Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Mar 1957, p. 8

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irnf due on Imago lHEtIliZENIit MODERNSOCIEIY ny glam mamas nraea Education Week should be an cppropriato time for some obacr vations on the theme Education For Résponsible Citizenship Let usihope that something of funda mental significance will emerge in this tlmc ol unrestbreezy thinking and catchwords for dem ocracy There is direct relationship between the education of peo ple and the social and political ideals and standards cherished by that pco le British and Cana dian dc ocracy assumes that each individual has astatusiwithln the community and that this status implies relationship between individuals over and above all thnughtpf moral contract with the stale The purpose ofcducation in its broadest application is to make reconciliation betvieen two very important concerns of life the one of physical existence and the oth er of spiritual development We cannot arriverat that happy condition merely by planning our curriculum and making it more lavish and attractive as the years go by This has been our stumb ling block in the past We have been too gullible and have ex poscdgourselves to untriedtheoi ies promulgated by enthudiasts We Mil only achieveour pur pose by including in the curricu lum subjects of both cultural and practical value and by in fusing them into the life and work oi the pupil Lite is not fixed and dctermin ed on the contrary it is spontan cous and free full of variety and surprises fullof uncertainty and the chaliengcof the untriedtbc unknown These are the qualities that provide zest for the child Situations must be met often in haste often without warning and our decisionswili be governed by the affairs of the moment The curriculum in many instan ccs has been overplanned 0b staclcs have been placed in the way making it difficult to achieve the proper correlation between the child and his environment Our business is not so much to plan BOND HEAD Final Night On Wednesday the final night of the St John Ambulance course was held when two doctors from Toronto were present to test the 54 members who had taken the course few were unable to be present on the final night but is tried the examination Results will not be known for few weeks Small gifts were given the two instructors Lunch was served and social time spent Thirtyone Girl Guides and eight Boy Scouts are trying their tests this week Bowling Club Results Sneakers 31 Slippery Sticks 31 Aces 27 Hawkeyes 23 Ladics thrce highgames Mad elenc Stewart 210 and 119 Ruth Usher 179 Triple Ruth Usher 524 Gents one high Lorne Bar vey 257 Wi ed Lang 236 Bry an Jackson 212 Triple Wilired Lang 5231 Late league Flyers 30 Rollers Gliders 28 Slippers 25 Ladics three high Elsie lleyv holds 193 Gertie Woodrow183 Alice Smith 180 Triple Elsi Reynolds 51 Gents John Lloyd205 vftay Hounsome 185 JackiArmstrong 192p Triple Jack Armstrong 512 Bowl of fun eptpy Sneakers 1499 Euchre Party Twentythree tables of euchre were at theparty on Monday night which was the final Euchre of the series Ladies prizes for the night Mrs ArmstrongMrs Lisk low Mrs Clark Gents Frank Mendrck Ernest Lisk low Henry Wartinier Lucky tallies Mrs Batcman Mrs Westlake Sa ie Dunnell Frank Mendrck William Suthcr land and Ross Lang Grand prizes for series Mrs Walls ot Newmarket Mrs Joseph Noble gents William Madiil Jake Hon ingh Mission Band The Mission Band met in the church on Saturday afternoon with 34 members present VThc worship service hymn follovi Bens Barrel Ann Barker cit Watt read poem entitl The Right Kind of Boy Flo nee Orr led in prayer and hymnwassung After theMission Band hymn offering Cuibtnt the curriculum as to rernove im pedimeok which tend to hinder spontaneous growth The aim of education is the de velopment both morally and in tellectually of human society but such an effort would be fruitless if society were not there to begin with In other words society must be continually built and de velope but cannot be created it began with the family and can be traced through its consecutive stages of tribe clan race or na tion The whole development was natural growth When the ques tion is approached from the other end we immediately encounter difficulties We are placing the cart before the horse and thus was born totalitarianism Freedom and control must work hand in hand if either is out oi balance