Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Mar 1957, p. 10

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Donald Street vhose diughter nw international Cook Ii radar rumor um 83951 Book aicmn By JANE HARRmfilON Womens Bditor LThe fiivoiitle1 recipes of good cooks in all parts of the world areinowon sale in Barrie ln cook book form the Silver Anniversary International Cook Book of the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority The saleswomen are members of the local Xi Alpha Iota chapter who proudly polntto the local recipe included in the first pages of page volume The recipe for Orange Bread is not exactly the product of member but rather of her mother Mrs Hilliard Meredith of 28 Mo Mildred is an active sorority sis ter is the good cook represented in the collection The twolocal chap rs are fifty two hundred in the ntcrnationl organization with one hundred and twentyfive thousand mem bers Accordingly there is great deal of variety in the col lectlon of recipes Contributors reside in England Germany GrecccScotland and Alaska and all of the fortyeight states and tcn provinces The recipes in this book havcl not been laboratory tcstedex plain the editors Instead their merit has been established in the finest homes in the world by the finest young wome lo the world Bcta Sigma Phls The xiAlpha lotas are using the proceeds from the local sale gt to further the sororitys work in connection with the Royal Vic toria Hospital visiting patients to distribute such appreciated Lealhérworkv SuBiecl Talk To AuXiliary The March meeting of the Lad ics uxiliaryito theLions Club run was old at Community House Monday evening with the presidlini Mrs Gerald Woodgor prestaing Members were urged to put forth an effort to sell their ICkfiLiJnl the lincn chest which will be displayed in store win dowfdotvntawn ture An interesting talk onhand crafts leatherwork was given by MissKay Yasuiiaka who is on the staff of one of our local leather companies Miss Yasun aka was born in Vancouver later moving to Montreal and Hamil tonwhere she taught crafts at Mountain Sanitarium Leather work is very delight ful form of recreation for the patients enjoyed equally as much by the men in the penal in stitutions vwherecellular bore dom frequently exists this hand craft has become very popular Miss YaSunaka showed samples in the near fu if their handvorkearvedpurs cs trays wallets won some this later becomes commercial enterprise Mrs Leishman thanked the speaker for her informative talk Refreshment were served and social halfh ioyed iiASll FINEST WOOLLEIIS SAFELljWITIIZ spenaiiy developed In withing on woollemlAWilh Zerq your iwealen baby woollcni and blankets will wnth wonderfully lean and soil No shrinkingNo mulling itommitoilool 7ox pltg so itnr pkg9u Igood for am so gold 1o am we Iutiungsl nothing crisoENs PHARMACY 14 Dunlop at on 85959 sequin St PA 6643 book covers the two hundred and seventy articles as the latest magazines Ind newspapers Plan Spring Ball The above chapter and its sister group the Alpha Phis are plan ning to revive the sororitys an nual springlball by the way It will be called the Black and Gold Ball in honor of the soror ity colors and the date is May the first And from the sound of the arrangements being made for the evening it will be one of the social events of the season At Home This Evening ClarenccJackson wellknown Allandaic resident who is making his last run this afternoon as con ductor on the Meatord way frelght can look back on forty five years of service with the rails way He started in with the Grand Trunlt in Allandalc in 1912 With the exception of nine years in Collingwood Mr and Mrs Jackson have lived all thattime in this community and their many friends will be accept ing their invitation to visit them at home this evening The reception hours are from eight to ten oclock at their res idence 52 Burton Avenue Orange Bredd Here is Mrs Merediths recipe for Orange Bread that won place in the Beta Sigma Phi cook book Rcmove white bitter lining from inside of peeling of two oranges Boil in enough water to cover till tender Cut with scissors into small pieces and while doing this boilhalf cup of sugar and half cup of water to thin syrup Put cutorange péol into syrup and leteool To one cup sugar and two well beaten eggs add one cup milk three cups sifted pastry flour Vthrec teaspoons powder and half teaspoon salt Mix well and add