Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Mar 1957, p. 5

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MR AND Mos RALPH honour HAYIER mcsgnloolr gmarrieq is Saturclatf Wélkliag The marriage of Miss Mary Elizabeth McIntosh daughter of Mr and Mrs McIntosh of Barrie to Ralph Morgan Hayter son of Mr and Mrs Ralph Hayter or Barrie took place on Saturday March second 1957 at three oclock in the afternoon in St Andrews Presbyterian Church Rev James Ferguson officiated crepe She carrieda nosegay of at the ceremony and the wedding lwhile carnations music was played by the church organist Clarke Given in marriage by her fath er the bride was wearing gown of white taffeta featuring fitted bodice Her shoulderlength veil was trimmed with pearls She carried cascade bouquet of pink roses and white hyacinths The matron of honor Mrs Graham Tattcrsall of Barrie was wearing gown of blue satinback Lieutenant John Haytcr of Camp Ipperwash brother of the groom was groomsman Charles iiastings of Guthrieand Gordon Hayter of Barrie were the ushers reception followed at The Studio on Codrineton street where the mother of the bride received in Queens blue wearing beige accessories and Corsage of pink sweetheart roses The grooms mother who also received Durch Treat RAISED GINGERBREAD DOUGHNUTS In most countries cértain food customs traditionallyr are associat ed with special occasions For example in Canada we associate barn with Easter Christmas and Thanksgiving and so on In Holland the Dutch as sociate doughnuts with Shrove Tuesday But in Holland dough nuts are known as fastnaehts and Shrove Tuesday is called Fastnacht Day for thats the day nwhichfat puffy fastnachts trad pnaliy are served for break fast According to legend the fastnacht had on began so that goodlllutch cookscould use up an the fat in the house before the six long fatlcss weeksof Lent TheTDutch ustom of serving doughnuts at this ime of year is dne worth copying by any home rhakcr who is looking iorymys to brighten winter enus Mildly yeastmi ed doughnuts elicate molasses flavor are mealtime and lunchbox tieat thats sureto be appreciat TheseGi gerbread oughnuts be jwe earned an after school snack and at snac gt anyhnurof theday RAISED GINGERBREAB risen doughnuts turkey with cutter in cup boi ng water teaspoon vanilla Scald milk stir in the cup granulated sugar Cool to luke warm Meantime measure luke warm water into large bowl stir in th one gt teaspoon gran ulated sugar Sprinkle with yeast Let stand 10 minutes then stir well Measure allpurpose flour ginger cinnamon nutmeg and auspice into sifter Stir lukewarm milk mixture into dis solved yeast Stir in about half of flourspice mixture beat un til smooth Cover Let rise in warm placerfree from draft uhtil doubled in bulk about 94 hour Mcahtime cream shorteningi gradually blend in molassesStir in salt and wellbeatenoggs mixv appear curdled stir ure into risen batter Beatuntil smooth Stir in re maining flour imixture Grease top of dough Cover and let rise in warm place free from draft ddoubled in bulk about one hour Turn out dough onto lightlyvfioured board or canvas sndyshape intoa smooth ballrlloll out dough to 13inch thickness andcut withva floor Hughnut Place utrcoughnuts on into fat which cubeo day 1d read rely in 50 cc Ill that they had learned was in navy blue wearing while accessories and corsegc of yol low roses For travelling the bride chose suit of beige silk with brown accessories Mr and Mrs Haytcr will be making their home in Barrie CENTENNIAL BADGES Seventh Barrie Brownies and Second Barrie Guides held joint meeting at St Giles Mission that was highlighted by the presentaA tion of Centennial Badges Divis ion Commissioncrf Mrs Frank Carter spoke to the Guide and Brownies on their BadanPoweli project ie home service com pany and pack service andser vice outside the home The Fairy Ring broke at the mouth of the Horseshoe JoAnn Carter and Christine Clever were presented with their Brownie Wings They then flew around the Horseshoe while the pack sang farewell song After theItwo Brownies were received and welcomed to the Guide Company we had panel discussion during which we learned lot about Baden Powells life family and work the aim of the panel discussion This proved of interest all Guides Brownies and paren One little brownie asked her leader was called Brown Owlu Mrs Martin district co sinner replied by telling nice little story about Wise Old Owl and how she taught children how they could become Brownies Hence our Brownies leaders are called Brown Owls The panel onsisted of the division commissioner Mrs Martin Mrs Martin Lieutenant Sally Lou Ahern and Patrol Lead ers Mary DeaglcGailGrayv and Faye Carter Afterthe discussion the Gui es invited the Brownies toj in them in