Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Mar 1957, p. 6

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£ngard whomluvtwlfi aviary nos5 mwflwwrrnmmnPcflv WWW 11 momma FRIDAY W15 1951 poslriorls WANTED HOVHWOKI pm Illsll Bah llle HELP WANTED evenlnge phone Strand uni yarn run and IllnlhIs Dry level close to 732 DOWN PAYMENTS AS Low As $170000 MODERN BEDROOM SOLID BRICK BUNGALQWS in the new WELLINGTON HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION ALL OUR Donors HAVE THE FOLLOWING FEATURES Solid Masonry Construction Ceramic Tile path and sink Extra High Basements Painting Throughout Sodding and Landscaping PLAN NOW FOR SPRING OCCUPANCY SEVERAL pule To CHOOSOFROM Dollar pal Doiihr Dlososn built llosnes Give You guester rog SALE rllorsltrr role sits RUBBER STAMPS TOUTT TypISl routu would use part lino lab in Lulle TORONTO DOMINION mum mm MIL STORE ESTATE FWANG 5mm IquI Immum REAL Triples only years old Very one ALLANDALE am driver Box as Barrie mas P50 showing in income doodslsa my mm was oAhsott hoax SHE8 APPLY ALLaNoAu BRANCH Mama cm be by Mm monm pA 5M opuniop as £39mean painter or many years llAlutr hm ISTATI Bum IIIan bay Imam gig alnlng asidnbiodhhg a3 paper BARR omxmm 10 sum AREA Saturdays unlu it pass an pg at as psz mm Imm vmlm In III SD ALLKpltlm my 6M IIIIHIIIIIIII III mum 315900 on bradiard st rim floor year old three bedroom living sodas mob DOWNst mile south oi nae tree esuoules piem phone sum 14 mm mm umnmnfl goons aod hldlhhflh3n¢AllW flog 3th bhasententR ilvliltalgsgadmgfi flgfllll as rult pho this gfiwlrh amt One Mile mt at Ann room In tell ea asesnen ee or mar Items Salesman nlld Appraiser III IIIIII Ind IIIIIIIIIIIIHIQII PHONE afimfsfifggcafifinflm Niea lot in good location All very with plumblns in tor eslss bath 3W DOWNTOWNN on 2nd now rented This case II will It fit WW III you Lav Ws mfllun fall ollh ti ieee bath and hAillllg run AWNING ca WHGML MnNe 7701 BB 791 NHA RESALE toou bungalow await your Irawilum ilssucnllflrlsllitehenl Locsteli on beautiiul pearance accustomed to dealing with HUNTERS sumo toil price Lbedroom hrlck $11500 TIIIIIIIII Ewan TM uni10 mnIamnloliwlsom thins School pull price NllA ileaaie with no up to have lovely houses on this quiet EXCLUSIVE so usrrie Exlmlner tauz FERTILIZER View or the bay TillIlium is vent out boy three bedroom ck bolus and only $250000 down WI IMII III MI pm Irma yum IIImII II and nsllconcrelc basement Also picel deeorslrd on large lot that tom um no uv wmamw 511 my In DOWN PM P° Sent ai caI pc mustntng unlrerdnu Elriy possession can be divid basement on healing lull WW store home must be luoo lull price tar this optionally own payrnrn an he ma arrsn HIG EST mm mm mm on cssrs HIGHLAND AVENUE Msm it ii ri5aslivlrfrnivli screens lg mo gags pays ony MASTER FEEDS RM PA II Errl 11 cm or ppm hm room bungalow with carport One at ytirae Ver close In In corml tiled lilichen and bathroom lorced air all healins situated on lvio room with open ilrepiace Due on do ih STUDENT TELEGRAPH slltouo plION 515 STKOUD BIIfinpurflgpfi Kai mm MIMIer nnunm FULL PRICE 500 In wih Kmulon on am not SCRAP METAIB extra hedroorn recreation room and Good levai sandy loans la acres mixed Hum No it TAPE Just Inspect nova nee hell it or not this ll price BAIIERILS APPLES APPLES lenty ot cupboards plus extra toilet porch Good water lluvy duty lly it are rcqulrcd by crmopanc glass throughout Terrific dro to no barn chicken house gab wpsw DUcKWORml STREET an be mm limnlftilinecrIkpefiiyfrd= location Act last until one age This laa good buy Would matte mu mm mm v13 nfilevlfl mm FULL pfuca int gait WEALTIIV COOKING App Holds wish AchSoo Sand In ummmhm on WWI 33331903 10 1mm phone us