Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Mar 1957, p. 4

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Examiner itadlo Column ay KAREN morisz During the past week many housewives in the Barrie area have been taking few minutes out drum busy morning chores to participate in the Crusade for Christ radio broadcasts The programs are being heard every week day morning at 945 and ac cording to reports have been ac cepted enthusiastically Starting this week the broadcasts take on even greater significance with the arrival at the weekend of Rev Leighton Ford and the Crusade for Christ team hom today untilthe conclusion of the Crus sadc Mr Ford and other mem bers of the team will take part in the radio broadcasts norms omwnvrs PROGRAM or considerable Interest to rurallisteners return ed to CKBB airwaves today The program Essa Farm Reporter willbe heard Monday through Friday at 102 pm Most listeners are indeed familiar with this out standing fcature and have come to recognize the voice of John dshawras one of their friendly neighbors FACTUAL QUOTES Head of larg American company dios almost complete penetration 983 of the population are re gular listencrs its ability to reach millions at any hour of the broadcasting day its ability to serve the needs of all sizes of ad vcrlisers are the basic reasons for its economic rebirth s9 cuVRrv CHANNEL 030 um no Wonthlr 001 can mono inane 11 MI 7110 cuminum 100 can uwu 30 MM 0000 no in 111 Inn look Inamun wine clmua lair 000 010 1h Nation on wattu us loom 100 Iona rneptrr My unismo ska uiiiionin so on cam um Lucy no Donny Vaughn 00010 One 11 one In 110 carompity um 1100 Brunt For chrill Tuunnv lane The ehrmopnm 400 oun noun may 00001 000 100010 01 111011 Junior Junction warm Thotn CKBB PROGRA v50 suns 030 rm In nrnmm Pic to 1000 ruint 1110 country wennnmw scinan 510 Iin Yin 000 Western 030 none MI 1200 Non Heldll 1201 Town and untr 1210 300m Dilut 1230 Farm Market nzpcrt 120 um 1100 auiirtin hoard 100 New Hanna run rum Reporter 00 Famous iury rriis Nun Womenl waria Variety tll 100 New gluing Fardo 00 en Music country style 00 News Headline 20 Camp aoraenSpam Nm New Trading 010 rrppem 040 crusade 1000 mu 1010 Trading 1100 um 1105 Hourchhl Huntqu 00 0o 00 is whatn uo JGTowialnd country 00 Newl neaiiaea Farm Market Report acorn um auiirtin anra um Headline Telegram Hirniimts Tennessee Emir cupa At wimr NMeet Tris Artur ow Amer hrotherr Ame Erntllcrk any Lombardo snow Newl rut Parade New and sports 10p of thoTown News and Sports News sport Weather mean 020 am 00 10 ampth for the Day 1210 Neill 1200 Bulletin um He News Womenl Variety New rnsine Munro uu assassssesa us no Matinee no 882 News He spam News Bullettn SE s=sa canvas Ah Neva 110 101mm Clark 5110 00 Farm Mnrirut Report 115 News sport scorer Gavload News cupsure New skics mmddddaanamtfluu monoen up 100 noun layhauu 100 nutr007 Liva A011 141 invimiun unnuuu tlaeflinl niu 1m 1100 cat Nun 111 any in spon 1120 community um at Ghriatin 000 0911 mm no my my 500 uiaammow MS apart 1100110 on Bhon Time Reviei 1005 India rrrusnut 1015 Homemlkrrs Clinic 1110 am Crosby Show 1130 Music country swin ruzsvlv MI 120011 Ermine 1201 Town and country 1710 Sports Dllcat 1220 Farm Market Report Eisp Farm Reporter 115 Rum Roundup 210 squad Room 11011 Country style New Headline camp harden spurts nTown and county rum 1mm rapport New Headline Mernm hummus Tennessee Ernie mt no 000 Kraft Timr0 1000 um ni nauuuirnt gt 00 one um 10 Today in spam 1120 community um 1110 Italian shun ruunsoav MAIcu 10 34 nu chrlltonnm 00 em arm ItoIv now 50 Mini Inning 515 00 run1 Yalu no Lana nuns too wmmi ThoIn up Nun 010 wnliur us spam 100 suret For Adventure 0304000 trunnion in van Shower of sun Jnehio no in 1000 Mutt soon More Stan 01 Junction MARCH 11 mu rum 11 1115 Today In spam 1120 communltr Now 11 uyrury Mari111 than in Monte Carlo 00 Hit Panda 1000 um Ind sport 1005 Ton of the Town 1100 News and spam 1200 New sport Weather manual 1170 no sin 00 uoatnnna for top Du 045 um 050 Musical Clock Show 00rum Mum Report 13 News Sport Scorer 00 rim spprtr nouna no 10 New apart scum 40 new Tim new 00 current 05 Trading Port 10 Tenneaaee Erato unp 045 Cruuda ror cnrut 1000 Namcut 1005 110qu