Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jan 1954, p. 7

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BRITISH EMPIRE MOTOR RPDRTQ SPORTS CAR Ellryivflonlinue Slide Hull 73 To Terriers All ruKE offneadinz were earn éd as HIE meagre lwn hits caml lbehlnd Walks butCarl Emmsuwho fired the mum or the Drys was given mugh rcccpuon as to Terriers pounded out 11 hm twa 111E BABMEi IINEEL FRIDAY JUNE 251954 Barrie Igland Dry suflered their mnlght defeat and Wand In raw loflriuln Terriers Wadncsday nigh when Harvey Readlnfi daimcd twohi 73 vlc tury at 0mm 0sz The win movpd the Terrier to wlkhln hall game of Maine fielding Crcrxnnre Red Sux 1n the North Simcne baseball standings firm dropped the Drys to danger ONESame range the cemr edian fanned nine and Walk nur hcfnre relleved by iOrm and to start lhu eighth Oman Xanned Mo not cabin cruiser Reserve for Fish Guiding giakc Trqu tackle suppllcd Slat Parties Cruislng Leaves 0010 Hayfield 5L BLUEWHTEB 601031000 upusmnmrlmci PHONE JACK BINGIIAM 2571 Battle Children undur l2 SATURDAY 17 Miles of Barrio Highway 26 mmaluhunnhnwagm STARTS 1pm accompanied by Adult udmiflod 28 Dunlop 5Wuf and floor phonu 5529 BARR ONT EDENVHLE AIRPORT NATURE NAILS FREE Fm armday Iaviec No bubble murky needed Requirean no easy to mod lhghtowy loam for my good mu Mommmmdwmmbomwhmmm myndiexeompanylnibfld¢mmmwmeh iodayfatnfnsgfrimdlyloanonymnownfigmml IOANS ON SIGNATURI CAR 0R FURNITURE UnderC Sanction and Rules RACES JUNE 26 Ancr Barrie tallch once In the sncnnd lhc Terriers went ahead 41 In the fourth on Dave 055 fllsl tworun homer Laking sin glcd ham Walmslcy In Ihu mm for 51 lead hetero Raneiris 1WD The Dry had two new additions to the jam In catcher Gnnrge Rnnem who produced tworun dcllble in the sleh and len flelder Paul Megcr who slinnkoul three times and walked on our trlps to the plalc Allan Murrill also returned to the lineup flflLl lwnwcck absence Juhnny icllls contributed the teams Dnly other hi or Reading single in the sucond Orillla look 20 lead the first when Barney Walmsley re cruilcd mm Colungwand or hockeyplaying Surpasss qpened with single arid Lnklng rncclvtd an RBI when his mum srrcd Hi Mtond Router doubled Lak Ing home Hasswaa mum menace to Emm Hfis homch each Ilme came with one male aboard and he slugged double and single on tvyo nlher trips 10 share by zames Ending of them Home run Mtlleldcr Dave floss wimixni spéiuxm wuh Admission I00 of he season Lungball lheh scoring homered wnh um me only slnblc mg Blake ball 1m nCAF den ao n3 um Soulh Iana Slnclalr ulpxca In Um mirth and scornd on an infield play or 20 lead and hen Gob don Kncoshnw pnlcd humor with none on In the NHL Cumulablc collcclcd 12 utrlknnuu Cumulablc collcclcd 12 ulrlknnuu over the scvun Innimu and he only mm were single by Prudcnl and Lord bnlh scallcrcd The Flycrn left 10 runners stranded on the 1m 1mm omLLIA Walmsley 55 taking 13b Ross c1 Rnutcr 2b Trom bley McDonald lb Halotocs rf flow 11 nepmng Onnand Barrie 010 002 000 Orillia 200 212 00 ll Newmarkel Dixuns scored nigh runs inlhc first Inning last nlzhl and wcnl on to blank Edgar RCAF Toppers 70 In Barrie dLsMcl Indlcs softball game al Newmar kct The wln marked he Dlxnns flllh of the season wllhout delta they ride alone on up the 31x cam sundings Fennells Scéré First Victory Shujout Flygfg Ros wrapped upjhe win In the Shah with his second tworun circuit smash Barney Walmsley with three slnglés and Rouler with double and single allowed Dave Russ who had nunhlls the Terrier plate power BARRIE Merrill 2b Maze Poland Stewart rl Haneer Fem Coulsén CH7qu lb Emms Kerr Newmarket Blank Edgar Toppers run double brought the Drys to within halllmz distance manual or general mec lng the ladles Laotian lhlt lol lowed in me club house was he rlpafl on um sale 01 mm on the power lawn mower The mem ber 12 um Mm Corby Convener the draw deserved great deal oi cred or he mm the project The winner at the draw whose name was announced at the annual ladles June dance last Saturday evening was Jnmes Simpson IL was