orange peel and beat smooth Bake ina large greaScd loaf tin thirty minutes oven temperature three hundred and fifty degrees Let stand in tin for ten minutes before rc moving Nine Hundréd Participalecl In Hostess Night Hostess Night first project of the year of the Womens Aux iliary of the RoyalVictorla Hosp ital was great success Over 900 people participated in the fund raising project playing bridge eanasta and euchrc and holding teas and quilting bees Prizeslwere drawn Friday by His Worship MayBr Willard Kin zie The aux ary was grateful for the generosity ofEariie businessr men who donated 37 of the 47 Hirizes It also appreciated the cooperation of all the organiza Lions in the town and country and personswho held particsbr con tributed in any way tothe sub Mrs WilliamCoopeiLMrs Roy Christie Mrs Caldwell Mrs Caldwell Mrs El rick Mrs Jack Butler Mrs Flett Mrs Hinton Mrs 151 Harris Mrs Cheesman Mrs Har vey Mrs Drake Mrs Welsh Mrs Clayton Stewart Mrschl cey Mrs Hefferon Mrs Hall Mrs Bullock Mrs Fredflpv lett Mrs McKenzie Mr Hogan Mrs McCarioll Mrs it Hit derhill Mrs GableMrs Cuthhert Mrs Grant Mrs ILVRobinson Mrs Orchard Mr De othyArmstroiig Mrs Wilson Mr Flowers Mrs Godden Mrs Kohimeycr Mrs Urry Mrs Elmer Webster Mrs Lewis Mrs Huddleston Mrs Per kins Mr Flnolr Mrs Doidge McGowan Craig do ons Mrs Walter Craig Mc inlay Miss Jean Murray Mr MpThomson Mrs Davies Mrs cialir Mrs nnberc son Mrs He ry Vanderbeek Mrs no bllgation 07 Off on order of EWIIMSISEI baking ercleTMis Swan nurriage in St Marys The second spring fashionshow of the Evening Circleoffit dreivsilresbyterlan Church yvns successfullyéitaged Wednes afternoon an evening Thel ture hall looked very attractive with spring flowers and agay garden umbrella decorating the platform Members andfricnds were wel cdmcd by the president Mrs nods dreSScs were from Jean Christie The new spring hats were from the Joan Ga ek School each one being an origin 31 creation wide variety of styles were featured in the fashioiy show ranging from teenage dresses to youthful halfsizes suitable for remained very popular many with matching dusters Skirts are ether very slim or extremely full any dresses were beltless or with builtin cummerbunds Travellers were interested in the new materials which require no ironing such asiSliagbark dripand dry fabric and Cap lan satinbacked material that is creasefree Soft background music was most effective as the models walked downJhe runwny Most vcremembers of the Ev ning Koh Mrs Swan Miss We rs Ray Gariepy Mrs Mrs Johnson Mrs Stephens Mrs Murray Mills Mrs John Postnikoff Miss Jarie Simpson lifrslAE Vance Mrs Cal ll Mrs TedlNettleton Organization in rig part git Georges Eve ing Guild Gel on Star LOBA 551 the Business and Professional Womens Club the RCAMC officers Camp Burdens AF dgar Catholic Womens League Charles Saso Eato Coand TeeWerGwill Cundl Stroud Craighurst Ivy Central and Shanty fBay Womensinstitut ConVeners Hostess Night wereMrs Me arroll and Mrs Drake SIGNING THE REGISTERfollowlng their oman Cathollc hurch last Saturday momi are Mr and lirs William Garnet Grantham The bride is the former Frances Jane Berthelotte SsArielrevlsf Shtdwv Shenihs lsshnuhnvahed the more mature figure sheaths Members Learn dent was in the chair daughter 01 apnahh Rutherford Mrs Marian on Mrs Robert Lels Mrs CecilioMcClure Mrs Mora Gibto Mrs Gilndry Mrs Paul Meger MrsJames Morley Mrs Howard Case and the Misses Sheila Stephens Sharon Ayers and Betty Jane Webb During the intermission Miss Rhoda Young gave very enter taining recitatio At the conclusion tebiand licious sandwiches were servc by the members of the various groups composing the Evening Circle Miss Young acted as common tutor and makeup was applied Mrs Helen Mulhollan women Institutes TecWeGwill WI About Eskimos Tlic February meeting of Tec WeGwill Whinens Institute was held at the me of Mrs Betty Haihertwitha good attendance Mrs Louise Houghton the presi gt Ballpall Wasranswered by suggestion for entertain The convener of community ac tivities and public relationswas in charge of theprogram Mrs lsa bcl Bowe introducedthe speaker Mrs Atkinson Cookstown who gave an interesting talk on the Eskimo Mrs Atkinson wds the first white woman togo to Baffin landvin 1993 vler husband gonethe previous year Members learned much ifrom her talk about the Ilife of the Eskimo Shetold many amusing and some sad incidents that had laken place during their stay in