Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jan 1954, p. 11

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Tim utmwbcrry time In Ontario and nncc mull rwo hnvnn cnnnce muynw ltrndlllonn und lullclmm luntlvnln whlch Imam produce much nuclnl nullvlly John Lnndy of Annmum un Mommy set vn world record or tho mlln with llmo of lhroomlmmn fill acmndn IL In only cw OILaka nlncc Honor Hnnnlntcr of England ucclllllc the mu mun In history 10 small Pnrllnmcnt nt 0than ls llkcly to nrorouue thls wéek but um second sesslon starting in uvcmbcr wlll hch may murmlu rune tn rntcpuycrs ls expected to be uovcrn 1mm blll to bowl grunts mud to munlclpnl 1th In plnce munlclpul mm on redoml prbpcrly It was just one year ngo thatthe Honor lnble Welland Gemmell Ontario Mlnlster nt Lands and Forests addressed joint meeungrul the Kiwanis Club or Barrie and the Farmers of Slmcoe County at Spring wnter Park Mldhurst Editotjal Notes Ci HHHHH mammmmmumuunm lI ElmElma fixantinngfla mmmtfiumfimmfi It Is distrusslnl once more to hour or strike voles helm taken by rullwny workers the nine dnys or August 1950 do nut seem 10m ngo If hes lucky hell eventually find cool spot 11 blt on the beaten path not too Inr on though hes mlndlul of the cur swings But hell have 50 hr to drlvc home Lhul there wont be much time to enjoy the beauties of the countrysldc Then lts back to the crowded hlghwny xmd home Hed like to stay in the country llvlng In small town where the pace ls slower nnd Its only wnlk to summer retreat Bub economics being what they are hcll Just have to put up wllh the lam drives for mmlly outlng Nowadays golng out tuthe country for day isnn expedition Gone are the seclud ed sylvnn spots within easy ranch or the hemmed1n city man who used to take streetCar to the my llmlts anh more he was right in the country For instance take Toronto not necessar lly typical Canadian city but Illustrative the problems mherem In any mans setting out or chnic He must drive miles below rmchlné the city 11mm 6116 he cant stop there smnck In the middle of huge suburban hnuslng developments or maze modern factories He musc drive perhaps or more miles before reaching open country There he aces farmland carctully fenced In by farm us who have ruetul recollections past excursluns of some my talk the few who always spoil things or the clay majority The North Bay Nfigget said Mr Gemmell was mans man truenortherner From the days when he operated little post ofiice in his store at Whitefish and com posed notices of public interest which he placed on the wall and later when he was reeve and then when he was member oi the Legislature and still later whenihe was member the Cabinet Welland Gemmell worked unceasingiy for his fellow man Few men have accomplished so much in suchra short period of time and we in Northern Ontario will always be grateful to him NowMthnt the flng weather ls herewlth the dug dnys Inst approaching the bigcity dweller looks wlth envy upon the chow in the small town In the Industrial nge Ilndlng place or Inmllymlcnlc 15 no easy matter To be sure there are parks But for the real dawntoennh Inmlly plcnlc nothing can bent retreat to the country where the kids can run free of city trams and mom and pop can sit in the shade or treeyprelembly beslde brook that