MONDAY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY AND oonrmt or silicon single copy 525 tax2 It or Mahmud III huemouieenmmonan I4 II Alt0UNII in LODGES Look purtln thennnlverszry celeblatlbrjs or the hattlepi the Ilnyne at nceton on Monday niterno ii when thousands folqubtatorseirom many parts or Slmcoc County illlod the townlor theflcoioriulparnde it Orangemen and members or the Loyal Orange Benevolent ASSocIiItion Seen in centre photograph above Is King Billy Lyman Cave oi Newton Robinson 101 205 County Diredtor oi nlmeoe International Group loll Workers VisithrgeIIord Barrio And Orilliavon Slmcoc County had dlsIIn giiislicd prnilp nl visitors over the weekend In the persons oiilli dele gates In tho Inierliallnnal Cooler llltl or Stutat Work at Toronto wIIn am making posi ennierence toIIr oi Iiinrio On Saturday the visitors irtIiii Vilrlfllls countries In clIiriiiiII It Notiierlanrls Belgium France unnI IIniivia Clechoslo vakia aIiII Grrmony visited Brad lortl Ilairlr and smut the week end nI CtiIIvIIIclIlng YMCA Camp Geneva Park Lake Couchtcntng The visitors had expressed wlin to mrrt and talk with some at IIIIH nwn rmIIIiranen now Ilv lull in Canada and tom Illll point III VIEW iliIlr visit to Ilrndtord and mm tnIIIiilg with Now Can IidtliIIs ItsItliIii in the Holland MIIrrII IIHII wits rI lilolilight til tlirir Irlp nnntnn llit nmvincc In IInnm Itiitiilv nun tInvy nw gotnl IKvllllllll Iii liIlIIrln IIeIIltlI lIIII WIIIIIII Itrvirrs at work on tho Innnty Itvil Ility nun Inrl WIIII anti IIIIKIII IIII work III Fl nnvinttni lowl wiili Ontario nniInniini IIIIrlnII IiIrlr rtay at Iriirlii IIIIII Aniline wrih tiir nininnné tit full llin Inn New VON Nurse MINN lIIANIIIM IIIX inn IIIw ntin vIliII Inn Ilrirrlrv Innniit nI Ilir Vllililillll UIilrr nI lintn inntru in itnnin IIHIIV the tinivrr ally quun Uninttii where 5hr Inuit InI IIIitilr mining mum Iazl yrnl IinIn In Mnniml sliv wrni In InInnIn at an Mrly ngn nIni Imiuti Inr IiIIIInIIIIn llrvrn IttIllIr lrlklilfl IIIr IIItrsrI trainllifl sl Iiw IIIIHII VIIIIIIII limpiui in iiinniml min wanle tnll nttm Min to Vltinrisn Drillr III rnrnntn lIrIUIn doing In WMIIIII my Mil Irnt Inninm Iitu Imminn minllvlllr wInI Irrrnllr migneii nitnr niinnri Ihm yIMI unite with ihu VUli III llurieI Provmucil Tour McKenzie ororaiuorri who was In charge 01 arrangements ior noon luncheon II the Itivervlew Inn in the villagewhere the dole Kale were guesis or slmcoe Coun ty They met wlth Bradford and other Simone County residents whose original and native homes were In Europe beiore proceedlnil lo Barrie Io meetwlth counIy health and welfaru reprisbnut ives lleev Iloy IIIcinn or Verpn Township was tlie LorIICIII repre geniatlvn oi Warden Smith Camd bell at the couth receptlnn ior the virilorsirom other countries Itttvr Ari Evans oiliradiold with was also unable to attend had askrd Tom Gardner ta illl iniln his absence It the noon luncheon nnII In Barrie Itlls Montngu Mods was on hand to represent the Slmcoe County Library Co operative In the Ibsento oi M19 Iiulicrta Gillbank The llnrrie villi had III Its heed nnnrtm the mllnlclpal building and Mn II Dlngnian lied deo Iiralrrl the council chambers wltli Ircsli Ilnwtrl in make It an alt lracllve setting The County Quill WI dISpllyed to allow the visitors the IIIII