Roxy Theatre MIINETS PBINT AT THE GRANADA MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAY EXCLUSIVE PICTURES MHBCIHNO vs CHARLES WORLD CHAMPIUNSHIP FIGHT Hob llunlrr 5L IIII llam EVERY llucrvnllom Phonn 1102 lnl lum nnyllell ml nlla um on CONTINUOUS SATURDAY 230 pm FEATURES PHI SAT NlTE GRANADA LAST TIMES TONIGHT AND SATURDAY YOUR FINAL OPPORTUNITY TO SEE IT DHNEING ENTERTAINMENT ON ONE BIG SHOW SEE BLOW BY BLOW AND ROUND BY ROUND RINGSIDE SEAT TONIGHT SATURDAY PLUS THE LATEST WARNER BROS NEWS REEL NEW avails or HITS rlns1j WITILIHE BEST IN mums IRENE DUNNE DEAN JAGGER JOAN EVANS COMEDY FILLED STORY YOU WILL LOVE IT GROWS ON TREES SHOW STARTING MONDAY lhu Ivluurll rvrr MIMI In llw rmlrm cm LIku 5110 IOMT HUIIWHJ Cl Onu ul VEZ¢Z ROCK HUDSONMBARA HALE mum ovum memo mu JETHAEBY Jamboree of lAFFSund WAFSI 2ND GREAT HT 13014 mum wu mllul 17 cm Dun lnynn nl lhu mum nn lnu cnnumny AIIMINHIIIN IM ADMIRNIUN SQUARE WITH PRESENTATION OF THIN AI Ill ORCHESTRA ADMIHHION Mo BIG CEDAR DANCE PAVILION 6TH CONCESSION INNISFIL LADIES FREE EVERY NAT um IMHI AND ROUND AIIMINHION HIKE ADMIHHIUN Mumme Gordon Postu yre Aided Ind both Crown Mummy momma and Auhung AL leingmh were preaenL Con duties wen lakzn by Sgt Marley Wright 91 he munlclpal ulllce with 611 Andrew at the glonal otflcc OPP Quite numhcr oi convicunns wtre registered or intoxication in public piacn with lhc usual pen alties One group was dhcqunrd in and out parked car which none were able to navigate Musk of these wcrareguiar custamen Several adjournment were granted in ability impaired driving nhargu LCA Chargeé FailedTo Signal raihcr unusual case was that of Slayner district man aged 17 Fred Wnaihcraii who has poor hearing but with no previous eharnes appearad on onelaid by PC Rogers OPP oi Slayner for failing to signal leil turn on June on Highway 28 when car coming up behind sideswiped his vehicle in 1mm ni the Sunni dale Garage causing damage in both but no injuries it had been rainin that nflernoon Wealherall was the owner at the car and admitted that he had made nn signal im the tum On con viction he paid ï¬ne of $5 with costs $1450 Commilted For Trial The preliminary hearing on the charge at manslaughter in the death at young air torce man Lioyd Fulton Barrett Zl whose home was in New Brunswick ioii owing an accident on County Road ltncar Dalston was reopened and following the evidence given on June 16 by the medical eliicer with the RCAF at Edgar more de tail wan given by PC Roberts OPP that he had investigated at the scene shortly alter the accid ent which evidently happened at 1205 am according to other evil dencc He found Mclnnes lying on the pavement and iii teet rem the rear oi the ear which was in the north ditch racing wmt Barrcitl was lying in the north ditch and Victor Gow was also at the acenei which is an curve There were skid marks on the south side oi the pavement and gouga made Other marks ran an 175 feet Many pictures were shown as taken later There is sign or the curve 530 feet back Skid maria on the pavement were 30 feet lonl mark on the shoul der from the south edge at the pavement had an are at 50 tech Objects on the road Included hub can 10 feet aix inches from south ol the north edge and 65 ieet from where the car came to rest East at the cap was another all 50 feet ait west oi the cor East or the second cap was shoe which mm 20 feet inches irorn the ear and belonged to urinate The earwith BC license had rolled over and had but one hub cap intact Other articiu mattinK ecL were also scattered around including breather cap The curve is banked but the vehicle did not reach that Robert had interviewed McIn nLI on May Zit and he said that he could not recall anything of the accident but admitted that he must have been driving because he iota nu one eise drive his car In reply to his counsel MaeLnren QC he repented that he had no recollection ni anything or hours bciore the crash PC nuhcru 1n emu qucslionlng by Mr Mnanrcn said mm 1hr xkld mark an lhc south aldo would be 1mm the Ian whccl nnd lhnl lhvrr wcru marks In the uravcl math by one set of whcch only