just little lmnglnntion can make habfile On Friday nftemoorj of lust week at North Bay Mr Gemmell had just finished speak ng to the Cnnndlnn Insmute of Forestry when he collapsed and died of nheart attack His passan has shocked the entire province for he was genuine servant of the public He was only 43 yenré at age pnd had gust reached the prime or me Picnic Ilossv of True Servant ummnu Tm nuuur nxmmnn Luurm WALK lmlllcnl CIIIIIICK Vlulnofldnul mvm HominyTram Hun 11 ummm um um Cnanln um mm nuhllol Avmln er lnld MK Clrculallnn MIIIIIILEIIVIIIE Mar CH Iv um mm lum In In um um um mum uoo mm nu nu mmom nun ADYAN an am ovum lulu nul no cum mum III num nu um nun mam wu Headathes 42 Al The Wllnm liulhlllm IM mum Milm llrrlr Onurlo Cnnldl THE llMlIlH EXAMINER UNITED Class Newspaper Mond Wedncglay Frlday WEDNESDAY mm and lxnpnrlnul muun or lnwn mm mm mu mm whilluu um Ixml Iruvrll mquunlu In lhu pullUn cumlruclhm mmum Iuwcr mum Hm wllh mun nl ulch plan in my nml wm Hummus um um mm umuunl Mmva llml wnuld lu modurml wnum mun Inrd up mu 0mm 1m Imn mum mnlmlty volm dnwn um prnynlnl Am nulnmurnl vnlt mm mlmlln mm nuh 1mm mnkwrlly vuhd In lnvur nlnlnu ll 01mon yum llul whllr Ihnruun nllmnmllrutInIho allulnu Uf llu nmmnwnl lIHIny will nuln dew Irrllllxn 01 man among many ohlrr urnvmllun Illlllnm whu mw up wllh nml wrnv pruml n1 Illlhls mwur IIllllililll II II no lml In IIIJII luv 10th nllll mnlllnxr ll awn mu UYrrnl ll van llrlllll hrlmr Whllr MllluA ulunrrrhu mu hm hm Muw mp lnwn wlll lmlrm 1mm Imm nml Hus1w Imwrr wily nml um nyuu wlll dvnl lnllly wrlh mum Adm1 nm were lhr Jlublmlu malnlnlnlm mul nhnblvhlnu Ilu plnnu nml llu dmrllmllnu syhhllh Okl vulva and llnu uhl llmlklumu Imd olhrr Iqlllwncnl Hunk llulr mark In break uml llnu lusmx CINIK Hut Ilmu and pruurm mnrchcd ml and the Orlllla la lune nu dlmnnll lur powlr 72m mum during mid hnmrdlalrly ullnwllm he Lumml war was he flnul hluw Oxlllln 1le mqu nlher ammo cum nmnnm uruw tic lmlmlrlnlly am new mum wm mm and niw buslnmsm named The hum wm lhnl lhr Orlllnuwnrd plummmx aim non rnlum wm hnru nutm mm me punks JUNE 21 1951 wum my Ils preiiy dimming to learn lhat the aidhuh ioned rurni leicphune line has become one more victim oi thnt muchabused ward progrm Coun lry party lines nntedaied by good many years the radin network as means oi mm communica tiun Quite aside mm in value as an enterinin mcnt medium for the lnrmcrs wife who hlld few minutes or some harmless eavesdropping the party iinLl had highly uillitarian sidt The farmer whose barn was burning dawn had only In spin the crank or gengmi niarm which brought his neighborJ on he run with waler buckets and such nrcnghtlng gear as the district could com mand The alarm call was quick hm efficacinus and many 11 larmer uwes nu preservation at his live stock and equipment to the volunteers called out 01 bad by the shrill summon oi thLI party line nicrt Hui now rural line have been improved and only the operator um dn the ringing The Enid impersonal much mechanical eiiiclcncy hm erased one more pleasant aspect country in nud many yr ju cunmry and ur um un elucch power In crunu lnxnvrs mun clmmly mm Orlllln Packet Timex An cm came l0 nll end or Orlllin today In the Ontario HydrovElcchlc Iowltr CummLssionI Dulce In Toronto lhc scratching pen umclally