through wtilrti they wrre irIvIIllrig From liarrlo the delegates went on to the Ontario Hospital at Or Illln when tea was served Dr sirItthrrn oi liII prnvlnrlril ie IIIIIIIIICIII III Iiolllli and Dr llam IIIIIIL IIIf lIIeIIirnl ruprrvtrur til IIII Iimlilinl wIIo rill IiIIlIII Ill Illl rilin rvrning they moved on to Geneva IIirk wlirre Iiippor inl lowrd rrglrtrrillon III the evening Mirg Culley conditctrtl party at which III vllllnrl iroIIl oiiwr inutis lllIityod mun min and Canadian group prniem thIt ginnII III which the guesti portch pairil Sunday morning was irre ior rrllgIoIIs rIrvlrrs rent or swim mliig Ind there wait II noon IIIII nor III the rainy IIiIIIIwrd by an lnitmnnl tIlrotIiulIIn III OIllsIlII IIralIII IIIIil wrlisre Irrvlres lrII liy Min IIrIiIIn 1IIIrel nl Ilw 0n lIIrlti WIIIIrp Counrll Mlu Mary Clark III llit IIIIIrnIIInIIII Crin Irrrnu III Itminl WiirII Dr SIrII IIIItl IIIIII MIII EIIIII Mlmn II llIiNVIIiII III norm Irir the IIIIVIIIII Ami lntIIIIIlI nl IIII ilrlialliiirlil Mlsg IIIanI Itrg AI IIIIII Iirlmll Ill iliu evening lite roilll time Inyrrl on inrIItII lleitirp the weekend tour III Iiitnm ritutty III pally Iintl VII IIIvl IloIIIIIIIIIi VIIIrInIHI QIINIIL tun IIIlKlllflliIIICrIAIl Tort leiirlr Nlnllm TIIII Ihnrnld lIrIiIitIIIIII III IIIIIIIII Ind Iltill IIII Minnie morning Iluy Itll Inr Musiuiita Illtl Iain nt IIyt Al gnnvpiln IerI amt IIIIIIIIIIrIon TIIIiIlIy Ollnwl llrnirew Ind lItiIl Prior to It rtmlerence thorn InnI imn prertinlrrrnre tour lor Ilnlgatu oi Quebec imvrirr Turn to pegs two piruui MAYoRs SAFER THAN ADMIRALS wmnurilutnminnant Ingnny newlsirceu urnmie after former nnyora attire WWI lIIls question mud by Alderman Klnlle at Mon daynlghts meeflng of town eqimell When reference was made in the naming of new street Council however did not get ywhero with tho suggestion muIIn comment did come tram Aid raisin LE willlenu LIt alight bII safer to mm the their war mayo tout our ad rIlslr Depdirtmejht Asks Check on Boats Moorécl at Dock liarrle Town Council will ask III Iollcg Commlxslon In chock Into tho Iilt DI the government dock at the loot oi Bayileld Slrtcl lielng used Inr the mooring oI boats At Monday nlglitr meetlnz oi coiinrll letter was rrcelvrd irnm the Department ni Transport wtiIrII IIIII that It had been In iormed by the Chamber at Coni llltflg tIIai complaints were being ctrlvrrl ntIIIut this prartlee Several complolnl Iilve been math to the eiirei tlint boats are munrril or long periods of lime II thr wIiarI rwotlaliy In Irnlil III tllp lllfIil making It Impossible lor IIlliIr him to so the Inc IilIIII the lcltrr pnlnlrti out 11in DrpaIIIIIrnI went on to any that Ilil iIIKk IiIIII IIINI IIIIIIi In the IL III the public IIIII bu ownrrn were not Inrsiii in lnuII Will It to the Arxcluslun IIi ntIIIII BonnEn SOLDIER DIES WHEN TRUCK GOES INTO RIVER III II IIIIIIInr 2t Illh Trnlll nntt nninnny islnli Iiinitrn wni killed when Iii army trIIrII III will Itilvlitu wrni out ol routrnl on the IIIIIIIII Ilike In KIIIIIIII IiIlIlle July IIIII rmrhwl through ll Irnipnrnry tirltlgn IIIII Ilie IltiIlnr lIIIlr lilvrr The Irurk Itimcltrti down nIIIn Ivor gliIrII and Illrl IIIrtiiIllII some Ni iii Iirlilgr rsIllIIl Itil IIIII It IIIIIIiInellItl Hill the AWIII IIig wnlrrl III thr Ilvrr ripprnslni Ilrly 2t tut InInw