lncn the Sullhxdn nnd rcmnlnncss he spcclnclc our vacallon tontainod number of element hm were mm diflcr ant and surprisin none too un pleasant my slgns nm on every lmncl 50 summer musl be drawlng close leaving behind unly mcmnrlcs various frantic LHnrts In uncover Monday that is diflcrcnt Some its will hnvn transpired av cordlng to plan but It ls the sur prising developmunl mm lnvarlah 1y lnalgcs the has conversallonin the tan NEW POST FOR BARRIEOFFICER The pcfillon scams In men wilh the general approval Um ratc paynrs In that scclInn at the bay shm property bnlh allyear and flu summer occupancy does an bclng expressed lo Ihe canvamrs rcgnrdlng such items as altcndancu at council mwungs more atten on to council aclvilics especial ly where they affect the cnmmun Hy dwellers Evan the cunxidcraliun of re prcsonmuvn on councll from areas along the walcrlmnl or which he township hasa very extensive sham an pom ls was submitted Io he ratepayers Mine Palm and adjacent are with the request that considerallan be given by Innlsfll Council to he study whys and means whcrchy reduc tion may be effected In the lax I119 The final clause at the petition duals with the fluCSUQKI ol summrr dwellers andcalls for careful con sideration the annual estimates and rcvlcw at the assessments of summer propurllcs which appear to yuur pumiancrs on he am of line from the use to which such accommodation is pul 90th YearN Shore Residents Endorse Petition Regarding Taxes Anulhcr um Innu In nur plan mun In paw clzhl plum The First Column Summer Wanderlust AN mumum IIum Serving THE TOWN 01 am AND COUNTY OF SW3 Since 1864 llccnsnd by the gnvcmmem Um Barrlc slauun wuuld become lhollsl prlvnluly owned lulchSlnlI station In Canada Thcc mum mmi Loon ls lamlx In Lakc Nlpluon The Dnrrlc lelcvlslon applimflon wnx made by Ralph 1t Snclgmvr owner radio station cm The unuan would use channel mm WM war of 14000 wam vldcu and 1000 walls nudin Applicaflnns or clnvmnn smlhm Barrie and radio shuons XII Balhursl NIB Immlnglnn and Sahlt Ste Marie 0M will be con sldcrcd at meeting of the CBC lbnrd of Governors nuxl month Winner the car which was dmwn or on Saturday night by His Worship Mayer Hchr Smith at the conclusan the Linn Club carnival was Willmm Dorsey Demon The lucky tlnkcl num ber was 33701 The GE define our palishcr as gate prize was vmn on Friday nigh by Brenda Banks of 70 High Sheet The Sunbeam Mixmuslcr whlch was put up by lhnLians Ladlcs Auxiliary was Won by Mayva null 323 Elmgruvo Avenue 05h awn Mrs nrucc Snrjnnnl prcsh dent of the Auxillary made lhc draw 1v APPLICATION FOR BARRIE TO 69 BEFORE BOARD Thu board announced Friday thal he muollng Supl Zldflrsl Since last Junoalso will consider Scrlus applications for shurc Iransfcn changrs ur mqucncy and power lnnrnnscs $302 392 Zm Do OZm nwzr nuiieun edllor ls ism Cuiier Morrlmn has been respnnslble or me mem im biographies whlch appur In mh Mun and chili secre lary Pamms has tllled In with mnhrlal mm ii In iime The prlnllng lo ls done by The mime Examiner The primary nu the cnmpeflllon to prove the Manuald at club bullcllru This In um Inl mln the 10 years that hm coma lo name 0mm wnn tn 1953 and prlor lo that club In Newtnund mm The Klwlnll Cluli Ill Burl has been lwzrded lhn Ralph Taylur Memorial Trophy for 1951 Ion Bell Club nulletln Imon the 155 dubs of fill onhrldQuebechbflflms ll wlll be presumed the can nation In Montreal Anext month The lrnphy was put up far compemhm In 19 by Dlvhlon Naul Nurlhem Oll Ilflo Ind 13 made of metal and wnod product Irom III Mei Kiwanis Club Wins Trophy For Bulletin 1000 ISLANDS AunuIn and an Ann ht om mumml onu Eh Earrivifixaminvr Wr qukn lamp In Inn Tlmurlay Iml wrnl mum Lrlkv mcmmmu um hm Hrllvn wan nu Inn mm um llmv Wllrn wt In All by wr Ilrhul up um um ul mu humm nwum e4 imminn Isluml mmly nllvr mm hunl mm mm uuuuuuu nuluv