Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Feb 1957, p. 7

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HOUSE HITS THURS DAY FRIDAY SATURDAY EVENING SHOWS AT 650 9xpm CONTINUOUS SATURDAY EAOMzao pan ADILLI ENTERTAINMENT From the bestselling novel of young lovevIn waI oomes the story of thorfouluos who became MONDAY 37 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY EVENING SHOWS AT 650 91 WEDNESDAY MATINEE 230 WATCH THURSDAY Eon THIS ONE iRON PETTICOAT WITH BOB HOPE CT KATHRYN HEPBURN Hill until OW rLUS CARTOON pm EIGHIZIIS OF THE PACIFIC manna Rolled WAGNE Tony MUDRE Broderick BRAWFURU THDAY PARADE ALSO FOX MOVIETONE NEWS SINCE FATHER OF THE iBRiDE UCH FUN OVER mu new DAVIE ERNEST RORGHIHE Academe Atwood unmet lor Momt DEBBIE REYNOLDS WEDDING BARRY GERALD CARTOON GOGGLE FISHING SEAR PLUSSO MIN UTES OF OTHER ADDED TREATS GRANADA ENTERTAINMENT TIIIIR Pill SAT EONTINIIIIIJS SATURDAY230 PM IQNYC tJRTIS PEUSQND FEATURE COLLEEN MILL gRAND ALL TECHNICOLOR PROGRAM gt lAYllPE YEARS SING THE SUN MON TIIES WED TWO HCTIIIN FEATURES THOLD BACK TOMORROW CLEO MOORE JOHN AGAR IiAduIIVIEntjenainment Plus 2nd Feature OUTSIDE THE LAW RAY DANTON LEIGH SNOWDEN ROXY GRANADA FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRES Deathsai Ontario Hospital Oriiiia Were Accidental Two young female patients at the Ontario Hospital School in Orillia died from suffocation in steamfilled washroom Thursday morningHcalth Minister Phillips thrown for II 1055 You wont have to pay the hills when someone is hurt on your property if you are Bills ahead 4IDUNLQP sT Royal Victoria HOS TUESDAY APRIL 830 COUNCIL OIIAIvmnns for the purpose OIVIECCIVIIIg the directors amendment bylaws come befbrcth ard PerSonsldesirIng to attend and Vote at thIs meeting must pasone dollar to thc insurance fMIIlcom ens Insurance Agency ecretnr on or before March 1957 told the Legislature last week Atteninvcstigating by the local coroner provincial police and Dr Buck director of Ontario hospitals the deaths were found to be ac cidental and no blame was attach ed to anyonen The minister said both patients were bedridden and the cot of one who is 11 and had been at the hospital for 15 years was lion tr you be adequately covered by liability DIAL PA 83735 tel IncOrpOIotedI various reports the election of and such other business as may Ft CAMERON Sundry For the Board wheeled to 26400 by 12foot washroomlbceause she was keeplt ing the othcIrpatients awake The girl had been lett alone for 50 minutes while two nurses aides were caring for patients at the end of the ward The nurse supervisor who ordinarily makes her roundsat regular intervals in this building was busy in another section where fire had occurred afcw hours earlier Dr Ihtllips said it is assumed the second patient who is 20 andralso has been patient for 15 years crawled 10 the wash roomslammed the floor closed and turned on the hot water into the diaper sink soiled diaper acted as plug and the room filled with steam Dear worse Lake Baikal in Si erIa largest fresh water lake in Asia has depths of 4500 icet ltgt IIANDICAPIEI WORKERS VANCOUVER CPLast year 3070 physically handicapped per sons including863 women were placed in jth in British Columv bia by the National Employment Service This is 25 per cent more than the previous ye TRINITY JUNIOR GUILD SPRING 9pm co AN AKTISTS DRAWING DI Canadi Hou5e being built on Fifth Avenue in Ncerorkm The 26 alorey ofiice building Will house all of Canadas governmental business and cultural activities in NewYorkaerr it is completed this year