Pope lobnsion school or would you moms rooms tull basacnleriltar RAILWAYS Wm hush MI Imhd roorn brick home larga trontage st Mm rplm when you up Excellent opportunities ior young men 15 cents delivery Polllflzfllnd tIiIsmmAlluloIln soot hllllrooinamlllpdleiillng Low down sloth aé algalId Idol Big Day Slut ave last the lot you are loouna tor cmSE To ARENA 12 CI 19 um plymln on DI eve Cl In rte nool house and barn and Im lament hed COOK 51 Build new mom brick Pm Elm Council suntan phone pA 50 ACRE FARM graph opcratapagent and be trained mm on Puma nang up em This home is in beautliui con al station near your home Phone PA 66331 or PA 87204 PA 32729 AFTER pm III III name Im II III mum IImemI 00 mm III loo ACRE FARM my mum inside and out and must be 72941 room storey brick in excellent cut bright kitchcn with tiled iloor Good clay loam all all work done Barrie Metal salvage cnces Separate entrances from barn steel stanchions and litter can oarn water in houschnd barn Furn ma IpIIOIIe MINI PigMg NAPIER STREET New iron piresnsn stoker purn and villa pull 2100 FULL PRICETill SCRAP IRON METALS WES ace Double garage and other ALSO cash marred bustle £on WW mlW Earn large commissions FEATHERS age by depth Taxes 3150 film Mm Situated on or lot beautinslly lind VACANTLAND phone pa isms Motels in all surrounding arcas II TIIE demonstrating and selling LIVE POULTRY AND EQUIPMENT acres workable Pull rice $2400 cash ES NT PROPERTY FA MS FOR SALE Several new NllA homes and rcsalcs Call Les pope 93 Ivy will USEFUL WOMENS PRODUCT paid Special prIe pal dollvorcd mam with all health and all conveniences sta er roam concrec ouse noses can sel your own working hours DOMINION STORES andd manlllnelz uwciifmand WW smm AwTm °° of 00m lot water sewer hydro AppLY Ar siOltl 83lsz 204 Tun SI loo acres close to highway wilh GORDON SUNNIDALE ROAD VESPRA Yuld and or barn to acres working Full on pan smooooqmoow DOWN stsu price tlsmom Hall cash PA 295140 OBLIGATION one acre wooded miles west at shed approximately i7 it long Phone working so acres mixed bush In ght sulluhlo ior rowing Chrlsllnu 13232 slouse rrsller wllh all USED FURNITUEFEL price $1170000 with tarms IED ior conveniences wanted Vill pay cash SELECTW 0° ws ALWAYs HAvu MANY moo PER ACRE can be shown in our ads at gAKpllY CONCERN ELM LOGS wanted to buy also eon erize Refrigerator cubic Ml lfll time So it you do not see what BROKERS land in lnnisnl Township abutting lo Exam 1lu Suitc so sets or toiding chairs ans Town property close to Highways Neat uppenlnnlllcedpélefizggua If climate kitchen set line me or evenings phonc perry pord l02 DUNLOP ST WEST SAVE 80000 and mu VHT TARTING SALAltY WGSC PET STOCK Wm mph Lady cmm PAHm To STA FARM pxcaLLEN olo tth ii ph lnut extension dmpelul ta CALI USJIBOU Office Houml an to it pas acres very nest and mi plrs AND 5WD WEEK yellm mm him NHA HOMES lctc laces ot od lid Exccllant opportunity tor the applicant lecllun We and hmwn Bell suite single continental bed Jultmon Ir an pp in zoom new mm colder homes in both town and coins lntercst ler supply nullian siream Would nImcnI pm qmmy mm com try rues ave gone sell In two psrceu sis acres with or ppm MOBILE HOMES mm mm Em ARTICLES NHAJIiIme with low down paymapl 67 lmhuggoouilfilillcrghlwmfl mmoflu 1955 GLENDALE io tt rooms ESSA ROAD PA an Real Estate Office ONLY FEW LEFL anc ayilsn MALE an no iz Mortgage arranged wtli accept tuml tur tor part dawnPymetfl chAll posTs4 toli viliclilnps Phizcnc Lucas are Eirnvaio 4429452 at 50¢ each phoncypA 9234 73142 mm Real Estate ment on iusnaee and builtin laundry GREATER VALUE Ninth2d LIVESTOCK FOR SALE tion iieasanablc phonc ivy 1rs my Immune we PM hr llltl pENmANG in pics WEEKS om phone