mm nvrr mm 1le Ihry wm Inlrly mum nhnnl llmwuunncu nl nn huur mm Srvrrnl Iman hl rr num am muhml mp mm IIlry wru wanr nlmul unr mum Indme hr Inn wk Ilnm In Itwlm Iwu mun nunr Thn mu hnlnltlm wrw 1mm HIIL In nl Illl uwmlwllk Aw null IMVI erlnun Iv Elnlilrnkv lhr mlu wvn HIva nfI EL 01 mllllllvlh Aw Jlul DIM Allll lil Drum Khulnflu III III Klnlllun Nil lnul mm 2m KI lump Hrnmh Unny rl lvr I1 OI Hllvrllllurll AVI Al awn pm Ihr mulur um HI uumlrr mlr ull EIQIIL Mlln lulnl leln wt MINI In IMIH Um mnlnr mm In Ilw nut wl wulrr II lull ll KHI mllrvl leI Ihr nu we Humd lhn nmlur lillll lml nah Am Hum Mlllnl mwlnfi wlvvn wuuldnl mu rowel Ur mlllulrl ur nn Mu MI nu lwml D1 Alter sncnmng l7 huuru In nu open hunt on Lake Slmcuc uml men Nwlnunlnp In short Lll the bum sunk five young cumer and lwn cxvnp mule 11 mm YMCA Sunfish Cnnlp luczmul on ulkcBlmcm rust or Strand rulurnud mIeLy llw mm Imys wru ull num Immlll PARTY FROM SUNFISH CAMP RETURN SAFELY FOLLOWING HARROWING LAKE ORDEAL Newspaper unit prinllng awards will bu ulvcn out anu the crown ln Mr Werkly mum Sam Wynn ol Yorkhm 5am Mrs Weekly Editor Mrs Gwrgn Mur Iy Iltlml VY nnd MISS Wukly FAIilur lhxbnln 141 Aylwwnxlh Villlunl Only by llv rullrlnx prrsldclll Om calurc he Lnnvcnlion wil be cnasHocnasl CEC broad cast direct from lhe concert hall of the 117an Yark on Tutsin cv 1min Il eight odack Ken Wall has bniv waking 5pm on that program Conventlon chalmmn ls nlll Cramlcn nl Mlnlnnu Dcsldc the Dusincss sessions lhe cnlcrkllrl mom will lnelude tour the CBC lcllvlslun studies lhe To runtu daily papers the Maclmn Hunch prlnllng plant the Ford plant nl Oakvillc lea at the lloynl Canadian Yacht Club and emp lion lhe Canadlnn Nnuunnl Ex hlhlltnn wlth Roy lingers follow cd by attendance nt the dress rc henml or the gmmLsamd show the dinMr ltndcrcd 10 can vcnlion by the Government 0n lnrlo on chmsdny the speakers wlll be lhc an BqurLndnr Mlnislar llnnnlng nnd Develop mum and he Louis Ccclln MlllLfiLcr lubliclly The Jan nnnunl cnnvnnunn of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Asrncinnnn hcgan today In the Royal Yurk unm Tnmmo with Walls nl The Barrie Exam lncr presiding He will be sun ccudtd as president on Wednesdny evening by wuunm Snwdnn or Sackvmc New Brunswick wnn John Vopni Davidson Saskat chewan slopping up In the alllcc of Is vicepresident Annual Conveniidn Canadian Weeklies Beginning Today SIIAREMEN on the Murphyjobflcqo farm Jack and Leo MacDonald examine field of topped tobacco plants which nlm wrvl mm mm Hy nllvr mm nunqu nuluv Ihry wm llm uuucu $019583 E292 ozu oafizo axis nvulillwchl wm Luk mu mu dawn wu er Hvo mum mm mm and mu lln lmy um 5w um win It llzmlulmhl wu mm nhnnu mqu mnl mum nll mum 34mm lhv Imys wvul lu mu mm ulwuy mm uw1kv NW of lmyg pnlyul Inn nmu vvw sink nun uwlvll llw my mun Imlul mun llw mumv mm mm mm mu mm lhm wr mum lufln mll rhru ml nu mu wm mmmg up mlmu wlml wuuld 1mm IIw mm umlrr mm nu Inml llp pryl mum mu llulr was In 1mm ho mm and llw My rllmhcll on up llw Imt um lruhlvnnl llwlr 1va um um Hwy Irm1lnlMHH me luring nu mllw Dunn lLIII llml In lmlkr hull wllh mm lull wv lllllilul I3Iwchl Il wu Illlnu Lnk An huv rum Ivll JOINING STAFF OF TV STATION Fullmrlnn mml mlvlllhm muxrv Hmulllun mu 1mm Hwnl um hm wnum 1mm mmm vllh mlllu Alnllun mum wm qu llml mmun 1L1 Mr wmgm vlm mu Nullrr ww lmw lwvn nlnlml lMHu llnHw In Mann WI nnqwm Ihv Ilnnllllm mm MHl wm Ir rmmrdul wuh ImrnwlluHM adi Hm In mum Iluu wllh junior huhy lralh mm mm uwlml by KM Bohr nlm 1hr mm uuwrv Dc sccfl uilcrhend JOHN HICKS tubacea expert from North Carolina d15 plzxys suck tied and pnrtlally cured tobacco In one the Ir my kllm Leaves suspended ram other stlcks may are of the Hicks fluecured cigarette vari ety equal In quality to the finest Amer lcnn tobacco chl Hnlrhlm of Canton NH Invunlcd an alarm clock n15 year an The clvck zn Inchu