Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jan 1954, p. 10

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STARTS THIS MONDAY THE GREATEST STORY or LOVE AND FAITH EVER TOLD BLUEPRINT FOR MURDER mm mm Mn snum nonmfimvimmx toms HAYWARDmummuuongm Illuu mm mm nodm mm Ila HART1min Gum PLUS Amum Josmt COTTEN LAST SHOWING TONIGHT THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY IN CINEMASCOPE THE MODERN MIRACLE YOU CAN NOW SEE WITHOUT GLASSES gym PIRATE WATCH FRIDAYS PAPER FOR MORE NEWS LAST TIMES TONIGHT DRAGONFLY SQUADRON AND IT CAME FROM OUTER SPACE TECHNICOLOR FEATURES PACKED WITH ACTION MUSIC FOR MOVIEMERRYGOROUND TUNE IN CKBB AT 540 DAILY EVENING SHOWS 655 £5 pm CONTINUOUS SHOW SATURDAY 230 BOB LATIN LOVER HOPE IN HIS FUNNIEST ROLE 101 41 HlSTORYS GREATEST W01 EVENING SIIOWSI 35 MIL CONTINUOUS SATUIHMY 23M 1mm PLUS TWO um SUBJECT TRANSATLANTIC HOP FOX NEWS AND CARTOON GRANADAI THE RUBE ALSO WARNER NEWS cmmu nailu mull ENTERTAINMENT ADULT ENTERTAINMENT JEAN PETERS GARY MERRILL Miss Marguerite ansay was from Newton Rnblnsan and MISS Ruth Morrison Ws rum Tuneu ham From Barrie warn Mrs WIR ulns MISs Rcbccca Carr Mrs Noble Miss Mary Wamlcz and Mm Monkman Paul Polak medical sludcnl from Unvcrslly Western On larln was from Willgrow and Charles Haughlan tour con ductor was from Hammun wm Cameron was nur nmlahlc driver From Bcolon wen Mrs Mary Gould and Mrs Luna Palmer while Mr and Mrs Exflodmm and Man Mchcrwcrc from Bradlord Jun 12 Vl 1c 0r Monlnal at eight nclork nllcr having brcnklnsl at he same place where we mm nur umwr We nrrlvcd In Munllcnl mund noun And we chrckcd In lllc Lnurcnllan 0101 had our lunch and look sigh cclng mumd our of flu dly 1n modal fikyllnc bus WI were Inkcn lllln and nruund the callmlral the lmnlnu Wax wnrks nnll In mid Acll Ilovnt ll lllmluloscnle humu whore he wbmnns Ion whn ll anu midncl plnyrd or ul on Ms mldgvl Elle baby plant Mr and Mrs Robert K911 he Iancr the chic organlzcr of the tuur Mr and Mrs Todd Hnw Brd Allan Churchill Mrs Banting Mrs Graham Mm Ennl lug Gmm London Mrs Lewis Monkman Mrs Arnold MLss Myrtle Broilcy Miss Muriel Smith Mrs 114 Donnell and Miss 5mm Slight all Cookslywn From Alllslon wcxe Mlm Clara Ferns Mrs Bertha Moore Miss Mabel Hand Mrs Dunn Mrs Annie Bates Mrs Allan Lat Imnhmrmss Mullen June 11 We let Danie al 830 am travA clling by way Na 11 Highway to Churchill across Io Amslnn backla Cookslown Newlqn Rnb nson and Hand Head to Bradmrd Our mull was by No 11 Highway No Hi3 In Whitby We stopped Whllby or cotton and at 1230 noon at Bellevillc fur lunch We also stopped In King ston and toured the clly and the university and pnfited by old Fort Henry and lhc Ruya Mullary Call We wcn allmtcd our cablm and having Yruhrnud up we Iouk our coach Inlo Harrisburpwhcrc we had our mppcr at Playdlum Restaurant We were glvcn the onuun of riding back or walking and see same of he town we chose the Inlltr We were nr lunakc to Iwo beam lucklnu through lhc um one an uUcr tho Brilannio and package rclghmn he Tornnlodnck It seemed funny lu Mnk he ground upon which vr