Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jan 1954, p. 13

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AROUND TOWN IANII It was an interesting career that the iorrner Muriel Peacock daugh ter of Mr and Min Peacock of Stroud looked back on on her wedding day Saturday As she be came the bride oi Gordon Camp bell Montreal textile engineer she said goodbye to one oi the most glamornter tubs that exist for young women today For over six years oi her eight and halt years service with TransCanada Airlines she had served as art At lantic stcwardcfi crossing to Lon don Paris and even Dimeldori Germany once and alternating these flights with flying trips to the Caribbean with stopovers in such fabulous vacation spots as Barbados Bermuda Trinidad and Jamaica in the British West Indies She knows Paris and London well and Shannon Airport in he land is familiar sight tn her but silt is content to settle down in her new home it Valleyiield Ques bec surroundc by trouseau that will Constantly remind her oi her travels There are her tour uhccpskin bedroom rugs irom lceland her heavy woven set of table mats from the Irish countryside lunch con seu irom Jamaica and Nasr sau tray cloth from Shannon her odd little silver coffee spoons bought at diiierent antique chops in Londomand an old silver may onnaisc dish picked up in the same way beautiiul little wood on cigarette box that Is also music box that came from Inter lalrcn Switlerland her tiny ele phant figurines with ivory tusks that she bought In Trinidad and pcrtumcs from Paris Her set of steak kniveswlih unusual huifalollandlcs came from Germany and shc has lunchcnn set that was brought back to her irom ilong Kong Nearly all oi her guest towels and hand tchlu come irom such iaraway spots as Jamaica and Barbados and She has pnir oi lamps of ncrmunn cedar wood4lhnt Is dying out and an after dinner coffee set from Janop that Iihc bought in Barbados From Santa Maria an island in the mid Atlantic she has table cloth and her pottery comcs irum ctiltnrnin bought on Vacation trip there lier Czechoslovakian crystal was bought in Paris and she particularly prizes the solid silvcr candelabra from Austria lithrltrtln when or ctAtthETELUTE SAHAPHUNE Marital Instruntnlert lies 22 Blutielti St IIrile FHDNE 4l2i RADIO TELEVISION SERVICE REPAIRS Cornxis highly Ilnlnttl tooliniclanx are flilly qllhliflctl to service any Iililllt or ltllVISltlli rtt gtlllrhniccti to give you satisfaction and Co Bortio Television Exports tuve yult money 259 IIIIIISIIl ST that she found in an antique shop in Paris Another set of candlestick are Indian bras and were hnught in Trinidad and she had two paintings at typical Eng liab scenes to hang on her walla and two little wooden shoes from Holland that she bought in Lon don to hang her ivy irom well as novelty good luck pot gold from Shannon From Nassau are little pair of flower vase In the term oi greoni glass boots and the has an in sulated wickerware tea pot from England that will keep tea but indefinitely from Vancouver beautiful piece of Venetian glass that she picked up In the Dickens Curl ity Shop in London or from Fleet Streets tnmous Ye Old Cheshire Chats little Dresden figurine irom Gerrn any given to her on trip back irom the contincnt by shipall 115050 will remind her at her travr Silt will not soon forget her TCA stewardess friends either or her airline days She has Royal Douiton Itgurlne presented to lhcr for appearing on radio show six years ago and silver tray irom the stewardess Club that will go witha 60yearold tea service that was the 25th wedding anniversary gift of her grandmother the late Mru Francis MoMulkin of Egbert The stewardess Club In Monirettl also presented her with an en graved compact commemorating heryears oi travel across the its lantlc Born and raised at Waterloo Home the frtrm which her an costors cleared from virgin forest and which has been in the rm cock family or five generations the June bride in graduate of Barrie Collegiate and Wolloslcy Hospital School of Nursing In Tur onto She served as nursing sis ter with the lloyai Canadian Army Medical Corps during the last two years of the wttr before the start of her stewardess career Double Shower CANADIAN GENlthAI ELEC Tltlc CO bride llca Wye wtts showered recently at tho home of Dnlorcs Goodclilld She nlho Ecle