mud um um wllh the approval majority at Orlllin cjlizcns Thu morning Hie agreement between lhe Onlnrlo Hydro ini the Town Oiillln make Orlllln pqulclpullng municipaiiiy un the mm terms and Umdmuns n5 nlmuél nll other Oninrlo lawns and Lilivs was slunnd Thls IICL vhlILI npprnvod by 1677 citizen lust Dcccmbur and uppmu by only 7w could nnl mkc plau wllhuul somr hLHflKUf regret lens regret Ilia Hldlllflrl had bmughl nboul the new ulily Ur Orilllu Imp nutonnmnus slnlo nnd cuMurm Io lhu mm lvnns hm xnvcm nu supply nnd Sllll power chhcrc m1 nmvmce Orlllln upurmm le own shuw successlully mu many yuzu dan just Illur lho lurn or cunmry Ind Iur um llmr was able to pruvldu elucch ll DI and 0mm dlSlricl cun An Era Came to An End For OrillJia This Month OPINIONS 0F OTHERS Rural Telephones With the recent ruling from the United States Supreme Court its full steam ahead now on the St Lawrence power project Un fortunately it stiliis not such clear sailing for the iederai end ptthe business the seaway It would be unwise to expect that Ottawa and Washington can arrange their nilairs in hurry After seeking US sup port or the best part of 30 years Canada has now got it just when we would have been equally happy to have been without it The way it looks now the UScontribution will be picayune compared to what Canada pays The tools regulations and manage ment should in iairness be arranged so that Canadas predominant indeed over wheiming contribution to the building of the Seaway is fully recognized Let no body supposo this can be negotiated over night the ourminute barrier Lnndy clipped 14 gecondx of Bannisters maxk whlch 1t seem ed would stand for as many years as lttpok yhe latter to break Finlands Pnnvo Nurmls world record It Just shows once again that someone alngys comes along who can do better The prlce otconee keeps provoklnundlg nnnt protests assertsflhe Emnuord Expos ltnr All rlght no one is compelled to dran lt Theres always ten and water mm mam um nunnut um um mm olpa um mum rnwn 11 um um 470m numbm mw up wllh nml wm pluml n1 lrllllllrlulillle II II no lml Ill IIIIII runlllnm awn mm mm hrnm Loman Frag Press Ihn shun cBum supply tunl llrnll lterlLl rllnlll vmnm during Lm wk CnvrA qur lvnn Lnnl ur Mhlnll Mn Afln MrMIIIhr Klllylrnull Mr nml Mn Hurll nllll Chlwhr Mr Urnwn Mavyl nml Ell Wllsnn n1 Allhlun lfxpuh mm lmm mm many Immmn hlrluh wm bu nlcnlcd 1mm lhul Mrs Scylhu unirm In home run lhc Huynl Vlrluvln llolpllnl Hnrrlo Inwmll cm at um work Mm Slovo nmm nrtnmpanlrd by nlnuuhlrn Mu irnmr Wulh ur Mnunl Allwrl had nmnvnil Mmer frénGinsm hm Wrtlnruhy nelumu lrom Mldlmd Whllv In um um any lm wuk wn wm plrmml lw mm Mu Jmh rmy wlm mu mnuml lo linnlr from Mllllkllll 11ml hill lnkull lII vulvlrnrr nn flvuhla HI Mil Ilnvnlll anrrnrr wlth Mn hm annnrn nml MII Jmk an hull wm mu mm Mnllun nlmlng Ill wrgk Al vamld Tlmmull Tn Tlluw mm hrln whu Urmlml IF mummu NI nl Mr le lurockl Ildflrmul lml Wrdnn lny Hr IIN hullle Mmle WM vary plum In In In nurmlnncv ILIhllmz IllMm DI luncrl mvlcn MM ml Tumlay June IN Wllllnm Jim Mlluulmm Maul rul dunl lhll IIum whn mm II III hm hm mumm Mny 7a In hh Ifllh vrnr llmn In 0m hr Human TumuMp ur lhuu many you whm lunan nu mum mm inl Inul two no wlwll hr moved In vmm nwmlun where he mlded unlll denlh Communlnn Scrvlco Nrll Sunday