Hm lull lho pavcmcnl and came math by one set of whcch only Hm lull lho pavcmcnl and came back In 50 cal and mnnlnllz lo Inc parallel lo the pave lan The mmkx wen wldc rum men lncluu an lhu pm ment The nlflccr flmuuM 1M IEIK will no cunnvcllnn bclwun lhn lwo Acu n1 mm The gunxm In In pnvrmvnt were 45 Ml 1mm Hm rklll mnrk nllll nix Icrl lmrlll lho mu rdgc Tlan was much hrnkrn ï¬llflM ncnllcrrd nmmul nml nlllrr dchrll Mr hlflKwalK nIkNI Um olHrtr When um cur leave he mvru lntnll Ind lllx nmwcr wnu of he mum Vlchxr uw mm In lhr Duly lnvc rvlllrnru mm Um lhrre mm mm on my 1n nlmul mm alum hlnmu namu nml McIn In lhn Inflnu car an at mu lwu wlh Mchmb llrnvn nl nm rmy llnppml ALDaMIm Mclnnln hmk um wer nml rrlurnlnl now mmch nu lnllrr mm Ynu wnultlnl klmw we wm lnu no mu mqu down be mnn lumrr Mr Mnclmru quulluxmd hw rltmly mmnnu lhu ulur 11x mm and mnmuluu hmml um 1m mmumunl nulhhm lnun lho um ur llm nulllcn unlll um Innmlllm llrrnum nr nun mum xluublnd um 11 Gowl Im vrrulon mumn my would mu Im llm rlrnr nt WED ESDAY JUNE DANCING nu pmy am lhrre mm nlmul mm rll nml Moln 0m at nm nu Duék Homer In Cdflqge On Severn MIDWATEE when wild duck nr ll kln decide on flaw nest each year it will apparcmly return to the same apo unless prevented leas thnuccm to ba ï¬xed purpose of duck believed 10 be of uhe Marganur spccle which has made hame In the chimney of Ms Leather dalcs hllliop amaze an leceslcr Pool of the Sevurn River Mr Wood stated that the youth had been taken In by him uver ma umwhen helcemdw bu dcstllutn Ind had rcmnlned with hlrn um February and then left giving no reason why On June 15 he came back and they had nlnln taken care at him and as he had always been trustworthy had In him In chara ol thelr we small children am an Inlanl on the morning June 16 about am and had nnc Io do some ihopplng and on nlurnlng at noon tuund um ho had let alaln and um nclghbofl were caring for the chll drun Jn the all 01 1952 Mr Leather dalo boarded up the chlmncy and the next season the dudk neslcd Ln earby slump The opening was up cd last ymr and surer en gn Mr Mgrganzer was back In chflmnny tor the nth lime The nniy year since 1939 has missed was the one it couldnt get lnto the ch when MrsuLwlhurdaIe Irrlvcd at her collage resort mengly uwo wfld ducks were In the bay near the hwse on the hilL Whm1hc ca 9335 was altered duck flew from the chimney was dlscovered there were eight duckling which had hatched amimllcn down into the slave where they expired 1events from the time they in the station His answer was that in the bust his recollectiunjt was said when about half way from Dalston Na one had replied he added Mr MucLaren countered with You had no cause to agreei and the answer was but it didnt seem that fast HP niiu mentiancd seeing one set n1 handlights Peculiar Situation Two years ago Mrs boa erdale aund Ive sootmvered dunklhkgs alive In 1h stave placed them Kn pail watery unltcd them with the mother duck waiting ml the walers edge 0n the evidence Mclnnls wns uommltted or him at the nBXl assizes on the charge at manslaugh ter and was also charged in Lhe death 01 Lloyd Fulton Barrett with flangenus driving and with care 155 driving on County Rani ll Qro on May 19 with trill udiaum ed to Sept 22 Ball $2000 pra perty was renewed slightly hum lad David Sheridan 17 whose home near Pcnctanxuuhcnc pleaded guilty to taking number of articles mm the home of Jnmm Woods Vespra on June lflfl They had then dlscnvcrcd that number of arllclq had been ukcn and Mr Wood gave In which lnrludcd electric razors cllppcr wa watches camera pair of shoes bhmkci rlllc Ind uhnlb shlfl zlnvu and sullcue He dld nut place vnlun on hose Einmincd by Mr Livingston he nld he llud elven he boy null of clnlhcs shorlly bcturn he left them on lhc ï¬rst occulon The nrllclru were nll rccovnrcd Tum In anD eleven plnnsc 192mm JULY I954 An outdoor Dominion Day service under the nusplccs 01 the three local churches will be held on In Presbyter lnn Church 1nwnCookslownon Bunduy July 1115 am The scrvlcc will be conducted by Ilcv 11 Mobrc and Rev ll Kulloz Hermon will be preached by Canon