Canadian business ex ecutives and Webb and Knapp lne real estate developmeut company are financing the build Ing Canada House was conceived by Hon Ray Lawson formergnn adlan consnlgeneral in New York pp Photo BEETONEE Mr and Mrs Watsonrai 9r illiav visited with relatives in town Saturday vi Mr and Mrs Rutledge Mrs Cecil Reynolds aneralter were in Toronto on Wednesday even ing visiting Cecil Reynolds who is patient in St Michaels Hospi ital Miss Alice Donoghy oi Toronto spent the weekend with her aunt Mrs Albert Hayes and Miss Mar thn ponaghy Mrand Mrs ltoy Devall visited relatives in Toronto on Sunday Mr and Mrs Tuer and Mrs Kastncr visited relatives in Toronto during the weekend Rev and Mrs Logan and Douglas visited Mr odd Mrs IW MCDermolton Sunday Mr and Mrs Edgar nacnic anti lfatn and Mrs Reynolds Spent Sunday with relatives in THEODLO Wedding Anniversary Mr andIMrs Alan Carson Bc ty ir and Mrs William Notley Jean Mr and Mrs Harry Han cock Marguerite Mrand Mrs Douglas MacDonald Mr and Mrs William MacDonaldLMr and Mrs Hugh MacDonald were home on Sunday on the occasion ot the 40th wedding anniversary of their parents Mr and Mrs Pa MacDonald Maint Street LOB Euchre large number attended the cuehrc sponsored by the LOBA on Wednesday night Prize will ners were Ladies Mrs ENich ol Mrs Niemmell Mrs MacDonald mens Sam Bill Watson Thomas Rutledge Mrs Slaughter and Lonsway of Toronto were recent guests at the home of Mr and Miss Hooper pcal Under the able ministry of Mr Luck First Baptist Church has Weelienfl in Town Mr and Mrs II Parkhill Di condition repairs cléctcdrIm the coming year Planetor the reopening at the sanctuary was one of the main itemipll business discussed at the annual meeting of First Baptist Chu Rev Link presid ed courts of the various de ma showed that the church whole is in very healthy At thé annual meeting last year fIorward Look eomniittce was appointed to make plans for the complete rcdccOratloD and return ishingfi of the church auditorium and the Sunday School ballnngl to make other necessary chnnlcl and The committee consisted oic LWilsonchalrrnan Harmsworth Tomllnson Beaumont John Allen and Luck Planewere made and tinanElal driver was carried out on threeycar basis the work to be completed by the end of the period As result Of very enthusiastic reception of the plans the work will be carried out Ind completed withln one year of the farming of the committee with the church locady for occupancy early in March 1957 Thc church and itorium is being completely re linlshed in oak panelling pews iInd chancel New lightingand inlaid linoleum and carpetJloor coverings combine with redeem ation of walls and ceiling to give the church softer warmer ap Shown steady growth during the pastlcw years Miss Verna Pritchu ard formed CGIT group in Sep tember and at the some time group for Junior boys the Sigma was formed under the leader phi of Ernest Watts Both or ganizations are thriving and pro vide midweek meetings for age groups not previously provided for in the churchrprogram The followlng officers were Clerk Tomlinson trash on Rowcll assistant trc 1LT Harmsworth nVBItépp secretary Miss Sun ay School superior tendent wiimot Evans assistant Sunday School superintendent Herman Ceuthcrs Canadiandiap Queenston spent the weekend with Iriends in town Mr and MrsCecil Brethet of Thornton visited at thehomeof Mrs Albert Hayes last week Mr and Mrs Faris of Cooks Iownvisitcd Mr andMrs iii Reynolds on Thursday Mrs EC Bell spent week recently at the home of Mr and Mrs Hansford or Caledon East Mrs Brock