In VIKING new III III illirilac$i°ini 5m mm BASrZ harrlc 932 ovcn used one year Apply park av Allmnums 59 nLAcx llonsa weighs 1500 lbs Ap 29 SlzlfnnIeTllred yard 11qu IbIIchir qungolow OFFERING CHOICE or smrs BUI SOUND INVESTMENT we an eve will he received by the undersigned 93m IIIIIIIIIMIIIII App II III IImI Ih pannIe In gUlLT BY Chosmlt CONSTRUCTION Mk mm 22 57 IIDLSTE Cow due ioesii Iilarch lo When 75 gull hislllmdorys lull lslsflllsent Svhich ls fiffi IZIIIIIIdwn Wm Apply Nellsun 589 liOYs BICYCLE excellent condition 0n wglcr and sewer lots at $1250 iliily pointed oil iorced air heating CROSLEY CONSTRUCTION collect Wiulaos paui PA 8602 nIer Stewart 141w representin Aubrc 0R Fred Hu as AND weeks om wmIm pA pml 73 are low asking Iprices ior lots in this quality throughout 57 MIA mart HENRY BERNICK PA 32670 Stewart broker lohn Slagfllréaggord mums PROP RI SALE PROPERI FOR SALE FIOPERIJ FOR CARSON tor the ovcnlnlx phone at Host aai mIATE BANK In page amptel as mm 51 wart will REAL ESTATE REALTOR REAL ESTATE BROKER 1° It venieniiy located Au separate entran iaer Hid ma level lot LolI oi parking area Nicely mnotlronoaimlorl BANK Olnca Open ash to psn Dally iaz wants all types or paint worir blood 78 cowmmm Mun 11A 25 NEW RECONDmom 300D INDOME rive room brick hotn lrn than one 3mm II bum mod has large rooms and bath large and large kitchen tour piece eciorod no own your own hobo and pay WEEKEND SPECIAL Barrie xuot miles north Barriaon HI way POSITIOLS DPDtl NR II mm In Mum mrmmul mean some aalahiag to he on poly decanted showing in income lor secresuan room or catra rooass on in floor and grown artment rnlculhn zvenlngs phone pA well PM mm tall price Call Al nose NH W1 Mm Indy only years old and equlpped with Salary and commission fiuhuc IncludluJOp level personnel EDGEIIILL Dillvztasoo mm cwmmn Loutrr srAvn are very totinnate luauPP Can save you money on your la is ilvlng room with open ilrepiaee 11 one ll an an In all on llospltaiisatlon MM pm mm my cm convenience Good tumtee SUNNIDALE ROAD with lhisyou get colisss that ls ncely landscaped No salary to our lorelcenmlc tile bath tall WANTED an save an additional Take In delivery when desired peruilrer mm Mm owner building now well constructed bunga ow overoo Tm wmc C° call pescy Ford Evenlnas phone es out guppyyour HELD ST um GARAGE hunbm 9100 Overlooking Kcmpenteit Day bed mm pi month °° 64 com huagslow with tamed on healing bedroom and bath lull basement HUNTEliS pOULnlY FAltlg 27 II In III to ilnest homes in the area Huge 99 A0 m1 including ill or Maren No LARY REQUlRD mpisga Many extras Included In OPERATORS for I149 melleflw bar nnlshed laundry ramn slot and bush Wsnn room house with sun llalleome and we know you will buy ppm or 5m mamh mums our snortgaec and terms Phone PA 86331 or PA 66487 II II Nollrillan spy PW Im II do ot the bay others ve clo in new Hod horn CANADIAN NATIONAL mm III mm STOREY HOME gt am lgedhorey MI III Just miles north Illrrle hm Mm dlnm mm nther live in the Sunnldulr Road die Situated on nice lot close to schools on lughway 24 Garage chicken roons with 00 ACRE FARM the this mice call and we my age or older proierably wiip two Bring your own containers Dow mm and above tor sizaoo Contact Immow Ime MIMI II III III own my IIIIIII IIIIIIII llecelve my while training as eltilt Dunlop St West Faradan SUNNIDALE no 7102 WIIIIIIIIII Inn IIIIII mmh mg phag Le up $333 price on ransom with om largo rooms and bath Pally mod DUprxsiihm Good house rooms and bath with lnouirc lrom your nearcst CNR agont Idim seen to be appreciated condltlon All rnodern convenl and builtin clipboards Good bank Nice main house large IAhaned CLIFF BROWN ground tront pniihlsih basement rier