See Aristotle tress On racism mam Wedneaday an inn conformity Factor in LéséehmgiDevelopmenilOii Intellect Feels Youth Panel The development otthe mind mind was desirable and wha come under discuasou at the most recent meeting in lhe series Meeting the Needs of Youth ar rangedby committee at later Bled Sirncoe County people in pooperation with the county creation service About 30 people from small and large common itles gaihcredin the board room of the county buildings here to listen to panel discuss and to delve into the subject MissLouisc Collcy oi the re preation service was chairman for the evening Panel members Were Mackieln sehool inv specterfor District Simcoe County who also acted as re source persolr Mrs Frank Malcy oBarrie iormer high school teacher of English French and commercial subjects Mlss Elsie mikes public health nurse for the county health unit and tormer teacher of history Miss Connie Hardy librarian at Barrie Public Library Ken Cathcrs teacher at Hillcrcst Public School and three young people Miss lat McFad den Miss Gail Wilson and Buck Robinson of Barrie The junior members felt that for the most part young people wbre concerned about the devel opment of their minds that is their ability to think and reason to solve problems and to express themselves creatively and artis tically However they were in clined to feel that from the point of view of their peers it didnt do to become noted as brain in high school The young man Who had left school at Grade 12 to get job said that he now wished he had completed his high school educa tion and that it was difficult to follow up oncs studies after once having left They all agreed that the encouragement of parents and their interest in what was be ing studied rat school helped young person toseegthc signifi cance of obtaining furtherknowl edge Varying Views The adults thought that small number of young people were keenly interested in intellectual development The view was ex pressed that the high school pro gram was probably more realistic now than ithad been number of years ago in that students had an opportunity to take part in ti and glee club and dram itlcs Theylagreedwthat it did no seem to be the style in otir society to stand out as being studious and that individuality otthought and expression was not sufficiently encouraged former highlschnoi teacher said that many young people had tend ed toresist subjects like history and languages but seemed to see raetical use for commer cial subjects and therefore did better work in this field Stress on social activities mass media and conformity with cone spondingly less opportunity to concentrate was seen as aiactor in lessening intellectual effort and growth intellectual Stimulation spirited discussion followed could be done to stimulate ii telleclual curiosity Democracy depended upona thinking citizen as one panel member pointed out free society could only lunc tien as people learnedto think for themselves and to make wise decisions Responsibility citizen begins with selfrespect and selLrespect can only 59 ob tained by developing ones po tentialities including the capacity to reason and make iudgments Mr Magkiem illustrated the idea oi human growth by refer ence to some of the great philos ophers Aristotle indicatcd that the lowest torm of life was vege table then came animal lite which was concorncd mainly with food and shelter The higher form of life was that of human beingsand the ability to reason raised it from the previous level Therefore it man failed to use and develop his reason he was reverting back to the lower ani mal state He proposcdthat we test ourselvesas to whether we were moving upward by asking ourselves the question is what we think talk about and do con cerned with imore than the im mediate more than the material and something beyond ourselves and is it motivated by goodwill rather than by fear conformity nd illwill To stimulate intellectual cur iosity and development inspir ational teaching was nccdedin the classroom andateaehcrs and leaders should ask more ques tions which would encourage or even startle youn people into thinking about emselvcs and the universe He saidthat some of the answers might be found in the books written by great his toriuns philosophers and novel ists throughout the ages and pro posed the formation of great books clubs in communities The question of how to deal with the problem or the mediocre mind as the ideal in our society was one of those dealt with in small group discussions The final meeting in this series will take place Thursday evening March 21 in the board room of the countybuildings Anyone in terestcd is cordially invited to attend