Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jan 1954, p. 12

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Jim mat ma Wm EXAMINER wizpfiéémy Jim 23195111 HE Déiry With anticipation we wait the mart celebrating month at the yearJune Iwhen showers are planned weddings take place grud untiens end hetuu oi steady concen tration and picnics give us the first taste oi summer outing to come dairy industry it Join ing in with their own celebration June the Dairy Monthn sniute to the time oi year when dairy ioods play most prominent rule in the neverending performance at plun ning what were going rtu eat Dniry tqoriu are most heipiui when were organizing shower cater ing to wedding reception enter taining utter graduation cerem uny nr arranging fur hangup picnic On such occasions that scrumptiouslooking and goodtast ing toad is expected to the great est degreeus we search iar novei twists an the standard appetizers cookies cakes desserts and bev eragesend that where the dairy iuods iit into the picture Womb of Celebrations WWI thB kg mindwe oflcr for calm and flavor contrasts dalry lwdd nndslmwbcrrlnsln henn Ihaped meringue in ice cream smoothly made with evaporated milk and cinnamonspiced berry crenm MILE Ench one 15 an ad bl symphnny In red pink and whflca rlbule to he blushlng hridelube the wedding guests ghe rellevnd but happy graduam or the auslcd youngster whos glad hell soon be true schoolronm IthkllLS Strawberry lleart Meringue pink perfeetlon to say the least is the answer tn hostess prayer for an easytoprepare dessertfur bridal luncheon or animal shower Strawberries can he huiled and Weetencfl lee cream made or bought and the meringue shell pre pared all beforehand The scoops of ice cream could be taken from your own freezing tray or the second reelpe we have for you is delicious eomblnallun of chilled eyaporaled milk whipped to feamy llghtnem melted marshmal lows and erushed strawberries frozen to velvety smoothness Strawberry Cream Tarts are the prettilst you ever sawwith each individual tan shell ilcd high with clnnnmnn andclngsugar sprinkled strawberries on top whipped cream cheese mixture llyer in the bottom Strawberry lleart Marlnnle Makes ii to Servings egg whites it teaspoon salt teaspoon vlnegar cup sugar if teaspoon vanilla trad food coloring optional lnint fresh struwberriu tablespoons sugar lhriek strawberry ice cream Combine egg whttu salt and vinegar Beat until soft peaks are armed Add cup sugar gradual ly about tablespoon at time beating well oftcr eaeh audition Conllnue beating until all sugar is JSUlvcd and mixture in very am Add vanilla and several drops of food coloring Beat well Line cookie sheet with un glaaed brown paper out to fit Trace an or ineh heart on the brown paper from cardboard pattern or heartshaped cake pan Pile meringue in centre of the heart lhen smooth out to the edge of the pattern wltlI spatula build ing wide rim arnund lhe edge oi the heart Bake in slow oven taoo for 45 minutes or unlll hell is dry on the outside when rheli is cool remove brown paper Int chill in refrigerator Slice fresh strawberries and sprinkle with sugar Chill in re frluerator Just before servlmt remove meringue from refrigera pnpullr Ilnlifu grnrrr nml wilnvrmnlyrrlimlnuflthmomh In In Hurlr drum nf ururhy Imlmmfnrl hm cnmn qu llunh loulrrilhm llmgnmxmmlnin 921 II Illm Im lonl out Cun lrdunliun lira lmummy lrminn llln mun innlmlml 82000ti humm mum ma 1m nponml Mum lull vvllh the My ml IInplymrnll ml hi humr In Iml only in much MI lur lrlivr mun pllm ll wu plrnlnul mu pm when Im whammm luhl him how unlly Illum rmInl mun IIIIHAWilhuul vih or Inxrllmrnlwnnirl mun vlmrlmllj Imprinl In in you an mm your mum Mme uuwuml pmlwcl yum Iuml mm Ilm umn lime Illh nnhxlrullnn Uln Irmhnl llm willu lnululm nonredcraudfi For Fm mild Rubin In will Nvl Mumrlq null III DXPMIIIIIVI Clwlluo MINI Rulirn on $200 Monlh for Life AHMIHIOI tnr end all centre wllh generous lump mrawberry lce cream Top wlth rah rlleed strawberrlex and serve lmmedlalely slnwbeny lee cram Makes to 10 Servlnu LNDHEVIpomled milk chllled Icy co 14 marshmallows Uh pound cups ruin nrawberrlex Pour cold evapnrazed mllk lnla 1rcezer may and chlll umll lee crystals arm around edges Mel mamhmnllnws In top of double holler over not water Mush slrnw berries and add Io melted marsh mallows Coal whlp lcy cnld evaporled milk in chilled bnwl