Frecxeout 1010 Eomemlkln clinlo 1010 Tradinl east 1100 Newscast 1105 0000 new Bent 1120 111m creaky 1110 Music Country Style WEDNBDAV 1200 Km Heldlincs 1202 Town 110 country 1210 aportr Digcat 1210 Farm 111mm Eerian 1230 Newxcalt 1250 Bulletin aura 100 mm Heuuuuu 102 sun rum Reporter 130 official Detective 200 newscut 20 Womens World 21 variety 10m up News rm arms Show ror Christ Peat Hum noaro 1diinr1 World Parade ldlinea apart runmerino 30 Matinee 00 new Headlines p20 cmp Burden snarl0 510 am 30 Town and country of Hit Hour eGerry VIVIanSV Rink oi Oiillvia 1100 three wins plus 24 Herhad An Orillia rink skipped by Gerry Vivian won the trophy and first prize Saturday in the Keefe Bonspielat Barrie Curling Club In the second draw Vivian Muir Sears and Preoc with him and they beat Bay of Toron oDominion Bank in the first to Percy Coulton of Toronto High Park in the second and Charlie Kearsey of Barrie in the evening contest Orillia skip lost his right arm in an accident some years gdhut he is an excellent curler bn every way sweeps with the oprink in the first draw was skipped by Bert Harrison of Pet erborough with three wins plus 22 Fat Hood of Unionville had three plus nine Carlie Knight of Barrie and eorge Brennan of Guelph each had two wins but Drennans ag egate 0726 topped Knights 22 kip Knight had GordHenderson Longtin and Fred Pearson on 011 Wins OKeeles BonspielSalurday Brennan formerly of Aiiis lt ton had three exBarrie men on his entry Clifford Guest banker any ItlcVittie school inspector and Arthur Girdwood an engineer son of thelate principal of Barrie Collegiate Fourth prize in the morning draw went to Alex Young of To rontoDominion Bank who topped McIntyre 0fWclland by two points in aggregatcjor one win Al Milson ofBarrie had three wins plus 21 to take second money in the afternooidraw He had Doc Haslett Jim Clyne and Bill Browning working with him Kearscy iwho hadBill Wolfen den in his first bonspiel Leigh ton Clark and Art Powell on his roster got third money with two wins plus 13 Frank Hewson of Collingwood also hadtwo plus 13 but Kearseys aggregate of 36 beat him Fourth prize for no win went to Couitori of High Fork whb hadzu aggregate DIN 1230 sumo WINNERS sv Noteworthy was the fact that Van Adams with Ray Mitchell vice for the first tworgames anszay Living ston for the final chose for bisfr0nt end two Bnrrie schoolboy curlers John lttch ardson firstycar and Darryl Walton second year and the did right welliin their firs taste0fsptcli11g Adams beat the experienced Drennan rinkfrom Guelph first lirengcpt ore Charlie Knight nk of Barrio also exs pericnccd in competition in the sécond game but lost to Harrison of Pctcrhorough in the third Jack Kennedy wasskipping for the Barrie Colts rink of Harry Michic Dr Harold Smithand Dr Fred McDowell omitting Em erson Webb who had alame back but they rangoff the track after beatingsJohn Huntington of TorontoADominiun Bank in their first game They lost their sec ond to Bruce Reynolds of Barrie who had Amby Rivett Charlie Newton and Clarence Wingrove on his rink and then Drennan of Guelph further sidelined the Colts in the final Another Barrie entry Gord Needham Hozen Edge George Dangerfield George Kennedy skip Two wins Kearsey beat them in the sec ondgame In his first game Kennedy at Arthur Klein of Toronto Granites 224 Klein is Crown Attorney for the City of Toronto The above foursome need be careful while in that area now gt Skip Harvey Langdon of Clif fordpicked up Thorntonites llérh Shannon OrVal Carr and Bert Shellswell of Barrie Curling Club for the day but it was not win ning day three losses All four Toronto clubs were represented also Fergus and Walkertqn in addition to already mentioned Toronto Dominion Nova Scotia and Toronto Civil Service one each HANDSOME Prize BRANTFORD The John Bellamy family is stil1enjoying the gift they receivedaround Christmas $54000 Irish sweepstakes prizewhich he won Oct 31 Vivian tn thecentre holding it cup Other members ofxthe rin were Bank had four rinks Bank of er Russell Midhurst grand champion of the small seed grand ch class Ed Rule of Stayner who was awarded the grand KEMPVIEW MENS LEAGUE First Division Tanning 50 Valley Taxi 49 CGE 40 Lake view 39 