Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Mar 1957, p. 3

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cockahutl Bindcr good repair John AUCIION shit Faun Stock Implcmonh Hay andGrain The underdlnod lunlnnur hu Mild lutnlellalu to tell by Public Auction tho property Till RITA or LATE JOHN LEN ON Lot IS COn Tocumseiti Township SOUTH PRO CEO SCHOOL WED MARCH 20 coMlillNClNfl Ar In an RHARII THE FOLLOWIN HORSE limit Ila CRY Geld In Srt Irrrnen cArru iteu Cow ruIi now Red cow Ill by lldl lied Cow fulhfluw neretont Cow bred Dec 24 Herero Cow area me so iiereroia Cow bred Dre ll Hereford CW and Dec Hereford cow and Feb 10 HEN ford Cow call by side NIKON lizlier bred Jan ll Flt Henlnd Hrlkl Hereford Bull 10 month Heretoro llelion month Hert Iord Siren mnnlha Hartford Calvrl months Veal Cllvu SWINE Yorkshire saw and PIKI Yoruhire In about iso lba in Tamworth riot Tamworth rirr rsinwortn OK with runners IInNs rts nhooo Inland Pullcls IMPLEMENIS ltow Crop MILI Tmlmefl Tractor model Ball Dion Thresher 38 HenryBind Tractor Plolls FlurryBind Traclnr Dlxc IUPIIIH Set rinl Tooth Harrow internation nl Si lube load RubberTire Wagon It Rack Mll Seed Drlll ll disc beers Mower It rut vitalnational IIy Loader Corn cultivator set Sleil Cockrhutt iiihare sorenor chopper Srt Iiurrovu section get Harmwl miioai Trailer Wheel barrow arteniion hddcr Cyclone seeder Uu Truck Bug Iroioer Drive Bolt tn Fanning Mill Set nonrrtw Scales Number or an Barrels Quan titi Groin am reed Boa Draw nope Nunioer Silnl nooes Woods Electric Grinder Meiotte arein Separator HAY AND GRAIN OusntIty or Chur About 20 tons nixed Ion About 130 bushels IiIiiteo Grain Quantity Kn IKE MISCELLANEOUS AND FURNI TURE aroooor Houu Shelter Quan Iin Houuhold hirniiure other arti cles too numcmua to mrntlon FAIIM FOR SALE Farm will be ouerto ror nie which consists or 100 acres more orleuNineROOm uricit IIourev ashit pant Imoienient Shed Sprinr Crook Acru Hardwood push Farm Dulldlnla etc 5quch to reserve hiu TEilMS or SALECASH Donnitely rio reservo Nothing to no rcmavcd untII rettied Iii oicawen Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Form Stock Implements Hay Some Household Effects The unduraignéd hu received lmtrirctionl train Mrs Blythe McConkey Lol I8 Con IO lnnisfil Township MILBSTRAIGIIT SOUTH OF Smuun ONE To sell by Public Auction on AT pn sriAur THE FOLLOWING POLLED ANGUS cAmn roiiou AngusHCowi yeois colt ot root Pulled Angus Cow years can at toot Pollcd Angus Horror scan Open neglstereu roiled Angus Cow yem bred to rrcshcn Aprii Rog isterea Policd Anni Cow years bred to ireshen April is Pullcd Anzui Cow yurs area to rroshcn lung 25 Poum Angus Halter yearsbrcd to rmhcn Apni is Durham Cow years bred to trerhen Aug roiieo Angus ueIrer rising year Poiletl Angus anoy beer coo lbs cacti HAY AND SrnAw zoo Bales or Ont Straw Ibo holes or seconoCut Mow or Timothy Ind Airoir Hay well Saved IaIrLaMnNrs uiivcr on Tractor good repair lilcCD Hurtow Tractor Plow good repair Massey Binder itcu working order Auto rrnctor oornpietc with huoit rnite good repair ringTooth Cuttivstor with tractor htch lOlt Sulky ante liIcCD Ivrower stt cut tractor hitch MH Seeo Drill 11 disc good repair Set or +Seciion Dru Harrowa with riraw bar complete Iiipure Sprcader on ruhhor Single Plnw stonchoot Wheel barrow Quantity Scrap Iron Exten sion Ladder Set at areeching Hop nest Set at Sooies rsnning Mill Barn Roperand Siings Electric reh Calves tern Chains Forks Shovels and mauwsmanoon afford to spill hoppi ly The price of haircuts increases