nah Hume rum unulmm Mu Tch hurl Hlunltd hum Mlvr nwmllnu mvm IknyLWIm ML and MN irurun Irrry Hum nmur Mr and Mn rcny uml mnpmr he wkvlul hm Fencing in CH Ila billnrd and lhé inlL Mrs Robiiiard became the bride oi Earl Howard Mciaddnn sun Mr and Mrs William McFadden Eimvnic Rev Simmunds performed the ceremony The bride Ware law tier blue suit wiih While nccms cries and consage oi mi mics Mrs Stanley Turner was maid of imnur wmring navy biun suit Wlih While accessories and cur snge of red roses Slanlny Turner v113 uroonhmiin Mr and Mrsi McFadden lo an simn weddinu trip palm noxiiL Cclebrulcs an llillhdly Mrs Grant miubmlcd her Rim blrihdny Very quicily on July ii nl ho hum UK Mr wnvininw and dauzhiur Mr and Mn iicxb Jiilchic Mu Gmnl is enjoying very mud imiili Mr nnll Mn Raymund McFad llrn and MW lcr Shhlly 01 Har rlc Mlcnl Ill wukrnd leI Mr um Mrs Wlllluln Mlhlddrn Allllun Clcuy llcnlc Archrkucuu Lluhlbmlm tnlcr lnln Clumy If lllAlrlrl I4 Icnl nl snnmy lay on Wed lusdny Rcv ml Mu 51be Illlmlld Mr nnd Mu Hun mum unJumlu lurnnlo mm wrtkclld wllh MIR Murillo Mu Muhlrn um Ton nml Mm mum llllrhiu mm MW um um Mr Mn lulchk Mr and Mm Llln Mu dumhlcr lolly IAMIdlI mrul lhv wlrkrnll with Mr and Mn Fnuuson Mr nllll Mu Ah Inmlmll IIIHI lumny WIHclmlvr urv vlnllhu nmlv hru BenBrink FIirmnuntSt GHes United Church Montreal was decorated rith pink and white snapdrnxon or preity June wedding on Sat urdny June 1954 at 430 nelack in the Bilcrnnnn when Min Knel Erinsou 01 Montreal became the bride of Harry Es son 01 Mix and Mrs Colonel Tl Bell Elmvaie Rev Rudgers MBE Per ionned the marriage ceremnny The wedding music was played by Miss Lyman who also accom ï¬anied the soloistpMm Cunney in singing Perfect Love during the signing ni the register Given in marriage by her lather the bride wore graceful twilight blue tniieta ballerinalength dress with net nnd taiicia overskirt Her iin gertip veil was caught to flow ered tiara She wore necklnce of pearls and carried bnuquet pale pink rusuLHer sister Mrs Frank Quirk of Montreal was matrun hi hnncr wearing lemon yellow nylon ballerinalength dress over tniieta Her ï¬ngertip veil was caught to linwercd tiara and she carried bouquet of multicoi mgd sweet pens Revl John Bell 01 Duntraon brother of the zrvom was gmomsman The ushers were Francis Quirk and Erie Humplr ray brnthcrIniaw and cousin of the bride reception folinwed at the heme oi the brides parents 5321 St Urbain Street where Miss Brinsun received in navy blue sheer drms with matching necess or and corsage pink gladioli Mrs Bell mother at the groom who also received was in rosewood ny lon sheer with white necessaries and eumagcr of white gnrdcnias Later the bride and groom left an wedding trip to points east oi iiiuntreal the bride Irnvelling in grey sull white biuuse with black accessories and Corsage nl red roses on their return Mr and liars hull will makingtheir Mr und Mm Cbluml nun mum week wm um and Mn 11c Dunmmu Over 225 delegates mm 111 paris oi Canada gathered Eigin iiouse near Pnri Carling on Friday June 18 lur ihrceday coninrcnce oi lilLI Naiinnni Commiiiec of Uniied Chuxrh Man This is ihl sncnnd such which has been held Theme speaker was Dr John Oliver Nul Snn Yaic Univcnsity Divinity Schooii Dr NcLson began his scr 125 talks with his challenging slaiumcni Layman you an the Churc The lhcmn for discus siomi Bid ioiinwing cfmh Ui Dr NCLsons kuynniin talk was Every occupniion Christian Culling Delegates have ruiurncd to their own communities to urganizc ali uwup conferences dmignrd in ex plore ihc ways