Carpenters 28 Sham rocks Second Division Duncan 55 BarrleMatol 43 Rockets 37 Tent and Awning 34 Knights of Colum bus 31Ciitf brown 10 Tuesdays Scores Tanning Shamrocks Val icy CGE2 Lakeview Car penters Duncan Motor0 Cliff Brown Rockets Tent and Awning of Jack Greenside had the top single score of 321 StAmand had the high triple of 833 LADIES AFTERNOON LEAGUE Fuchsia 90 5Blues 76 Scarlets 76 Green 73 Reds 71 Yellows 37 Tuesdays Scores Fuchsia Yellows Scarlets Reds Blues Greens Lois Hodgson had the top scor es Her single was Zdland triple 605 MENS uncommon 11 First Division Wright 47 Hy dro 43 Legionl 34 SevenUp 33 Deluxe 27 Hydro2 26 Second Division Copaco 42 Georges 41 Webb 40 Hep Cats 38 Legion 34 Denis Sheard 30 Mondays Scores Deluxe SevenUp Hydro Wright Hydro Legion Copaco Legion Georges HEP Cats5 Denis Sheard Webb Knicely ms the top trundler with agsingleof 310 and triple of 754 MENS MAJOR LEAGUE First Division CN Telegraphs 41 Kenwelis 40 13X Depot 37 Lakeview 34 Dom Auto 31 Leg ion 27 Second Division Barbers 47 Westonfs 43 Copaco 41 Smith Farm 85 CornehCupboard 33 Stewarts 11 Tuesdays Scores Kenwelis 13X Depot CNT om Autos Legion Lake Barbers Westonsfi Marr wasthé top bowler with single score of 355 and triple of813 CGE HOUSE LEAGUE Toppers 50 Waywards 50 Screwball 49 Tigers 47 Mallet heads 46 Who Cares 45 King Pins 45Pinpushers 42 Nevrluzrs 40 AAs Sit Hopelesses 34 cesA 30 Timberlinesztl Hurricanes 21 No Names 20 Faucets 15 Stragglera 14 Pirates 13 Need iers ll Alley Cats 11Rock and Rollers 9Rockets White Sox 7Ramblers IV Les Martin had the mens high single of 298 Gord Hobbs had the high triple 01134 Lois mar had the ladiés high single of 92 Alma Bebb hadithe high triple of 664 manning MONDAY Manon 1151051 SATURDAY mncu box of young collie pups was the only outdoor commodity be ing offered at the market this week but it was almost warm en ough to warrant other selling out side the building The sunshine did not bring out the buyers however Business was slow all morning even with such items as ng pic and giadinlus bulbs for 1110 llVro THREE GRAND CHAMPIONS at Northsimcoe Seed Fair championship in the cereal class and Gabriel Maurice of whichwas held at Eimvale last Friday Left to right Hunt Penetang who once more showed his skill by taking the March meeting of Crown Hill Womens Institutc willbe heldat Mrs Kennys on Wednesday March13 at p111 Toplewill be taken by Mrs James Rix Tea hostesses Mrs Bezznnt and Mrs Dunsmorc Roll call How to control stove pipe tires Motto Use the talents you pose 055 for the woods would be very silent ifnn birds song except the best Comment by Mrs Port ridgc WAVERLEY The members 01 the Womens Institute rmect at Mrs Clarke Frenchs for their March meeting The millincry course starts on March 13 Mrand Mrs Reg Drinkle and Graham returned after spending days in Brantford Mr Livingsto who had been in Midland visiting hi sisters re turnedfio the home of his daugh ter Mrs Royce French GeraldFrcnch of Toronto spent few dayswith his parents Mr and Mrs Elmer French Mr and illirs Morris Darby spent day in Toronto VThe WAof the United Church held their March meeting at Mrs Bert Frenchs with Mrs F11ank Reynolds taking the worship per iod and Mrs Robert Jamieson in charge of the missmnary tudy book Several friends and relatives from here led on Mr and Mrs Charles Grigg atAllenwood on the occasion of their50th weds ding vanniversa Mr andMr Herb Hornshy spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs WarrenFrench ofGuelp The Guild of St Johns Anglican Chufeh metat the home of Mrs Elba Brownon Wednesday March with good attendance and Mrs Morley French and girls of Brantford spent the weekend W17 relatives and at tended the 53rd wedding anniver sary of Mr and Mrs Charles French at 3b home of th ir daugh ter and son nlaw Mr and Mrs Reg Drinkil Gail Adams of Toronto is visit ing with her andMrs inn1 ll dams 79 Fendleys Flowers 78 Sidecabins 64 Jacksons Grill 50 20 Seven Up Police Dept IPA Jockosns Grill ettes 57Fendle Jnckso Mote Clarke 15 Clarke Lakesid Viau Your 5331 for Spring with 5111 wuss Inuiurs tr inc seat cover MiltGilli IIN lids ntand uncle Mr amplonshlp in the potato and the hay classes WEDNESDAY MARCH Very little