wcm wakag was 0an lo be under plum fuel Wnlcr Including he mmuranl when we had calcn when the scuway umos abuul Amr uur uur of lhc any wax nvrr uur Unu wm our own was nnxiou In lwn my Irlnmk nnd lhch chlldnllV Mrs Mnrurry lm rurmnly ILIrrllV nml Mr null Mrs Hurry urulhrr Hurry In he cnnlml owcr El Donn1 Alrpnn nnd my mum nlrly fur mr was nhlr l0 lake Inc lnlu lhn hangar Ind up In If luwrr yihun he lnndhlu mu lkII of Ihc phmm mnlrulltrl an IIIVIII nu nupvcunn our nr lhr Nnrlh Slar null hf nuw Sup mmmllnllun mm smm Ilnnr ml whlrh Krll Wall Mul nlhrrjmwh was one or the lucky people who joined the Womens institute conducted tour to Quebec City and an to the shrine nt StAnncdv Bczuprn returning by way our capital cily at Ottawa The names at the people having been on the South Simcoc Womens Institute tour follow They numbered 35 in all including qur with driver We slaycd lhc nml night Mor rlsbum at am Mac Motor Court armlug nbog gm WonderlulSighISoliMomrealAnd onebec Described by Barrie lady Who Went Along on Inslilule Tour prnmn mun To mm ulnnc Mrs Monknun Kempenlelt Drive Lurte wrote ule followln ucounl In June tour Manual 1nd Qua bce City by South Sim Wamenl lnstllnl member Ind other distrch Income Mrs Monkmnn was one 01 11v local women wlm wont nlong on flu lrlp qum um desérlpllan especially tar Bummer nad MNAMA 3500 sluln munra mm mums Eco UI IlllBl For Inlumnca ALL KINDB no Dunle I1 lhnnu ml WILF HTODD STEVENSON INSURANCE CATALINA SWIM BY 50 MONKMAN 5205 mm mm SUMMER HATS Juno 18 We 111 for Quebec CH lLmvY where we alaynd a¢lhe St Louis Hotel quite clnsc In lhr Chslcau Fruntnnac We had lunch at the Can do laPalx little cornm at Paris In the heart old Quebec and had guided cur Ihe city by bus at pm We 11 marvcllcd at the way lho drlvar could Iurn earners We that wlth the narruwnrs of the urges especially in lower awn hat the bus would scrape the corner the hquuing Sun ay evening 23 or our party attended worship at the old hlslorIc church the cathedral the Holy Trinity were we met the Dcan the Very Rev Scaboln MA DD He told that he had preached threehum service xn Barrlu under Archdeacon Moulmn and was alsn Curah in St Ste phcn Church Tommn when Cnnun Mnullon at present Jun We lnnk nur own bus Anne de Bcauprc and our tuur conduclur Mr Huughlon who one umc tnughl school at the Bar rle Culleglale Imhlulc 192224 and new is rellrcd at small appr farm nuar Hamilton called Apple Eco Acrcn engaged guide to come alnng and glvn us lnlorma llon along the way Thu chap we learned had scrvcdthrcc year with Gordon Roach Barrie and was Sn pleased to Mar about Gor non as he had completely lost cunlflcl Wllh hlm nltcr the war Our guldu told us how to disl tlngulsh hclwccn Normandy and Brownconstructed 1an and we all noticed lhn door In the cellar1 wlhcre lhv people could take rib Inge mm nn attack by lthndlnnJ The arms an sllll handed down from generatlun lo generatan and are never suld always some mem ber of Inc amlly llvlng on he land granlcd them In the Sclgneury 1an We visihed Kent HnuSc the home 01 lhe Duke Kcnl Queen Vlc lnrlas