pull price mm ace Hydro Ono mile to school chusch CW5 CDDRNGTON SCHOOL RIDES RAGE BATTERIES buildings on large lot mt Kront Emu inspect phone Les pope PA WM Ilflfl Ind Hie ell Coatact Dan conncil Evenings Mu moped with shade trod working from your own home so Acrcso mile soon lemrlllm pilotprisms mm mm 55 own Ide MI III mm Dur trucks will ill 1° Meat blocks nest scrvlcc cases I00 Mm Fm wIIII III YOUR LISTING lNVlrgn IRRI IIIIE III Now rented to good tenants This No financial outlay re ulrod You PM um marketing board rights kilns DUnlO CO RC DOT mm mm med pA was III II II DUNLOP sr EAST iaAilltlr THEN move our Victaria street loo ireii cs snsnssons pa AND co ooo daltn Balance at OPPOSITE QUEENS new mphwmd to room brick house and steel ilAllitll EXAMINER LTD l4 acres or good level land wllh about too uslso lers wanicd suitable ior zoo dcrcs on llighway loo acres balance pasiuro lair buildings BARRIE INDUSTRIAL LAND ph pA Mono 53 HOUSEIDLD FURNISHINGS OTHER LISTINGS only tow EA LOCAL WHOLESALE °° =R LTpR 1km so acres orgood high dry industrial tr tor cuttin and skidding noxWashing Machine Mildem Bedmm MI gunmen 2555 or oitlcc during the day in Him imam9o ltcssohsblc tersns nut bed with spring and mattress PA new evenings phone Dan new DA ENE desks shesaton antique desir Duncan PHONE PA 8590 000 00 ON Only in cashAsking soomom 05TAUZMION on DAcnolluND puppies purebrsds good 5mm cam itslotl 10 lortny kind at mph Two com chmn Turkey punch Mldhvrst phone in WI MIMI EXIIIIIIII income producing homes duplexes rigs in excellent condition Good wa Phone PA 53516 my sum Flrmlliltl acreage These houses arc being sold at the dm WWW mm ghoildlng lots QCE bathroom All Call running PHONE PA 36261 Vlne cheat on Shirley Ave Va MUIR lot in Barrie small down payment fluoomw Madman BIIIIIIIIIIIWI niceiyrrpished warm dry and ready Ipieco bathroom pull divided base ilpanltlAN piano excellent Candi I641 ImIII IIIIII 3mm down III $72 4972 DUNDAs 51 EW llollll poll THE AGED IN 731 331 su HOMES NNIDALE AREA Napier street Near Weldon NOT STEAL NOT GIVEAWAY lus qualifications and when available IIIy Mn mm Dyer pA il2l57 ow Gard eh respect lelngdining combination INCOME HOME Construction LId CONTACT Centraliv located in 932 boy yum phone epeh nd lots pl slash ppelv These laundry and excellent storage custom mm County Clerk REAL ESTATE BROKER ureaso act qu kly gage carries tar as monthly complete liIW III is Barrier llrhwaysgzsgga FRESH WHITE Eggs delivered in lots Wonderlul sav ng hgalnst present HENRY ELBICK MICHIE 75 or tour dosen and over phone Mine WRITE To iazad day telmsi Phone PA HSBI sing 42 count 762 pox BARN EXAMINER CIIUNK FIGS weeks old Apply RELIABLE person to watch children while mother works Live in phone PA $9414 13233 AVON COSMETICS rcoulre capable ladies who have tour hours day to spare Write Miss Marion Towers Apt 305 ml Wilson Ave Toronto 12 Ontario 12742 EXPERIENCED Hairdresser with at least one year experience Compensa ilon beneiits good salary with year increases Confldenllal Apply Box 84 Barrie Examiner 13132 SKILLED LABOR Mechanics lic ensed FordMonarch Deaiesshlp gar ages Interviews can be arranged on weekends Hanna Motor Sales Co Ltd slayner Coumgwood 12934 YOUNG MAN 16 to 2i years to un swer phone and tor delivery help Chance ot advancement and insurance benefits SacMr lohn McFadden at Epletts Electric in Dunlap st past lama LEADING American Company requires women to introduce thalr nationally advertised cosmetics Without previ ous oxpcricnce you will earn at least 3115 par hour with our unique deni onstrator plan No stock to buy no delivering no collecting or money and you choose your own working hours par complete lnrorrnation write