business was done with but few charges on the docket and closing before noon Magistrate Foster presided with Assistant Crown Attorney Kennedy Chief Edward Tschir hart and Sgt Neathwoy had court duty Mrs Graydon Cole J12 back from Kitchener was court stenographer Adjournments numbei of adjournmean in cluded charge ofwilful damage to window at the Roy Lem Cafe on March against James Rob inson laid byPC it Lacey This was adjourned to March 13 for hearing Two charges against George Counter were adjourn ed to the same date More Serious Appearing jointly in charges of breaking and entry with theft at the office of Siessor on Feb 26 in Barrie Raymond John Walton and William Chauncey Yorke were remanded one week for trial Bail of $500 cash or $1000 property was allowed Chorge Withdrawn charge of assault laid against Arthur Hallet on Feb 26 in In nisfil by William Amero was with drawn when the complainant did not appear and costs were paid by Mrs Amero Gets Term youth who hadbeen placed on suspended sentence on Dec 14 1956 for two convictions of break inginwiththeft on Dec7ap peared again for theft of gas and was given three months on two charges attotai of six months re formatory He had als failed to reportto probation of ieer John Iket price 50 cents May planting reward for the shopper who wished to make the short trip up Mulcaster Street Dollar Pup Tho mleghtvwceksold orph ans whoso mother was killed dur ing the week by carwere tempting buy for dollar and their young owner was disposing of them fairly quickly Other livestock advertised was male Gcrmon roller canary price $84 Gladiolus Bulbs Glad bulbs were 30 ozind 59 cents dozen depending on size The tig pies were the usual mar Raspberry mince and apple pies were also market items and the home mak ing counters offered butter tarts variety oicookies brciid date loaves and date turnovers gt TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD Leightiiii Foul TELEViSltlll cvarv CHANNEL TONIGHT At inn and 1130 p10 CARD or THANKS HLKBINGIONllere worth in 13 mm 10 expren our gratitude 10 net and every one is helped us mum these my sorrow Irith beautiful flowers mum of lympltlly and new at tnfinite irimium we can only say thank you lo rnnch Esp tally rm It rumor for air conni tnr wordl 40111 Herrintlon m1 Iamlly a0 BOWMANill lovtnl memory of our dear liner Haul uqu Bowman who and 11va lurch I051 Today dull back and mulledI deakr unrulronpmto rut we now at etlha And VIIIIIM for 111 there Sldi mined bro ther sirtrn and Greeting Curtis Scrious or Comical the card you want to send on March 17 is here in our wonderful assortment WEllYMllllTllS 300K STORE 80 DUNLOP STREET How Christidnfiéience Heals TV SERIES for Everyone This WEEK VICTORY oven ALCOllOLISM CKVRLTV Channel Wednesday 345 pm the number you need for your lunch committee to Paul Emms orchestra Members have been mailed our Directors 3111 nicely up your free ti co Annual Meeting Wednesday March 13 1957 S+ JOSEPHS AUDITORIUM Mulcoster 5L Barrie at 745 oclock in the evening for the reception of the Financial Statement the Operating Report and Directors Managers and Auditors reports for the past year For the Election of Directors and Appointment ofAuditors and for the transaction of such other business as may be brought before the meeting All mem bers and patrons are invited to attend Our Guest Speaker MR GEORGE McCAGUE Farmer Harriston and Director United Coopcratives of Ontario Special nv1totlon Membersand their Ladies Junior Farmers and anyone interested are invited to pick up atvour office or from ourDirectors or Driver Salesmen tickets which are for our Dance Lunch and Door Prixes There is no charge for theseand if you will get family in advance it will help our Our meeting will include election by ballot ol twodircctors and also of two Junior Farmer Associate Directors for whom Junior Farmers as well as members will vote After the business of the meeting chuffet lunch will be served and there will be dancing Annual Report and anyone else interested in Coop or investment in Coop Debentures may have copy for the asking at our office FARL ELLIoir President Sirocco District looperative Servi es

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