Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Mar 1957, p. 6

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fchis speaker tax dollar wish to attend umisru antes waes meaw Education Week This is EducationWeck across Ontario It is hoped to have ratepaych give special attention to the problems and requirements of education which today in Can ada is costing nearlyhalf of the lnnisfil north area is faced with the necessity of building two new school rooms One of these to the Crawford School in the north west corner of the township is part of the area included in the annexation plans of Barrie Eightydive pupils appeared on the scene at this school last Sep tember to be accommodated The board is now planning an addi tional mom to this school bring ing it up to three in the mean time pupils are being transferred to Holly where small room was reopened At St Pauls new school is planned to replace the 80yearold structure which will not accom modate all the pupils of that area Some of these are being trans ported to other schools Trustee Francis Cmnc told the council at Stroud on Monday that they had decided the building of the new school could not be post poned for two years as the coun cil requested even if the propos ed annexation plans might affect the attendance We must make accommodation for at least 40 pupils at once and theCounty Health Unit would not allow this many in the pres ent structure be said Council then passed quest for tentative approval of the debentures Plans will be prepared and offered for tcndcr as soon as possible Nor For One Board Mr Crane said he did not fav or township school board as he felt that the personal services rendered by the small board members meant considerable to the betterment of the operations He admitted that larger board might hire efficient management which might he thought lessen the boards contact with the schools He agreed that for the inspector and other officials in cluding the township clerk one board would simplify many prob lems While on thesubjcct of schools we should not forget the pupils Spccial mentionlrfl this time should go to three Innisfil pupils of therBarrie District Collegiate Lariy Cumming Mary Coleman and Denis Thompson who helped towin for the Barrie competitors top place at the Kiwanis festival inITorcnto These pupils were members of the Glee Club which participated in the contest at Eatons Auditorium last week Vade FoeChrist The Leighton Ford Crusade commences on Sunday This Crusade for Christ which is sponsored by all the churches of the Barrie district with two ex Ceplions will he held inCollier Street United Church Thercwiil be arrangements for overflow meetings if it is found that the big church will not hold all who Every church is providing share of the costs and the work in connection with the crusade The public is being asked to as tlle re sistthe workers by their prayers and their attendance It is hop ed that many who have not prev iously been regular attendants at any church will come and hear who isa member of the Billy graham Associates The crusade will continue for two weeks rishing Good The ice fishermen are finding that the fishing is good on the west side of the lake this past couple of weeks out the west of Fox Island one can find mall village of fish huts and from reporLs of those who are lo cated therethe fishing is good Mr Burton of Holiday Acres on the 9th concession of lnnisfil who has 15 fish houses there re ports that his guests are all com ing back with good catch From the reports of TV sportsmen it would make one believe that there an only fish around the east side of the lake Weekend busy time on the lake and traffic by car is quite heavy Behind Closed Doors Reeve Todd has inaugurated new plan of holding council meet ings The council met on Mom day at the regular time as set by bylaw but instead of being scat cd in thevcouncll room which is open to the public the members moved into the clerks office where wilh doors closed they transacted and discussed the bus incss before council Following morning with the public closed out they then met in the afternoon in the council chambers and motions regarding the matters discussed in the morningwere read by tho rceve and passed without further dis cussions one motion that Blythe Blacks tender for the garbage contract for the north section be accepted The motion gave no mention of the amount to be paid As no discussion was heard it is not known that this was the lowest tender received Another motion that bylaw be received for the appointment of the road supervisor be accept ed did not state at what salary this official was appointed The department requires new bylaw if any change is made in the con tract The closing phrase of bylaw states that it vas passed in open council This bylaw was not passed as required in open council Councillor Beatty in discussing the committee plan of handling the township affairs said that they objected to being quoted on some of their remarks during dis cussions Councillor Cochrane agreed that once last year re mark he made about change in our police depaerent was quot ed although he made it only as suggestion Councillor Torrens apparently agreed although clcct ed by svmajority vote of hundreds of ratepayerSthov had never met him but who Avoted for new manI hoping that he would not be party to any skuldugery that would in any way lessen the pubs lics opportunity to keep posted on the business of the township Reeve Todd claimed that the business of the council could be handled more quickly in commit tee if no public were present to distract or interfere They are being paid to conduct the public business and sliould give the time needed for this The discussions are part of public information The afternoon dragged along with the reports and matter aris ing from correspondence to be dealt with The tenders called for the park refreshment con tract were dealt with only one tender being received that of George Charlton