Dcpt lilo peggy Newton Call adh Limited Dundas uni iaz WOOD FOR SALE HARDWOOD FOR SALE Phone asarlzi Barrie 63132 plturr la VEGETABLES TAllLli STOCK Potatoes or sale at lupin mile north Barrie Union ZCematery wilirid Murphy Bhrrle mi 2oazua RATES Fllll AlllsET liflllllVlllSx Deadline For Copy 500 pm weekday preceding lssug DEADLINE FOR MONDAYSATURDAY Loo pols ADLETS MAY BE TELEPHONE 10 IPA 31414 adult word Following consecutive insertions 30 word minimum 80c CASH RATE 3c wordpninimum 60o Following consecutive insertions 2c wordymi imum 40c Mush BE pAtnwnri qnnltlt BOY Numberll or replies directed to this olflcezscIeme COMING EVENTS LOCALS dc word minimum 5100 Fallowiug consecutive insertions icWord INMtllttoltlAlvl CARD or THANKS lNApp amnion ordinlnlrnuns shill ENGAGEMEN 11103511410 Mb rri Examinerwlll not sssums responsibility too in arm fftlllertilements taken over the telepholIeno ollfllfil Illa kindle Norm Neely stroud phonu 23pm stroud 932 cow part Holstein and Jersey Heller Cali months old part Durham isa Essa nosd Allandule oazs PUREDRED Yorkshire Sow duc in Line week also Holstein Cult tor Vdole ing Apply Vic Small stroud sszI mEsll AND Sprlngcr iloisteins and Jerseys H1115 Titling552 8$111M est at can own on way saooz HOLSTEIN llalllsll years old vacr st clnated call at loot Apply Cecil Sutton Shanty pay phone Ora toll 94m sow AND 13 Figs weeks old also Holstein cows one part Durham due in March and April Apply Ewart len ncti Barrie RR 93132 swarms pultposg team Buys and years old weight aim lbs Good workers will take pigs as part pay ment Apply Burden lennctt Utopia phone 14m ivy 95132 FRESH AND Springer Hoistelns grades and porebreds vaccinated or bloodtasted lluy cows with war ronty phone loseph Cochrano and Son i4r2l stroud 91533 smvtczhnhp age pull good type and high production train Monogram dam had 29601 pounds or milk 1109 pounds at tat Also quantity or loose oat straw tor nle Apply Jep mey RR No Dorrie saiaz FEEDER CONTRACT mm Barrie purrn supply to nnancc your teed tor hogs heel cattle turkeys or broilers may be the answer to your problem There is Feeder Finance contract to at sll situations to reliable persons Phone us today It PA 51982 Elrrle tor tast courteous servig 97964 minmunlI 80c AUCTION SALES N011ch analtor in copy uni BMplltE Garden Tractor with plow cuitivatols Iurrow opener shoulders etc phone pit 37516 DAltK OAK pallet 55 long phone PA 84273 seen at Toronto st IAYLOR SAFE Display Cases Coun ten Point MlXelFInVolceFlllill Coir Urrys Dayneid St BICYCLBS some repairs needed $256 up also used Bicycles in Eobd condi tion 51250 upi Urrys 35 Bnyfleld room Bungalow madam canvcnien incomplete 74245 ees so acre lot one car garage plug roonl both on main tloor usvwcll by condition inst LADIES suns Dark grey nt 1513 in mm Bungmw mm ng good condition reasonable British tan $350030 Wm onlyrfljnflflo opwp suit size reasonable phone PA M757 nov THERMO 01 Spare Heater slso Clare Jewel wood range May be seenat Frederick st or allo tired hot water heating system 741413 entire house has hardwood throufillout Priccdt en unlit WASHING fiachines Insilgogd may Exchanges 150 Terms Egg BEDROOM HOME Close loIstores 7otaz and transportation this one home Is WNW EAST phone pA ooass Eng cidiri he cc 147 nuhio phone PA 96441 NORGE netrigerator cu £t good now selling tos only 3850030 with condition Dining moons Suite solid only WSWW dawn cmnflfionfbfi and coupACr ltooit BUNGALOW nest TYpEmelts oiiico mlclllnu Ffiucnc moms and 3plece bath upstairs Chem III ngrgagmgnmfimfi chen living room and dining room on bed apiece bcrl chcsterileld tables phone pA 57 or apply lilo Si 7sz apt McGOEY 73131 7aL3li fin and dining rooms kitchen has abundt