thenorth no in pastrywork and homebaking of all ltin halt cakefor the next vbirthdayin your Mrs EmlynWestlahe coitd ted aveontest in family ad F3 da study Of Excépli6 Be Subiect Talk To in lion rial3 Child Home And SchoolMonday Dr Slotbers BA DPacd president of the Stothers Excep tioull Child Foundion will speak at Hillelest Auditorium on Mondny March it Everyone interested in is invited to attend by andDistrict Home education the Barrie and School Council under whose auspices this outstanding figure in educa tlonls coming to town He will speak on the work of his nonprofit organization Drl Stoihels was born in Huron County Itteiided Goderlcb Col legioic and wentoverseas in the First World War He taught schoolJn Toronto and obtained his from the University oi Tomato While school inspec tor in Bellevlllc he became doctor of pedagogy writing his thesis on the problems of rural school teaching Disturbed at the hearing and sight dlnbllities of children in the schools he made an intensive Lu coopercinch Mr and MrsLeo Berthalotte of Barrie and the groom isthe sonrof Mr andMrs waiter Grantham of Barrie The aremaklngtheir home he MY FAMILY AlfiD OTHER VANIMALS by Gerald Durrell ah autobiography or the earlier years Gerald Durell hose busines ecting an imals for 1003 ose books éseilbffithése ect jaunts havejbeen rdelighting readers for some years Mr Durrell apparently comes from family which acts largely upon impulse and once when Gerald was ten an impulse of dis gust at the English climate made themflee to the Greek island of Corfu where they stayed for 1ch years Here Geralds formal schooling was sketchy to the point of nonexistence but his already avid interest in everything that vyalked orcrawled or flewwas encouraged and developed not by his family they found young Gerrys habit of bringing em whom appear in tbis book it Much ofthe charm of Mr Dur latest he combines in just proportiou thdseientists gift of exact nob servatlon with the artists ability to select and arrange his facts in the most pleasing and satisfying order In addition to do this he has kept intact from childhood the sénsefpf wonder and greets each new creature he meets with theisurprised and friendly cur iosity of an intelligentxchild This lively combination of characteristics is pleasing enough when applied to those weirdcr a4 tiires Mr Darrell captures in rlcan rid South American jun gles hen henturns the same candid scientific gaze on hisfamg lly andfriendsond records what hoisees With the handyof an artist the result lsgenuinelyfunny For AUTOMATIC vax ourz YDULL LEARN MARY 0°in PARKW combination baclr alive rathér tryingbut by variouiresldeuts of Corfu all of rcliswritinglics in the fact that Cadet AUxiliery heated hou study of their problems Come quently he was appointed to mix iliary class inspector and with Harry Amos and Miss Hclcn Dellporic covered the Province of 0ntario completely from Manitoba to Quebec and Lake of Bays south searching for handi capped pupils In 1955 Dr Siothers was grant ed the Greer Memorial Award inrccognitlon of his work ahdthe $500 granted with it was given to the special education section of the DEA An appoint the Durrells seem to be family of rugged lndlvidunlists from the wdiowed Mrs Durrell to tenyeai old Gerry going each his own way and tolerntlng the activities at 815 pm of others so long as they did not interfere with his own Geirys interests had tendency to interfere quite unintentionally as far as he himself was coni ccrned His pet agpiesinvadcd his brotherLa room with disastrous results to Larrys ronm Larrys temper and to the Magonpies as they were collec tively known who were thence forth caged By an unfortunate of circumstances Gerrys darlings of the moment mother Iscorpion and her brood of several dozen infant but fully equipped scorpions was let loose at the dinner table where family and guests somehow failed to up ipreciate their peculiar form of beauty Gerrys pets were unpopular but tolerated The family adopt ed much the same attitude toward Larrys guests series nfaigty young man and women in search of free board and lodging and place in the Mediterranean sun in fact the family moved into larger villa in order to accom modate these parasites andlteep Larry happy They are pinned down and lpreserved for posterity by Gerry along with the moths and butterflies of Corfu and the turtleelzg laid by Madame Cy clops Later the family moved again to