Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jan 1954, p. 14

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Trinity East End Anglican GrOup Holds Tea and Sale MRS HEBER SMITH right and Mrs Nesbitt president of the aliernuon group of the Womans Auxiliary at Trinicy Anglican Church were two of the women pouring tea at the Trinity East End Anglic an Group tea The ten assistgmt at left is Miss Anne Mctcalie while Mrs Allan Read and Mrs Shérring wife of the new Em LL LOOKING OVER the wmcs on the White EluphnM table at the ntlcrnoon ten and sale held at the home at Mrs Spnrhnm on Blake street lnsL wock under the auspices of lhc Trinity East End Anglican Group are Trinity East End Anglican Group Holds Annual Tea Thv Iuvuu III MI nn makn Shrfl ullvrly drrnmlml Mlh prunl mrl MIHI mlly Mlllulur Imva hwl lhIIH My nflrInmn lur Hu lhlul muunl lru nlul HII lrlnny thl Eml AHRHL lump hnm Tim hml munme hm yhunrd nunur mm In min ml Hn Mum lmvm vr Ilw mmmmn munm hul In IIll mm mu wrnllwr nmvml dun nvl llulr wnI ma nnwd llnuuuhvml nu armmm nhnnllrd wm lw nhlh lvuhllml lhv 1qu muk null hluv mum ms and 1m Mn flur Smith mu pum1rmur ullmlmnn urnup llu mnny Wmnnnl Aux lllmy Mn Allan mmlwm um mw rrclnr Mn Slurrlmu wm Ihr mm Mn Jurk Mildmvmn muzdrm mnuy Junw mum uml Mu muns Merwn runvrnrr In In ONTARIO IIOSPITAI ASSOCIATION lflhk which vnlrlnhrv duhlvx wru MN hr ullmlmnn rlcmmm Lllllfl umhx llu runwnvlshlp n1 Mrs mm nurhnm and Mn mun Mu 1erer mu xzrnrrnl mm mm ur ml llny wnn Mm mm HarllIy cumunmg th law Amnan up mu wm Mls Lurm Slrmmuh Mrs erph Kunwlm Mm Amu MI mm mm llnrllry Mm Jul Inlur nml MW Inrll ml Mm Curlull IIw luulru Mn nhnm nnrl MN Hwnxl JulmlnIL pxfihlll mm um um hmul Ihru wl Ilmuwuyfl Hu low nml mum IIw luulru Mu Spurth nnrl MN Hwnxl JulmlnIL mumm mm mm Ilud hmul xtcrlvul Hu uulwlw nl 4m mum Ilurv llw uvrv llw Hm Mn huuuurh Hunm mm mm lly wwu mm mm mum leluwu filmmmn 5th 11mm nml Jrnnlru mum wll Hullmvfly nuhl mkllu vluuuv Mu AIL lnLL lully ummmll um llrllrllNl lwr lhv Llll mm tlmvvnvdby Mln Shupnn and Mm nurry hr lmkr mm cnu nu Ilrr HmHh mLMH Iy um mm walk lhv wwwsz n1 Mrs Hurlmm and Mn lAIITOI IIH IL lnun van In 11 IHIHII mkr lhnl hm lurn PlAN OR NOSFIML CARE Trinity rector and wife the lhterim rec tor who now serves as assistant in the par lsh look on at right There was an excelient turnout for the ten which was served slde the Sparham home because of the bad weather mthejr than on the lawns ot the residence planned left to right Mrs McCarroll Mrs Page and Mrs SlmmsBull Miss Raina Show Ion In charge of the table In as her assistant in the background Mrs Barry Singer lnmmrr mm rm Tum lrnclur mm In Canada In um wcrc 40mm whlch romqu dirrmsr me 1mm or nu mm non were wmcr rac lur Mid Ibe wore the cmwkr lypz nun mm OF COURSE HAVE AN ESTATE My DMI hlmllllinfl lur me right novaml Will In In prclly lmpumm to me name my And fuller hum huw impmum luv In nulc pmpnly unlminiunul my mum how mull it may be Inmuu He may luzivc ulviL Iml Inimmc mm upuinuul Tm Ollmm on diqvmicinn nlhi um whlmm my Nifiuiun wmc for fire Imuklu Illuqulim Im Your Family STERLING TRUSTS conronAtIoN THE Barrie Banker Addresses Ivy Womens Institute Ivy Womens Inslflule Incl at the hem Mrs Jennnfil on June wllh ll members and hue visitors present Mrs Earl Reid lhc president cunductcd Lhu bush ncss session Curran cycm were rcvlcwcd