to $1 starting Monday Hugh Wallace hasnL have stalled éardoirthé éhiange yet bilth liaiily would anyhow many other anlcleartoo numerous to mention HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS nenrrew Kitchen nanrc copi or wood good repair Acme Healer road repIr Kitchen Cnblnct Chemical Toiiot ax tensIon Table on Chairs nonceito 2burner with oven Crock churn Lawn Mower nnhes PDLI Pnnl Jan and many smaller articles too IIInab oils to mention TERMSCASH No reserve arm laid NothlnI to no nmovcd until settled tor Lennon Black Clerk Jerry Coulh iln Auclloiioer phone PA us AUCTION SALE WILL DB HELD AT Ma RAYMOND EMMS Lot Con Oro Twp 15 MILES WEST or on STATION ON nlnan ROAD WED MARCH 20 I957 13 Cows Durham Hererordl Guern scys Holstelns rush and freshenina Itoh Durham null ii years Young Yearlinga last Calves Yorkshire Snwa on cry and February Yorkshire near years resume as owner is Selling on account or ill health Charles Hli Thornton Driilln nun The month of March isEed Cross month throughout Canada Your help is nceded nowbe gen erous Auctionaer Ummer lt®hifuéra Mrs William Nixon Passed Away On March Ar RoyuIVicroria Hosp Mrs William Nixon the former Helen Elizabeth Williams passed away on Sunday March 1957 at Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Born on March i2 599 in Dals ton she was daughter of the late chry Williams and the former Miss Alberta Brown and had livcd there through girlhood school days until her marriage to William Thomas Nixon who pre dcccrised her on Jan 1954 She had spent 23 years in Pains wick Toronto for years and alter the death of her husband had moved back to Barrie re maining for the past three years Mrs Nixon while here was an ardent fan of the Barrie Fiyers hockey team of the family SIlE leaves be reaved two daughters Mrs lack Phyllis of Eltzroy Haiooi Duines massage RSuunillinliis to thosewhn saw the Telcvlslon Show on Wednesday Night HEMO THE MAGNIFICENT they will appreciatethe meaning of the word CmCULA TloN Ii TENSION has slowed down your circulation massagc will assist in helping to restore it TELEPHONE PA 87lll rrsor um iico Ilielflirutle lustre Enamel In 12 inis i85 ojuoiis 23a Tllé superior Rubberlaserpai Washable gm ASuubbabir arms 75 minus 1215 liullons ir Minn Dawns not or an ii eflfiifilmparealidyouWIIIISaveatBoyd 90 WW 1angt WW1 TlEis VINyLAggsET and It ASPHALT rm PAPaR Tile Installation can be ngcd OritariU Knowles isobel Grace Williams Mrs Wiiliam in Toronto one brother Francis Williamsjin Dalston siste thciormrr and than Mrs Font Watson died on March 1948 There are also seven grand children Theiuneral csrvice on Wed nesday March was conducted and by Rev Nullmeyar oi Eln sooonoaooi Hits Did you ltnowiihat color plays an important role in the recovery and well being hospital patientt Not so long ago white was dis covered the idealcolor or the in lerior ot hospital But in many Ol thuc institutions or mercy throughout Ontario today while lxgivihg way to rainbow assort tnent oi other colors Strangely anough ihcse Vlrluus hues aciual ly aid thepaiient to aiastcr re covery During years oi study and ex perimcntatlon our hospitals have found that salt hues 91 green with slight gray ovcrtune is about as resiiui color combinz tlon as mans ingenuity can He vise At present grécn is fairlyvpre dominant color in many hospital wards as well as rooms in certain uthcrhaspltal wards which have an abundance of sunlight or which are sub in patient Today TOIIIOITOW Is nonnu Shadca pairI5 too are be coming more common They lend