their Camp Fire songs The Brownies reall enjoyedthis taste of Guide in rating After God Savethe Queen been sung the Brownies gohinto their Fairy Ring for their closing prayer and tapsand theGuides into their Horseshoe Torination for their cl ve er songs and Brown Owl Mrs 11 Gray and treasurerMary Deagle gave the Fairy Gold and company dues collected thatevening to Mrs Martin to be put intoWorld Friendship Fund thermopey used to help Guides and Guidersnll over the world to at end centen niakcamps Everyone went home happier re of tiller glilffy grimy fielding Baxterrrresbyterian Church was the scene of pretty early spring wedding when the Rev Burgess Alliston officiated at the marriage of Miss Edith Marie Edgarto Hal Gordon Prentice Theehurehwas tutefullydecorated with tail standeruse pink nnd White snapdragons inter Entering the church on the or of her father the bride was we ing gown of corded French tatV feta in fitted princeso style The dccoiletage was VIbaped and the bodice horizontally pleated and the cap sleeves hadl scroll pat tern of lace encrusted with pastel covered sequins from the neck line over the left side of skirt which fell into sweeptrein Her headdress of tulle illusion formed Miry Queen of Scots crown trimmed with pastel sequined lace and edged with tiny pearls and wasvfingcr tip length Her sister Mrs David Hopper of ihornhill was matron of honor and Miss Jeanne McKay Reg Midland classmale of the bride was one of her bridesmaids along with the brides younger sister Jean All three attendants wore identical waltzlength turquoise taffeta gowns in princesse style with matching headdresses The groomsman was Allan Ed gnrbrother of the bride and the ushers were William Edgar also brother of the bridemend Willis Jacobs of Alliston Imingied with baby white mums Jlmmle Hopper nephew of the bride was ringbearer for the doublering ceremony The Lords Prayer was sung be5 fore the ceremony by Peter Bnd iey cousin of the bride who also song Perfect Love during the signing of the register At the organ was MissMirlam Mealnu of Alliston At the reception in Baxter 0r snge Hall the brides mother re ceived in rose colored lace gown assisted by the motherof the groom in blue lncc gown with pink hat and matching accessories The couple left for honey moon in the south The brides going away costume was cocoa brown suit and fur jacket with matching hat and accessories 0n their return theywillreside in Orillia where thegroom mem her of the Ontario Provincial Po lice is stationed Guests were present from 0t tawa Sudbury Collingvfbod De troit Toronto Barrleand Shel burne on our Magic Carpet amidNVValem tine eupids hearts and streamers our Twecnie Jean Gray was en rolled by Brown Owl to become brand new Brownie of the lst Bccton Brownie Packj 0n the important occasion Jeans mother grandmother aunt and sister Patsy were all present During powwow we had rousing singsung and more games Before the closing ceremonies thanks to the kindness of two of our mothers We were trentedto delicious Valentine cookies Last weeks meeting was held in the council rooms and the whole theme centred about Think ingADay the birthday anniversary of Lord and Lady BadenPoweli the founders of Boy Scouts and Guides Brow Owl told us the history of Guid and with our candle burning brightly on our Magic Carpet we were able to picture ths Light of Guiding as it shines throughout theworid today our thoughts wercwit Brownies in cvciy part hi the wor it During powwow we made plans for our visit to the Bond Head Brownies where we celebrated Thinking Day with all the other Brownies of the district Plans were also made for our tripto Newton Robinson on Sunday where we attended church ser vice with the Scouts Guides Brownies and Cuhs of the district commemorating Lord Baden Powclis birthday After our Iclosing ceremonies we were the guests of the Beeton Girl Guides Our commissioner was present to enrol severai Brownies and Guide mothers making them members of the local association THINKING DAY Guides andBrownies of Bee ton gathered with their mothers fora memorable enrolment Thinking Day service The evening istartcd asus 31 with the Brownies and Guides meetingintheir own rooms the regular procedure of roll inspection and patrol corner gt 730 the Brownies and th ir leaders marched upstairs Coni missioner weab arrived and after small chat with each of the mothersproceededwith the roiment The Guides made their horse shoe formation and the Brow es their fairy ringinside the ho shoe Each Brownie and in having mother present we ed tobring her into the horse shoe Sincet was the niothors who were to enrolledintoth local association the commission er asked each Guide and Brownre to present her own mother to her in the regular enrolment cere mony