Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jan 1954, p. 4

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16 Mr and Mn Frank Johnsonand Mr and Mn Lloyd Leggeu spent Thursday evening last with Mrs Jenn Ruse Mlistnn Mm II Keogh spent Tuesday last with her daughtcr Helen Mu Smile Goldwater Minn from Slnthmy Mrs lama Henderson returned list week from Slramrny where sh hnd been visiung the past monih with hcr fanghlc 1a Mm Arfiurrlvilix Can nInglon spun maple ul days iast xygek 11 ah the latlprs slslcr Miss Olive Tolen News of Tattenlbam THE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JUNE 195 HAU MOTORS 17 GOWAN STREET BARRIE WV uNVLnW uwwesumcnc 9541 nva um 511mm mm wnmronmnnmmuc rmmucwmnmnmf mommmwswm mm marmunsmm ourgmfumtm OMMGGIDIC KLD WVILU 25 ILWOUHDUUIUI lunlnlSWuLlM WRMJW 91 VINIW uuwvm mmmoo romp 5mm Immmflrmt IUuIINl IN DMS l0 NUIIIG 40 GWICKETE lfl DIJUNUN IWIIWW IOL mmummtmfimm 11 NW wqmou MIMI MWMMH mum FM filrvvth me man mm mu rm $74 CAB 51 nulefiNns 10 101000 Drive more car for less money On the stock crir traciis worlds toughest public proving ground Hudsons stamina safety and road ability are demonstrated by more victories than all other makes combinedproof aplenty that Hudson is your smartest buy See us Today SUND wéirvlwvm HUN Imrr mmwl 101000 634nm nu MADMN 1lWllllmflk imarsaimm HR Nulllflflfill UMM Mnllv own usumwmmomm ouoou nmsmu I934 LINES TRADEINS NOWon Hudson Hornets Wusps leis ONE OF SIR CAHNDARS DESIGNED All CANADIAN IODAV SOME OF IN INIHESIING EVEN BOIN GRAVE AND GAV IN OUR COUNIRVS COIOUIFUL SYOIVHM c9th 00R 86 nNAr vuxwr um LLCol Ole MamAnderson Oslo Norway spent hree day ccmly wHah Mr and Mrs Freeman He L1 hen on center cncc In Washlnswn Klngson and Ottawa for the Royal Norwegian Ah Fnrce His MIN the ormer Dnris Freeman 01 Toucnham They have We children Mildafind Decl ridIwho reside in Norway Weddan hl TomnIo Dr and Mrs Male Mr and Mrs Alvln Austin Mrs Hust xngs and Mr and Mrs Murray MONDAY Mummy wnuumummwn ml mm KitAnnth 14 mm EuuVJJJlmW nwuls mmer or mwpgygt Ac sum wmmm My hmmfi l1 IUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Cab Attended the ReidPane wedding In the chapel oi Timmy Eaton Munorlll Church Toronto ma Namn Omry and mend of Tennis spent the weekend with Ponce 014111 KB 0mm Service The Vinion lodges the Royal Black Prcccpmry the County 01 Simcoe and Lady White Precep Kory uttered the Orange Hull an Sunday ntlernoon last and pro ceeded to the United Church led bi the CNN Kim Band To ronto with Pipe Main John Robb in charge or service 230 Harvey Simpsun In the absence me pastor Rev James Doninn welcomed the guests and 1mmqu ed lhe speaker Rev Spencer Toronto who replied saying he dld not see laces mm he had seen when he Vlslle TDHEnth in 1698 when as the junior minister DI me district he had attended me 6mm buuwmou mf wrowms 0000 swans autumn cm mnoflmmmm Memzwuxwmmwu Imouumum no mnswml Mons ArffiannOLMJQll wusummlo omwuzmmtqlbsd 0ng sq iluuulwnlrwu mun mmntswuummwm lwénm uumvmj Mlmamo vommsuuwmun CANADA Au HIAMVM mm 1n mtg warm ennui distrid convention Ha re nailed lddfeliiill the younl peoples gathering Lhen known the Dpworth Rune Hi whine None 01 Then Thin Me Mr Spencer in very keen and lien gentleman Who is in hi iive score yam and ray he hopes to rug the top hi mono beinl Mm High Get High During hil life time he has been memher the Orange Order as well an or ganizer 01 Royal Black Preceptory in viriou districts He vet eran oi the First World War and is in his eon year ministry commencing at 021m in law The choir contributed much in the sen yice 01 sung by their leadership and two solo were