unul sllll Add nlrawberrymnrm mlllow mlxturu nnd bent unlll llultyr Pour lnlo relrlgerala Imy and Ireczewllh conlrol set ll cgldest gan slnwberry Cream mu Makes TarLi ounce packages plnln cream cheese tablespoons cream Va cup sugar teasponps gran uranng rlnd or lemon rind quart fresh strawberries tnhiapaom icing sugar ensp00n cinnamun baked pastry tart shells Bent nrenm chews until smnoth Add cream sugar and orange or lemon rind Beat until fluuy and smooth Wash drain and huli strawberriesi Slice in hail Comm hine icing sugar and cinnamon then mix with sliced strawberriesr ChiiL Before serving spread thremquurtem oi chewc mixture in bottom of artsy Cover with strawberries Top with daub or engese mixtum Serve immedi More ilian ever before Bad in 939 for inciance ilie aVeiage Canadian weekly paydieque Would buy 84 gallons of gasoline based on figuwc ofllie Dominion Bureau of Siaiielics Todays weekly pay cheque Wlll buy Mgallonc go including +he provincial gasoline lax which is considelablyj highsh ihan bebre ihe war To pmL If an or way 33 in 1939 lhe average Canadian Worked 33 71 minuresio earn enough +0 buy one gailon ofgéLsoline 1m hday he works Ju9f l7 minufec or abomL hathe fime And +0day 8990 giveg more miles and WM perfinmance +han ever befbre Suipm by FarmeflNeilbhon Mi Illd Mm Dyer who ecemiy moved to Barrie were plaaunlly Lunpriseci when neigh bcr 1mm this are called on them on Thursday evening iur social hour and presented lhgm with an Electric keiue and other gliis as remembrance on leaving his com munlly er nud Mrs Dyer rc plicd very graciously and end were enjoyed beram boufilliul lunch 110mm Binla llnnpllal Congramlauuns Mr and Mrs Clarence Carson onthe unlval bnby girl In the Royal Victoria osphal Barrie on Saturday June Carson Howard Torymn is spending the summer vacation at Carsons Mr and Mrmz Dame and childien Wmuwdule visiled at Carsons on Sunday min and Mrs Harold shunswcn and son at Cnrlyon vhsllcd on Sun ay wnh Mr and Mrs Murray Lostnnme By Fire Mrs Elmer Uncles spent law days with her skier undJnmlly Mr and Mrs 13 Power of Pn polnt who lostnuelr home recum ly by fire Méore Unllcrl WMS and WA The WMS and WA held their Junc meeting Mrs William melnrdu Willi good allendanée The worship service was taken by Mrs Aiiismir Crawlurd The study World Cannon Churches was given by six members wh was much enjnyndi The businuu was under Mrs Hnwnrd Crawford Rev Hugh Shannon closed with bone ORO STATION APTO IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED caSHrR Mr and Mrs Dcnls Nichols Tm omo visited uni Saturday wllh ML and MN Elwond and Nelsnn John sumo summuwnzn by lovely mm rpcent bride Mrs Hugfi Mer rlnm who was feted at bridal shnwer held began her Yune wed dlng nl hu home Mrs Dunl xas Cumon on Chppmonfstrefl The bride Is the farmer Constance Laws Lcqa News ldlnflon Lunrhwus served by the hastess Mr and Mrx Howard Crawford and children visited Mr and Mrs Rny Shaw Rugby nn Sundny SIWITEII Quickl Slop hlxlnx of Irma uni hm mh 2mm hlvu mpltt mlu Imbln mum Ml um um ulunally uued nun mubxn Un ukkIrfinn mde ununpnc II cnlfilon cumulus minim smut mu In my hm mm mflu dem ha PRESCRIPTION Bride ShbWered bflqloc YOUR FQRP Market Square chm no voun roénmonnncn mums 3175 BEST nuvs IN TOWN ARE wmlnc FOR You Luv mlloaur driven by wmmny eumll llVE Allradlvc Ler blur IUC lwalvr EK lvllllmhfl Vuluu Ill ls prlcc In luvrly Cundlllun This rllr wlll Imvldr uumy ths trouble we molnrinu 1952 FORD COACH 81mm uumcuw unr tvllrcl nu Axnllvnl mn has melvml Ax Fxrpimulmy 1an HI mnn Mlm Inm rum mml Numunknl ummmrmuun mlnl prl I954 FORD TUDOR I953 FORD TUDOR mulmuH wlm Imllu ml luuIrr maunnn mm qu mumnpuc In I95 FORDCLUB CONVERTIBLE 1950 CHEVROLET COACH BULLOCK MOTORS l95l MAYFLOWER lhlI cur hnI xrm Clilujllllily lnmulllhnml I949 DODGE TON PANEL s1995 $1695 s1495 $1475 $675 $1095 MONARCH DEALER rm cur mm aman new palm job ler rncllcully ncw um Thurmth thtcktd uvrr nml nhuuhl ulve uumy m1le lwuhll Inu drkvlnu 1949 CHEVROLET COACH llmllu nml luthr 70ml Hm I948 PLYMOUTH SEDAN I947 FORDA PASS STATION WAGON Hm an ldrul lamllymnr Vrry nllluhlr lor Inmrmn mum wummr mva I947 PONTIAC SEDAN Aw Lula in wmnn rvrlylxxlyl um mum nmu ynur clmmv Hm hrnch lhlu nunmur Imrunlu II I940 BUICK CLUB COUPE I946 FORD PICKUP TRUCK s795 NIIIIIU nvvrhnulrd Phone 552d 95 $250 $495 $695 s195 s395

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