Chnpcrlln CANADIAN LEGION NO 499 ANGUS LEGION GROUNDS CDOKSTOWN BflMlNION MY SERVICE wnrm Cllrlsllnn welcome in extended to all MONDAY JULY MONSTER BINGO arms TEafriv Examiner mm Sharp GOOD mzas mnvnow waLgoMI PLAN TO ATTEND Shooting at Meaiord Proves Good Training 45th ATRegt Whexn an waning occurred or Bandsmnn Sit Saunders remustt ered to tth new trade He tank In extremely difï¬cult trude4ut conducled by the Bandmmer of theCommand Band proleulnnal bundmen and obtained top groupan and his Ihlrd stripe Now qualiï¬ed Bandsman he took over the control ofthe Band Ind mm histowlcdze of music In mllllnry circles reorznnlzcd the altering band lnla am that hls been accented In high clrclu one of the lines Trumpet and Drum bands In the CAP so much so that an nppllcnuon was made to enter the Dominionwhim Waterloo Muslcnl Festival this year whlch oak place 23 Junc The mKmlzllinn has been pm llAlnz or twa classes he ï¬rst one open in bands um had not won ï¬rst prlle 1n the last lwn years ml made an band elli lblu for entering lhls blg Hmc comes we were nut omnnlzcd In your 45TH ANTITANK REGIMENT RCA Grey mid Simcoe Foresters Reserve iridicated the unit was in good training by results of shooting exercise last weekend at Mentord Range It was the lourth shoot held in cooperntion with the Active Army sincE the regiment was converted from 17 pounder antitame guns to 25poundcr artillery weapons Above unique picture Camp BordenRCAF Trumpet Band Makes Good Showing at Feslival Thc strand clns was nn open number comm Th1 cunlcsl music Judm on omxmuw and mm of bulb drummer and trumpeter It is composed of sin and students alike strictly 11 vol unteerband The members of this aggregation are for the main individuals who love music and bands in genemli The Band is under me abie leadership of Sgt Run Saunders Some time ago Ron was Metal Tradesman himself keenly interested in our band Burdenalre The Station Drum and Trumpet Band entered the dim cult comest class In the band contest at Waterloo lust Sat urday plus crowd appeal and arrange mcnl of the number MIL Songs jokes Ind any were prominent an mule Imi many reminiscences were mulled over The bus was loaded In capacity and the unlfurmu and Inslrumcnl The time or the drawing of go luonn or playing Saturdly morn lnl hnd bun 51 It aims oclock Ind Wnurlou quHe some Ills unce from Borden WI decidtd Ihat the band mun have Friday evening In order 10 make Hm rcndlncsbeorq The Day wah IN point to flunk the Station Men for provldlnl few gndwichc to help utlsct the ping hunter en mule we had to have hm six oclnck Friday nIKhD also as mcmhcr at me Band and or the Band mcmberl wish to hunk me Sm Ind llcers Mess or thur Hnlnclal con Irlbullon to the Band ammo s225oo MON TUES mm cumin Poul ml humlad CAliDS 350 SPECIAL GAMES 10 per nu TONIGHT C1 SAT SHOWS NIGHTLY THE 5T0 0F ROBIN H000 Bingo ODDFELLOWS TEMPLE Monday July pm Loulrd nut math IInla on iunrtnlun mum mqu null hlfllwny WHISPERING SMITH ALAN IM DHIENIM MARSHALL ICOLOIU menum 0mm JOAN mm CARTOON 5hows gun at very back of recall onflrlng Target ls out of slght about 2000 yards In front Thls Is an Orlllla crew from 137 Buttery Four guns were In uctlon wlth crews from 135 Battery Barrie 138 Ent tery Owen Sound 138 Battery Meatord In exerclse they succeeded ln demolishing target barbed wire obstacle and observers stated practically allrshots were on were carried in the panel truck Wetwish to thank bath driven for their fine cooperniian for he en tire weekend Only one uniurtun ntc happeninfl occurred which dampened the spirit oi Saturday when our Juviai driver A1 Cous ins was inlnrmed his smflll dau ghter had been involved in an accident In Toronto necessitating his immediate return being re placed by LAC Davidson who ably piloted the company in re iurninx Sunday afternooni Our Major Dome 521 may mum was awake dressed shav ed and makAng he round lo awaken us curly 630 am some our people didnt retire llll nimcst midnighc smooth shavc Tumla page twelve please See Us FIRST For Innmnca of ALL KINDS 95 Dunlap 3L Phone 5201 STEVENS INSURHNBE 57565 27 td 12 JULY 23 JULY 56