trouble develops We must expect our beliefs and con victions to be questioped but we must be prepared to make con cessions to others if we wish oth ers to tolerate our freedom Such is selfdiscipline in democracy the democratic life is more fundamental than either the system or the method The community is not something added tothc individual by mans effort both are aspects of one reality nations culture is more than the command of the ameni tics of life We learn to think in terms of spontaneous develop ment from within rather than in terms tilimposed plans from wflh out EDITORS NOTE Mr Steele is aretired teacher from Ottawa now residing in Barrie on Shanty Bay Road Mrs Steele is native of Oro Township BELLE EWART From Toronto Mr and Mrs Silcox and Pam elu andfriend of Toronto were Sunday visitors in town Week In Toronto Mrs Ralph Curtis Colleen and Dennis spent thepast week in Toronto Mr and Mrs Jack Torrens re turned from their trip on Satur day loh Accomplished The moving of the house across the lake last week caused some excitement it was thought it couldnt be done without accident but it Was Open liouse Belle Ewart school obscrvcd education week by holding open house on Monday evening There was good turnout of interested citizens as well as parents great deal of interesting material was on display besides the chil primary interest to the parents Mrs Morris beginners room was filled with many amus ing things the children had made learning to like school and taking their first steps in reading and printing Mrs Watsons room progresses little farther with posters In displayed and so on to Mrs Don winter and summer birds and nests Miss Kancaks roomwith its puppets and wall paper de signs Finally the senior room with its great display of art where everyone gathered afterwards to enjoy 4a pingram presenting two on three numbers from each grade This was preceded by talk on education by Mr Argue principal of the school Lurich was prepared by the ladies of the community and serv edby the senior girls Many Were heard to say they wished they could repeat their school days in todays pleasant surround logs on Wednesday Feb 27 members were presen Meeting opened with the Ode andCollect Minutes ofyiast meetv ingwere read andadopted There was uiteh lotrofzbusiness dealt with delegate to the conference it Guelph district annual at Ivy in June taking apart in the Salada Teacontest and the rug and quiltFair at Collingwoud hiis Andrews and Amy were appointed nominating com Eleven aiittee for the new officers yltollc hat theUhited lations means to me after which Mrs Johnllobinsongave lone oithe est talksthatwhas been given an long time on United Nations its homo being in New York City She said it was your business and my business to detail cahgtowards making drens work books which were of dian scenes murals prominently nellys room with its store its Veteran World Wor Otto James Franco Elliott DiedAt comp Borden Slill anotherveleran of Worl War Onohaa answered theilaai call although ibut very little over middle age James Franciall iiott died suddenly on Thunday February at the RCAEStr lion where he had ban itore man for some time heart tack was the cauaeof his pass Born on March 22 1898 in Ot tawa he had for twoyearabegn in Nova Scotia before coming to Ferndalc neat Barrie where he spent 14 years before moving to Angus nine yearsago Mr Elliott was Presbyterian Bereaved by his death ar his widow Mrs Dorothy Elliott An gus son PD James Elliott in Halifax and two daughtersMr€ Howard Killingbcelr Pat of Hal ings and Mrs William Armstrong Doiis in Angus When quite young min it served in World War Qne writbfit Princss Patricia Canadian ugti scooter members and 318001 infantry and while on active scr commen luv CHAMBER Song Leader Samson MiNIsrElt nav annasr 1150 aluSU 1f1m+Nroonpitos GRUSA MARCH£0 lilin CHURCH TEAM from dianocegattendingm Hi and Ira Howard Killingbeck Hastings and Mr and lira Cam eroo Mother nto large number and on RCA and other aervioe pemnncl were as luttrihute present any lovaly flowera undressed the rampantad regret of tainin and friends and of nan Sec tion new station Camp 30 den The fiddler Aid of Zion Presbyterian Church Canadian Legionfio 499 Angus and the Cities Service Angus Burial was inAngus Cemetery and pallbearers were David sep Albert Johnson Lawson Payn Robbins and fl comm non vyrcromfltcei First act of the 1961 municipal council of suburbs