who has been the operator for the pastthree years He retendered at $1001 year for three years contractawill be offered him agreeing to this sum paid $300 on taking possession yearly $400 by Aug and the balance before the close of the season Mr Charlton told council that Mr Martin the new park super intendent had done considerable to improve the park during his first year Mr Martin has been re engaged raosrecrons ACTIVE KIRKLAND LAE CPln the surrounding Larder Lake mining division 154 claims were staked in January compared with 79 in the same month last year ne Coates nage Fi Tanher MONDAYMARCH Dial Exchange For Angus This Fall AngusThe standard twodctter Evafigure numbering system will be introduccd here next fall when new dial telephone exchange opens to provide some 300 tele phone users with urban individual and twoparty service according to MacDonald Béll Tele phone manager for this region The new numbersthey will conform to numbering plan gradually being introduced throughout Canada and the United Stateswill consist of the cx change prefix HEmlock and four figures The system enables op erators to dial straight through to telephones in distant ccntrcs without the assislance of other operators The new facilities will be pro vided by the Bell Telephone Com pany whichwill assume respon sibility for serving the Angus area coincident with the opening of the new dial exchange on Centre street just west of Auburn street The community is now served by The Barrie Angus Telephone Com pany Limited ovcr multiparty llnes connected with the Bells Barrie exchange Prior to the opening of the new buildin Northern Electric craftsmen wil be at work install ing and testing the intricate dial switching apparatus The project Ilsa involves the addition of miles of wire to thcexchange equip ment and the soldering of thous ands of connections Mr MacDonald reminded Angus business customers that the com ing change in numbers should be kept in mind when ordering sta tionery and other material bear ing their telephone numbers The new numbers will be listed ina supplementary directory to be is sued just prior to the changeover Now that Feuraary is oyer lets see what the Film Council has to offer for Lyon entertain ment during Mar Films about the great oulvofdoors of which wearebeginning to thi elude Birds of Canada morrows Timber Historic Highway trip from Montreal to Niagara Peninsula showing the historic sights as you travel along andfhe Four Seasons This latter was filmed in the Bar rie district few years ago Especially good for the home and school church and child guidance groups are two films which we take great pleasure ln recommending They are cn titled Shyness and Feeling of Overdependency These films deal exclusively with child guidance Films on industry Mountain Movers the North Timber Eilms for schoolage cjlildren are few and far between but this month we have several that are suitable and will also interest parents and any adults They are Opening of Parliament The Royal Mint Millions of Cats and TJean Goes Lumhcring There are film in the othergroups that would beequally as interest ing uncertain age groups but these are especially good for all ages Now or some include Iron from and Tomorrows notes on events in the film council that have oc curred since the last repory or that will be taking place before our next We hopethat you en joyed the few films that were shown at the Arena during the carnival We are indeed sorry Montreal route compan 1971 Assembly hall in New York ch Elected Director Ontario Credit Union league 000000 Mr Babcock was return ed to officeat the recently con by lvan White Cons rington Street Barrio whorwas recently reelected director of Ontario Credit Union League the associa on of some 1400 divi rial crédit unions in Ontari Thcs erediL unions ha about 350000 dividual it members and total their assets at $125 cluded 17th annual convention the the acoustics were so poor thatit made hearing the sound almost impossible However this will serve as an object lesson to projectionists You must have suitable surroundings to put over film showing May we suggest that you call on us for expert advice on this matter This is free service to anyone as our ob ject gtisto have large satisfied audience May we advise that our next general meeting will be held March 14 letter will be going out to all member organizations advising them of this if you are interested or are interested in joining please contact the iilr rary for further information Coming events include film institute inNorth Bay this sum mer where instruction in visual aids is givcn for several day very interesting and useful course Also oneday course in Hamilton on the same subject with several wellknown persons giving the lectures This on Mar 23 For information contact the library Diesels Take ChicagoMontreal CNlt Passengers When CNRs Maple eat arriv ed Montreal Central Station on March it marked the first opera tion of passenger diesel locomov tives over the 84fmile Chicago thn the am arrivedin Tor onto from Chicago it was greeted Gencral of theUniled States Miss Mas plc Leaf Lorraine Chomcy DIC senled the engineer with scroll commemorating the toric run naNranw tomAn economy drive at Victoria Hospital here reduced theo crating deficit to $28018 the previous year tw bee breaking oven canaomris AT UN ctiemaifariinsminis tcriPearson chats with other Canadian represen tatives in the United Nationsat the UN General Very Enioyable ita want Girl $l475 in 195 eompared with the closest thehospital has ever ternal affairs to right John Ions Quartelte FestiiIal Proves For the regular supper meeting of the Barrie Lions Club on Tues with no speaker arranged for the club members relaxed andmade quartettc festival Vocal groups were of various lines of business or profession with an astonishing program Lion Bill Bell at the piano asusunlvaidcd and abetted in the result by the odd change of key Charter member Tony Saso started things by