The IIrltlflIil trrrIirrIIl iiluitil liIi nun Inil the mlrllrrs body wt Irruvrrril irtiln IIIII liIIiliirr etl IrilCl wlilrli who In IIIIIIII III III wIiier short time later II nnnn ni ow nlilreII tni panaer by port rnnrlrrn ml rrlnrmrd nn July It Dr IlIiy nr IlrIrryI III and owner ilr iL In ileevr oi Eunvlue Ilsrirtl Ilial Ill IIaneII would Illlvly lie IIIIil IMRRIE ONTARIO CANADA WEDNESDAY JULY l4 i954 Orange lodges Taking Partiin Battle of Boyno Paradealr8eolon darroiixamim NA South who led the parade Bumeoi the lodgés taking part Inthe parade areot left irom top tobottom Allundole LOL widen as instituted In 1854 Orangeville L01 2931 and Rebecca Bower LQBA 1136 Allisto At right irom top to bottom Releasey ILL 108 Mary Cullurn LOBA 1153 Baxter which won the prize for the best DOBA marching in the parade and Mount on LOBA 960 Mansfield EonaiIiaIi Rights Enly 0i world HonW Earl Rowe erlies Tells Orange Order IIt Beetoii Our most Important resources are those that are the envy oi the world and the greatest lnlluonce ior goodlmmigru tlon and those are the more delicate but more valuable assets at clvllrlglits tIntIIreliglous llucrlids stuth the Hon Earl Rowe MP tor DuiicrInBlmcoe when he spoke at Com munity Park ileeton on Monduy altomoon iollowlng the Billth oi the Boyno anniversary celebrations sponsored by the Benton Lodge The rhiiirmaii was William Iimil icy Orllllri County Master Sini cor South anti an olllclnl weleoinc wus Lynn to flu leiiliig crnngc nmn leave rhomwan at Union In no opening rrrrmrks tin iInn ltIr now said that the OIIIHKP 0r nu had nniinni Its place In the lite In all country As CIHIIIIIII grown Illl roiponsi tilllilM III lirr tltlrrlu are ilCCflIiI Illitly lilrrraml IIL paid Our program In It nnIinIi inn been rprclariilnr IIr rrmnrrr are grratrr lIiIIIl thrive that any otlirr Allnilar iiiIInlirr tII prople ininy IIIIIrriIIKI In IIII VIIIIIIIIII ntnrtli Iii IIIle ritzliln IIIIII Illlljilillfi liliIr llrs Mr IIUWI ralil lliire IrltlA rltilei are liailr tltnw Iirinolplm nrr rirriiiil nInI thnrr IvrlIirlplu nrr IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IrIIinIl wo rnlriIrnir the innnninnI Iitrnslon nI Itiliil when they wnn or all truth III IIIIr coIIIInOIIwralIlI nnnt mnrrn wliII the rim grrsii ll Iiilr IiillPt Vr Iniml llrnw wlih IIn growth nt nnr rIIIIIItry he rIInIIIiImI IIie IrrIIiIiIII tIi IIIII priiplr vital In nnr run ltlllll cttllural ninth rinII pnltilml All In KINZIE ropeIll AdrlM nnhcnlhnuzunnmnvva munnmnm mamuuuututuuussun II Ir Important to all creed tIIdud In all Cunudlsnsthal civil and Iellglous rllilts he maintained by Irqual rights oi III and sprcinl lIrivllIflts to none Izunry rtIIIniry IIlnI tutti loal thew rlithts in the last quarter century Iran drilled Into dictator shliy We must have SIIUIII Innvlcllon to lie Irre lie Addtti timid Lurige lrrsllnge ï¬rming irmn the Grand Loris Iii Inlnrin Vrrt were conveyed by John Moore lriroilio Post Grand Master nIrIIibrrs nI IIIIl Orange our clallivn they IIIInIIIIl Irincnllirr IIIBI Invliiy they wcrr rrlrliratlng the nnnlvrxnnry II tl lttfll viriory MIN all iIImI yearn rlIIrl tlil IIIIIIII III the Iinyne tIvrr ZIIII ymrl Itgti wr slill linw nir purpolr In ntlIirII wp Mt ilflilltl In lip Imzo IiIiylliilil that would have triuirnry III IIIKIIIlIIiIItr tilts