Sr and Mr and Mrs ABrock of Stayner were guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Carleton on Sunday Mrs Show of Torontol spent the weekend with her Mrs Hurst Miss Myrtle Strangway is visit ing relatives and friends in T0 ronto fates Clob gone Act IIIIILEEIIITE In BARRIEDISTRICT Concerns INSTITUTE ANNUALcoNcERT Play Junior Bnnd Illilllllllllliitl Plill zo In MllllCll 815 pan AdmisSlon 50o 520 GA 5Koomeiomeo HALLjj MES ETHEwEALTHcJACKEOT one are on Evans Fred Thompso mother Last Saturday morning at the Thornton rink Kiltyieagh Com binca defeated NO Innlsfil to in school leagucglme Goals for Killyleagh were scored by Jim Sproule and Harold Johnston Mr and Mrs Arthur Dyer of Barrie spent day last week with Mr and Mrs Carr Mm Bruce Anderson on her return home to Midland from tis Agent Mrs Harold Walther son Urry Pattcnden it Irwin Deacons Armstrong Elected Tom linson Wigg Dohcrly PcngellyC Wilson Cauthers Evans and it Car son IV Auditors JII0llllIIlfld Wilson lFlowcr Committee Mrs Wilson and Mrs it Carson Religious education hoard Evans Mrs Wigg Ernest Life Prince Sinclair Mrs Smith Board of Einancc Row ell Miss Perks liarms vImrthMiss Sinclair Beau mont Watts Williams Evans Holrnm Board of Ushers it Carson chairman Smith Bowel Chuhb ilson Urry Stephens It Bcau mont ltPricolt Réweit Stone Earl Thompson Sancier and Irwin vPropertyif Com itteé Hermsworth chairman Wilmot Hotrum OI Evans It Irwin VISURANCE AGENCY unwise tumor 70 PA84427 04 93 0515 not3A BARR rustccs Wigg Will Walls Miss Pritchard Miss Presents Saturday vtsit with her daughter Mrs Tay lor of London hadn short visit lastSaturday with her sister Mrs Morrison WA Meeting Trinity United Church Wo mans Association will meet on Wednesdnyraftcrnoon March at Mrs Crhtooneys Wedding Guéats Mr and Mrs Fred Grout Mrs Section TwoPages to 16 onbl Iennérta on Saturday Hugh Ellis attended the Patter son sale at Killyleuh tlnkuoeplul Mumed newton who has been patient in Stevenson Memorial Hospital Mltlton having had an appendix operation is home again and comng along quite attaine tarily ARE YOU KUIIY COVIEFD Luck and Mr and Mrs Hope of Oakvllle attended the wedding on February loftn Col borne StreetUnited Church Lon don of Miss Moira Groat and Kenneth Colwoll London Ont 7Mr and Mrs Croat and Mrs gt Hope attended tea and Shower given in Miss Grnals honor in Paris Ont Feb Mr and ltlrsL Best of Tottcns ham spent Sunday at Angus Campbells Miss Betty Mooney of Barrte and Thomas Brownies of Angus were also visitors with Mr and Mrs Campbell during the weekend Mr andMrs Wilfred Giffens and family ofBarrle spent Sun day at Oscar Bates Crawford Ellis and son Hugh were down from Grenfel at Vern or TIIE pounce TnoUItLE is when youtflnd yourself all wrap podwith lawsuits and heap tn aurando which doesnt FULLY COVER you Cheap insurance Is no bargnlnif it docsnft ay claims To be sure of gettIng he best INSURANCE at the lowest comparablevntc consult an IN SURANCE SPECIALIST Call us today an STEIEIIsoII msonAIIoE See us mm for lnadrnnoo of ALL KINDS as Dilnlon IL PA um aortic cannons courteous IIIIIIII FEATURING oruIIMIutary nana CONDUCTED BY THE DIRECTOROE USIc Male Voice cIroIrlrndorraneIIe The Skyliners li piece dancejorehcstrn Piano and BassoonSoloiSts Rock Roll Orchestra Calypso Music ALL IN ONE GRANDIyItoOnAM gsUNnAY ROXY THEATRE s3o Sponsored by the Town of Izlleifor the MARCH pm Ileneiltof toenarrie CitiireushBahd Fifth jICE VA Billi itlllillil SILVER COLLECTION IE SKATING CLUB Big CarnIval IV March

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