his no form Stock lmplemdnts Hay and Grain Tho undemd Autumn hu Melted Institution to Dell Public Auction the Property or WESLEY VAscoa Lot Con ll Tecumseth Township comcmafï¬fuu DA SHAH no youre wen oi innu 21 MUG Nlflh cl been FRIDAY°AARCH THE NuflWlNG tionszs AND uAimsss Clydcsdeld Inn yea 1500 lhe set or In lieu Hone Collar oslu set or Harness CAnu Holstein Heirer yem mllklni bred to ireshen Ans aioi Iteln Corr years iresn all fool Ayrshirecow yenl due date or Holstein cow em due lisrch mustered iioisten Cow years dole oi nie ilouiein cow you due date or sale iiohiein Cow milking to lnlhcii my 15 Holstein iieiier bred in rnsnen April is rm years due to usher this or sale Rumored Holstein cow Ira resh incur my Cw years due sierra Ayr Ibln Corn ms due limo is Ayrshire Cow ye due April in Holstein Car your due April 20 nexttend Holstein cow is yours due April is rat Darnm Sloan 1100 Black Steels about no he Diered Holstein iieiirr Durham Hr open Holstein iieiier end months SWINE Yorkshire Sow Ind ll Pits weeks old rklhlre Chunks 75 lb eon i2 Yorkshire Chunkt about I75 lbs each Tamworth Dow bred to lsrrow April is Regis lelul Yomhlrc on IE months old HAY AND GRAIN 50 Bushel Seed Pal Blcl rd iClIIncelloil bales had no Airi duo lbs ch III months IIIPLEMENIS Mount Forest Thresh ing Mlhhlnr Clover Attachment 28 42 goyd hemla hiil irsctor in good repair New Holland Baler 71 good as new Set section Drag Hen rows in dnw iur conl ieie Inter bum Rake 32 ooin good Mu bower it out good re mt sinsie Plow Electric Motor horsepowe rein Bugger sct sloop Sleighs Grain Auger is new narrow Doublelrces neu Pout Simmer Cards Cedar woo ioriu Chains and many other snullcr arii ciee too numerous to list HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Kll Ch an no 15 ms Dmucrl Rocking Chair Kitch en Cu and steer Cupboard lsn thcr smaller Irtlclcs too nulo ercul to mention TERMS or sALDcAsii No mcrvc or owner ls retiring Nothing to be removed uniii selliod or Arnnk Webb Clerk Jerry Coughlln or pbon in runs unrrie AUCTION SALE Regivstered Grade Hereford Cottle Pigs Form Implements Hay Grain Poultry ond some Household Effects The underslzned has remind Instructions tram NOICEMOfFATT Lot 16 Con Mono Twp blues North and West or iiochiey To sell by Public Auction on 2THURSDAY FEB 28 AT 12 OCLOCK NDoN SHARE THE FOLLOWING REGISTERED 1115 HERD smi uhiu Challenger Reg No 502144 Born Aug loss can No lllllss Ringwoin rono neg No 145421 Born my 29 1942 Fresh Cult It loot Cow No Hoy Domino rsiriox Reg 307391 Born March 25 1950 Fresh Coirt toot Cow No ahilss Domino ziih Born nred tofreshrn my 19 Cow No 4Pence Volley Miss Axte JiegNo 347569 Born June 52 Fresh cell at loot Cow No snsinono Now Domino Reg No 321905 Bornblnrch 25 1951 Fresh Calf at root Cow No sDina Mischief Lnsse RpmNo 1007 horn linroh 27 1954 Brett to rreshen Aug 17 Cow No7ninswood Dcisniui iath Reg No 310262 Born April 12 1951 Fresh Cllf soloist cow No Hull rone Reg No 23 llliy iresh 279971 Born Scpt Clll It not pm No 9Grnda Hereford years can out ow NDlDGiade liereiord years real It foot Cow No llGrndc Hereford years coir so root cow NounGrade Hereford years Csii athoiitiG gtd ow rn Hererord ears cut at root wow No llGradc iielier than ed It frlcssheéf dAug 15 ow rd enereror ears Cult at foot rHerefotd Heller years open tiererord steers years at Here lord Heiiers years in Hereford iieirer yeah bred to rreshen 1n August nereiord nelrersand Stccrs Brto 10 months Hereford Call months PIGSa Yorkshire Saws bred to futrqun May Yorkshire Has your old as Chuniu around 75 ihs each rouhquo Hens yenr old loy JHAY AND GnAiNsoosonnre Bales Mixed Hay well snved Tons oil Loose iiny soil Bushcls Mixed Groin QuintltHf corn IMPI ENTSCusis Tractor in Agcondiiion rord Tractor complete iy overhauled good as new Parana Threshlnl Machine on rubber 24 10 soda unew smokel achrd ble Tnctor shredder and grain blower compiet liii Binder 5ft cu good no new Ernest5edore itinnure rims arr er Fergusonmr Ford Tï¬ctor good as new International sine Denvery Rake years old good Bale Elevst with or ntt good as ne Fertil lurvspresdel on rubber goodlreprir Cocuhutt Tractor ilinnurs Spreader nut ruhher good repair Gchl Hammer miu loinoh brand ne Woods Chop ra ood Watkins orderConlrehnti olo riowycooirsnutt nou year did soon prlng uoin Drug gt Set aLSlelllIs with net so nuohersired Wagon with buy rack coinplet Mcc rower Mower out hrsnd us John Deere rruotol Tiller salsa