Yo choice 7332 Wm where neighbors take pride MIMI mh rem appearance ot their property public leS adding and deputate schools close at hand ps io5$i In cases and Box as smith corolla represeIntsuIva5 Is nulls It only wanna ab dam and pabst lioanrer Adrnin whose cogs II om 3mm lp going tor suction and dining area FARM WANTED HUTIONS REST HO CONVALESCENT at nm FIRST cuss ACCOMMODATION Availhie for eldeily 9901311 Good road and nursingvchre Nice aumund inggrcuads IV and hears tacllitl molly 3124me 124 INN STAYNEE JOHN BUTT 1E HOME help you to 3H2 ls ounce FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION HOME PLUS INCOME mom yearly income Full price home lovely bedrooms large living lime or builtin cupboards Automatic of pnssed brick construction and Is led amongst group of fine homes in the This propertyis only years old and MODERATE PRICED HOME bed main floor sized adjoining hulidng lot valued with 33000110 down property Motel Site lng section or Barrie Summer Home roperlyw sismom Tcrmsarranged share in price oi this typeoo property EaselDiva and contldgntihl listings servioc on hrs Drlyato income hnyglnll sciectl aw ODIOI tarms and small Iential its ag service 1515 ffioosixroora Insuistonc well pressure system tull basement tumace heating laundry room storrn wlrldow garden land and taxes are just $38 Illlg charges are $70 monthly Passes TOUGH REAL ESTATE BUSINESS BROKERS 5130005lxpooin frame years old and hcautiluiiy kept This home has no singie thing which is and un busroute 13 Impressive looking storey brick lliaolfmlglltnzfqumm This property plus lull brick dwellinglarge living room with that lggetegedrloomsflwIiIus Iample fit 5e 0m Bl cat COMMERCIAL LOCATION house is in Al onditlon Garage gar amprtlllrlrllunzqulrlngnlulrge space rear gard fenced tiower beds and ac ro loo Apollo wlthtalr builttings state with security elscngefzelorygcn $5155 rent and taxes and quality at land block attire and repair gorago on Apply nan aai3arrls Exnml three large bedrooms living morn 12 22 kitchen vlth Excellent location in rapidlydevelop hmaklastpreh oak tloocs Deepbase Motel bulld mcnt tamed air all heating rug brick lng permit av tablewith properly exterior low down payment bs ace onvmontllly payments less than rent At Big may point area room Sum will McKnight Strahsne Avaopen mer Home comple ciy turnishcd This or Inapmlon at is close ate it will be Ynetolldzod l3 3353th 0mm mm my 01 um II IIIIII level Twoeatoreymom house thre mg amp prefix IIIfw piece bath hydro read olr heating re seasonal demand increases the 33 hm 95 nap potent Real Estate scivied Ericsrlged ETltlhlsilltxfllzownh alum Barrlu District lteol Esta prlvato andNHA itaancl Mb 3045 flflmv pane hoard Coopersuve listings invited SUFFERING rmmBucltchu nheuma tic Pun Sciatica Lumbago is over on let RUMICAPSA Ask your Drums people running with mention is anD pu montrhousin pl onusiness lbpcriies sold on contid mcpapzanp 131mm Na anal Housing lyoahg plhcoaio propelNag Iitontaia apropme InnKama One Mile South on Hwy 11 lyestorey omc with all town convoniencos good Lot 15 so 200 of good own payment is $1000 and lull carry Coiirlngtorl Street lfislorey live Tlled hath and one lied prelty knotlypllle dining room amin style home close to schools $3000 is the down PA 66387 coop pHO pA H387 ANYTIMED 0R EVENING Charles Rogers REALTOR BARRIE Members Dorrie or District Real rotisth ntiard IHZ COUTTS Real Esldfe Broker Owen Street Barn PEClALWolailey Street Broomhllfl replace French door between living Builtin kitchen pliY NOWDwelling two 4le0 bathrooms tiled Bmpla closet ost ol low interest ratehomes nuilder Call Mr Marshall II Highway 27 north clay loo flox as up 790 CQNQULT US ON