Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jan 1954, p. 16

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we £33259 or MAGISTRATE COURT NOTES Continued ir page seven in the next two dayi at the home at Sheridans mother by PC Boyd OPP Barrie andrwere iden tiiled by Mr Woods who oaid that theboy had ictt word that he was going hamcl The nttleer said that Davids ex planation wu that he had taken the articltu in lieu at was which he had not received He also said that he was to have horse given to him and had expected to make some money through that but tourld onhls last visit that the uni mal had been sold Sheridans evidence was that ha had been picked up by Mr and Mrs Wood in the ilrst place and did not ask tor wages but under stood that he was to rcceivc the race horse He thought it would be all right to Lth the things and honed the Woods home from cnetang and wrote them bciore but got no answer Mcantimc he had hiked to Hall tax but got job in Toronto first but did nut like it He did not care ior iarm work either He admitted to Magistrate Foster that he knew it was wrong to take the thing To Mr Livingston he said that he had made no dcmandtor money or tor the horse irom Woods lie also claimed that there had been hired man at the farm bctorc he went there hm had not been kept on atter he went to them but was back again on June 15 His Worship on the evidence iound David guilty and told him that it he had grievance he should have gone to Mr Woods Ior an explanation instead or taking the articles ltc was given weeks remand or sentence on June 30 Remand tor Sentence The case against Jack Bates and Elmer Coulicr In the Joint charge at robbery with violence irom Mr Jardine on June il was continued with evidence by Elmer Coulier who was detendcri by Gordon Mc Turk and claimed that he did not know larilinc but went with Bates to ask tor drink hc understood ril They did not lurcc the screen door none and uttered monoyto Jack Jatk staked tor drink but he had II Ib They ate some beans and then he went out to turn oit the truck iighlsl thn he came back Bates was putting money in his pocket They never touched Jardinc were hall an hour there and were no masks delcncn witness Mrs Hlatt oi Collingwood told ot the young mcn coming toher home and at telling her that they were in trou ble over the lardine case She gave good character evidence tor hath and had adescd them to take the money back In summary Mr Thompson pointed out that they were charged Saintly There may be cw dis crepancies in the prosecution cvid once but not at the principal iaclsl It Is amazing that the iraglle old man could remember anything masks and etc he said There is ample corroboration oi llili slury and they did take 323 and stayed until they got it no matter how it was done Their own evidence is the best corrobor ation With the money they were on their way to Wasaga Beach and worn sent back by someone with common sense it the money was slolon in robbery they are guilty Magistrate Foster will iiivc judgment on Jam and both are remanded in custody until then Manslaughter Charge At this point the regular docket was set nlilrle iur quick action in the charge at manslaughter laid against M15 Yolanda Dankn on Monday June by inspcctar Itlcx Mclrtrlri it till Ontarlll Provincial Illiltt Criminal invtsiIKntinn llur enu following the death of Karl lillylicn whu Wil liiruck by car lln iiiitllway I70 an the previous Saturday morning Min Danku Ilnli Iiitll chanced with the crime and was held In llarrlt grill tlIlilI Itirsrllly about Is hourr and Him released on bail Meantime her ncphew Arthur IIOHCI admitted the llilrun killing anti with tho tlilnlly lilwytr llowt had In icrvicwcli police hero and the charge WIn laid agnlmi llilll Iln moaM sthird member the group Cleveland Keenan who had previous conviction and Wu on probation was charged with then on June at seven gallons of gas ollne mm the arm at Percy Casey in Sunnidllc with Ferguson and another Joint charge on June iii of gasoline irom the term at John Cayle Notiawasasa Kcenan Ind ivan Geddest l7 tourth man were involved in ihcitlon April 28 ot gloves cult and some cash trom John Mcinncs sunntdaie Gedda pleaded guilty Ferguson had another charge at using license plate cna dlilsrent vehicle than that to which It be longed on June it lnEssa All tour men were remanded in cus tody until June 30 ior Judgment and ccntcnce THURSDth war Magistrate Gordon Fnsirr prc sided and in theabsence ot Crown representative the prosecu tion was handled bySgtl Morley Wright and Cpll Andrews LCA Coses Convicth on