in which the Chris lian Viewpoint can find expression in everyday iiic Amung lhusn at Icnding lrom Eimvnic and Anen wand ware Mcrvyn Corbcil Mil ion Trace iiny Spring John Con Morrison Donn and Fred Weh Bier Mrs am will be makihgtheï¬ home In Niagnra Falls Unma Chum min Conlerence very quiet wedding 1on place 1n St Pauls Anglican Church Orillla on June Zfl 1954 cmht aclock In lhe uvcnlnx when Mls Ucrnndcuc Ilubillmd DI umn manna EXAMINER mm mm 19754 MelqddcnRnblllard News of Elmwle Tomnlu nl Ilnr Mr nml mu lhu ins unréér and children Tmumu mum um wcck wnh ur mulllcr Mn ILm Wnnhlp Crown lllll Immm cunxruuullun wlll wnr ahlu Crown Hill Church on Sun July at 15 Rev ma Berner ansvllle called on Dalstan lends last week Mr and Mrs Klrk Dymand ol Milwaukee vlsilefl on Wednesday wllh Mr and Mrs Handy Jr Enzllsh Guest Honor Roger Cox England was guest at the heme 01 Mr and Mrs Allan Brawn and nllcnded the Kl wanls and Farmers supper et Mld hurst Park on Mnnday evening Prescnlatlun To Teacher School nver and all lhc pupils are on holidays Our Children were sorry to hear lhelr teacher Mrs McLean would not be back next yearl 0n lhe clnslng day lhe pupils cnluyed winner roast and presented lllclr Iceeher wllh set cornflawer llassex Mnlur me To See Mrs Wllson enjoyed molar trlp to Saul Sle Merle Her dnughler Yvonne returned home vwllh her lrtsemllon Far Berlrlml Dalslon Irlends and neighbors met at the church basement ln honor or Mr and Mrsl R055 Berl ram and Inmlly who have moved lu Barrier Rev Pike was chairman and In short brezrem wns enjoyed Mrs Handy Sr rend UV address and they were presented wllh lovely rockan chnlr Mrs Bertram wag presented wlth gill lmm the and lmlc Susan Handy presented the em mm the Womens Inslllule ML and Mn Dcrlrnm thanked the lrlendl and all lnlned ln slnzlnu They are Jolly Good Fellow Lunch was servedl Mn nnd Mrs 1mm spcnl he wcvkcnd In Humlllun Oran hndu Huyner The ID nnd LOHA members wlll wulk In Slnynur un Salnniay July 10 lnrl Crcdll Wuhllng Mr and Mrs Slnn anmn nl ended the IlulmnnJlcwh wcdd Inn on mu mm mum Mu Furlnng did her daugh Mrs Jhmnpmn vlafltd on Sun WIUI Mn Mandy and ob aned To Fur Er Mr and Ma Earl Thomson and two children moved tn thnh new home at Fort Eric on Wednesday Bcstrwkhes In them Th Late Bruce Watson Dcepcs sympathy is extended H10 relatives Bruce Watson whn passed nway at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Teachen Summtr School Miss Myrna Brown Mn Marie Mansbridgu and Miss Yvonne WH son are attending Tnchcrs Sum mcr School at Hamilton Mr and Mrs Harry Spring and daughter at Gall spent the week end with Mr Ind Mn Carmen Spring Mrs Oscar SrIglny nnd family flmmins are spomflng month or man wuh Mr and Mrs Manning Mrs Lloyd Knight and lamlly nlOrlmu are spending the week with Mrs Knights magnet Mrs Fergus Rpwal Mr and Mrs Grant Pyburn and daughter Jun 01 Palmborough span the weekend wllh Mr and Mrs Cu Beardsall Mr anuMFs James cougnun 01 Torpnlo spent he wuckond with Mr and Mm Francis Slnne Dnlslon friends welcome Mr and Mrs Stan Wall and family who have boughtRoss Bertrams house Mrs Tubman Pcmbarouzh spanun monlh hm wmn relatives Buflmd Fill In Barn Sorry to mpofl mm Arch er is patient in St Andrews Ha plul Midland muerlng mm all in the barn All wish to see him home won Mrs Allcc chningtun Tur onto spent he weekend her home here ll HIGH STREET ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILINGS lrcr lisllmnlu WE WILL HADLY CALI Al YOU HOME DALSTON BARBIE lflflN WflllKS STEEL FOR SALE Acllvc In all brunt 01 Flea maxunry