IlrIL ii Empire Iinrrtln II hound in hr ngI nation grrnl pnwrr witltlu th rmninnnwealtii ui natlmui it Is our duty as Individuals to serve to the best at our ability Other speakers were Rev Steele Past Grand Chaplain Or onge Young Britons and the new Downer itill tor Dutierln Slmcoe Holiday Times Goes To Press Tomorrow am Tllo llolldly Tlrrirn weekly newspaper published by The Harrie Enrnlner Limited tor the collagen oi Alta Blm one and Krmpenielt lisy hen IIIpr tor the out into to rnorrnw morning Emnlllllllng the Polo nI thI IourlII In CIIIIIII summer economy The run will In dlllrlliilletl ll IIle heathen be tween IIIwIIeIIIIne on lhe lililIII IIIII liello Ewart on Itth TIlo limrl wlll IIo lh Ievelllll etliIIlIn puIiIIIIIIIl Iry 1hr lilllrllllrr lIlII lurk IM sitlrti IIIo lllllo rrgulsr rdlilnm Monday Wrdnrulay Ind Iri flly TIM IIIIAI IInrdnmire WnI IIIIIIIIIPII Tllrulay lIio IIIlo IIrirtlrrl iltllul Int 111 ill tIIy Tlmrl In due 11iurulay and III on Itotr Topper II Iho erul Iii IIIo week lull buy IrIIeIIulel IIIIIIIIN FIGHIS IOSI CAUSE cums ADDICIIONIO POPCORN BUl REAL MCCOY N0l HERE lillltillltlll WI ltinzle In It coIiIIrIIIul popcorn IItItlIct but It him In hr the KIIIIIIIIO Iirtlcle ilko that made in IIIOIIO little nlrrit mount with butter poured all over It IIiln nlIlIIirltill WM IIItir by him nl MuinIny nights tnming III mm III inn rrIIileill liilln Ilrkllll Ililll the niim lillllllill ni rIIIIneIl on lIiIIlrrl titni Iwnninalnn he gtnntml Inn unicorn wlgon tiI lIWlIIl In IIIIIIF It new Mu II the IIIIMIIIIII will have In ni Ianr rnr th ml McCoy Ilf riltw Ill will have In all or the Miami IIIII to harm In the Morris It linlilinmllh an nr mintm runner mlIlenl here Inked mun ell Inr pomllllon to get license In operate putin hip and porn nIrII vrhlcle III ltIIrIr in IiIl ngvllcsiloti Mr can Imineail milrird oill that It Wu asking for one whirls ta IIIgirl wluI but he Imposed In extmi II while demand moduliled It Atriumin MlIiI lnld Now Ill illII willie rulillng In North nay they had none at It khlp bouurr around then end they were notlilrtr but nulssnoet am not It hror III importing that MIC In to sell not Turn to page no It Iernhr as oiiml AM mu ImWm Since I864 16 PdgesTyro Sections IHIRIYEIGHI IODGES PRESENI Although the Ikles were over cast when the parade moved oil from Community Park It Jun brilliant nmshlne soon broke through Every availahle space was jammed with ectnwrx as the parade led by ng Billy 11y Ipan Cave trom Newton Robinson L01 209 county director South Sismoo The host lodge or the occasion was Beaten 10L iAlso marching In the pamde was the Royal Oak Royal Block Precepoory IIZ mm Grand Valley liinsleal Combinetlons The traditional tile and drum cmnblnatlons marching with some at the lodge were augmented by numerous pipers including the Barrie Pipe Blnii Also taking pert was the RCASC Band from Camp Borden who den lighted the crowds with their stlr ring music and who later had large audience when they played selections in Conununity Park tlhe park ltselr was gay eol spectacle as the various lodges lined up prior to marching odi with the men wearing the or tinge and blue ribbons and Idorn robots and the ladies ol the LOBA In their white dresses and coloriul accessories Parade Mule Mm leavlniz the park the parade wended its