decided at the meeting that social evenings would bp held at the club house every oKhEr Sah urday evening Mrs flurry and her commuter wIll In dharge arrangmnenu or the gr therings particular welnomc the new members present was emanded by Mrs Dan Rumble ladies mul dent On Tuaday eveninl the lldlu action or the Ban1 Country dub hcld ninehole mummum la give the shaman 011m Ind 1h bushes Kiri lollcn anymorlun fly to plny together Mnty lady munben pantclpaledjn the evenL Symmer Social Evenings Planned At Country Club nCAF Flyersot éamp nur ao n3 Fennnlls scored their 50th Sflmcoc Gollball victory iau Wednesday nCAF Flycrs 30 n3 Fennnlls Conslnhlc hurled two hmlnfl nuncE gavE Fennel 11 Earl Glroy abnard In Hie ncchd by Con mm Mlnmlng scored 65 victory over Canadian General Electric 13$ night at Mincslng liul the game win he crossed mm he senior fiaflball record books Mincsin¢s Km Glenn bumd out of lurn in he fourth and dmvc In two runs Then In the sixth Min sinll puflcd Glen Adnms 1mm lhc outfield and Us nlnch hlucr In the hm damrmmd up dow wns simshcduna wc men were shaken up In the rush As an opener Harris Arena Tuesday Sterling Dlzzy DavLs will have return match with LouI5Pap Sncau at Quebec City Mlncsings Juggling of players rc sulled in mible dlfaull but CKIE manager Bob Malllon per mmcd replay instead FARMER PETE the sympaul catching midget who has been challenged by Diamand Jim Brady lo lagteam malch nn next Tucs days profwsinnnl wrestling card Pele will Iake on Irish Jackie alone and than cam with Sonny Boy Cassidy In tagloam much against Diamond Brady and ruth km Irish Jacldc Another mldgcl contest will nil Cassidy agalns Brady Mihesing Triumph But No Contest Another Replay Midgets Inque Wrestling Show Tuesday Night NEW ASE pvnwr mm on an mm me llcld $533 rm wanna mmt IIIUNI IlAllllll ELECTRIC STARTING DELANEY WAYNE lnmsnn bELanrT BOATS HAROLD Hill SIAMOISI ll ILP ouuonn moron LIMITED NEW CONVENIENCE Then In the lourth Hay Brill hammered twarun mundtrippcx in mm for margin but Ihosc were the only threats by um blueclad hmncstcrs who suifered their wars defeat nu scamn In my meetings CGE have yet lo sum the nnd over the redhot rural Community Larry Durnlard Glen Adams George Mllcs Ktn Glrnn and Glen Bullby all cnlléclcd two hILS hr Mlncslng Cv Cook with twodanlhrce cvenlng was CGE The winners bats boomed loud and loud started In the first lnnlng when Glen Adams crackcda Mummy humm lo left Icld No single and lyre infield errors gave them another pair n1 runs in thn seconds miraculously they with hold the scum sheet or three main lramcs but they cut loose again In thCslxlh when Glen Bchy opened with homer to 1m ccmrc Two mnre runs followed or Ihm singles and double In the seventh Bdlby tripled down Lhc lull Held foul line with one on to complete than scaring Evm 121 0GB unbelievably made ll clusc Hill the lalc Innings may rebounded In the llrsl for 21 lead on singles 1mm Ccc Cook Ab Bowen and Bill flaymll Lahmc had his roughest erm mnnl in two seasons given no nst as in unly one Inning Mlncslng were 21er in order They ml 10 runners on he paths and once freak double play by sccundbase man Camp Qipps win the bases loaded killed Mincsing uprkJ Ing 1n the fourth There was no mercy shnwn by Mlneang who cloVDercd heralded thandnr Lea Lablnc or 13 hm which Included two home runs and lrlple It mnrlmd Lablnus 1151 anack the seasonand also snapped CGEs undefeated string nlgour mm Velcran Ken Glenn had two lroublcsmna innings the first and the mirth but he allnwcd only suvon hits didnt Issue Walk and 10 of In 21 pquuLs were elthcr mas nr popups as hu generallnd no Mlnwng defensive play from the mnund labine Stung For 13 Hits First Defeat There green flash hslng on he ladder the Barrie dishSci senior mflball standlnu and they are being given serious considera uon In case the movement blur the name on the uniform HI M1331 Manager El Onward one the cnnlest mentors In tha circuit moved his munan charge with ch one palm leaguesleadlng Barrio Lmlon Wednesday mm with convincing 74 