he wns mrmbcr or Me Ha Lodge put mm 111qu lalk Lmipx nnq lnsl Grand Junlnr Vurdcn lhe Grand Ludgc Canada In Onmrlu am II New 0de Mr Mar ahull moved with pnrcnu lu Innlsfll whcn he wn about two years uld and spcm his lllc around Churcth and Slmud unlll EOIHK Toronln In 1006 He helped to build his company from unc wngnn horsedrawn service to cHyvyldc organlmllun Surviving are hls Wldnw and Ilve childrbn Margaret and thn at homo Mr Boullllcr Elean or Chllllwack Mrs John Marshall Rulrlclal Mlmlco and Mrs Bruce Sullivan Clam Bar rlc One son Gemrd was killed overseas with the RCAF during Warld War ll Also 19 mourn his loss are eight grandchlldmny and one bralhcr Arch McDougallv South Pomuplnc cnrpclller by lmde the late Mr McDougnll was member the Roman Calhoun Church and suppomzr the Liberal Party Rev Ollvnr Moloney celebralcd lhu funeral mass at 51 Marys Church Burrln and Very Rev James Clnlr otliclalcd the gravcslde Interment was In SL Marys Ccmclcry Pnllbcarcrs were Challc Donnelly Albgrl Sulllvan James Maloncy mcham Dulnncy George Cameron and Charles Mc Donnell wellknown Iormcr resident 0T lnnlslil Township Slanlcy Mnr shall 70 died WclIcslcy llospilnl 1n Tomnlo promlncm Mason Mr Marshall had hccn general manager of he Tumnlo Sanllnry Towel Supply CD forum years Requiem mass was clchralcd on July 1954 for Angus McDougall resident at Barrie for the past 21 years who died at the Royal Vlctorla Hospital on Tuesday June 29 He had been min or some time bu had been con ncd bed only week and had been Sn the huspllal or 4WD days Barn Feb 1878 in Mlnesinfli he spent his boyhood there Hc worked in Midland or number of years and lived in Hamilton imm 4900 I0 1921 before returning in Vcspm Township to arm on the 7ih Concession from 1921 to 1021 The remainder of his Me was spent in Barrie Among he many hcauluul 10ml tribulcs wen hOSn 1mm Slan Excll and Slafl Conys Cleaners Stan and rclnuvcs mend and nulgh Prominent Mason Dies Stanley Marshall Was Innisfil Old Boy bars Reluuvcs and ï¬ends from Wind sor Mlmlco and Owen Sound nt lcndcd hc Iuncm Requiém Mass Celebrated For Angus McDougall Passes In 77th Year Mr Marshall buéngm the PHONE 5046 CGEers Donate Blood to Help in Fight Against Polio or the snrvlce Lawrence Danc mg luvorllc hymn cl lhe late Mr Marshall Bcnulllul Isle of Wewhnrc Pallbearcrl were we ol his suit Ruthcrlord and Purvus lwo nephews Edgar Thompson nl Slroud and Slnnlny Marshall Jr of Toronln and hl two brolhcfl ll Muuhnll at Drum and Mnrlhnll Bar rlc lnlurmrnl was In the Slxlll Llnc Ccmclcry lnnlslll Tuwmhlv Mr and Mrs 12 Andursan nnd family and M1 and Mn IL Andcr sun and family visited Ihclr brother and slslnMnlnw Mr nnd Mrs Anderson nn Friday Welcome To New runny We welcome Mr and Mrs Grant and Howard In hl dishlet ane To Home On lllll ML and Mrs Ray Slcssnr and Via Al Trenton Marilyn and ancr Graham ac cumpanlcd Mr and Mrs Dyer Barrie to Trenton on Samrday to visit LAC and Mrs Gordon Dyer and daughter CIII En Rank To Collage Mr and Mrs Nelson had hlcnds rum Toronln call In Thurs day on route to their collage in North H15 widow the are Barclay and Wilma 01 0mm Barrie survive The luncmlscrvlccmas held the Willlnm Spears Funeral Homo Dundns nl Keel $1 Toronto nn Tuesday July ll Rev Rnckham assistant mlnlslcr Timothy Enl on Memorial Church was In charge Murled In Calgary Congrmulnflons Io Ruth Sriglcy Reg Iormerly 01 Hully who was married on July in CaIgnry Mls Joan Bulmer is back at work aflnr weeks houdays Mr and Mrs Simpsonv London spent he weekend with Mnand Mu Anderson Attend