March Ngtapiiais Take Place Waubaushenee Ina very quiet ceremonyatst Johns Church Waubaushene on Monday March fourth 1957 sol emnized by Rev MeDoneugh Miss Ann SauVe daughter of Char les Sauve and the late Mrs Sauve of Fesserton was married tofVic tor Craddoek son of Mrs Crad dock and the late Frank Craddoek of Waubausinne The attendants were Ted St Amant of Waubausheno and the brides sister Mrs Ron Fountain of Orillia The couple left on trip to Tor on the rcasons why an inquiringonto and other cities QUICK CHILICHLEESEI VBAKE satisfying Lénten Dish at tomatoes onidn kidney beans and chili naturally Baked until bubbling hot lnounded toast roundsL GETAHEAD BILL Pay leftover scasonal bills nd realcommit monthly payv meat with prompt loan here Yes when you oiiercd prayer events ended the poop banquet held Monday night at the Community Holland in ml ans vmmpderziag Peter1le Brandi or ved at Hallo al rt last Tues iay lrom Holland lied onreSturniogieh 13 but had heir tickets extended another ouplc of weeks They report Vondcriul trip nd the weatber vas quite favorable while they yere visiting theirhomeland this past two and on halfvmonthsr Hoxteas IoWMS Mra Jame E$hlton Allis ton was hostessto Burns WMS meeting Tuesday night The president MrLVAllan Corrigan conducted the meeting which commenced with hymn iollow ed with prayer by Elmer Blakely The theme for the meeting was When accept Christ my truetreedom faith or joy and the rollvcall was answered by 20 members with Bible verse usi Christ Mrs Butchers for Miss Ruth Lanigan who is our missionary for prayer Mrs Corrigan read an article about the lWorld Day of Player and Mrs Mc Caglremead prayer which peasant lady had once oifcred or blessings received on this wonderful day letter written by Miss Lani gan from Missionaries Reporting was read by Mrs Hand and Airs FergusKcrr gave current Mrs Harold Gilchrist was convener for the worship ser vice and was assisted by Mrs George lafiray reading the scr lure passage and Mrs Ji Dren nanpf Ailision sang heautituliew weeks On theirretulfn they sebbll Equ pment hey had plan tho wprd colted and dedicated by Mrs The Strangeroi Galilee stopped off The missionary oiiering Was re Max Stefan Deiniott Christian steward ship message was given by Mrs Small and poem They be came One in Christ by Mrs Buyers chapter from the study book on indonesia ms prel sented byMrs Ross Williams hymn and prayer closed the mpetm followed by social iiour Worlds Corrigan vico Back iroin twest Mr and Mrs wJ chdclson arrived home the first otthe week from Western Canada where they had spent the past the weekend reluming morning UR PREMISES IMUSTVIFBE ATzflREMENDOUS COIMEINf TODAY iANDi saver 6ng wasayfQahfï¬m rlergsro 5f SllliilliliZSL FURNITURE POLISH W550 TWPUWEB MOWERSN Maui trunnilrrns zrols at Winnipeg and guest spent day nlght formerly of Baxter carioad of ladies trom Burns WMS attended the World Day oi Prayer Friday afternoon Andreyrs Church Alliston Mrs Weekend at Home Allaangg who is apatientat Lyndhurst Lodge Toronto spent to the city Monday Donna Buyers was weekand funnsrnorn noon sracranmassnn cnoln isa feature tnebrusade tor chnst services being held at Collier StreetUnited Churchpach nigh Sleep with and Mrs at Bcétou nee iiorcncc Me Anne Day of Prayer Anni the Anin in St assisted in thcser via mg at his home but was id and SELLING raisins MEET KNIVES Tilli YELES rlllnrll ital5 her friend Donna Speck lliston spent the weekend with Dorothy liand Mrs George Jaiiray was in weekend attending Church conference Toronto Weekend Mrand Mrs Marvin Hand and Douglas spent theweekcnd in To relatives toil for ofAliisltin whorrmently returned from Flor visited on unday with Mr James Crosbie and at tended rns Sunday School Pinkcrton returned to past caliplc weeks sonlnlaw andi FlNld TOTEM MONTREAL CPA brightl painted totem pole carved by an lndian of ihe Haida tribe of Bri tish Columbia has been unveiled in front of Boy Scout headquar tcrs here to mark the centenary of the birth of Lord BadcnPowelL The islhioot pole was carved by Chief Charlie Edenshaw of the and Queen Charlotte tlslands Saturdays until March 24 At pulpitls Rev Leighton Ford and to right canbe seen Mayor Willard Kinzie her home in Toronto on Sunday afternoon after having spent the with her aughtcr Mr and Mrs Claire Haibert and Myrna his YOU stave av srorrro GIVING IT may Very 5m in at miniu cooling llqula DDD Prescription pouttv Elicia red ilthcllned by me uhu Iniplfllullnmchalintfltllerirch ublcs Gmutm atainieu in trial but must unruly money lurk Donl Iuflcr Iua roar drown tor EUJJIBIIIIMI undermines SPiillliS gElECTlliCiil WiiXESVrglmllli BLEHNEIISU PliflliE KHWE liiWN MIIWERS