way to Simone Manor and then marched bank along themaln street betore tum Ing down towards the park when number or speakers lniuding the lion Earl Rowe lor Duiterinsimcoe addressed the crowd gathered ihere lwo others who rode as King Billy in the parade were Edward Cave brother at Lman and die Irlct direetor oi BrIdfliord District and Bill Ctsry 01 Ease district dlrotior Lodges III Part The IIIst in the parade was the Allister and ieilowed by Eownouni LOL very smart Warmers were the members 01 UFB Anton Mills led by the Pride oi thI Mountain ï¬nder and antic gallant by Worn Wit It muï¬goi the Iliaarid drums leading them came LOBA 1041 Ind L01 2931 both of Cruise ville nelessey L01 1063 came next allowed by the Rebeoea Bower LOBA ot Alliswn Next time the Mount Joy LOBA 960 it Maw field with the ladle mad In white and carrying white parasols Marching Immediately behind was Manslielrl Lot IM with good representation at members Whltilcld L014 366 at Mulmur Distrch who won the prize tor the but banner In the parade were next in the procession allowed by Ruth Cleaning LON 153 She burne end L01 mt Shetburne llockley ml 466 was allowed by the Grand Veil MP with Waldemar ml and the lturu nI Oak itic Iiid dnun band next Then came LOX 268 Pillrdve fol lowed by group or pipers leading the Melinda lawer IDEA 1200 NR CEIEBRAIIONS AI BEEION BAIIIEOIBOYN Thousands 01 visitors tloclted to Boston on Monday otter noon when 37 lodges within the orange Order marked the universory oi the Battle at the Boyne In colorful parade which took about threequorters of an hour to pass EANNIVERSARY Tiles and drums played their lively music tor the lodges which iollowed EnnlsklllenJIOL 75 Stewsrton LOL 68 Wallace L014 270 oi EVerett Island Grove 191 2919 Ind NobletonDOL 590 Next In the parade was Victoria Lodge LOBA 122 Alliston with the ladies looking extremely smart in their white dresses lrvm Stanton came the Maple Lea LOL 50 tel lowed by the ML Ararat LOL 104 rpm Tecumth Township and the Rich Hill LOL 359 Terumsnth District was also rep resented by Thomsonvllle ml 674 with gaily bevribboned 0r nngemsn as drum major perform Ing intricate movements with his baton 35 he led the large group He was assisted by two youths es drum majors Nttcnhnm LOL 828 wlth good representation was followed by Cypress Lodge 1101 694 Bradford Victoria LOL 1053 Hand Head and Prince Wales box 320 train MonoI Thornton LOL 16 was led by Kan Billy Bill Clary The Orangemen Irom Strand name next us they marched under the banner at the Young Canadian LOL 234 Then came the Barrie Pipe Band followed by Craigvsle LOL 605 It was big occasion tor the next lodge in the parade Allan dale Lot 432 as the lodge was eelebrnting the 100th anniversary or its Institution In 1854 March men were several members or the LOBA Lake View UOL 450 rota Ivy followed and then came the priu winning IDEA the Mary Callum Lodge 1153 from Baxter with the smartly attired ladies being well worthy oi the award which they received The RCASC Band tram Camp Bordm iellowed with Essa True Blue L01 1200 irom Baxter march Ing II the last lodge in the parade The lodge member all were white peak ml and presented very smart Warlord winningr the word we Ines Loyni Inge bodse in the pa Prize Winners In Orange Parade at Beelon Monday his wlnnen In