morninx Trlll Unl gn Wm jlhrtlugmclnuyig wage wui Cummumimarming nlonx wllh lhu Ionplum nl nuw Itmum Min Unrbnm MCAIHSICY Tor unto In upcmnng lwn wmu vn rnlIon wllh her grandmnlhm Mu willlnm Jullnslun nl innuu McDanaIdJ wur Mn and Mrs Andrew Pearson Immum and Mrs Irwin and Harold Irwln Nipgnm falls We arp Just enmln mm the rose season and dont let up an spray in your roses We regret sincere ly lhat our society was unable to arrange the promised bus lrip he rose show due to number of our executive being burdened with MES and the rest 4m busy plan lng 10 take the phone calls We nre however at present negullal ing with the stmxmm Horticultural Soqicty to arrange for our rip them wouldv be glad to hm ram any members Inleresmd in going to see me Stralmrd Shake spearean Theatre play Measure for Measure We cant make flnal arrangements until we havesnm Idea howrmany llekcLs god In the theatre Seals will be or 31 to the play depending on what blocks at smu we can get Week ends are all booked for lhn season so we are trying to get WedncsA day matinee Mr and Mrs William um and Inmly vlsnud nu Inlllrs fnllwr Ed Gray qlIDclhlrc nllyz Conmlulatlnm are due Douglas SlLphlns CollicrISIrecl for win nlng first per In the bus May gurdnncnmcsl Secom prlzc wan to Knapp mum nu mm growing period plums um tomcs wllh hot humid days Ihnt ullow heavy min plans are up brmme very lung and lanky unless you plnd1 them or slow 0mm Tn d0 um pinch out lhe central lip TM prom map the plam rum umwinl mu nnd oauscs to send nu many 1mm shoals glvlnu it bushy Lanl This will give them much holler chance smndmg up nualnst heavy min and wind slurms TM 11 the me year when the slugs seem 10 really have time In the garden you are troubled by those pom get slug ball avallablu at our local seed 5mm and put it In file piles throughout the garden ounce of prevention is better than pound of cum and placing ilnmund below your 12an are injured would bl bcuer Idea News of Mornton py JEAN CABLE The Bunie HoriicullumlSqniely GARDEN NOTES Belle check on 05 III ltl ton early for mu lou Mr and Mn lllrkIy Tnnmlu lurle fluujlay ll my nlnwmn II lntcrvnlnl In Sl Jlflms An run Gunnery Conkutown Rm nnllbrnrcr wrrc Duunlns Slownrl Vllnfln Flulchrr Wells Fletch in McDonald all Hi Thurman along WXHI Jnhn Dullnn Conkh Inwll mu lnrkx of Newlnn 0b Inmn IInwnr henrnrs wrre Ver nnn Jrnnrll any Smllh DunnM Mld Nurhkll Mnrnn Ill1n NW and lrlrxuls nllrmllll lrnm lrlrrbnmunh Nlnxnrn Flllfl In nlllr mm llnrrir wmnnx Annlvnnry Mr mlll Mn 1an tnlmm lnul mm null Mu wm unma ma 21m wmmlnn numme at Mr nlul Mm WHJrlly lxrml mm on ummy mum Wmnn vmlm mum Inyr mun Inyv Sunknhmn erauuA hm wrrk mm mnnlnlnu wm mm nlmmrr Mr nml Mrl llalvh Ilouuhhm and In 1le vllllnl Al Duly HM ltlel In Hulr on flumluy Mr nml Mn Ivnn Hnll Cnyuml wvrr Ilmnr Il wrrkrml Mr nml Mu rfnfiugrum vmlrd Nrmllnrkrl Inn on nun Ilny nu lmurvlll lll rnlm INl Ilmuhlnn hu lnkvn pml mm un nn Inwnlnl nu lmkn Irllrrnilnfl un mm mm Mr nml Mnl Jack Minn mm Imny thrue Iymll llu wrrwul nl Llnyd Column Mr and MM Lrnmml Svlllv Iml Mu WDHIIIIUWI Milly 0K muunn wrl flunqny vhllrml nl Vlllml llrll Mr and fin lmll Ind Mr Ind Mn lJlll Ill Iml 1IIuIy ul Thr ducnscd was Vcryqflkl dlspmlllun HL many rlcndu spoke mm nulmnc rutm bvr ur nu community good nclnhbor man