Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Feb 1957, p. 6

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BARBll EXAMINER MONDAY Barrie Plays Host AnniverSary Dinner Held Insfiiuies One of the 145 guests at the dinner held in Trinity Parish Hall on Wednesday evening in celebra tion otthe 60th anniveflary ol the rounding oi the Womens 1n stitute had come from as tar IS St Josephs island branch in the Sault Ste Marie distrleL The 11institutc branches re presented at the gathering at which Barrie Institute was hos less branch also included new Institute iormed only month agoVictoria Crescent branch which is in the Orillia distrch Chairman tor the dinner was Mrs Charles Newton oi Bar rie Centre Slmcoc district presi dent Among the head table guests were two other dislriet presidents Mrs Campbell of Stroud Sonth Simcoe presi dent special speaker or the ev ening and Mrs Mclgcnney oi Orillia East Simcoe president Also at the head table were Mrs Armstrong Toronto arc chairman Mrs Harry Ottawpy honorary president of Slmcoe Centre area Mrs Torditi the only living charter member of Barrie Womens institute who is also life member Mrs 11 Jacobs onoVot the oldest mem bers of the local branch and lite member Mrs WardCood Iellow oi Minesing FWiO board representative and Mrs George Bowles lst vicepresident or Bar The topic 01 Mrs Campbells address to the dinner gathering was The Womens institutes Past Present and Future brief history of Barrie In stitute was given by Mrs Adamo district director and president ol the branch 0t er past presidan in attend ance were MrsC boy and Mrs Beleskcy letter iron one former executive head Singer now living lin Scotland was read to the gathering by Mrs Pringic Mrs ll Wilson Mrs Mills lllra Meredith and the late Mrs 11 lliixtrible Baker and Mrs Corbett are other post pridents of Harris institute Greetings were extended to the institutes by Mrs Campbell as south Simcoe district president Mrs Newton Mrs McKcnney and Mrs Ariiistrong oi the home economics branch at the depart ment or agrleulture special guest at the dinner Mrs Ottaway proposed toast to the Womens institute as members commemor ated the founding oi the world movement in Stoney Creek 0n tario on Feb ill 1897s Mrs Carruthcrs president oi Cundles Womens institute expressed the thanks of the visit ing institute members to the hos ess branch Branches represent Mrs Mrs 7DIEKD ORCHARDAt noyai Victoria Helpl tal Barrie on PridaYr Eco 22 m1 Andrew honaia Orchardrin his son year beloved husband oi Thelma Jamiraon our rIhrr ot nirhan Mrs aiph Johnston and Donald nraunr ri hir late ruiarnca Minc ring ror service on Monday Feb at no pm Interment Mlneslnl Cemetery lVAllNchSitddcnly at the residence or her niece Holland Landtnzr on Sunday Feb at 1957 Lucy May Pllnswlek Resting at the Pelhlcll Funeral Home 117 Blylieid St Set vice in the chapel Wednesday at you THE YOUNG PEOPLES GLBE Bhrrle are all set to prose School auditorium of the The group donates nil monies raised hygthese pertarmancesto the by KAREN Iormsroh Tastes in music vary greatly Some people have the happy Wamica behind slate at Frank 1tu of enjoying hxtremes in music from rock and roll of listeners fiaAL mm of the Central United Church nt their 11th unnuai concert at the Sunday Ccntraiynitod Church on Feb 26 21 28 224 Canto Ru WillSpeak Heie April 29 At the regular excmtive meet ill Barrie and Dlatriet Assov elationtoritctardedchildren eld in theainize Streetschoolo ch 19 announcement was made that Joce Rumble would be speaker at special meeting oi the ciatlonioit April 29 Mr Rumble hu been veryactivo member in the retarded chlldrenl mu