the 12th of July celebration In union on Monday More Long travelling iartb ext Air tutu ml at stewrump Ind 101 Acton the MI banner In parade wt Whlilleld Best lodge nurehlng In par ade WI 1200 Baxter Dell LOBA marching In vlr Ade LOBA 53 Butch Tho prize for the oldelt Or Inlenun walklng in the mulls went to JIMold Willilm LIIIIH LOL ll Thornton Royal Canadian t0wen Sound SunTimer Special training tor the trsniiier III 45th AnllTonit neulmenl train the Royal Cs IIlIan Artillery In the ltoyel Clnatllll Arinourtd Corps will not comment until the tall and the regiment will attend Itlnlmtl rmp AI Irtswewn es mi glnnlly planned sIld ItCol Ilnr arr III landch OI Melinrd the commanding orilcor on Friday morning The unit heldquertem are In Owen Sound the new role at the regiment III the rcorganlntlon oi the anadlsn militia inllowlng reuiuirnenl oi the mike drionee piobltm Oiilrill name oi the regiment now Is mu AntiTank IIeglIanii they Iinrl Gimme Foresters tu ltCA In iqun II will bvi known In the lrey stul Slniroo rnmiers 7IIII Armoured It Irnrnl The unit surmmr oi triti reg Ind Slmcoo lvorrrlerl which mo illred II III Inisiilry rrglrncnl in Juan mo rtIIIIIig Illll second world war never Iiu drnppvri the name Grey Tenders IorFiro Truck Passed To Committee IIArrie Inwn oIrirll II their Meeting blonds night opened tendon In eonieelltin with the pIrohIe new In Irurl Ior IIII Wit However liter three were rimmend null sheet on the motion Alderman ll rltldIIfl that the InnIon rum he returns to the re ram rniitee or npufl end recentI rrnnlalleh Col asndlrr was commenting on Converlliih AnliIank Regiment Armoured Corps Grey and Simcoe Foresiers Again and Simon Foresters II he ll wsyl been Included In brackets Area ltxpmdrrl The ma or the new regiment has been ullghily expanded Mid land Li Illttn Into the regiment the Mill AIIIIAlrcrlil IIAIltry them being absorbed Alrctdy In the rrgiment were Durham Owen Sound hlralurd Colllngwond liar rle Ind Orllils lilldlantl has It new Armoury rlinlliir In doIIgn to the out In Owen Sound Corpr the regiment willhsnrilo tanks and it will not be entirely new ior limits at the numbers who served with the Zrlih Arlny Tank lteglmenl during the remind world war II regiment that win turn Iunner oi the 15th AntiTank lirgl will The rllllnont will go in Hint at lelstwI as Illlllril iInIII IIin 11 to July 2A in Its puunt role Iii field artillery The unit It Ilium In excellent loli hold Artillery oulnlt And has been highly rnm mrnriril on diiierent octasiuns Thu change In rule of the regiment Is the rmnll nI rummerit oi IIII Inilrl Centullen tleienre problem FurilIII ulsl th pm win coinmlulon nt Initr mnInrgenrrsle hill been lllliillllilf varltiul lIiIlLl oi IIII nlIIIIIl IIrIl Ilt change hrn II Illretlly In line with the higher policy or in tlrirnrq ni Pnnevls About us mam III the uglhllliI will attend the summer ramp on genlreiing III Ilarrie on tho night at July in and Inrhiii1 Ielawawr IIII III niurnliid til JIIy 18 Tim unit will he untlr tlllltmlllll oi CIII IIIIIIIer Uflffltiilrlnrlflmlltlilil II MAIIIr Clark III IllirrIr The IdIIItInI Clot William lreingrr oi Owen lIrIiInIi In the autumn the Irglmrnt wlll Turn to one two pints Lot 209 from Newton Minimum1 ing with the Allandale Orange Itilli new rain in the Armoured 711 3a 3xi