by Mrs Gcorgv Carruthcrl who touched brlclly on the maltea ox segregation In lhc USv govern mum provision or military re search the annex5 unlon picnic the gathering 01 members of his toric Indian trlhcs Canada Quebec Jurinc and several other suhjccu Mrs Lee Hauling convener oi vauhlic rclnllons and community activilins lnlmduccdlhdspmkcr 0f the evening Paul Fisher manager of Hm Rural Bank Bar rlc Mr Fisher gave compre henslvc lnlk on Public Relations stilling that It was needed In ncss mény firms cmploylng offic ers sell me goodwill their firm The ML creating Aond Km pmssluns should apply to the In dividual Hrs and Carried to the ganlznlion she rcprcscms He mmmcndcd the WI motn For Home and Country which should not have be sold lo lhc people he clalmcd We should encourage people lo mnku whm is good haunt and culllvale the Kriundshlp 01 our neighbors our minislnr doctor banker lmlmr and merchant lo gain their goodwill and the weaken Mrs Palchdl 1lchcll lave musk lnlnr nnd cxcollem nlk on her vlsh lhu rvccnl brunch pres llllls conference In Guelph mak lng the member wflsh they could an have been lhnrc cu This was llmlmlbltdly Km day wllh nn less man Vc promMn lions includlm Mrs Imnhells The brunch has always made III In lhc rnllrinx president but ll WII loll lhal lhc sunlurk and lrcnsurnrs lcsnrvrd lnmk of up pmclallun no so rumor hclnlcdly aln wns prescmcd Mm Earl Carr lnc sccrclnry Mn 9M plan solo sun was 9njoxcdbz all Following God Save he Queen qeliclous lunch was scrvcdby Mrs Harry Banung Mrs Fred Nelsnn Mrs Cochranc and Mrs Jnnncll Presentation Of Gifts Feature OfW Meeting The regular meeting at Hollows Womens lnstllmc was held on Wednesday June 18 at the hnmc Nu RchL with 15 members and lwn vlsllon prescnl Mrs Rumble the president was In the chalr The roll call or HIV month was Earliest rccullcu lIon WI mccflng and thc mullu was Use oppnnunlly 15 the gateway ln success Com mcnls on the motto were prepared by Mrs Slrl eruhi whu was un nvoldably absent and read by Mrs Earl Caryn Annho busincm was canclud ml 0w mulinl was ulrnud over to Mrs llumbly cflizenship and ulllcalion Convener who Inlrndll Mrs llamhly hankld Mrs Pul chllt for her lfllk which was lhur ougth unluyad and prtsenlcd hur wllh small mm npprc mun Mrs Rumble Ivnd Mrs Wxhflns delcxnlofi rcporl uI Hm district annual mlLUng and Mrs Evans gave me dlrccwrs re port Womens Institutes luncu omu on Iv Ivh The clan president Aren lbald welcomed the members Ind report were heard from ren surcrs and secretary We mKn meallcncn was observed or twp members David Egan and Bobby Murdoch who passed away during the year Mam of the Archibald chn held their enjoyable lath reunlmr II Hand Held Park un June 11 The rcunlon program started mm ball game and an hour sports was enjoycdwnmrh about Dd enlnyed salad cr scch by the Bond Head $311 commutes The folluwflng prl as were given To the youngesl ch 1d Randy Mr Mflllan son 01 ML and Mrs Gur don MchIllan Woodland he one travellan larthcsl Mrs Myrtle Archibald Clan Holds Reynion At Bond Head Hmbly lat truasurcr nnd Io Mrs Evans Mercurytreasurer prior In Mrs Carr and Mrs Ham bly All were greatly surprised and plcakcd and replied suitably The last hula by no means least oi the presentations was 1h gin an insulated teapot to MI5 mid irnm he members an the occasion oi her 25m wedding anni versary which