chccriul glow to hospitals in tcrior dhelp to stimulate opt lmistic mood iaVDrable to recov cry Tha userol color in wedding patient recovery isnnl restricisd to interior decorating To malt hospital meals more appealing and appetizing attractive color combinations are ken into can sense at sight thus stimulating the appetite Noi irifrcquéntly pcnlcrcd tray covers and serviettea reuscd on an lial oc gt Valentines Day on St Patricks Day Keeplng abreast of the discov cries Oi1ciénce and medicine hospita definitely are using coi on aabn aid to faster recovery for patients young and old alike jccted to relatively high temperar iure conditions blue is beingrused with remarkable degrees of suc cess manuel Baptist Chunch inthe chapeloi th Pclhlck Funéral Home Barrio lrescnt werevrela lives andiricnds from town and surrounding places and also from Toronto Long Branch OlataWn Stroud and Dalston Burial was in St Jamcs Cariice tery Siroud Pallbearers were all nephews Malcolmpllankin Texas and Stanley WatSOD and Ross and JackNlnon our OWNER 4393 53 lflilll GARAGEKEPT AND 2151a rarvaraLiz OWNED VERY Low MILEAGE BEAUTIFUL awouoma aLUn AND IVORY TURNSIGNALS Ant CONDITIONIN BANEERFIELH 0K LSlll li ilVllU 3R1 illl lgttil as Tl LE F1908 Shams CONGOWAUU thrown £7 Kitchensil Mfliiilifi iii liitllil rings TEE BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY MARCH 15 195 traitson District Secretary Upper Canada Bible Society Reports at the New Tetanrncnt having been written 10 times on old Piper ternth bags in POW camp in Rugla have reached Germans through rcccntly re patriat prisoneri This copies were distribfl ed among the in mates These were copied from New Testament sent to him from rotlives in Germany to gather with other religious writ Only the New Testament got thmilgh to the soldier The cement bag Bibles were used regularlyby tbc inmatcsin their worship services The re patriale brought back an original copy on being released from the prison camp Societies in Germany is launcth special project to supply Script turns to such repatriatcd pnaon era Rind are being collectcdin Germany and money is being or worried by lheBiitish and Fob eign Bible Society and the Amer ican Bible Society to their Ger man counterpart wcek Sundayluiah 4014 MondayIsaiah 55 Li TuesdayMatthew WednesdayMatthew 253146 ThursdayLuke 32 FridayLuke 161 SaturdayLulr 171451 HAPPY REUNION CARROT RIVER Sash CF Mrs William Kosiuir ot Carrot River and her sister hits Mary hiazure oi Argyle Lian met for the first timein 30 years when Mrs Kosiuks sun Bill took her ihé Union of Evangelicaljlalhie by car to see her sister nationalistson sun wirii 3020 auro Insurance unarr thit policy you pay oniyzoe or each sioo on them 3250 of each it About that amount State Farm pay every IhingCail today tar full information In nan mluaantr ii fI couldnt support her but Lthlnirl ouid gt Hit cry to howynwSiATE FARM Agent Graham BIDDILE 67 NEWTON ST PA 84305 Gerry Quinn Percy fordrban COnnell and lessorymcmbera at Slessnrlteai Estate in Bar ric plcturedabove with their wives attended the ntaria Assdclatlon oilleai Estate Boards Convention held recently attlie Chateau Laurler Hotel Ottawa Mr Slcssor and his part flew via TransCana da Airlines train Multan and Travel Service 10 Dunlap Street West PA 82772 Marble RUBBER TILE LINOLEUM PASTE nlNoLEUIvr ROLLERS as lowros AyAILAnIMONA man NrAL BASIS inns Arrangements tor the trip were made by Harris Sidda oi Barrie DriveAan Suggested readings for ibe

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