brntctl her birthday ilerc the bride prcpnm tn serve the show or cake CGE News 0P Little totem poles Kate Aitlen Has Travelled 75000 Miles This Season BltlDE 0F SATURDAY June 19 the iormer Muriel Pea cock daughter of Mr and Mrs Peacock oi Stroud holds two pieces oi the trousseau that she collected in some faraway spots oi the world Transcanada Airline Atlantic steward ass ior six and half years she brought the silver candelabra rightin London in an antique shop Originally from Austria it was sold by refugee durtng the war The Indian brass candlestick in her right hand came irom Trinidad and in the background is one of her iour sheepskin rugs irom Ice land iier marriage to Gordon Campbell of Vaileyiieid Quebec took place on Saturday in St James United Church at Stroud LarsenMadill Nupiials are Held In Trinity Church Trinity Anglican Church Bar rie was decorated with pink and white pennies ior the marriage of Miss Luella Ferne Madiil daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Emerson Ma dill of Bradford and Dr Edward George Larsen son of Mrs Vera Kovai at Royal Oak Michigan on Monday eveninglune 1414 scvenv thirty oclock The doublering ceremony was performed in canA dlclight setting by licv FG Sherring Mix Roberts the church organist played the wedding music and accompanied the soloist Mrs Clarence Noolc cousin of the bride in the singing oi Pcrfect Lovcend Because during the sign ing of the register Given in marriage by her father the bride was wearing ballerina length gown oi whitc lace and nylon not over taftetaller lin gertip well was caught to pearl trimmed crown and she wilt lear ryinp whitcaipio with wn orchid and otcphanoils Ci Her attendant Mrs Alien Glass fnrti of Docton wits wcnritli lt ballerinalength gown at White embossed nct over orchid with matching headdress and mauve ac cessories Itcr noscgay who of deep purple calnations with sweet pea Dr Itlchnrti Kultlnnl oi Grand Itnphls Michigan wax crontnsntnn Ertmlnrr Photo by rtvrrn Departing Pastor And Wife Honored By Sunrise Group The Sunrise Group til the Senior Womans Assntlliliion Central United Church held its monthly meeting in the Vestry on Tuesday afternoon Juno with it good at lendancc and several visitors Mrs Knupp leader of the group opened the meeting with The Lords Prayer in unison Milt utcs oi the previous meeting were read and adopted The trensurers report and binincss discussion foll owed At the close oi the mccllng Rev and Mrs It Down were proscntcrt with ntl autographed quilt made by the members of the group assisted by Mrs Pearson ii you have mind ior ileum here are some amazing flatlitter on Canadas flying Kata Attken She has covered no less than 74 891 miles during her current travel radio and lecture reason in terms of more iamiliar distance thats the same ilyinzlfl time across Canada between St lobns Nild and Victoria BC Mrs remarkable flyinl rccardhat taken her not only across Canada but three timer to orltain to Germany at Christmas and avounttvtheworid in March During this hectic travel schedule however which included 15 coun tries outside Canada our energetic lady of the airwaves has not miss ed one of the 600 broadcasts the is under contract to make ior three Eeparate sponsor over 40week period There was her oncea week panel show ior CBC tun plus 58 extra broadcasts she knocked oii at outoitown ita tions she visitedduring the season From September to June Kate Aitkens radio and speaking on gagements took her to 29 differ ent cities in Canada She delivered total or 47 speeches to audiences totalling 28813 and met with net rcscntatives oi 1640 organizations That Is notall there is in the busy life of Kate Aitkcn ShLl 0p ened hcr iamous beauty spa this season wrote two fulllength pocket books series at girlhood memoirs and 10 different articles ior Canadian publications sistance Mrs lory presi dent oi the Scnior WA read poem anti Mrs Knuno made the presentation and pinned cor sage of gnrticnyiiuwersnon Mrs Bewell The poem rend Through beautiful garden have travelled And what flowers have bloomed there picked each day in my Journey The flower of loyalty and friend chip fair They wore nurtured by your pray ers and kind deeds And the sunshine of your smile Each day fresh new blossom As we spent mrlny happy while And bound tllcm all together Into this memory bouquet That will