occurer on the previous day Mr Reid was not lnrgoiien vgry nice ash my was presented Mrs Reid or him and Ipprbclnfioltlrlor the very Im cxgeder guts The nallonal anlhem brought very enjoyable meeting to close and spcclalwcddlnu anniversary lunch was served by the hostess and lunch cummnlnc Vlrs 11qu expressed her thanks SIMMONS C0 SIGN OF THE BEHII THE COAT STORE FURRIERS Gurkey Lacomlge Aim the old cst member present Ruben Cam erom Allimn and the largest tummy Mr and Mn Andrew Ar chihald Tuuenham Central Unitédv Senior WA Holds Closing Meeting CtnLrIl United Church Senior Womens Assnciauon met on Thulldly evening June the ham ox Mrs Handy Parksidc Drive wllh large Ilwndivlnlve Mn Jory the presidenL was 1n the chzk or the meeflng which opened with the rum fly theme soul allowed by the mn What Friend We Have The electkm of office resulted as lullows President Arch lbald Wondbrldge llst vlccprca ldhnl Aubrey Lamlml Bolton 2nd vlceprcsldcnt Hartley Evans Bradlord secretary MtgHartley Evans Bmdord treasurer Miss Ruth Kidding Barrie mum treasurer William Halllngshcad Schomberg management cmnmlb cc Mlllnn chkllng Barrlc Mack McLachlnn Egbert Gcnrze Aber nnthcy Toucnhamh Ernest Arch lbald Elchmomj Hllland Andrew Archlhald Tullcnham spurt com mltlce Stanley Archibald Wood brldgn Ross Maben Balm Low ls Archibald Schombcr lrqypr Archibald Unlonvlllc and Mrs John Madson Toronto lunch com mlltcc Mrs Melvlllc Caldwell Barrier Mrs Ernest Archlbald mchmond Hill Mlss Marlon Arch lhnld Newmarkcl and Mrs Fred Tue Alllslonl The bustncs meeum closed wlth singing of God Save The Queen The 1955 rcunInn will be held at Bond Head Park on lhe second Saturday In Junta BARBIE mm 3mmmmm wmmasnn 1mm Esq1 Mrs Jory thanked the member or their help In making the lur tion and whue elephant sale most nuccesgluL Mn Maw reported card sent to the sick The devotlona period wan In charge Mn Rtnnlck who read the scripture and ltswn thought on Stewardship vand Tnuleuhlp Corlmhlans chap nnd prayer July and August arc holldnyll The Senior WA will resume it mumhly meeflngs In September repealed In unison Mn Feltls gave most Inter csMng report on the annual Slmcue Prosbytérlal held In Cenlral Church on May 12 MI Folds congratulated Mrs Jory on being elected in the next two years as president Slmcoe Pres bylcrlal MrsJary thanked he memberslor the lovely carsagc In Jenni naum Prayer wulhcyprnenea her with on the BARRIE 15 Elyfleld Strut 1nd Floor Phom i931 ORILLIA 32 Mlsslssnn sum El 2nd FIN uPhnml 3505 OPEN zvgmNps vamNmENvmoN rpl EVENING nouns pmmn pm In In new 16 Cull You on EXAMPLE OF LOANS hmnul um umy II all SUMMER HEADQUARTERS FOR mmmm mums 15an rummus snmm Lnmzmzs onvonlonl officerKilkh ls neurasliyou SWIM SUITS DDZENS 0F STYLES NEW FABRICS CULUHSI SURPRISEPRICED HT $495 $7 vs $530 PLUS THE 1864 umnmd office Cnmdl Ind cuschmm IOANQ To your need income A11 In Step Guldn In Mr vwca employed peapl IVISIHOAN Plume am No bank nbla mumy required 46 Mn Pzflrldze IV flu report at the exposition held In SL Pauls Unfled Church OIHHI Mrs Jory renalled or the Da mlnlon Cuumfl held in Emmanuel College 1bronln which he had mendtd Lunch was sexijd by the hostess Mrs Handy Issiswd by Mn IL Aynm MB Allan Mrs Manny and Mm McFadden The mean closed with Mizpnh NAYIPNCWID CRIB Over 800 95 AND

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