mu and 11 Inchm wldc may only at wcclncd hour ll cnuld not be nllcrcd INVENTED ALARM CLOCK Tlm EXAMINER omen STAFF Immd mu excllcmcm ul Chnrlca Umnpbcll me when hu luund lth hum pull lmll nan hln mm on um lath conceulon at lnnlnlll lwn nlllp lull week no em llrsn npeclrncn meuun lull 60 lnchel In dlnmuef Ind wu Ipomd couple Nay Holly Resident Finds Puff Ball of Treg Magnificent Proportions Conxldernble Iddlllonnl help Inddcd count Iv the harvcsl msun and Ihl type oI work sald to dmw ha hlghnsl pay at my branch 01 um farming Industry Thls parlly because the scamn brlcl and parlly bcclulc some phucs ho work rcqulru par llcullr knowledge or sklll such lopplnn rcmovln the flower of the plant lo dlvul umwlh In the Icavu and lying lhc Iylng row aI IcnI lwllchcl lo sllcks on whlch lhny are hung In the kiln Same llcn can Ilc up to 100 mm In an hm Waxes durlng the lubacco lmrvul may run 1mm $1200 In $1800 day dependan upnn flu pnrucular job and In many cases IncIude mum and board Assoclaled with Mr Murphy as human In he opcrnllon the arm are two brothers Leo and Jack Mucdonnld The Murphy arm at prrscnl cm pluyl alx nxpcrlcnccd woxkcru und l8 ulhm lrcm Uurlard SI Calh nvlnu Ind Wlndmr nl well as wmc local help German llnllnn Czech oslavnklnn lollsli and mum nul lonlllllcl an npwscnlcd vwhlle Iwu warkm nm from Vlrglnln Mnsl lhe nnulnr lnbncco work Supervising the curing oi the baccn an ihc arm John Hicks of Garner North Caruiinn who has hld hlry years expericnce In the ahnuohmirynnd nu been tum inn to Canada In Ihis mpnrvisury capacity of 1ch years The Murphy farm produce Hicks Minecured tobacco cigarette io bacco 01 highest quality one 01 two variclies developed by Ford Stim son armoriy of the Dominion Ex perimental Station at Delhi but now in the employ at the lovem ment at Rhodesia in Smith Mrica Prior tn this the Industry In Cam Bdl had been threatened with dls aster rum 100 rDL disease against which he Hicks variety has high resistance Tobaccb harvest time is here Only few years ago this fact Intent little in Simcne County and nothing in the town of Barrie It has been matter or growing even vital import ance in the New Lowell and Alliston districts as topacco has moved up the status at major crop in those areas in re cent years The property in question 600 acres including ihe alnpnri and two gdlncent arms was purchased in the tall oi 1952 by Thomas Mur phy at the Delhi district he heart 01 Nnrioik couniya tobacco indus try Taday ihe land has been cicarcd 01 all its fringe oi scrub wands Xemnanis Iormer farm buildings has been rcrecied in dergrnund and the old arm home has been rebuilt In addition complcio unit of tobacco arm buildings have been erected in cluding warehouse 110 feet by 68 icet two large greenhouses and night kilns at Casi at ever $50 000 The warehouse contains ladder anti living space ior iour horses he only livestock an the arm which are used during the harvesi in season period at abnui live weeks or hauling the harvcsiing bins ainng between ihe rgws This year 91 lheflrs tlmn to baccn wfll be harvested In quantity Snthe immediate vicinity 01 Bar rie on the tomch alrporl properly at the west end at Lemln Street the field presenflng beaufllul sight is thy crop approaches ma tuxHy Tobacco Harvested Barrie For ThewFirSt Time Ibis Year At Former Town Airport glands New Use Lind mast Workan Lwau um um nunu NET There may be reason at lhé contlnuance mm fillmile rule but we see It only us he mean by thLh the Maple Leaf Gardens 1n rchnHun or Barrlos rdunl Lo conform whhu has twice hmknn the nzrccmcnu which Enr rlc has made with monsorlnfi alum In the National Hockey Mam Mr Emm du years Is conch of Lhe Barrlu Flym has mud worlhy conlrnmllon lo Bar In and lo hockey We 1ch very almnxly that the clrcurmfnncu whlch an mman film to dlsbund th club dc no cmm whulrvcr la Hum whu