tion for the put two year To accommodate larger audlence than the retarded childrens school holds the meeting will be Mrs 11 Hamilton principal reported that the school had been quite comiartable this winter Previously the old iurnncewas not in operation and floors were very cold The property commit tee is doing extensive plastering and decorating buildingluiid of the church This year the ogram will follow the traditional linen old lovailtcs comedy and popular and sacred musical selections CKVRTV channel3 gram department tries to toliow the suggestions of the majority Starting today Monday CKBB brings you the Barrie and Dis trict Evangelistic Crusade Prayer noun us who Vchria no open Noun one out my no In 1h nary nooa us roarhint in son elma lay too Nova an Wonth us snort us om mo in Jnehm no any LambMo gunman no on cantor ooI Lovl Luci no nanny vaunhaa 1000 ILM cat or we narhouu no yrmroay Livn Again 145 Inviution nanarm wiriooa Gisela Lori on Yawn rh Iroihm no oraanu no Fish In sum aua rho warns In Action moo In crnraram Mm 14o Bitnflllnl no Nit Inrln moo mart rhoIra who one win Yho nmaty um coo in Macaw THUMMVrLKI an the Christoph can Itwoa rramai Dooli soo lent Muslin 51 are rutmm tau an 1er In sauna no niahaa sheen WEDNESDAV rel 21 lovely quilt was displayed to the executive made and donated to the associationby the Trinity draw will be held at alater date ninth ill some so Crawlord Home and School As socintlon met at tho school on Feb 12 In honor otFoundera Day Mrs McGlbbnn Mrs Tud hope an MrsFltzsimons took hold in the Library Ill1L Groupot Cub and Scout Mothers Dom 3A5 YII Christth Search Dl novamm CM own Noun 730 Wim Emun can my oooar we Jam minn shoa 500 mamm eiimax list Tin Till IJO lltkll III 5h VII1an rnram IOMVMAIH arm rim mo country Junction 10 Wultror 09 one man lAS pork Today In SDI 1M Adventures nl Iir 20 My lhlllr Linclot Shh HOM Fiil us was PROGRAMS DIAL i230 nouaav no3 em urar in 00 Near uraannri 33 mafia Ing gfnfim ioIos Top or the Town at nm mar and spam ram irarkri Report ngg 55 Pm an moo News snort Welthcr TEHBESAEE i13iiihzufl9r3morrt gnuac $22 iigtos 353i Pgeneogfinu gag Ewinh lot to no 105 wow World also nurioai ciocir show 38 $3131 iu 400 233 at 100 ram locket Maori Pnutnr Parade 355 05°52 mg 11 £515 on yuan1 weaihar PM aoo Evertl none on 12110 GI diiflcl BJO NIH Non 533 hiirrfimm iii Siminsamn Iuwn find GinMr Ima Plrm erlet moun moo liegeIt g5 tumm iuo ma 905m Post WW 1250 turn hound one rhnnruea and min BM Lon Ne hienitric 99 cruaaar For ehnai Li Ell letin Ell 1000 NEWICII gt squad was naan Pmumit lunjnmemlkorailnu 1an radio rm iifi itrs 00 1120 Bin cm 130 MIIIIDCOtIBHI Bull wnnuesnnv lit 1200 near nudiinu Icon Town and Countrr 1210 Snorta Dixon 215 Parna mikfib MW ham Iii iiflmii an an neat nuiietiu amt 10 Bulletin norm Hflldiihl JD DIXIEIII DQMEHV showcase NoneIr rrnnrrrra Ernie wmzna World carinane o1 liltl variety mo at ha in The 15 amino harm in no little oLDick Banner on News Headlines It it won gnmo Widen EDD ar Heoltn 530 riali nndCountrv FiNAlZWEEK uni912 EFVLIFSv 1100 Fair womens to long hair Generally though mu pa morningtor the next two weeks ml ypc whet This 15minute broadcast is in theymgram diecmr dm conjunction with the crusade to station has to literally gaze into hc held Com Street United the crystal ball to determine broadcasting day which will Eaumh Bnmc from am 10 men everyone usuauy h°w Today Rev Grant Muir gives ever you the listener have the an immducmry Tuesday Rev 553 CKBBS daym James Ferguson will speak Wed day 59 Should be YD ncsday Rev Nuilmeycrwill lettcrs telephone calls and gen be yum mm on Thursday yo GMNWln Nine