and III ME seed run 59 use ternlions Corn cultiv with nouider Wheel mlglete Doers rnl dr whnvoomoietetrennins mu ith mum con letc Set ar2oooih rum Scpnimr P0 in KON 1th Steel Slim 11hr For cell cutter wh Vile Lollhi Tongues sunr lsxp Bucketsjnd Spurn Set at Breechlnii Harness oodr Fuller Forks Ilm no mny other smelter nrtlclcl too morons to map HOUSEHOLD EFFECMHQH 111ch north or III good herd DI lord cattle and rflflod mlchlnzry thrilled niciei would utttnll thll we Shcane and twd fellow First Christian And Broirinies Speciallhlnkmg Day Thinking Day 22 1957had special significaan for Girl Guides the world over be cause it celebrated the centenary of the birth of their founder Lord BadenPawell But for one Guide company and Brownie pack Iin the Georgian Bay distrlot it was the occasion of double cclc bration Christian Island Indian rc serves ï¬rst Guides and Brownies were officially enrolled on the evening of inking Day by Mrs Margaret Killoran of Wau baushenel district commissioner for North Simcoc and Parry Soundf And the proudest resillv ent of the island at the commun ity gathering was Mrs Josephine Sheane wife of Christian Island Indian Agegt Shcane to whom the mpany and pack owe their existence Mother Of Four In spiteof the fact that she has family of four young child ren this pleasant young English THE iiAiiitiE Exdiyiimsit MONDAY FEB 25 JUANITA siiriANE centre nineyearoid daughter of Christian Islands Indian agent girls on the reserve members of lay Milli HARRINGTON Examiner Womens Editor woman has found time to interest herself in the activities of the Ilcr ilincA yearold daughter anita the eldest of her family is member of First Christian Isinnd Brownie Pack one of the three Sisters her mother bringing along pr future flying up to Guides Brown Owl and Guide Captsi rather unusual combination Mrs Sheane has been on the is landlcss thii two years Into ested in Gui ing ever since she became Brownie in Middlesex England as little girl she or ganized her Brownie pack in May 1956 and ii few months later in September the First Chr im Island Guide Company came into being The only other Indian reserve in the area with Guide company is Capo Croker which has ills received its chérter Nineteen Browniits and 13 Guich Wereenrolled Friday on Christian Island They were al ready officially incxistence how 1957 ls lt APIO Birth of Soil Congratulations to Mr andiMrs Peter Yaunish on the arrival of son in Royal Victoria Hospital Feb 17 1957 Recenttvisitors gt Mrs Murray Carson and John Eric Visited last weekend with her parents at Woodland Beach Miss Vera Fleming is spending Thursday Feh vAuctan salt of Registered and Grade Hereford Cattle Igs Farm Implements Hay orein oultry and some Household Effects or Nolce illoiintt It Lot 15 Con uoho anruhlp milcsnorth west or lockley Village Sole at pm shrp do reserve as the owner is glvinl up farmlnl Terms cash Jerry ciniehv ln Auctioneer 2445 lncsday res 2a Auction sole or high lnss farm mlchlnlfy ilfln stockr ooultryhny sud train for the estate ï¬fths Intelhnmal Qunll It Lot 271 3on5ArUnll wnshl sale It 12 Jul ck noolLthnI ruerveu the estatehas tabe setucd Jeff ougbltn Auctioncer li 14i124 srilisy Much Auction sale or Enl iteins am stuck implements hill vtnw nd some hbuschcld eiteotojor Wesley Nannie or Lot 15 can 11 recums th Township miles west or aighwny 27 lo nt pass shnrp Yogresetve as eownnris Coughun Auction s1114172Ms Wednesday Moron Earl item Lot is con 70rorowuship one nlie star oro Fair Grounds auc or Llyestock implements Se and himiturelsue cash Thornton riiiin sotu ly March Auction sale on send or Shortbom Cuttlelbnplejnanu anln Straw and some Household fec fdrWllnce Hayes at Lot Tecumseth Township mile tn ght luuth orneeton on No in side Terms Auotibn Sole or ï¬lm Stock implements HIy Grain Household Ellects or niiirordat not 19 Can High no at Gronle No reserve isml laid iorlns srie nt pm Ihlrp so Auctioneer gt rilorsdy riottom contain 1212 ihe weekend with friends at st Cstharines Barn Destroyed Albert von Gadenstedt Apto Garage was awakened by mol orist on Wednesday night and formed his barn was on fir Despit reels the barn burned to the ground Cause has not been de termined CALL THE ExAllnNizn iron PRINTING ruonn PA 32414 TENDERS VWARBLE FLY SPRAYING Tcndeis will br received by the un dersigned torn man with truckto draw and operate sprayer to sprny who ior Warble Fly in ass Towrr ship Also for supervisor with our