poxxmlng mnny sterlan qlmllllm nurvlved by Ms Wlk lhl former Mnrlhn Icnrxnn alum WM nlccc Mlu Evrlyn Jmlrx name and Wu nepher Nonan Momn at nar riu nnd Frnnk Moran nf Tnmnu The unrrnl wnx hlld rum lhu Hnnhm Puncrnl Home Cnokslnwn Hm scrviu bum conducted by Alnbulul chumhqm We have nollced some beautllul iris In the gardens this year This ls one lower that ha been greatly lmprovcd over the years ll you are still tenderly cnrlng for some unclem me that have been in your yard In yours would suggesl you try Just few the new lntro ductlons You will be mplolely sold on them for they make an nrvhld look sick in comparison Here are law of the top var lclles Ola Kaln Sable Great Alk os Hmlrle Sunset Lady Mohr Mulberry Rose Gudrun Blue Rhythm Blue Shlmmum We are able to not very good lrls 1mm local lrls grower and also If you act now you can so the color and clmnsn your own For uny lntorm on man man wk phone me it my firm policy Ith WC Should buy as much many as mm or use reasons The soil plinllld be Well worked and anytime nnw yéu can sow xch mine 16x glove Canter gury bells sweet William belle English daisy perennial almium hollyhocks llnum and carnuuuns usually wall until abnul July 15 to sow pansles and vlolns you saw lhcse plums now by fall they should large enough to put In their pvrmanenl blooming place You can see exactly what you are gmmng Newlon Robinson IL you fire all thmugh planting uwl your annuals lot us hope there is still mm mum garden to sow somnyerennlul and biannual seeds pr next years loweglnzl You can pick up the plant and got it Into your own garden wuham undue hnndllng N0 shlp ping packing olc You saw monoy by ncl hav You saw monoy by ncl hav nz Io send fur Mam and also pay for shlpping You help keep our local grow in businLs and thus hclp keep up the business 01 thu awn that play human the lower borders anunlu vhllrd Mn nml Mm Fan on Sumlny Cllllurnhllnllnm In Mr qul fly CIIMIIIIII LIIUHIIH Hnrvryt on Ill blxlh dungth uu Jum Al Linduy andln Mu llnrrlum ullrmlml Ull Illw rlenllnnhnn wuhllllg III Llnllsny DH hlllunlny Sévem fllver Luullnns Most at the desirable slleg ln he Severnflllvcr area have al ready been purchased law luna llnnsaro still available on GlouC estei Fool nnd SIX Mlle Lake In land lakes such ns Burrows whlch had no collages on them at all are seclng collages on the shore lno BurrowsLakc now has 20 or more outages an it Olher akesmay be subdivided lnr surn mer resort user Many Inquiries as many as 15 to so day are made by vlsltor 10 he Severn Elvcr forest management office at Cnldwalcr where Lane In charge The Lila Mn Ferguson Following long lllncss Mrs Margaret Ferguson passed away at the home at her brother Robert Gllbnfikr Penelnngulshcne on Tuesday June 15 In her my year The funeral servlce was conducted by Rev Robert Guthrlu of Eethul Baptist Church omua nabln cue Countywas June session by mumupalmes In district Mcdonll 1mm reducllnn whu ubmned cuts dash mmnd Tay Emusmeumx n7qu Imamon Connly Counnll Over Mter munde Caunq Councll Reeve Aqdrew Dunlap or Cold water has returned to his employ ment at Timagaml Tay Township RecVe Fred KIn near Is managing lhe Conpemtlve Park Bass Lake He Is helm assisted by Mrs xtnnear School Band Dlulul Elle Caldwelerlubllc School Board oblnlnxng Sntarmallnnv on sites