BOND HEAD Kr and Mrs Allan Green of Perm Mr and hits Joseph Dobe and Patti oi Cooksville called on their mother Mrs Green on Satiirdny Sympathy of Community Mn no Weir George linen bYoung and McLean Bowling Early league lidhnrst But Foninuvill meet at the homo Huntechiiueli on Monday Feb 25 Topic Whats mm thud vnui isthaiuturnni urt Aces 23 Slippery Sticks 20 mm CMdl mares toward Huwkeyes 18 High ladies Jackie Hrrvéy 203 you In morelinduslrialiudewnnmu Also something on Cooperatives criticism about your 11 limitl unionu MoCann is put ientlrin shun Victoria Hospital uttering 1mm pneumonia muass Miss Enri McKinley of Col liogrnod spent day at home this wee smnlm°° signals Amwamov m1 son THAT vou no Go To Banwmmr Capping Ceremony MrundMnJnckEl1isut You Connlu clnh tended the capping ceremony at Midhurrt United CIIIIICIIA have Rbyll Victoria Hospital Wednes organized youngnouples club dly attemoou when Mary re Lite league Flyers 24 Slippers goodly num wen ypflmg eeived her nurses cap in color 20 Gliders g1 Roller 19 Wednesday evening audenioyed iiiceremony Ladies high single Ellie REY hearing Mr Grayof Stroudulhey WPkom holds 202 Olive Anderson 196 also appreciated Minesing Coupler nu sruwlse welcome lXEXIEndEd to Mis Vera Knew 195 triple Elsie mender mm VanniSm Laver mild walker and the Kuyter and lamily who moved to Reyndlds 497 nd encuhragénient The follow 10 El 13 Euchre Sniuldiy Gents Jock Armstrong ZNIing oiticerswere electedpresid eï¬lfmt if John Grimsby 201mm Hounsome outs Mr and hire Au re Mill isiï¬itiiig £53353 Hilgvni 176 triple John Grimahysm vicepresidents Mr band neis mmhs Vd Lawrence Brown secretaries Mr mud mums mm mm xon WMS Meeting Ind Mrs Gordon wï¬gh 835 scorer Vincent Holt ladics high In Buiialo The February meeting of the en Mr Mrs Leo Béckhwen Ruby Mcmnn lone hands Joan Mrs McLean andltirsu wxus was held at Mrs June Bnie Wamh mr fume announcbmenu Robinson consolation Ethel Fos Green are Visiting friends in mans rumpus are comm infled ter Andy Lahtooh Buiioio Meeting opened Withtho call to auend WOTShE hymlé Maya angiflï¬mzzsngmï¬r and mï¬gswxp re ca we were Mrs in Sympathy of Community Harvey mun andvaaw who HiM pier ï¬EpE NEVERKNQW Twcni vthree tahl was by Mrs Kneeshnw M5 Sympathy of this community is V95 mama la th hr on Mo Eight Ladinsgcpriizes were W3 Snihflhnd explained chill extended to Mrs Donald Coutts ch me mm 7°NAKE by Mrs Joseph Noble and Mrs ter of the study book on Forniosn Mary and Stella upon the passing andny Rogers gents Joseph Fitzeriis Twenlwhm memiiers or one at Mr Coulis Celebrate Birthday and Jack nisa luck tallies VIEW I1 Mr and Mrs Lou Trunx had Mrs CordsTI Reynolds his Ws Wlih the word FNY 151 cmnnny 5km fly three tables of pedro players in OnFriduy evening the annual mental by Mis Bateman was on Wedn nht to he coirL linrfl Reynolds Mrs alsnn an mueh flamed community sknting party sponlbnte gï¬gflhmmsy sis Har Minutes and business were 50 by sundy swam vey anhhulis BIL Mrs 33mm and Mrs held at Les Bertramjs rink 5mm were appmmm Huge bountiful lunch was servedinLes Pictures by luveru Examin er mu photographer that up the World Da oi Pro or Beflfï¬ms WOYIKSIIDP Everyon or enjoyed an evening of fun gt pear in this namplper are The Sunday School slkutilngdpap 1st Service march Birth or Son inmrdny Ska if mfcggx There will be no service in the Congratulations to Mr and Mrs United Church on