lalhzrl who used to spend neveralmonhs In the summer ln Canada We followed the old road mm lhu hills going In the Shrlne and saw how the bread baked ln the open ovens jMad ame flung open the oven door wllll beaming smllc to ahbw us an even full at bread course we all wanted lo smell lhe fresh bread and ll was nnlshed bnkn lng we won nblo tn buy ml which we enluyrdlnler for on lunch Our guide lold us thnl during lllc punk the tourlsl sea son they bake as many Is our ovenslul day At lllLs same place we were able to buy hundemfl stulcs table mnls elm Later we uluppcd Muller Pare where haughl Ihc handsculplcd wood piece cnllcd The Begum Alphonnc Pan has won Inmc by his Madan Wuxncnf He and hill brother were carving totem ymlu we drew up shop our Tho celebralcd Cyclnrama uh Jerusalnm the day he Crucifix lxm slmply bcnumul and slght Lilmll nlwnyx be glad was or lunnlc cnuuuh In 00 1mm been In permanent cxpmillhn at St Anne IE Dcnuprc slntc 195 Ind 11 ncogniztd as Dr milskrplncc of pnnornmlc 111 ning the mus nzullsli and the mud nrllsllc on me Alncricun mmlncnl Firkin up wuh my apurn glnzxsu could sq he mumx the bal mny UK Herod Inlnn nnl vlslblc wllh UH naktrl cyc One would nxpvll to Mar lhc lhcphcrdl talk mg or in much moving 1n Hm mural Hm Jvrusul on the Day Cr 1th ntum In Qmbrc Clly by the luwrr mud or nlum llvr anrcucc Hlvu when we xnw 1hr mI mam um erI mm Imw Hwy rnlch llu rrl ul luluh Ililr mu km Hm mm lhly mum to NM Yurk City In Inum lmrurl whrle lllny in Iuld lu buynn whu Inn Ihmur IlaI Minnd Hwy wvro ulrnl IIchnluuu nlul In uy Munr munum Some our puny cnme flung un nu wfllun lmlr mnlnl lhr Irnllcnnlu ulmncv Ill lhn Cunnlll Hutu Vu lrll lhl mlllr mum mu rnlnyrx lully Lnlcr wr hm uuluufl luur IlmM lhr Hbrnl Amrvlrn nlnl Inw Hummh qu humum hem WE lnuk Mc mm mm Ilw nnuwuu Illuh nlmvr llu rlm nml wr mum nl um um Vlmy mlr ullh lulu nlmuy llw 11an up Ilrul nuw lumpyan lnrrl um um luu lwlu rnlrndrvl wllh Hm krwlnz HII Cum Vlmy whlrh wm nunmm 1mm Vlmv In IL umnl lnmunn In new Huslllcn Shrine St Anne in Ilraupru bcnml 1m und many rnnl Imcrlhc me lovely nwsnlc wurk and mu 1mm marblu Our ankle mum yuu wnud lml nnd nuylhIIIA In um nld world um surpnmd In mu par chlar mm ml complete yrl allmuuh wzu um mum mo and him cm muuum nullm logcther as plane L1 Ire ehdous when LWHS taken nld the nrkihop where they are repaired or gen over after so many Ilrbome houm at flight and saw part of wing or tall at even the North Star was most Impressed with how mlgth the Super Cannyh Only one some lb balance maintained lacking he whale plane mu Wv hm IANI KTIKAWR 32175 05 3195 05 35 05 795 lo 795 Mpnl Ind hyl Wu Dull hum TRUNKS 4Innrr nl lhr Timur JACK Mannm supervisor the service slams the Barrie Works 01 in Canadian General Electric Ltd brnught honur in lhe local pian by being prize winner hu rcpcni annual Cham ber of Commerce fish derby By virtue oi landing his sevcnpound Aevenaunce beauty be ween am and pm he wnn prize hr the morning ncssiun CGE Few 2$ The year prizewinning pictures were also shown with Dr 1ch Slayncr receiving the gold