have cnntcd how clr cumslnnccs mr hose who have pcxmmcd man In mu EWIS LUCK We amnn our wholehmtod agreement with Mr Dmns slund agalnat Sunday hockey We bellch Hm In limo when our Christian way We need all the connrutllvc support that we know how Ich ll we should be un cvmpromlsingly agalnsv nnyihlnu mm would lend to change our Chrisllan Sunday lnto pagan hulldny Fur1hcrmbm we are alarmed as are grant many people aur lawn mm ll should be posslble that when lawn hockey club re uses to play Sunday games ln T0 ronlo Maple Lent Gardens llmt um clubs very exlslcnce lhuuld hr thrmlenci The ulllrmtum HIM Ma laced lhn Darrin club Oonlarm or else and flu subscqucnt cripplan the club mus nppul lo mm peoch the poorest ambition spunk mnILJllp by lhosc whm buflncu 11 la pimlc sportmpmhlp Hanan Opnntlunl Tobacco ls first planted In green houseLln March transplénled In the Held In lnte May or early June and hand culllvaled and Sprayed wuh insectlcldes unlll ready for harvesting Thmughoul he enum growing smon the crop mon vulnerath lo damage by wind heavy raln nr particularly hall Strip farming allernntlng strips of tobacco and rye pnctlscd to pre vcnt or reduce wlnd damage Frost ls Dallnr Fmsl Is 01 course the word to District material Amehuon puL an record lhnlr VIEW on the nvan whlch have led to Ihc Fly 75 Hockey Club of Barrie being put up for salt or an able to find employmmL even It sumswhat less lucrative wnhfln the industry during the bal mum at ghe year Local Clergy Endorse Emms Hockey Stand August 20 um To the ulnar n3 Barflu Examiner Déar Sir In mecoulng held In da nomfzcrg the Barrie and buoro by Mr Ind Mrs Canumcll who watched pull up blg dlmemlum MIM Marilyn Km In and Min aloud Roblmon ndmlro tho growth whlnn Incldonully makes excenont Mn when nllceq mu med In butter Mr Onmptmla Wm In The Examlnets guy correspondent NEWTON 5Mlnl MONDAY JWEDNESDAY and FRIDAY ARMS CONUDON whu Joined lhe out of the Centre and Svum Simme huncth Iho Children Md Socky 01 Simon County thin month Anhuuzh Canadian by hlnh Mr Cungdon come ho counly tiller 11 year In ha unlltd Klnldom Hll mlln rununslblllly prolecllan work lor whlth there ha been vary hcnvy demand nthcsc Mu dla mm in this last couple yum 1Thc now locil workcr hu hid previous expulnncc In clnscly nllled Held In Army personnel and mlcnlon ofllccr Ind dlrcdor of cmnmunlty lellumIlmu IclV lllcs flu returned to Canada nbaul lwa month no with hll wile Undnncr whom ho mur rlrd In 1040 and mm three chll dren Yacqutdlnv John Ind Judllhr Suinglo go In edition an lobaceu 1am at Battle Mr Murphy owns 200 acres land at Baxter 250 at PorLHope and 150 Huntsville all devoted to the eommerclnl ralslng Chris ma trees all Scoleh pine win 800 000 nlready planted and 200000 more la so ln They are sold chlel ly In the Cleveland nea on tallnn plan The same stake trucks whlch serve lhenecds the to bacco laml amused to make tree dellverlul when used for lhl pur poxe they pull 38400 trailer whlch um capable cl accommodallng 1000 cm each Th buslnbn also not without us prohlcms such as What lodu with scum hundred cut tree 1hr day mar Chrlnmns Belweu now Tum to pan twofplnsn Up to 1600 pounds of fertmmr LI and On each acre In and this slant with other operational ex penses may bring the cast raising an am Mime htgh $400 Win 90 acres In production that map About $35000 LnVelltd tn hetubzccn standing on the Mur phy firm markctlng board con mm the prltn ox tvbaccn at selling um mlke any luvme growershudder or can wl out wax pro ducuanovern ghL ML Murphy is uptlmlsuc in mi regard looking to ulevaflon at almost 1000 tee with pmiimny at Lake slmcoe l9 temper the lit recall that mm came earlier in Norflok coun ty than did In simcoe when they hemmed hair first ten run of 1m naeca last year Joihs CAS Staff One Section8 Page

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