leading in the Nice Girls Flying Trapeze aridSlrutlcrsv Ball wilh full representatives with Warren Wil gar in command Thcyi backed down on their chose rehearse cdinumber butfcome upwith Sil very Moon in good voice even with interruptions Mack Fondlcys group had Bruce Brown Boyd Garlshorc and Jack Oates who seemed to filleriout by yarious doorsbut am back soon prancing in as real saddle pol hers and made hit with Hume ontheRangc aided with coloratura effects by Oates They garnered first prize of musical instruments Of more refined type was an other aggregation composed of Jim Morley Art Webster Joe Longtin and Harry Ncsbitt who used derbies and fedoras in ex change on different appearances for stage effect with The Band Played 0n andywoa the addition al prilcu The dentists had good number also with Doctors Bllkcy John ston Boicchowsky and Woodger on You Wore Tulip but Lion Charles Lowe spoke right up its queer he commented in the dentists chair they tell you to open your mouth wide but insing ingthey dont do that As penalty he was forced to assemble another quartetto to demonstrate This became sextetto of sev en of Charles Lowe Harry Bai lcy Tony Saso Len Crawford Ed Myers Os Itch and Cecil Cook Their number with distracting comment was Shine On the Goa Love but the audience joined in the chorus The final groupwas also an added atlijactiun headed by Char ter Lioa Art Pugh who worked on Just Keep On Smiling with good effch from Art Bert Lough ced President llal Forster and Harold Uriy Nextmeeting will he at theCurling Rink on Wed nesday March 13 On Tuesday March 19 gh theispcakcr woe is now That the national campaign as much fightagainst an at titude of mind as anything else has een proved conclusively in last Eouplc of year climate has conditioned us 10 of he year as time tosit tight it is this which has seriously aggravated the winter 9120ch WHAT uou ow llVSURE Bu PHONE GENERAL lNSJiRANCE day March at Community House past season against seasonal unemployment is oun ran1 sawarmwmwawrxvazflz Ronni unison 10 no COMPiElfDAlHlETIC nan To mark the official handover of the BDCl hporu field members of the BDCI Board the Public Schools Board the Arena Commie sion the Barrie Horticultural So ciety and CGE were guests of Barrie Rotary Club at their reg ular meeting on Thursday Holmes ass fant undersecretary of state forex Murray advise Dr Macky permanent representative Grthe UN McGill adviser and Mr Pearson VVCP FROM UNITED NATIONS The Rotary Club has paid share LEGION NEWS The regular meeting of Branch 147Canadian Legion BESL was held at LegionHall 75 Collier SL ton March The meeting was attended by 80 members with full slate of officers present Details ofthc impending visit of the Domin on president Com lade Dav Burgess andhis of ficinl pa on Monday April were given by committee chair man Imm Past President Cee McMulkin comprehensive report on Legion sponsored minorhockcy was given by Ted Hardacrc mark ing theending of this activity for the present year Four hundred and boy were emailed this mostlsuccessful allmsp as Muchcredit was en lo athecommittee in charge Reports from various chairmen of committees were heard no business of lengthy In men msunaace is included in our new Homeown ers Combination Policy and YOU SAVE 10 thornAll of the es sential Insu ance you need for your home is included in one pol icy Call us today and let us ex plain how this new combination policy will give YOUFULL COV ERAGE INSURANCE and save you mopcy too STEVENSON lllSllllllllliE seeUS FIRST in Insurance of ALL KINDS 95 Dunlap sea PA scan The project of preparing suit able sports ground at the rear of the arena and the mm was begun about year and half ago To accommodate the quarter mile track it now has it as nec essary to adjust properXi lines and in this the project received the full cooperatiouof CGE and the Arena Commission Throughout the development of the Elk the two school boards co operated closely and major share of the cost of the work has been borne by the BDCI Board towards the costs and members gave their time and labor make the field The members worked under the guidance of Dr Delaney The Barrie Horticultural Soci ety has undertaken to landscape two corners of the field in ad dition to the track there is provi sion for football field and soccer pitch nature was brought up the meet ing adjourned at 930 pm The door prize was drawn by guest Frank Moran son of Past President Moran The name drawn Harry Hobbs was not present at the meeting so the al tendanco cash award will be $30 at the next regular meeting Frank lligginscn chairman of the BDCI Board thanked the club for their great work Bow man principal of the BDCl cx pressed the thanks of the stud ents He felt sure that the Col legiate would put the ground to good use He felt it was ani would continue to be the finest athletic field in the county Winston Law principal oflrincc of Wales School said that his school was very happy about the field hfacLaren represent ing the public school board said they had been happy to have some share in the project this year they had budgctted an additional $800 to provide back stops Griffin chairman of BDCI property committee said it was project in which allvhad played theirpart The new high school would present no such difficultlcs because it was in the contract that the sports field shall be put in proper sitifiie Wally Smith Ienresenling CGE said the company had been pleaFr ed to have been able to assist In the project although plans for their new extension had been drawn already Wes Allsopp speaking for the Arena Commission said he re membercd the poor eondltlon of thepastprefield fioin thedays when he went to the collegiate The Rotary Club had done fine Job and the Arena Commission was glad to have been able to assist The worlds best known symbol is the Red Cross in peace and war it is the symbol of hope and mercy throughout the world SMASH Hi rm RUN BARRTE

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