iSaanich war toreduco mambersj put motiphpaased 0Vertheobjcctions of two coun cillorsysetxanannual salary of auLYTGaAiiAMs anv CHAMBERS ontatulatio Don Bttlm she won beautilnl boattandmo au valued at dole mambo Don Bulxner won the top award hy catehlng Hindi northern pike at the Penetang winter carnival Saturday and Sunday Second Teen Town The second Teen Town will be held in Holly School on Friday evenint March fromra to 10 interested are welcom small admiaaion is charged each family Mr and Mra lLBonney of Barrie visited neceatiyyith Mr and Mrs Campbell Sponsor Euchre Littles Hill Coronation Wi sponsored euchre party at the homeot Mr and Mrs Moore on Saturday eyepin Prizeawere awarded High Bentley Dyer low Mrs Srigley hackle lone hand Mrs Morrow Lucky draw Mrs Nelson weekend at Stroud Miss Heather Lackiospent the weekend atStroud with her coue in Edgar Hughes ASSOCIATE EVANGSLIST mane up olsTRIcT CHRIST Sunday Guests Mr and Mrs Mrs Churchill otBeeton spent Sunday afternoon with Mr and Mrs Pearson From Beamville MrsF Simpson oi BeamsJ viliespcnt Sunday with Mrs it West Toronto Funeral Mr and Mrs JT Lennon were in Toronto one day last week at tending the funeral of their aunt Mrs GregoryMra Greogory was formerly Miss Minnie Lennox sister of the late Lennox anti resided here many years Mr and llrs Stewart and Mrs Dutton and Brenda spentxv thusnu scam Sunday in Toronto Recent Guests Rccent guests of Mr and Mrs Holt were Mr and hirs Bonnoy of Barrie and Mr and Mrs Walter Andrews of Brad ford WilS Meeting Trinity WMS will rnect at MrsM GCunninghams on Wed cmgsfhis Sundaylati MARCH song leader and director of the massed crusade choir this 28 year old native of New Jersey directed the music at the recent Oriliia and Brant ford crusades willicad in the nonran JAMES favourite of young people eat hymns of the fibristian faith outstanding young Canadian tenor soloist from pttawa will be accompanied by his wife Iva tiic crusade pianist Homer James turned downa professional opera careertoredtcr Christian service Hiswios me singing of Gospel songs haswon the hearts of Britain liliiiTlili mm on Iln rmediatéand SeniorDents baby sitting Nursery Kindergarten mudcarnage flPTlSl FELLowsmror amusement Baptism 945 in mm scams tilmgGO no gt nnsr sums cause Clapperwose no pain won MISS cm can Orga 1mm elitist zanm writrs ESSA thousands in Canada USA and Great bompresently residing nyNorth Carolina Wheaten Collegeand olumbiaTheological Seminary Presbyterian rn gist adian citiesasStra his message Owen and waisteySts REV JAMES FERGUSON Minister Cl ke Mus BELL FTCL Organistand Cho ma or it Juan SACRAMENT 10 llamx he Beginners Kind cons To or ran LORDS serrate The Chumhchhnol THE JUNIOR SENIOR CLASSE ergarten andPrimary Class CHUltCii CilLVilllY FELLOWSIIIP fillllllllll 15 The Christianaud MissionaryiAlliance CORNER BERCZ DUNLOP SIJIEET EAST Rev Poul Vol MD EVERYONE 930nm4JUNIORSUNDAY 1045 nagSENIORSUNDAY scuoor PRESBYTEIIIAN Clllillfilt MiNIsmnf MUIR noncn scrroor pin wnaxlsnnvrcn ST ours Missnni moaning rnavsi mass or was Lnrouron roan roam entine Pastor wan jwaLcomn 95 Con scnoot ORGANIST Age and up 11 armNURSERY nonfkrnoanoanaan THE HOURlSCDME HOMER JAMES Soloist PARISH crown mourn MR FRANK nurcnan In zoo vu mmeump ty war don Feb in the Orange Hail willfprizes goin to Ralph Schmdienao 11 ler nor Mrs George oDonaldand Mrs Can The Whine in stituta will be looking for your fppport every Wednesday ven ng Weare pleased to learn that MraJ ALennox who hi1 been in hospital since early tuber is aboutfio iconic and Stirvicea do Sunday Solon Toronto ipen Thornton relatives Weekend In no rllra Landry and her daughter inlawLMra Morris Loodrv Mat the weekend in Meatord in intrude foremostesaentials in our service yet ReasonaNe Charges and Highest Standg ards always prevail lt0ur Insured Time Payment Plan of funeral purchase ls adaptable tojevcry individ ualnecd or requirement ztloydgii Steckley Funeral Home downing sc Phones5553 noon on no 25 year old associate ngeiist Leigh thousands 5cimroii School ed ofBilly Graham Canadian honour graduate of ordained has led crusades in such Can oriii Oshawaasweli as in Scotland and nonncasr msBeginners and 11 Primary Serinon Sunday School YER TIIEREVLEGHTON FORD Church Nursery nior Sunday School Minx Shaw Altar Foils ileum million Phony annuities moan NG PRAYER REV WANLESS stimulusumrro REV WARE

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