live in the garden of otlr hearts For many and many day It Bishop song very sweet ly In the Garden of Tomorrow ercnmpnnlrn by the church organ ist Warren MncIrenIl lttv and Mrs Howell both rc piled very itttlngly Mrs Cloutth and Mrs who designed the quilt in ttiprc llnrris server It dainty lunch foll eintiun of their kindness anti iI owing the enjoyable meeting Imd Calvin hihdill brother of the bride acted as ushci reception followed nt llay ntalrs Lodge Mincta Point where the mother of the bride received In micwaod crcpc wearing white accessories anti oorsage of red ms assisted by the grooms mo thcr who wllt in trii hluc crrpc with lace InsrLv In liil liodlcc and was wearing white accessorch and corsacc ui rcti rams Leaving on It wedding trip to points In the Unltttl Stairs the hrltlt was wearing it ctirrtl IInon ensemble with it white hat willie ncrruittrics unit an nrclllil cotaagt On their return Dr nliit llirs Larson will he residing in Itlrt land Orrtton Among the liilliIl0Wn glint at it wtlltllng were Illr ntili Mrs Naval Miss Joyce Novel and MI Nnrnlrt KIlVilI nl Ilnyitl Oak erhtgnn filllt Mrs llilia Krtltrr ltf Gmul Thunder ItllnntIoiaJOtIt PHONE 2429 GRAHAM AND FLEMING FEATURES BILLS litIII IlllNl0l STlll IE rr thirst Iront tilttonco wrrc from Toronto Wrstttn hmt lcrllrilluc BETTER BUXS lilt 33th DAYS ONLY THUR FRI SAT ItilAiWTtiIIANII DRAPES tan tittlllrll unions in lItlIIll tif itiiltl illtil pitt llrltI Flitli illittll II width and tit yum loot rlhhtml with punh pinn rti hourlu wul hon vallllll To 1500 ttllr lltlll MOSQUITO NETTING tit wltltll in whit or up vtitll 19c liNtiltIHIl iIZItItY TOWELS ltitai int kllillNl or round tiny Nltlltlitl lilttlltxh tcrry ground with my riilnlltrll alltxwv tomorhnnto the It 20 r0 100 ltAYON Bedspreads ltotttrlt tmi FIN on it till In Itllli of IHlli Itlllr or IIIIUtl lllliL NVrlul tut mlinzt or home use 398 ml tlATH TOWELS liltt illitst tiatli nlou llhr In It In Iittllt ltf llltlml liAtlt 79c it AND litltii liftwAIfI Motoring 10 Portland Oregon LANSEN sign the register iot illwllig their recent llilio Wtlltlllig til irliilty Anglican Church IlirC The bride hi the IUiillLl Lucliil icrlie Mutiili daughter or Mr lliill er lilltcfiiilll Millllll of llrtttlinrtl ftlitl the groom to tilt tutti or Mrs lttivttl of litiylli Oitk MICIIIKitli Mrli Amen to it ttrlltlllliio oi the Royal VICtililit lintipltltl itclitlol Ill Nursing at lilllrli tltltl Illi ltllstilttltl In it ttrittllillle ii the Ulilr Vtiitlty of Michigan Medical ilclilittl IIiiy lirc lllnlOllliK tti lltrtlilliil Orttttiil tmtlh lllttlllt hllitltiiait ti itlllt llll Inititlt ItHNitltTHi TIIIIIIIITII iiiilli MucTIEIi ALSO liiltl HlitIiIINIiltNlt llAItllfillit TititilllIiNtitht IltlllAt It IIIIZNtil NINtIIIIItIIlNII IlllltAtI nlIIY July II III IIIpt NillltllltllllNll tlnItIIti Ifnlllllyli IIIIINIIAVttAlll ert It HIINIIAYN July II II 11 Aug III ll lll lv Tnttmln Ar hlflflflt Ar Mltlitllllt Ar Rveln FIIII Al Into It pm me tun Itll run llv IIIell Iv III Falls In lllrtlnnlr Iv hllllllunt stl pr not put lull tun pm pm Wedks SewThrifty Its our SewThrifty of the Week wardrobe of fashion tor the simplest sewingl See the diagram one main pattern part to the bodice One part to skirt Whip this Voutilt up to wear now Choose cotton silk print or tissue faille Pattern 4885 Mlsses Sizes it is teat Size to dress ti yards 35inch Jacket 2v yards This pattern easy to use simple to sew Is tested ior iit Has com plete illustrated instructions Scnd THIRTYFIVE CENTS 35c in coins stamps cannot be accepted ior this pattern Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NU HER Send ord to ANNE ADAMS care of The Barrie Examiner lat tern Dcpt co Front St West Toronto Ont Presbyterians Al Peace River Told At Coldwaler YWA Progress of tilt Presbyterian Church in the Peace River district where he had served as mission ary was described by Rev Mr Moore of iiiilsdale in an address to the spring thankoiiering meet ing or the Young Womens Auxil lary of St Andrews Presbyterian Church Goldwater on June It There was in large attendance with visitors from Ortilln Victoria Harbour and Madame MlFs ltlcrna Fcll president con ducted thc nlccting She recoivcd the guests at the tour assisted by Mrs Kcnhelh Iialillltun and Miss Kny Sicwnrt Miss Edna Loncy gave report on the proosscnthly ot the church which she