Sunday March Cy Poirier on the birth at son mmy winter schedule Sunday School at Royal Victoria Hospital Bar Ivallobln in glow print1 mom ssnvrcs 10 LIN 83$ 755 Mrs Gilhooley was presented with gift for her kindncssin as usual at Wfdnewayu FOIL At Legion Euchre PHONE EA 824 The Barrie Rxamlner Sympathy is extended to Mrs El Sumerhnd 172 Com iuABIrricJonie to this meet Re holds and tamin in the death my June Hm 449 In 01 yher sister Mrs Jeffreys who Gents Fred Usher 238 Lorne pamd away in Newmlrkct hos Fwy 213 AMD 5mm 212 pitul The torrent was held on Inelazlsuc Km 53 Saturday aiternoon with inter ment in Band Head Cemetery Euchre mama nurses muouunoesvoummww rr FFAN 594m lT list 5115 our gigs msaruoanktim of use W973 typingthe WMS programs Sunday School Concert Anyone having papers or mag Midhurst Sunday School is plan Mrs Gilbert and Mrs Wilden nzines please tie in bundles or ningumusicnl concertinntidhurpt Aiiiston spent Tuesday evening put in boxes and leave inMrs Hall somotimo during Easter with Mixand Mrs Robinson Greens born as the Sunday Week and attended the euchre at the School are collecting mnh of so Legion Hall put on by the Ladios Meeting closed With hymn Congratulmuns Mn Mrs Auxiliary 31d 931 Mrsegfliimagnimd James ltincLean on the birth of Weekend Visit sew 5m Em Mr andMrs Jack Munson Tor fit 11 be at nah ex mg onto andMr and Mrs Muir ME Amn smlm and son Ross Barrie spent the EXAMINER LATE Attends Prom nomusm Jane Miller attended the proin 0n Leavn Wait until pm and it your carrier has not arrived then call was home or the weakend mother Mrs Marcia Couison and 51me High Schuoilridny Pte Cnraiyle Mitchell éump Borden spent few days With his Cb gowmééw Avg Box Social his brotheriniaw and sister Mr 1Hinge andFKarl Miller attended and Mrs repaid Bush unior armers box social at Vasey last week ire Ami Bake Sale meg we PINWELL AWQ I5 Serious Opelluau unclean aunt Robinson be mean 39 Constant King had serious for Wino m5 at his mm ABOUT AH uwpmyv$pr= operation at Penetang General at Spanish ontnrm earn son HINglN lYgiIIHEWERLY HOSPMI mesa momng we Weekend with Mother COX ti LL 1M It The United Church WA ladies vlslrworm5s iirpsghï¬ held very successful valentines new Good Showing Shirley Todd mode good mopgstsymww £19 all wish him speedy recovery mmmMrs Fred Cqmson To showing at thespelting match nt Deepest sympathy is extéhded gtv THERE is NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE Midland Friday evening toMr and Mrs Robert Lynn and On Short Courses all the relatives of Donaldrcoutts And Copy Will Be DeliveredTo Your Home swy Nann Ww STVLE Dale Miner OAC Aauelph rontospentthe weekend withhis Severnl from this community who passed away km weak Mr and Mrs Oscar Doble and giviï¬gï¬ng the 519m courses at son of Pplierlaw spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Robert Federation of Agriculture Lynn MUGGS AND SKEETER Federation of Agriculture By Ily Bishop in o= Von HELD ANorE ANV Weekend At Home nausea us ACCOU NTANTS meeting was held in the school on Tuesday evening with 25 in attendance lngrnm Amos was in 0Y5 SEAGRAM ROWE angstch Solicitor Nourins Public Cuuvcylncen etc MONEY ro LOAN crime 13 Owen st Barrio fl Elrnvnie Ontario Eiéfvisfiif suaiuuvi cows in cownu Barrister 50113 Nogry Hon mm CIR Mo to Friday non Comm MONEY TO LOAN Collier St nanle Ont GLADSTONE CUBRIE 90 Barristeruid Solicitor