srnallerivilla this time in order not to be able to accom modate an aged and ailing great aunts who looked like living for ever andproposed to join them in their paradise Mr Durreli swears that every event recounted every person de scribed inthe holds true He also assure us that living in Corfu waslike living in one of the dealer slapstick comicoperas Oh Well what is truth anyway 102 Squadréh Meejs Wednesday The Womans Auxiliary of 102 Air Cadets is having its next meetingat 815 pm on Wednesl dayMarcb 13 atthe homerof Mrs OliveMcKevcr Letitia st Allmothers are cordially in vited gamma Autdiuatleoil norm Aut gt oinallc service the ideal combl Itlon for comfortably Why Inotbrlugn your heating problems to us We have the answersfland caii provide the service RRIE View BA Kliflliljz 8246 ed committee lncrcnecd the amount to $2030 and the Stothers Foundation for mceptioutl Chil drop was born The foundation promotes the education and general welfare of children who deviate fromtfIe normal either physically or men tally This includes theaeadem ically bandiclppcd the cultural ly exceptional the emotionally exa captionl the mentally excep tionil either slow or gifted learntrsthc physically bandl capped iucluding gtthe malnour lshcd and epileptic and the so clslly exceptional children from broken home and delinquents It has published information developed caching materials im proved special education and con duc ed research evening program which will include numbersby chorus from theBarrie SPEESQSA has been planned by the school edu cation chairman Garnet Pratt WMS Conference Will Be Held In MayeiToronlo The March meeting of St drews Evening Missionary ciety was held in the churchpar lor Monday evening with 22 mem bers present Miss Jesslellun ter the president was lnthe chair Mrs ll Boldt read the scrip ture lessonuand Mrs Emilie Bell led in prayer Part one of the 1957 study book The Churc in Southeast Asia introduce at the February Meeting by Mrs Wattle was reviewed by Mrs Newton duet Jesus Bids Us Shine was sungby twojunlor members theMlsses Margaret Newton and Debbie Fergson During the busiuessaperlod there was discussion of the 1957 allocation thankoffering speak or and the WMS conference to be held in Toronto early in May osmium rom Hill PROBLEMS to Burie Louicxniuam hinder who nuke euflr sells fun only Lanai common 10 cuoose rnoiu Wlliilllls rims amine roaoNro owner 51w Wm Remodelling cola our neAsoNhnnx rotors sArisrAcrioN GUARANTEED erol DEoo wiih Miss Hope Weber fmpin lt regular inectinxefunity Auxiliary of Collier Street United Church Womens Missionlrfsod sly was held at the home Snailchunk 188 Dunlap St EastNcatrthree memberrune reseht The group ed ins Muriel Jeffery aeji Mr Min RuthAIrson autumnbed martinis oofnioneyfnlds Kong such piihlie heal devotionl Isfglven The theme of the tudy other vas Hong KonxandFo Mrs Eldon Greer glvalde Yip tlau ofyliving mndltionsfpfifre and the leperycolonyaiid lle healthwere éovend by Mfrs72 elyn Silk Educttloowsr ouuloa ed by surestchop MrstlAllm Sarlunt covcrcdflhristlnn orb =n Formosa and outlined the Lunch warm 13131051 58 and her committee Sbe iivas thanked by Mrsitoss Rodge The next meeting will be he in the new fellowship hali Ion April at 8pm It will be ofspccial eting GYP sumvillc BC as speaker ay in vitatlon the Mary Tattenfimltb and Afternoon auxiliaries will be joining the Unity for the ven Ing At the April meeting the auxil lary is also having shower of 50 gifts for children in the Kirkland Lake area under the leadership of Miss Empke It will be the thank offering meeting SERVICE IS MY BUSINESS If By Charles Anderso In your Life Insurance in stc the times Are present bencfi ary arrange inan still sausfacloryl Are Ihebenetits payable according to your familys best interestsh Have changingfnmily needs made your present insumnoe inadequate lust mail the coupon for help in an swcring these important qucsiinns UFACTUREES LIFE insomniac 26 Dunlop St West Phone $5594 would like to review my present llfl Insurance NAME standpoint Rental Service 1011IY0IIB Convenionm TH etscrnomaric WALLPAPER designed for the Home Owndrandl ndusewire who wish Itore ve old wallpaper to use lamazingtly low rental cost bany poss le ainagc Insulated toniifsur VsAsrro CARRY EASY T0 or sinth to repapcrtyour rooms youll find this too deal answer the problem of stripping your walls Corn luau

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