Judging from theibeam ing faces 13m sure it was de lightfui task Afterfithe enrolment veryo was psked to keep their places andya Thinking Daysérvrce held mmemorste the 10 anniversarymf the Chief Sc Lord BadenPowell The lights were put out and eachGuide he small blue candle Twooak were placed inthe centre oftiie room one representing the world flag with ge yellow candle in the con and the other birthday cake ated in the Guide colors bio and goldf After the Promise was repeated lri representing different inithe World where Guidingex ts lit her srnali candle from he largenne and Both were deco Bell Pioneers Enteriained At Valentine Pariy Mrs Jean Ritchielifc member of Chnmplain Council Telephone Pioneers was hostess to mem bers of ihe Barrie Council at her homeon William Street at Val entine party The evening was spent remin iscing about old times with the Bell playing cuchre and erokln ale and watching television pro gram buffet lunch was prepared and served by the hostess assist ed by Mrs Sam Loogley Mrs Frank Wice and Miss Mary Red man from very attractive table decorated in red and white colors of St Valentines Day It was centred with beautiful bouquet of red roses which had been sent Womens Institutes Mrs John Mason Guthrie Womens lnsriiure Hostess Guthrie Womens lntsitute held its February meeting at the home of Mrs John Mason Mrs Pear sall the president was in the chairsl Members were reminded of the Churchill folk schoolvat Mr and Mrs Kells on March 789 number from Guthrie attend ed the 60th anniversary Institute banquet in Banlei Mrs Merle Mason and Mrs Beatrice Cald well were appointed to attend the Cancer Society meeting Roll call was answered by Old customs llthave seen die out Mrs Campbell convener of current events and historical research was in charge of the meeting Several ladies handed in histories oftheir farms but others eported difficultyin eb taining information The committee inveharge of the fair proJect is to meet anddeeide what patterns are to housed The meeting closed witthbe hostess serving lunch The next meeting wili be held at the homerpf Mrs Camp bell qn March 20 at 2pm The Mrs Ewen Caldwe Earl Brown heetoo arrangements were made for the district annual meeting at Bond Head on Feb2ilngs Roy Ridieyh divisional commissioner was speaker SMALL orposu wut HOLD nnv ARTICLE MR AND MRS HAL GORDON Lu Cowper studio PRENTICE uu to Mrs Ritchie Champlain Council During the evening the group sang HappyBirthday to oncof the life members Bill Stephen son whose birthday fell on that day birthday gake with can dles was brought irito mark the occasion Attractive prizes for euchre were won by Mrs George Walton Mrs li Cauthers Mrs Longlcy by Currie and Walton Croltin oio prizes went to Cauthers the Misses Dunbar and Curtis and MrStephomoo Mr Langley voiced the thanks of the members to Mrs Ritchie The very delightfulevening was brought to close by the singing ofFor Shes lolly Good Fei low AUSTRALIAN COPPER Australias copper production was expanded to more than $91 500000 in 1956 In Isabel Chiilkk bu translated to the head on at the Hydro Ricctric Power Com mission In Toronto liter year and half impublic health nurse at Fnaerdlio Abitibi Canyon Colony Hydro gepenling station in Northern Ontario Sbe ftook over her new position this room in after apcndiul tewdrys with hermother Mrs Turn bull Dunlopstrect East Mn Tumbuli has just returned from months in Montreal where he had been visiting her sister for Turnbuli is mount in Toronto General Hospita lie Ll expected to be under observa tion for to days Lloyd Tuiford Collier treet United Church organist and sup englsor of music in the public chools is in Atlantic CityA this week nttendln the Music Edu colors convent Mrs Dicksteelcbas returned from an extended holiday in New foundland visiting her parents family and friends On her re turn flight shetstoppcd off in Montreal for few days to visit her daughter Doreen Mr and Mfslioward Annis of Oriiiia called on friends in Barrie over the weekend on theirwy to St Petersburg Florida They are motoring south for months cation Mr Mrs Norman Doughé llld Mr Ind Mrs Victor Dicker Shanty Bay RR have returned frotnirmutor trip to Florida They spent the month of February inathe south making their headquarters Clearwater summon rzsr Many mosquitocs passi the win ter as larvae in wrigglers frozen in ponds Indothermater homes IUFTEESS MA DISTINCTIVE covers7 SIMMONS IINNERSPRINGIOMFORT Deep quality comfort ina bulton style makes iteasy to make the bed Buy this mattr iwith snatching box spring and enjogthe sleep of life for life and for less than $10 00 Thi offer isbacked by Clarks MoneyBack Guora tee and SimmovnsWorld Wide Reputation SIMMO Arms QUALITY re1

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