Inhe village which milht be suitable for consuucucn the new public schoul Leave For Monlreh Cnldwaler pupils who nre be mg prumoled on terms woyk were lhruuzh school Tucsdflyflunc 22 and he balance plan holidays June 29 The same day school clqses Principal Ivor Humphreys wilh his wife and family WHl move In Montreal where he will ench this full Your Men of toldwater iiinigger Receive levy Cut Caigwalcrs Comributlon Sim rImMM ms 14 youu In mun plum my my lumll an mm mm Me mum pm nm hivnpn an llvlnx mum palmum ul mu mummy Innmoduli mum m4 Indunry Inmuvhu In mu mm nnlu wlpul smfnmu VERQAIHHY Tumswu was iiich mm nut mm sum um muons PAIN DUlERS URMACIS SPORIINE ENDS GIFT WRAPPIPWS DAIRY PRODUCIS WEEKS By LOBNE LmERBY reduced ahthc 582 Of the his immedlaw received he 62 burs were Mntéhe 753 encmnx nlnrlo 5011 Funeral Home Goldwater on June 11 wlth interment ln Coldwnler cemetery Pallbearers were ilx nephews Cndwell Gll hunk Lorne Blus Morley all bank Jack Gllblnk Lloyd my and Cecil Blus Mrs Fernson the former Margaret Alma Gll bank was bum in Curtwrllht tnwnshlp and educated In Cold wnter She was mlrrlcd tn Jamel Thoma Fergusona Goldwater 56 years ago and had rusldcrl at Little Cuan Sault Ste Marie nndosh awn Her husband died year ugoand she was predeceased by daughter Hazel Mrs Vlvlnn Hall ln 1935 Among survivors turn daugMur Mrs Paul Wllklns Ruby ul Max two slstcrstrsr Joseph Blggs of Coldwalur Ilnd Mrs Annie Ogden of Oshawa and one brother Robert Gllbnnk M54 wan Mammal n1 Cold walur who is on leave ram her folb luhmlhJaIurl tn Hunhvlllc only to 0mm only Io vaenhum only BARRIE BUS TERMINAL To North Bay 1055 am In 110 pm 330 pm 150 mm To Penning Avlhovlud bolllu Catholc and unlmu wllh Colmcéla Ud 1050 am 110 pm 325 pm 740 pm 01020 pm GRAY COACH LINES PENEIANG BOTTLING CO LIMITED SUMMER SERVICE Spnker Mldllnd Tlckels and Intonnallon at TIPwk hm abOut Coke You cclniL beai fhe real ihing thn you have yen for refreshment look for the familiar rcd coolcr that invites you lo smp and enjoy the real hingCocaCola Nolhing clsc tastes so rigln and rtslnrcs you so plcnszmlly as icecold Coke Wherever you go pause have Coke and drivc safely rcfrcshcd 015 pm 745 pm 01020 pm Ellectlve June 25 DAYLIGKIT TIME LEAVE BARRIE Sun Holidays Local nnly Exprus only ABBOMAGNETIC 51mm 1L Bevlm the Purlhmenury Secretary to the Mlnls of Worlu Innmmced recently the fix Hour alCommnm that Jenlazlcal survey war examlnlnl lthu pwlhlllty carrying out In neromagnellc survey Gran Bri Inln la nsrlst ln exploratory work on mlneml resources work as Pmsbytcrlan Hosphnl visitor In Montreal and urea Was speakervat Knox Presbyterian Church WMS Midland last Thurs day allernnon She was accom paniedta hc meeting by hm momcr Mrs John Lemmy at Goldwater PIONEER HOSPITAL MEDICINE HAT CP Slnca the Medchne Hal gencml hospital was opened in 1890 more than 13000 babies have been bum In maternity warda mm greater than the cliys present pnpulauon The hospital was this first hum be tween Winnipeg and ancouver 845 mm x1035 um x115 pm 240 pm To Toronto Through Express Local CALL THE EXAMINER FOE PRINTINGPHONE 24M lo Colllngwuod only To Wnsagn Beach and Owen Sound 1050 mm 110 pm 2330 pm l50 pm PHONE 5571 610 pm y800 pm 945 pm X4115 mm Phone

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