Opportllnlflui business esllpA drugs any hoard any member of the Barrie EEIWEW COOK as NplsoN laws All Exkllng Horn Bulls On Molrnso THE NEXT iSIHOMES DONT BEIDISAPPOINTEO HICHOOSE YoURIQwN roll FURTHER INFORMATION CALL REALTORS PA 5583 OI DistrictReal Estate Board 162me PARKVIEWv HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION MELROSE AVENUE 150 Ave are now sold and occupied On ehen Hving purch CONSTRUCllQNQF HENRY ELRICK MlCHIE REALTORS wen st Phone PA 85583 OFFER COMPLETE REALIESTATE SERVICE IBUYmG on SELLING RTGAGE LOANS NATIONAL HOUSING GENERAL INSURANCE OAPplIAlsALs ONE AND ONEHALF STOREY the Edge of town with three bedrooms and three piece bath kitr with good cupboard space and room $5500 Terms to suit aser CENTRAL LOCATION Two storey hqulpeplri Brick home suitable tor duplexing oil heat SPRlNG Price VERY CENTRAL Income home monthly Income slosoo plus Owners uving quaflemwlmtwo bedrooms Lot has so It rant£2 311500 CENTRAL To DOWNTOWN pontoon srrthO Dmva s° PM liarlace This is good two storey home in nice condition with We HQUSEDESIGN New ACHOOSEYOUR OWN L0T no at rice toauit your pan cull Health Eflééf plenty at room arranged price Slump Terms stsoopown havetwo hungaiow with two bedroom centrally located and can Agransn paymentljo lull the Fur user $6800 MONTHLY pays interest princl al and taxes Interest 1311 56 11 Brick him has nice lying room with flree lamliy size kitchen and threo edrooms with and closet Spica hull dry luhl red seal wiring oil hgnllnm New one year ago price slum OVER zoDlpFERENT agarnttpcoamvtdn this NEW 1957 House ms TO CHOOSE IFIROM DD Camp WCONSTRUCTlgN snptinriso GEORGE DAVIESpd pains JACK STOLLAitm 37104 imlll soon cach nccssion ll andss dale Ros loo IiIarrlsIrolnmchool lo minutes trotn lghvysy 90 an at trollingaiu combination windows Ind nannyall he ltd utility house Goodllnrden will Exlmlnoi Heoryzlrtck Mlchia RealtorsI phone Issas 151mm LOT IN TOWN too with services sunsuuding plans included Phone PA 89170 SDIJDfl ch house on Bradiord St all heat It private Elfe $3900 162931 down phone pA slim IHOM IJBLB coded lots 86 1932 Borden ioszat elf bu his aw plcccéblhhyialumlmmx lrulia Apply Box 76 Enrfle 152941 45 game Examiner PA 92485 OR PA 82592 4642 BARRIE It DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD LIST LIST COOP This means that all illmucus listed below and help salesmen Ire work the 200 way You deal only with tho REALTOR ot your choice hookaw an hradlord st BROWN CLIFF 32 High St PA $2673 courts ll Owen Sl PA 82435 HENRY ELRICK MICHIE 15 Own KELLOUGH 47 Tlillll Sl LACEY Room 91 Dunlop St ROGERS crlAitLps Dunlop St SLESSOII ID Collier Si PA 85187 pA sasoa pA Moos pA £5293 pA mill PA D5934 lsmar ROOMS FOR RENT FURNISH ROOMS Central PhD pA 31427 venincs 45732 BRIGHT tingle bedroom in quiet home Plione A2319 453233 FURNISHED Bedroom Central phone FA 84543 4531 BRIG Cl furnished bedroom tor gentleman Contrald Near can phone PA 135014 $154245 ROOMS tor couple with housekeeping tacililies in trailer Supply own unens Apply Box 246 Barrle PostI omega Accommodd Wankd ROOM Allurllnellt with stove and trig central required huslness girl Apply Box at Bar Ethln lldlM ABOUT 12nme ps unheated tlooc space wanted tor workshop and star ago purposes In or near Barrie lPA 84040 Ill lti tilt oitooiu apartment unturnisn ed with stove and trim wanted by army personnel and tainin Apply abs 1141 suMMgn Cottagewanted tn rcntlor seoson vicinity at Dorrie Mutha on lakel nt Respnnslble party Adult pour ill arric Eliminer Ill39oz Wm upturn lobedhouse re ulred by Eng lnun xgpntllndlllmly Town Apply Emlfll harrch alumina ing to sell your property when listed

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