victory over knadlan General Electrlc at Queens Park MiNtEINGfidrmrd r1 Calvett nu bum mm In In lull unn on lronln muqu wnnly Inmu luve Alrudy hem Innhl wllh umplm on dll mnud llle wldlh nu rollllnent In Ill mm whom um ronucu 1an ml spllt lecondl luvma um quI ptnonn aver no close play Allke Hamhull mm mm lnnVI chanan playlnu Iulm In mu cvnlury lllll Illlmln ruptcl 1hr lllm hm Mute IDIZ unlin our sumo nnlnblc lnuvmvrxnrnll 11va In ll nmplrlnl anry In mm mm mm lwn In our ummm unluv lhe job hr Ilnulv Innplrv III 1012 The handy chlnl lllnl ml lyrunn IIH nnlumu dnyn loll hrhlnll lhr plnll rnlllng lmll flHll 1mm um whcn mmwuc un luxme hurlitdruul hum Ivrhhul lh hill Ilyul llmk his IIMHI hrhlml lhg Illthon cnlllnx he thus mm mm llnlnncu Alll frrl ur mm For ll In mm um Nal mva II In mmmum he Ind In turn whrn 11 mn wu Mt Io um ho mm mm In mm llm mu mm mum mum Ilw bun an lhrn perluvn Ium In an Illdn Inlo um mm rnECalvett SPORTS DflllJMN um dvnllvmImm Flu vmllr lvlnyrn elmNI Mm llw rmwd hallnl Mill Invl llufill Irllrll IHINUVI IIIHL llv llltllli hnvn in Human lhr uuuruw mllhmlly leuyl mnplvrl up hm to nm on In lnul mm wann wmnm fly mu hlr nr loul Nu hm mnkr 1mm mm 1mm mm Mill Implwnrll Ilm mum mu wllrn nr wnml humrr 1mm vulmll mum mlrI In IUIIH Hum xlrllllmu wrrr many ml lelrull II II rtlllu lw 0le mnkr nuly mnx jlulfillwnl IIIIIIIIIIII IVINI lmpr or Imirul knuwlnu III II IIMI Illld In hp Ia rmr all lull lmulnlu ha nrrlvrd Innml 82000 nml uponn you 11m hm ellm4 umyum mx umwm um In NH All ll wm all ovrr he unmhn mmln Mt lllvuhlnl way In Yaw on am logyMm In Ihh Juan ho Yumd by In hmvm to Calm mm 1m SL Yuan mtlul no ONIAIIO DISTILLERSKLIMITED TONIGHTBrooan at Alllswn 830 SATURDAYBradlord Bronklln 815 qurllm Bay MONDAYAllcnwond at Hlllsdale Phelpslon at Vnsey mum at yon Mc Nicol Monnstune at Edtnvalc Crnssland at Wynvalc Norlh Blmcoo SATURDAYCreemure Euulh Simone TONIGHTLisle at Ivy Alllshn at Bolton Palgravc at Newmankc MONDAYAlllslon at Palgmvc Ivy at French Mctnr Azr Park Adams 11 Adams as Miles 71 Glenn Wen Downey 3b Em Adams lb Beilby Wm Downey Chum ss CGECripps 2b Coyk r1 Crawl1rd b355 Phat Blmcoe NNIGlITCnldwatcr Sturgeon Bay Vlanla Harbor at Wurminstcr Imam Menl Sen NNIGHTgellag ai Mines MONDAYEdgar at Barrie CGE Newmarket at Elwivalc Vupniunlur mmeCnllhum It Midhun Amen M111 at GrenIcl Mineslnz Edtnvula cncl rhuriow 3i layman lb saucy Brill Davis labinc Umfllll Hare plate Hm Dangerfield Molar munm 69 Colller St Dial 2487 BIEYELES NEW mm USED WE SERVICE BICYCLES VVE SELL We npeclallxe In mum faulty bum Com In enmplele checkup 6n your par today 36 BAYFIELD ST BRAKES BASEBALL LACROSSE SOFTBALL Fennan n17 Bndlurd Alt Park 00317 13 zoom4 al Barn Linc Rockwcul assures you of complete home Icomlon and suhsmmiul savmgs annually on your home hcnlilu fuel bilL Firm Linc Rockwoul fitcvysislnnl moo 9ninsl moislurc mid vermin nnd will pay or itself in short limo Once applied Flccce Line Rmkwnol needs no uvlllcr uncnllun Hm no how uzonnmlcclly you an ileumlino your home ANOHIIR Alk you Mm Dnulnv OOODOOOOODOOOODO BISHOP ASPHMJ PAPERS umuao BUIlDlNG HAROLD HILL CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH FARGO TRUCKS 259 INNISFII ST TOWN BUS SERVICE nmmmnmm noun BARRIES FAVOURITE Used Car MARKET Flulnl NI Hhmu ICIDIW DIWIJIL Wu ll ullllNlIlIl mum flullflllbflolllnl10IOIOIIOJII Zleu South Barrio on Highway No II SHEER TflflNSPflflTflTlON £0 55 DUNLOPSTREET 182 BRADFORD STREET Econorhicnl to buy and cnsy to apply Biscu Fleece PHUNE COLLECT STHUUD 56822 ISINIUI COOIEIMIIVI HIfillVHTEH Your Huadquanau For Bulldan Suppllu 630 5111 to 300 mm 800 am to 900 am 900 mm to 1130 am 1136 to 130 pm 130 pm to 400 pJn 400 pm¢o 630 pm 630 pm to 1130 pm pm to 1139 pm um save as mud as 35 on fuel wit1 Blsco Rotr Wool BENIS SHERRI PAINSWICK ill0P PHONE 5941 HOLIDAY LIMITED DAI LY 16 MINUTE SERVICE 12 MINUTE SERVICE 15 MINUTE SERVICE 12 MINUTE SERVICE 15 MINUTESEIWICE I2 MINUTE SEIwIcE 15 MINUTE SEIwICE 15 MINUTE SERVICE PH 2429 IV wt afi

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