medal from he National Color Nmmgrapm Association of Can nda or Inn hm plcxurc 1h yca ln Simcac Cauny branch Ernlc Barrie and Crown Fuslcr bath of Coilingwobd rcbclved cel liflmlu nurfl 0r second plflgc mnmunm rnuvlll In Mnlnyu mm Innmm 4v mum lull mxn Hvoll mum Mr 0qu lrluxvlrr mmmu um wvll mm murmur Kunln Lulmmr wlwr hu um hm nmn ummlflnmn rmqu Trmplyl mm llw vrmnlnlnu nlmxluw nnnvvl mm nl mwrm ummm dunne 2000 Huil lulu ll Thr ntxl nlmnlni we hlrrd cnh uml Inn 51 mullth Jfimflo llrlvv utunm nml lhrmlxh lhr Clly nl OILIWII whirllll crrlnlnly II Elly Lulu Al film ncluck wn luuml Hm luthnrm llulldlnun mul wcnl up lulu It lrncu lnwrr mu saw me autumn mm ll rlly III llw rmly nmrnlnu nmxhlnc WE Itll Mann mm nllr mull rum nruunul III nurl tnmr llmnr by way In lulll Ind lvlnr Immuuh Mn Illullwnyn No Mul Nu Xrnvlnu uurluml pclvplr Inul plrlwd lhrm up In nlrlvml In llanll Illmul ll pm In Iylll WU lulllnll Wu II hle hurl ulmlum um EDNESDAY JUNE 23 I954 Dr Ives Of Stayner Wins In Photography anlcnnc and 50 bed or an early slarl or home In lhc morn Jng Coming out at our ham we lnukcd dlrccly at the huuse when Montcalm dlud sweet Mlle gm xhup wcuvlng and slmllnr mm We 1c 01 Ottawa II am by way If cut west Time Rlvcrs hnd an lilrnuflh by at Jollcllc Ind Lachum to Juan we saw mme nrlmlllvr tounlry hchvren Ivan and Juliane nnd he to kopl mum nnrmwcr um welul we worn on he urlginal mu me Indium um the curly days We mmprd In anhulc mm wm mper lo find nulomnnt ul Engllshthuk mu mm mm We cnxm mmuu IlulL passing lhu mm Eddy Mnlch Fncluly and unused once again Into 0mm We luund our mum cum on unawn mm llx mllu mm the mopplnu mmlu um um wmun he rlly mus Wu um rcxhcncd up than wcnl hack lnlulhc my whrrc we mm dlnncr Um mu ul lhu Chillnu Luuxlvr Th Simmc County branch Ihn Cclcr Photographic Association of Canada held fls nnnunl banquet In Jubllcc Presbyterian Church at Stayncr bringing to close the 195354 scason Several awards were handed out during the evening and Trnpp MSA cl Taranln gave an Illustrated lecture cnflllcd The Wonders of Nnhlrcf Honorable mention rtbbons Were prescmud to George Waxmslcy Collinuwond 01m Ross Slay ncr Muriel Douglas Callimzv wuod Isabel flcyllon DI Colllng wood Frank Cwth Stnynur Mnrrill Kirby of Dulllngwood and Arillur Blackburn SluynerH 2th marrifi Exammlr landé fiig Trout Envy mumI IhouM mu mumun In puhllc whllv flnlvlnl lulu rr min lhll lumm Dunlon SI CHI INSURANCE FIRMS Pfllll OUT 8500ll0ll lN53 Mulcomsons LInsurance Agency IMMIYNINT lllIJN Thu loppriced boar at the sale was sold by Bcn sums to Vaillcrc Uniunville Dr $151 The second hour was sold by Cnrscadden Strand Mardon Farms Ltmllnd n1 Uptcrgmvc The 10 buars sold for an average 311425 Bradfurd an and tan wcr sale On June the annual sale the Simon Counly Yorkshire Brun ders wan held at Barrie Falr Grounds with Sproule auctioneer Ior to he saleflall entries wechudged in their re specuvn classes by HIGraham and Dr Walsnn Omarlo Livev stock Branthl In Show New Slmud exhibited the firs prize snw born grlor to Soul 1953 and Ben Iecrs Bradford had the