charge by PC It Roberts OPP at having liquor in place other than the mild nce oi the purchaser on Mayao in re Alvin Vi Bimm was convicted and lined $20 plus cosLs at $45 Solomon Peters an lndian was in ditticulties on June in Bar rie through intoxication and was convicted and lined $10 plmiccsLI oi or la days Lleut Lumsdcn ai Lhc ProvostECorps Camp Borden secured convictions all two cases with charges laid by hlmccliitor intoxication in do tncclestablishmcnt at Camp on une l3 iollowing alparty gather ing wamanwas lined $25 with costs of $250 She had assaulted the Diilccr during thc arrest and man was fined $20 plus costs at $250 Close Estimates rather unusual case some up with charge laid by FC Scrzgg oar on April iii ogoinot Donald Andelscn on Highway 400 01 driving at over all miles an hour He pleaded not guilty The oiii ccrs evidence was that the traiiic was very heavy south bound that Sunday evening south of Cooks town cutoil and he had been proceeding at 47 to4ii miles an hour in order to keep the line moving at not over 50 Anderoon coming up behind spccded i0 49 and kept on tor quarter mile attempting to pass Scragg who stopped him andclaimcd that the other had passed him while he the oiiicer was doing 50 but he did not give the actual speed mode by the accllscd except from compari son with his own speed lie had been iollowing that plan to keep lrattic within limits Anderson who is 24 claimed and was backed by two witnesses who were with him at the time that they had previously tested the speedometer at the truck that he was driving by means at stop watch and with hand Signal at the end or set timc He slso claimed that the oiiicer had actu liy held back Lirlttlc by maintain ing that upccd and evidence given showed that Anderson had at tempted to pass the otiicer bciorc this and in the same way Cpl Andrews claimed that wit nouns riding with Andesloo would not have an exact viespoi the peedomcter but an an angle which would make dilterence as they saw it All three swore that they End not exceeded 49 Anderson cliimcd that when he could not pass Scragg the other motorists behind him begun to bank when he had to drop back CpL Andrews commented that it all motorists allowed that plan it would be Impossible to cniorcc the speed laws His Worship consIdErlng PC Scragg to be an experienced alti er with late model cruiser and witbspcednmeter tated by the modern equipment uced with the torce accepted his evidence You came up behind the ofiiccr and attempted to pass but the others kept their place and lam satis nedthat you exceeded the limit although it may have been by very little he said and imposed line of $5 pluseouts at 250 Tires screamed wnIiam England tit pleaded guilty to charge of careless driv ing on June it in Barrie laid by PCA Chodclock OPP who stated that the accused hlld been proceeding cast an oradiord Street at 1145 pm and at the turn to Essa Road his tirm screamed with the speed Continuing up Essa he went through the stop light at Burton Ave on the yellow which turned red betore he got to Bar ton He had passed othcr cars on Essa and was driving was model line oi sill pills costs or $450 was the penalty Sgt Wright act ed for thcprooccution Protected Charge Bcnhosenberg lnlantu metal dealer pleaded not guilty to ii Your Farm Needs CHICKS rnosr FENCE gnarlnu onlscl PLOUGIIS rounrnv EQUIPMENT Io surrucs srcoa ANDJLUMINUM ROOFING IN scocn anon EASTERN srch enooucrs DEKALB CORN Phone BALER AND BINDER TWI lIIllITElls PIIIILTIIY EIIllIvI sraouo charge or alternating to can ul otaervelslcle when it was not nteto do so on Highway 27 June it This will onjtldly nl at 905 according to evidence at PC Andrews who notionly laid the charge but alca had charge at the prosecution and told at flroccedlng on 27 as the last at otseven cars all doing 15 to all North at Ferguranvale car pulled up bulde him and at the some ttrne another approached train the north on curve and the cruiser was turned over to the shoulder at the 20 loot pavement Therowas no occidcnt however and Cpl Andrews stopped the oth er car which was driven by Rosea berg who attempted to passcgaln Tlle accused claimed that there was no casuc tor any trouble and that theuppraaehing car was well away and there Was at least 50 leet between the cruiserand the next car His son ltl gave evid cnce that there was no car in uight and they pullcdup tapas and the police car moyed ahéa Magistrate Foster minded cnberg that cor actually did pass themuud the crdlsor had close shave and round him guilty as charged He claimed to have no previous charge but was reminded by