memory at rim mmmms in will hear Rev Read and Rev gghsgnolggiincn who pissed away ilucnce on the mimic which flows Tum Wm speak on Friday Voucan may have anevmother mime 23 3130 iii Many people are gatheringrin Patient kindJnd true dill various homes to listen to these Georgianaircs Mrs Dohson president w°fig yJLh in recent mouthsryoii have in cottage pnynr meetings as dieated deiinite liking for the group Centre Vespra branch led in For all her loving klndnou mlddleeitheroad type ot music no 945 over on community singing accompanied like mm In return so ya maul Mia We can easy mulling or an inspiring 15 minutes at Until you Ice her vacant chm and Mn WIiiiam Andamanlid Bun am coULsoNAt Royal Victona nupi if Avc son unioiu rie institute ed at the dinner included Cun himtun 5L PaulI Cemetery Thelattcr presided at the din dies Centra Vespra Dalston mm her it the illness or the prcsi Argyle Oriilia shanty Bny int lgggffigfiflfifigfiuggmggdfimz dent Mrs Nora Bowics who chell Square Crown Hill Guth aged years beloved the oi made all arrangements tor the tie Stroud Westmount North wufurfizmg°lmiu anniversary celebration but was Wentworth Painswick and Ccn vrrs Ind Tram mum 33 ill in Royal Victoria Hospital and trc Flos Egg gsslgfllfglgiagh we cele unable to attend She tell in her highlight of the evening was Inn at un Fri RicI home little over week ago skit presented by Churchill W0 and injured her back mens institute portraying in Also unablelo attend was Mrs stitute members at an oldtime it Lane Goldwater area In thin Other entertainment was stitute chalrmnnwho was ill provided by the Ferris Quartet rrrP irum Cundles and the Stan King Time broadcast at 945 every part in play on Home and School work in general Mrs Willis gave an informative and intcre ing talk on Thellacked Lune for both industrial and school pur poses Education will be the theme of the March 12 meeting Mr Macklem inspector at public schools in the area will be speaker it was decided to have Open House at 730 pm preceding the meeting All parents were urged to attend ZELLES 00 IE ma radar in sports TUESDAY III us Thr chriruahm on 130 My Doody MIDI DI Millie 10 Junior Junction Ioo Watcrlh rhurn 500 sport Round up 330 Non a3 armia scam unsun Time naviaa uu Ilatlnro Nfll Hendiinca came Borden anoru presiding our meeting was brought to order After the re peating of the Mission Band pur Congratulations tpDorothy Ann posc and the singing ofithe ainpbell whopassed her Missipnzlzand hymn the minutes Amuslcal Etheoryeirannna iafi oi the last meeting were readamli with 91 approved Bible verse was Mags Fans read in answer to the roll and Mr hm Mrs Bert Janiicson star was placed an chart Don and Mrs 3955 accumpan old Campbell presented the otter ied Mr and Mrs Moon oi For ing of ill 14 est Homecn motor trip to Ni The next meeting isto be at agaro Falls this week Jays Camptfiills Pray Meeuug he chi rcn brough communuy prayer memna gift or sunshine box tor Mrs dshter will WES was held in the United church $3 and Hsgie we Mr and Mrs Garnet McM snMPLnAt Royal Victoria Hospital aster on Wednesday night to plan eot pig1mg Feb SH 1557 so ginnnd End Mrs Hamid McMas tage piayer meetings betore the Cafighmrizfisggaoiflfgebfiyfi 1ch awntam adenine on ed the GrahamMcKin coming Rev Leighton Ford Cru Can lmle chm like men fol Wde In St Georges An Sade for Christ which will be Elm Church Barrie Frida ev hehi Collier Street rUnil the reading of psalm ening poem The Right Kind of Boy Church in March Thisrommun was had by Edna Bessel and Mr rindMrs Wilbur Walton ity has been divided into four Rags cough read It er were Toronto Sunday to visit blocks it