attended dclcgltie front Cultiwnlci and also acted tl organist Iicv Charles Cnrtcr sang Tile Ninety and Nine accompanied by Mrs Wylie at the organ Mrs Jack McCttskcll mad the scriptures and Mrs Cyril ltlttriln irn Inpraytl Olicriory prayer was ttlvcn by Mrs Wylie Thanks to the weaker were ex irrrsrtl hy Min Kathleen Gol braith Mrs it bcatiterdaie hiontrrnl hospitni visitor gave tow remarks during ttte social pcrlod Modemlzed Cars Thrrc mtltlcrnlled Ilcrpltig cm of the pnpnlnr Island chm wcrt recently Ililttrl in service by the Clttthtllan National liatlwnya lit twrrn Montreal and Norantiti Iiuuyll The Ititerlltnl of the tight toctlllll Ind fultr double bedroom cars have been ticcorntcd in bright tiltsth slttlticx with matching rugs and upholstery The txterlttra spirit the nrw gultl lilatlt lllttl prrrn rotor with the Inn rtll mettle lcui rmt on thr stunt BLIND SOPRANO EARNS DIPLOMA in MUSIC CLASS wNDON JUNE It CPI Doreen Mary Winkier Zlyear old girl who hat been hiind since birth patted another milestone in her career when she received her associate diploma in music irom titer Western Ontario conservatory at music titer another year of university study the hopes to take BA delree after which she aims to become music teacher Mrs Emil Winklcr of Yorkton Sask received the biggest ovation oi the more than 600 graduatinz students at the annual spring cun voeailon of the University of Western Ontario She has been studying music at Western an scholarship since 1032 Doreen took her high school education at the School tor the Blind at Brantiord and then went to Hamilton to study at theConr servaiory or Music there Alter had takcnmy Grade voitfe examination in Hamilton the said decided would liki to take university course where could combine music and the arts friend mentioned her to Dr Harvey ltobb principal of the Mitsic Teaching College and head of the AWO music department auditioned ior him Doreen said and later he said he would be prepared to oiier me scholar ship to pay my music foes She has many good iricnds at the university who read to her to help her in the English course Lecture notes are made on little braille slate VAST OCEAN The PneiflcOecan is 10000 miles wide at the Equator with total area of 70000000square miles Doreen daughter at Mr antli It RECENthflE BRIDE Mrs Lee tMcLaughlini Campbell is presented with it travelling case and cup and saucer irom friends In the assembly department oi the Barrie Works of the Canadian Gen cral Electric Co Etd CGE News PLUMBING SUPPLIES for Cottages cabins Motels Illlomes Toilets Basins Bathtubs Showers Sinks Pressure Systeml Sump pumps Copper Galvan izcd Pipe and Fittings Etc You pay no freight Write for tree catalogue JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES Streetsvllle Phone 352 Open ch st Fri Evenings till 930 pm BM TRAoEiNSI towgnoai how much more we give you in finecur ew performance HUDSON StockCat Champion On the stockcor trucks worltia toughest pubs licproving ground It udaona stamina safety and rondability are demonstrated by more victories this year than all other makes com binedproof npicnty thnt Hudsons your smartest buy See us Btudud In and MM noctiuttm Anti today wiilt Ia aha Itibnt mild Vllill MIITIIIIS 11cowan ST BARRIE When you ask yourself Which Vinegar shall luse To not In Ilrtl il huh Iryclaltlrt on the nu tl Iltal tItc IIINI Ilattillt IlIlIiII ynit nrctl the but lltrgai fill it the ttilrtltull ItttlltilicynltlllcIlilnrtiwttlltlttlIIIlciillt Itt lilerer PLASTIC COTTAGE SETS ti tilrcc IPII movie to ill tlin nvmur wlotiow rttttltt nt tut mnl pal lrrns trillnt film to tutlt ttIrr INDIAN BLANKETS Gav Mount hull worm in tlittlu ot tttittrl Amourhmr III tltill pm Ar Truman HTANIlAltlI IIMI wnlr Tniuttnlt won mot rotomit to not from rut iiunn nnt tInltry to on troutt tru stop to IltttrI intrtmrrilrt point rut to ml of tho PLASTIC DRAIES tillllolllc In nu Hill In tho Itultic Fltrlnlr Honk ltt choice of colon Frill tlrxtpt TI wttlc it Illll IAIII FEATHER PILLOWS L49 Amirttilntal nlro In it nwrml 11 Il met you ttittllry ilttallu little you Illl II Imiyy hay lirittt unitIt thin hair of Vittrgatlltitc Iitlrr attll Mall HEINZ VINEGARS AIADAI NINE all INA 179 369 with tall quality troll ilcklnl Molt kl squAt xtsnntntlmuvhufihom crunch tai 1A iutotnm

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