enloyed given by Gordon Maliion Land oi Hope and Glory and Mrs Andersun Bits This House The oilering was in aid at the hue Blue 0r phanage at Ricymnnd iilii Communion Servlca Holy Communlnn was nbservnd the regular Sunday mornhlg service Kn the Unlled Church at 11 acOCk Thepaston Rev James bomnn inhaled It by Mllk Truck Nicholas Haan ol Tollenham RE had the ruck which he was driving hit by Toronto milk ruck near here Friday morning DI Rr MA was Called And Mr Hoflman was removed to Steven sun Memorial Hospital Allisiun whom was found he had brok en leg and numerous cuts and bruises The truck beyond r0 palr Tr hocxnoLM fill PPC Harry Sparnng Mrs Spar ling and Billy spent weeks holi day lgndon Miss Mary Macwflllm Ha land Landing Visited Mr and Mrs Hart last wgek an Mason Richard and David are holidaying Chat ham John Copeland visited her brother In Barrie last week Emil 25 nrownlu An impressive service was held In the hall on Thursday uvcnlng when 19 Brownies Irom Bond Head and six from Newton Robin son were enrnllcd Ine cere mony was attended by Georgian Bay Area Commlssioner Mrs Craven at Caldwatcr and Disirict CummLuluncr Mrs Mac Gregor at Barrio Parents rind irlcrttii the Brownie attended as well as about 40 Girl Guides with mm captain and lleuicnum The newlyenrolled Hrownlu pre sented their eommlsslnncra with little gift or runcmbrance and the Brownies themselves were recip lent their Brownie pins yvhich were hr am the local Glrl Guldu Mrs Anne Swrllnl ls umwn Owl and Mrs Jcan Orr is Tawny Owl or the Bond Head Brownlcs and Mrs Grace Copeland ls Brown Owl or the Newton Rublnson Brownlcs Parade Church The Girl Guldes and Brnwnle Packs of Bond Head and Newlnn binson paraded la Trlnlly An ulmn Church Bond Head or beamuufmrvlce in charge Rev ll llearn on Sunday nltnr nconl The ruler party led the parade and me colurx were re cclvcd ln lhl church by Mr cam and placed n1 the front where they rcskd durlng the service PPC Soarllng and Newman gave pollcc escorl or the parndcl BOND HEAD uuu um mm muu wmumm Im P11 FRIDAY lJauwnvM Ml mgm mm MI MW Toronto Man Gets Six Yéars After Tofienham Holdup In court at Barrie last Thursday Joseph Cushmnn Torunlo wn lamented yearn or armed robbery The convicted man plend 2d gullly to charge of hvlnz been nvnlved In the holdup 01 1h Ionunham branch at the Eoyll Bank Canada thman who Is 50 was uppre handed pollce in Monte uhort 1y alm bunk ha been robbei The cbun was told an AMI 27 1953 three Alde men atngcd the holdup Judge Robb Ornngeviiie rcicrrcd In anion by bank teller Jean McCluch during ihc holdup Tho teller threw soil drink but lie through ihc hank wlndaw in an won in Illracl the attention 01 some pedestrians near nun building Miss MrCabe was com mended by thg Judge Saskxlchevfln vIslloxa Mr and Mrs Hubert Campbell have as lhcir guests Mr Campbells uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Bullet cl Saskatoon nd Mrsl Holmcs and Mr Holmes father Holmes of Grenlcl wcxc Sunday visltnrs with Mr and Mrs Gaulcy Jr Mr 5nd Mrs children spcni Wgsaggficach smMauor and Mrs York and family spent Sunday with friend at Huanvillu Welcnme lo Communle Mr and Mrs McMcc and nmlly have mnvcd Into hclr new name in the Villngc We welcome them tn um community Sunday School Plcula good ume was enjoyed hychil dren and grownups Thursday ev cmng at Lhc Sunday School picnic in me park here There were races and cnnlcsfis and ball games alter bounutux supper In me mu Vlsll Shnhol Like Mrs Ruben Turnhuu and grand son Arthur McAke spent cw days last week wth Mun mrn bulls molhnr at Sharbot Lake Vcekcnd Mum mp Mr and Mrs EHlson accom panlcd by ML and Mrsr