is likely that the The 50 119d VT Iggywho the latters mother Mrs 11 Mere block meetingsvwill beheid on Did Not Care was dilh whorlsa patient in Toronto Tuesday nights at 830 Next These were an ken from Warid Eonelialtflosplitfl alter an opera Wednesday Felz 27 a1 chminur Friendsm we as wee Glad to re m1 ity prayer mec ing wil be héi that She in the Presbyterian Church here rxgwggygfirtffigetfivflxdirflg LMissionBaitild ieadeiganda motionAI gamewas Ernie you is 14 members at ission playe Royal Victoria Hospitatheerflmt Barfil metnt the home ty Rodger Meeting wasrbrought to close mg pneumoni Husband niter skating on Satur atsix oclock with the singing Mr day Feb 19 Mrs Husband Our Mission Band Isoverand visuedaiih flffiozfilforll 9311 served hot supper and at five the repeating of our special wnh Mr and Mrs Thomas Hamil oclnck wrth Rodger Husband prayer ton and Mrs Cra Wins Radio Quiz Congratulations to MrsKErnie Bolton whowas the winner of $200 ina quiz program onCFRB Sympathy of Community Sympathy of the community is extended tothe parents and sis ter of Eileen McFarland who passed away Monday attemoon as the result of an accident near her hm FVESSB 5mm Whll Elna SewingCentre is owenrnillng classes for instruc turning from BDCI tions tillcommenee Mhroii 4th Are you carrier and trctlul nhout luvng to move your household loads to your new hninér nivorce yourszilriryifl these unplenslnt feelingsell nr the NortiLAmerlcnn Van Lines Agentl in Barrie Enjoy move units theltppiovedl II camphrii Limited Moving and mango no homo Avoi Phone PA mas éseonr sex Wool and Nylon with new stretchee ooLjibknitVsti ch White ly will stretch to fit sizes to 10 and 101m 13 Ceilo ivrapped trains anLnits niMIrnn so nuniap sun when 83939 all the wo by Mrs Warni at the 1mm To your nouiri a°irm Cherish her win With this as guide theproa eottnge prayer meetings For youii never know Ihe heartache Lovinaly remembered ANnxllsoNAt noyalVietorla Hospl lustleis £1 tal narrio on Feb um1 to MIN fibbry ton Av daughter dear dad wniiurn Tu med may Feb 2519gnbuu in Barrie on rah 1m Mr Whfifte lather with tea or 11 and Mn no Comm 37 mm wrr more to me than wealth um xxnio Tc Ca lune or Iiiia The hunt aoo News nos Trinam Hllhllrht Aims nrothrn flu bombltdo show 905 nit Furdo no Nell and apart 1005 Top ot the Town not Now nonhum 1200 Ne Sport Weather Tuunnv II no sirn on aJo sirenrua tor the nu 045 Es Musical cm shun moo ram xrkri moon News orrrnirhi doom neuron wmhnr v50 Howiea Without lnreweil he 11 Victoria with on New Hospital Barrie on Feb 25 1951 to have izsrmiiirflgidififi° gee Dr and Mrs nuichinocx 70ne the best lather thel wiV gilplerfitwnlmsfn Brother in Ia it tnlncd °° and missed PAEmlDGBAt noyai Victoria Holpl diughiehlrviaw VeilJ 55 3m tal name on Feb 23 1957 to Mr and Mia Jim Partridge an Shana GRENFEl MULCIIINOCKAt Royal 00 News 15 ruainr Parade o5 unrin Country atria Io Matinee on New Headuim zo camp Burden Epnrtn county ty pay daughter noonAt Royal Victoria Hospital 381115011 Feb 2t i951 to Mr and Mrs Edwnnl Price Letttil st rows srkhrs Tirs 150 PAIR 209 Polk movem 95 to 395 REGULAR 895 coiioos CLEARING jKTONLY CLEARING yrsAIL 5111A Please mail attached coupon The Dhrdaneiles or Strait of Gaiiipoli separating Europe rein connects the eaofMarr Mokc it nt to sho for values first gt this week 11 thEré iiistlil goodLsslection ltsimoutsta extra Ch 52 colors of green grey winner charcoal blue ine lighth gt brown beautiful frieze cover gsm 11mg tee and that hot 421900 nglislenirig get en yoiu us icilQ moh true lemon ii vorrnnd naturhlde hilchtyou PlNGJ BOR STORE

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