Andrews he had two convic tiom tor speeding previously Rot cnberg admitted this and said that he gladly paid his tines He was convicted and lined 510 plus MANITOBA IPIONEER CARMAN CP Christopher Chittick MCGIll who died at age HZ was born in JanctvillcOnt and came IarManitDba 65 year ago He Iarmed in theBrigdenly and Ostrander districts bcrore re tiring to Carman 25 years ago He Issurvivod by his widow iivc Sting and our daughters MASTER FEEDS FERTILIZER sans IVIIICIIIIHSTS SKILLED WORKMEN BIG STOCK We can repair rehnlld or fabricate machinery to iultjnnr rcqnlretttthlli STEEL FOR SALE by the taut or hy the ion BIIIIIIIE WEIIIINII il Muicnstcr 8t MODERN MACHINES ii MACHINE Ell Dial 3140 filfilfiutefiwfifij twatmacaw ikfiwfiir 33 WMMTW optinth 5mm Willi Word TIEeSNOW FOR NEW MINGMILEAGE oooDfiEAn TIRES Why risk the danger of driving ad worn tires any longer Well give you the biggesttradcdnlllawpncctoryout old tires when you trade them in to bigvalue iongmiicagc Goodyears Come in today for the best tirc lian Wednesday with the resulting court appearance Mint Duliko will re INHNI Irllln the charge and Mr nephrw wal rllnrgcil with man slaunhler nlulr lunarmm Iirivinll and ialllllu In rlnn oi the runs at the nrrhlrnl The preliminary iltarillu wall wt Tu hetllre tIlr Jilly Zl Ilrre Ilalltria win or tllr Silllle Illllililllt In her lrlit $5000 casII illrlh Itll InlIlI Nrw llIvaIi oAnothorAdioummont Cllarllrrl lly Duncan WUIliltOW tor striking him Not lllr limit with what wnI thought In lm battle Michael harmy lullrnl tor IIIIIIIII lu llrriilt Witlllflt lip Iinlr happened at their morn ing hmno whrn Wmulrllw rilullnu in at laic huur ashii him In turn IlII iIIl ralllo bIII was lirtllk til iIIt IIIHIINIII ImII lhr Injury rc unirru twn Mitchell The hearing will munurnrrl until June Ill hul Irnrary Illt have litl wltmlu thrla Four Involved rollnwhvr Invclllullllml in PC ltrllttgu our Iunr ynnnr men on Invulvrd III II Hilllllr til will ml amount not IltlIIr plum In Essa Ill April May mlll Iiitll Wllirll were evidently IITlluiI lu mhor in comp ulvlli Illlmugil theyvirie lmt lltllllll with All It um anml niimm lirlnaiii rrrrin ipnn 11 Mill Chariot iridhaln 1B are lIIIllNl with lueaklllg ltlll rnlulllg tho Wilrklllllp at tho nrllry ConInirllrm nmpmy rm June Willi tllrlt II II Ivaltrrr IlIrItl Illl alulg hammer tunnel and linen runs at gnullnc It unli lurk wal Innan in In rlllry rirllllilifl Ir wlt uteri it ts Ill ply1 trldlinm giving evidence Id mlltPtl In Mr IrivlnlItIm III hnew the riwncya at the lowly tatm spirit level wu All in rlllliril in tlie ilsi 1hr Mm rvi dean nppiloa In the run oI rr BEERIS THE SERVICE CLAPIERTON 5T in iOWIL VUtCANIlINO ROAD SERVICE FARM IlllE SPECIALIST m5 WWI RWth fiiitfitmm PHONEI 4335 5iéllldffi HAROLD TllltYItIJili iii PLYMOUTH IllilllililltN EI lllilillilill WINIIRUR ITOIIII hl IIIKVROMJ Ithll ll lONTIMl HEIAN Il lIrYMIMITIIJlIIlAN lltllltllt NEIMN IO lIIVMOtTlI THAN PLYMOUTH HILL IAllth Tlilltitit BARRIES FAVOURITE USED CAR MARKET tV ODOR HMIMN tD lllltitIJtlt MIIIIAN t1 IIIVMHIITII Olttll t1 WilliVII NTATION WAGON MEHCIIIY CONT II lllllltlfl EIMN it It TON PAN HAROLD HILL LIMITED 51 FOR It TON XIIHZMR tl tiflltl 1th IANIII tI IIILVIIOIJIT TON VAN tll INiIIIlNATIONlll TON Bifltltt TfllltK tIilO iltlltlttlr Ill 13 llOilillZ Ntlllilill IIIIH CIIIIYSIIHI ILYMOUHI Willth Tliiltilifl 55 Dunlop St lARRlE IBZ Brodtord St urrrlramrt woer nonv Tile Hiram Eostsyoanotlliag extra at MERES IOIJR HAI MY HAT AND HLIRm HURRt AND LET ME BRUSH YOUR OF YOULL MISS COAT COLLAR NilSERVICE or Delivery Millennium ran may 195 Dial em For Pickup StaNu Dartitmtvs Illénlftolrlpllfi MYCLEANINQ Bychlrkyrrung DAGWOODWAIT YOU FORGOT MAMATWHJ CO HUSBANDS HN1 ON THE OTHER EN GET THEM HCME HE CAME BACK OOHOO KISS ME Qcwooo WENT orF WITHOtJT KISSING ME COWEXE WHATS POGO mower TD azmom 60TALIL or wooo your can mean LIKE BtnNINr wwur NADA Lil IPAPERM Wk sou KINDLY MAM MEAN amnéfltl 9066045 mm was AN THEN us WMWIEPM KIN err THE n25 eom MlNurey GMde NOW SUBE YOU WILL HELP Your WERE SAVINGv GPAMPS1M TILKW acne WT tr may or ILL mt HIM ma cruxho WHAT DO new You WEN ID YELL on cor IM REALLV PLAYING P057 OFFICE ms MORNING cuvpanl misuse Mill on wu ear DARITON ON you LIKE 0i FRIEND 0mm BEES ID PARDON xuoomx eosnerr ITi marDav MWE artm snows you xs mi la are WINKi MUM umwmfi yawch may Bishop you can acwsvs FIND Steele armors LISTEN wensall Bur WMERE I5 SKEEIEU DollWT FIN who ill WELLYOJ KNOW lVD BEEN AMINO HIM TEACH ME NJNTO DRIVE TN CA3 AN HE 941 Ma mm as coal Ad small suitmoi 1st an

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