Murphy Iclt on Saturday or weekend motor trip around Soulhnrn 0n unn msrdmc Pour La Guairn chit smpan 01 Van eluch v13 toundvd in 1588 by Dlngovdn 05mm 7ij 12 twig PM orncw nwmmr WM Bulldozing Garnet Baker WW3 Phone 2923 r57 was my 13 BAXTER WORK DONE SAfbnnAY MUN mom BARBIE i3 Edgaé and two the weekend at mnqvm Lll was I623 gut JULY SALE THE GREEN FRONT STORES SALE OF DINNERWARE Hardware fihinu Gills Toys Where You Buy More For Less Look at these July Sale Prices CELES 32 Place Set Reg $815 Plain blue $695 VIA In Albrrll Mls lkhn IanvaH ls lmvinq Ull Wrflnrsdfly or lwn wrtks Vin wllh Mn Duncan Im Jam lmllcy Fnlrvlrw Alhclln llhllul munh Annlvrnury Thu DOUI nnnlvrrwry 01 thml Umlnl lhurxll W11 lwlll ml iun any June 21 The Mumh wux HA rd l0 mmclly lu Hm mmnllw with much mullnr cunarwnllnn In 1h Evening flrv Gmrur unulrcll Krnwck wal hr unlflslrr In llama Ind drllvrer lwu rxwllrm APEONY new set Pnuo shape large red Peony on every place July Prlccs 32 Piece Sets for only $995 96 Piece Set July Price $2695 PEERLESS DINNERWARE IVORY GROUND GOLD 5m 91 Pieces Sale SETS 01 32 PIECES ORANGE MARGUERITE SETS 01 66 PIECES tor Persons sls95 White Ground with Orange Decoration ELEGANCE DINNERWARE Every man ought to be inquisitive ihraughevery hour of his great adventure down to the day when he shall no longer cast shadnw lnthe sun For if he die without questlun in his heart what excuse is there or his continuance KEEP THOSE PESKY FLIES OUTSIDE Window screens in the butter slzes Metal Window Scyeens SCREEN DOORS IN SIZE 2LGInJGILEln2u31nx6ain 215 Wind It lam3n It Black Flag Fly Spring is Effoclivp In Plnm Quam Gals and Gallons FOR YOUR CEMENT FLOORS LIQUID TILE FLOOR FINISH Yellow mauve blue unwed tlle green battleship grey can be used on plaster stucco linoleum wood and concrch sur 1605 HARRY und RONALD ARMSTRONG SALE OF MUHESCO lb pkgs TWO STORES FOR YOUR SH OPPING CONVENIENCE 98104 DUNLOP EAST PHONE 2801 697 DUNLOP WEST PHONE 4946 GILFORD An Excltlng $2995 5695 mmom The rhnlr was rxccp llmlnlly £04m Evrryunc will do Ilghlrd Wllh It swcc lmulc Her pmvhlnl Fum nml Kum sm clulr of Omuchlll mm Um mum and 5mm ml mun Km mg mm murnlm um mum Nev IL in Sands le pnsun nllrlulul th vvnllu urvkc llnnlvrmry Vlnllnn Vishnu nmnvrmlry Sumlny wm umv lrnrm Cnilqvlyrll Mu Mn leln Knrrxhnw nl Wlllunl Nelllyn Mmmvl Mm Hnyd Kurt me nml lwn Ilnuulxlwu Mr nml Mm Clnwunv Knr mnw and Kru mvlh KnrrxJunw irrnvllhr CHOOSE YOUR llFETIME ITEM 450 31mm nus TERMINAL 66 PIECE BEHS GOING FOR Blue Floral Decoration on whl Fancy Bottles Vases or 011 Lumps Made over Into Electric Lamps THREE BIZ IN CONVERTERS $175 $200 5245 LAMP CONVERTERS With Cord mnulmuysm mun SIZES MOTOROLA RADIOS SPECIAL Splendid Mnntcl Radio Buy COLEMAN CAMP STOVE fiULTIPLIEII ONIONS AVIMLABLE HERE YET ALE or PAINT CONTINUES GALLONS 3325 QUARTS 98 Enamels Velvet Flnlshes and Floor Palm Inniudcd PLAIN AND PAHERNED STAINLESS STEEL COOKEEY Ten Dessert and Table Spoons Forks and Knlvcs FROM THIS LIST 40c 45c 50c Mon 551i Come W2 mu Hui lo too mo blq lounuu on In ucllon Enioy slghlmulno all lho way qr by bun DETROIT NEW YDNN WASHINGTON Ballgame lluuhrn Mr nnd Mn lm Knrr rdan and 1le llmdlnnl Mt IInLl Mm Andy Grnlwm and nmlly and Mr lrvlnl ul Churchill nl flu erllyn Mm Adtllu Mr null and Mrs Sku 1m Kneuhnw IInl Hume Mr and Em Knruhnw nml Oh Mr and Mrs Allan Hmwn Dillinn Mr and Mm mm snuvmn Mann and lkm lhc lhlllwcll lmmr mm mm Wlml Sow mu wrro bluwn down min In In hluh wlml nu Humlny nlul wmlm mm mm um mu mum to have 1v mm 11 pna HUN Tilll QUAMS RII HUME IIANUV 52895 $24195 $1195 485 2855 2700

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