Woodbrldn Wedding Mr and Mrs Bentley amend ed the BatesJulian wedding an June 26 at the Presbyterian Church Woodbrldpc We will make you the dealof lifetime See us before you take anybody elses deal Were outta double our Studebaker sales inJuly HOLLY GARAGE snownow 36 MARY5T former MMK two brothers and John gt llnnrs Crmhzd mlan Campbyu me with mm in accident on Wednesday when hu dropped ccmcm mm on one hand crushing the ï¬ngers whlnh necessilntcd medlcal dllenllnn GAIL BAWYEIL proudly displays hencnlchn lovely Mo pound lruuL Gall he daughlcr of Mr and Mrs Joseph Sawyer Perry Shoal CGE News Goes To Conkstown Fur V13 Mn and Mrs Paula and Johnny Cookslown vislled Mr and Mrs Downing on Thursday Bmy Downing rclurned home wflh Ihem 101 holiday Chlldrenl Day Clmp Childrens Day Camp began on July number children in the dlslrlct have been lacking for ward to KL Mr andMm Dyer and Mr and Mrs IL Ornk vlsllcd Mr and Mrs Slessar mama menuy Blrlhday Parly Carol and Sharon Campbgll en lcrlnincd several rlnn at lhnir birthday partymn We ncsdny BARRIE CORPUSCLE CORPS Two hundred and 50 ï¬lms blood was thenbjectlve in me Battle brunch utthe Can adian Red Ctoss regent campaign against polio Eighty Ilve volunteers from the Burrlc Works at the Canadian Gen ergil Electric Co helped boosc that total to 300 pints The blood is to be proccsseq imo gamma globulin to help combat 110110 cm New Glen have moved their new home on the nth concesslop o1 Innisfll Mr Slnssor has had severe attack oirrhcumalism 1n unc too since moving We sincerely hope he will soon feel beucr Mrs mm has in mm vs1nghe séhoBI cinsen Ior lhu summer mouths on masday June so Sunpcr Puny Mr and Mrs Dalton SIcssur en lchihyophile JACKSON MOTORS LTD tradein allowance droumod 05 on bio now I954 Sludobakorl Wovo iolnud up in Ihomou son Iulionul salon drive in Sludobukor history Woro dolorminod lo douqu our ICIIGI in Julyl In lowest lormlwo ovor offered are available on ovary 54 Sludo TheIarmcrs 01 ml communu are quite busy haying llu Church Servlce flora Rev Cr Muir Allandalc Presbyterian Church will have charge service in Holly Church at pm during July Mr and Mrs Mall Parks Mar garet and Jlm Toronto spent Ihe long holiday weekend with Mr andMrsAlen Mlller and Mn and Mrs Ivan Spears MLss Joyce MnCnnn ls home an holldays with her panmm ML and Mn McCann ML and Mrs Frost 01 Toronto were with lhclr unclc Jack Ellis Mr and Mrs Earl Audsleyv To tercainnd number whim from Minnsing to supper on Sat urday night No and No Hemlock Spruce and Pine lumber Rough or Dressed Deliv ered on the job by truck Write or prices HE is and youll go Iho nroulosl dual lho biauext doin allowance you ovur 30mm on bio bouuliful BUILDEHS cnurnnmns Hummus Port Loring Ont CLHPPEHTUN LUMBER 60 UTOPIA Milan Ourden Puly The Anzuun nrdan pmy was decided mucus hum evening with large crowd tn nuemunu In enjoyable proznm and Meaty ol good nod to ware mmwmwuhurufllnafl but McMAsler Mr and Mn Coum returned home with them Her hofldlyi Mary and mm McQuuy Naw Lowell spent la week wnh Mn Bruce mum USED MENS It 8015 BICYCLES 38 Hayï¬eld street URRYS Go Iho world economy chum plonl Go lho Mobilum Economy Run winnorl Got tho winnor of 30lnlomalionalawardsforstand oul Ilylol baker modalIodum mom coupoxhurdIopssalion wagom Go now I954 Studebaker right now and cut yourself in on the biggosl nowcar savingtlof your lifolimol munoa Murmur fferenl marsh bird who Young or old Ith coof prefers in run and hide rulher than fly from danger Unlqua PHONE 3654 BARRIE FAST RELIEF FOB TIRED FEE1 cigareï¬e lalomo umem