second prim cnhy George Wilkinsnn Alliston hnd third prize The younger gmup n1 gnu hum alter Snpl was tapped by Chanllnrand Son at Eradlnrd wllhflrst nnd cinnd prizes while Den Stem of Brad ford hnd lhird In the classes 10 boars Ben Slccrs entry lapped the class wllh twocmflcs fig Carscnddcn flaring second and rd Thl clghl blLd sowsborn before Sumoth 1953 bmugm an over age 5145 to lhv consign The lop we sows sold or $170 fine by New to film Snider OI Un InanlC and the other by Ben Steers ID ValHerLw The younger group snwa bnm aflcr Snpl 1353 Sold fur an average SIL and lop lwn nnimn WEN Sold by ClanEr and Sony Ihe one going Mardun Farms Or 5185 and the Second in Vachrc for $17250 Eleven breeders If the counly WHHam Braden Ailinon Gordon Bruthfl and Sons Totlcnham Brook Tollcnhnm Cars cadden Strand Puycy CnrscaddcflV Bradlord Chanllcr and Son Bradford Gnorgc McKay Coldwnl at New Slroud Ben Slccrs Bradfurd Hamillon Watson Cul znn and George Wilkinson is top were the consignurs to him Over 225 dclegnlcs from all rmrb Canada gllhcrtd at Elam Hume Mmkukn nn June 18 or needay CDMLICDCL he Na lonnl Commincc ulUnltcd Church men Thoma upcnkcr wu Dr John Oliver Nclson of Yule Unl vcrslly mummy School Dr Nel sun begun his series talks with ma nhullcnglng slnlcman Lay mun you are he Church The lhnmu for lhe dbcusslons was Every Occupnllun Chrhfllan Calllnu Drlrnalos nucndlnfl have rclurmd lhclr own cummunlllvs nrgnnm followup cunlcrcncus designed lo explore lhc ways In which the Christllln vlcwxmln can find nxnrcsslnn in evcrydny Me County Yérkshirés Average More Than $120 Head AmnmV those nllcmflnu from ULHP Ewart was Dob Slnwnrl lrm ldenl Toronto Conlcrcncu Lay Ax nocluunn Belle Ewart Man At Conference of Church Men Hpmlmlnl fly Thu Nam le rnu Junior lnrmen Anal llull NIMII HIIUW WILF CARTER BARRIE ARENA IIIUIKH mm 21 unI IIETIVIINH TO nAMmu fie 313s Sunday Schnol llcnlc The Sunday School pxcnxc will be held in Sl Vincents Park Ezr rle Thursday June 24 1mm pm EvArynne com and ma me best nvLr Brlng your lunch snrvcri Sunday morning VJunc 27 915 In COHHQCUOH WMh aular service Mixi nrookman or Chicano Li vlshjng her mclhcr Mrs Koll Lose FamllyWelcome WE are sorry to lose Mrs 11 Slcmur and Glen Holy FRI TONIGHT NOW SHOWING 2VSH0WS NIGHTLY How Green Was My Valley Cnmmunhmsuvlct Cammunlun will be Sunday morning June 27 in ccnnecuan with the ml rummm mm hlglmay Ind hlhwly THUR 11 ALL YOU IA0U¢lll23 lxmumur llmulx Farmyard Hymphuny llnw In llldn Mom Funny lMllr lmnnlu mulummr Avila MN IIlo Inllur It llnmml All lehl DENVER fill GBHNDE SAT CARTOON HOLLY wmxnm rmmum MAlllHilZN ouAuA CARTOON flTEIHJNG IIAVIHIN LAURA ELLIOTT HOLDING OVER COMEDY Lumen Jun SHOW Anomal Mr and from lhls AND mu Ill IMPERIAL Skcfion ZPoges to 16 mg Rem Campbell 0mm rsllcd her brother Charla Camp bell ovLr he weekend TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD community nm wé welcome Mr and Mm Gum and son ARRIE AND INGO 0m VERY THURSDAY MARKET BLDG MULCASTEE 3T nl llzlrlc JUNE JUNE 2526 JUNE 23 51

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