MONEY TO LOAN 91 Dunlap St Barrie on PA 33115 JOHN OTTON RA Barristers solicitors Notaries ai Dunlap St Room minim SMITH McLEANu Kc Successors nnncan NIch Heher Smith on Arthur McLean Barristers Solicitors etc WDnnlop 5i Phone rA 35901 LIVINGSTON uMYERS it IS in edit rigs rs M454 nARnin rnonz rA ssszz so Collier stress rnono YA um Massage Hydrotherapy MacLAREN CO annrnnizn Accouurnrrs 43 Collier so Barrie Llansrm TRUSTEE charge of the meeting Gordon Caldwell Oro was the speaker on Farm Management Mrs Frawley is looking after members LICENSED MUNICIPAL AUDITOR and renewals torthe Simcoe Co HARRIS NEEDHAM C0 ceninuu Puhlli Accountants rotante uni nude BunIii Omce WLIson Building Pan omen Square mlspnnns PA 34397 Resident Partner NBBIIHAIII CPA ARTHURE POWELL CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT nnnlny st East Barrie reieplions rA ems ROSE HARRISON cramream ACCOUNTANTS SAMUBB ROSE LA SAMUEL HARRISON LA DAINESKRJVI UCDISED GRADUATE MASSEUR Appointment Only PHONE PA Eduhill Driver OPTOMETRY MUSIC LESSONS Barri operative Medical Services The next meetingwill be picturespn March 13 gt MAURICE BARREL FAA0 mega in St cc ours Pun Phode PA 84 83 Hours sMo Ind by appointment BOBIEB 3A 30 OPTOMETRIST Dunlap St West Closed Satllflily xiianon Phone PAgtI4109 Barrie nonnnr sum no as Dnnlop East Phone rA szsao OEL STEPHENSON 30 OPTOMmlusl Dunlap st narrle Phone PA rAzoi IFE INSURANCE ALFRED nnuimis Chuteredv Lite Underwriter Pomonal Ind Family Plum Prognm min and E51qu Analysis Close Cot Borouon Group Key Mun Partnership enrian and 5019 oprletorshlp Insurance FRIENDLY DISCU ION OF YOUR LIFE INSURANCE NEEDS Representing London innrunes Phone PA esssi or one VETERINA mu Ind sumth fllfllil 8L lhrrio Fhone PA in DR CS EABIN scrummun mu sum Illnln mssm lininvsou 1mm TEACHER or elAlvoislNGiNn unu runonv Pupils prep red or enm lnnttons oi the Royal Conservatory at Musicsvlorontaj in grades include AJLCJ Modeln Methods Studio g1 Bradford st lhone PA 84113 MR nun inns mEpSTRA poems on victim snmcfl HORN THEORY Ind ACCORDION none PA $19 ERI WEISZ Flute Piano and Theory gt 131 Hayï¬eld 8t ANGUS ROSS Rezillred Milli Teocher Instruction in pilri und theory conchlnl in French Lutlnsunu sum other school subjects rA 15175 no nuuiopst narriu miflimflni df paper NingaraLoanmiï¬ce available your pm Ilso éHinonsAcrqu GEO ELSIE BURNSDsC Licensed Drullesu Therapists Electrics Radio Hydro Ind necnonu liarpp she WW4 rues no 150ka 01 GHIROWACHC Phone PA panlo csaor to Corhe or Right now lower rates and longer terms are in effect at Niagara Get cash quickly with vly conï¬dential interview by phnncLoans to St Sosometinies more with life jnsurance variety ofvioan and payment plans for your convenienceAnd remember youre always flwekonieut Niagara jiirbajew ofNiugorhkrï¬hnyIadnpuhr Magda murmur vandallar phygyentplane In Largest AliCanudioniloon Mr and Mrs Melvin Wilkinson and son Stephen of Prescott spent the weekend with his parents Mr and Mrs Arthur Wilkinson Deepest Sympathy Deepest sympathy is extended to Mr and Mrs McFarland and relatives in the sudden pass ing of their dearly beloved daugh Beatrice Eileen work at your nearest on canauangenfrieod tectinn Theres wide rusvaESonwiLniuof tihunodm sruovwe Ir IN saloo PAYABLE NExr van AND us FELLOFF WHEN WE HIT mar LAsr ennui QJESTI DOLLAR EACH PWE 601 ALL EAOR BETTER IN OUR NEXT XAM AND WE EKECT TO COLLECT