tasupervlse the spraying oi cattle State prico per hour and rate per mile for car and for sufficient Wurble Fly der odatllc Epnying Powder norms th 5Ratoncnc Quote pflcetin is lb packages and in bulk render to oloroon seturdsy Marsh ut12 oclock noon rudcocx nerve COXWOIITII Clerk LWllo holidiiisfidm GT Neérly three quarters of Cnnadidnslikeyou borrowed from IIFC last year HFC is Canadas largest and most rechmménded eiforts of men and fire old Lillian Assume left and eightyearold Cheryl Sandy right make their promise srdundthe tondstoo slialid Guides re Enrolled In Ceremony twofold evcr Their charters sent by mail are displaycd on the wnll of the reservcs community centre where the Thinking Day cere zllony was held Purchasing Uniforms Not all of the girls were in uni form althoughall wore either navy or Drown berets bought with money donstcdwbyv the iband The island residents contributed $50thrpugh their council to the movemen Thé Guides and Brow nies contribute 25 cents week toward their uniforms yvhen their families can afford it and lllrs Harriet King an expert seam stress is making the uniforms for mothers who cannot sew Mrs Shaunp has highly suit able Guide licutcnant in Mrs Elizabeth Capcgog who served in the Royal CanadianAir Force during world War II Im going to get her to teach us how to march Vclma Sunday and Viv ian Rycc are Guide patrol lead ers and Francés Sandy who was sick with the mumps and had to Miss Fridaybt ceremony and Jo anne Managua are Brownie Sixers along with luanita Training thése leadersis one of her major concerns as she is irying to insure that Brownies and Guides will be continued when she moves away from the sland Reserves Only Home Indian reserves have been Mrs Sheanes only home in Canada since coming here asymbride 11 years ago She does not ï¬nd Christian Island either cold or lonely after her first posting Nor way House in Manitoba trail ing post that is known 115 the gateway to Hudson Bay ltThe family was in Selkirk for two years before coming to thisarea Mr Sheane is native WinnipegA ger All of her children three boys in addition to Juanita lair eight Gary six andGraham two were born on reserves wairanted Brown Owl she formed aBiownie pack at No waylIouse and took over pack that was already operating at Selkir Ice Taxi Service Christian Island ï¬nds commun ication with the mainland oasiér in the winter than in the summer The only cars on the islandhe on Guides Vespra Township zuuï¬i iiouhssiiiom riuiilicsgg onsumerï¬nancecampnnylincked by 793yeiirs experience in helping familial delve theirrmoneypmh lama Soif yonneed up to $1000 visit HFC where you may alwa borrow with on ï¬dencei illst scsonrl flounphan PAVBBSIZO rwo YEAROLD GRAHAM Susana join inn Island Guides as they sing aroundthe pait or Friday evenings ceremony in which wilrst Guide company was enr pa VIvW yzors1vym nmrvnlxyrow um curs First christ csmp fire the reserves Mrs Josephine shelme SeCDlld from left organized the Islands first Brownies CHRISTIAN ISLANDERS arerecsiiing the ways of their forefathers to preparea loatfor the Penetang Winter Car nivairparade next weekend The blrchbarkteepee will be part of the mmpliresetting but ironically islanders will long to government officials but Taxi service big horsedrawn log sleigh hat also haul coal fromCedorPbint four miles away on the mainland and logs Loggingis the main winter Activity for themen of the reserve who cut timber on theis serves two uninhabited islands Beckwith and Hope as welli as Christian When spring rcomes the sawmill at the boat landing goes intiJoperation Three hlindred thousand feet of timber were shipped from the island lastyenl reports Indian Agent Shenne Forty thousand were keptland he is hopingthat some of willbe used to build cottages with beach lots now be ing leasedfor 10 ye Th ceiie at Christian Island in 1he winterrcsembles shorth ern Cdnadian landscape out of the past with teams of horses and sleighs continually travell ng across the frozen bayands up and down the main settlement roads Color Party From Penctang Christian Island Guides pnd Brownies have rbeenwarmly web coined by others in the district Four Guides from TPenetang mot red out for Friday evenings cer many toform color party bringing with thema World Flag ofG di Chrlstranl Island Guides possess only simple cardboard trefoil made by their enterprising cap tain Gui ing is an international lan guage their threefold and twofold proin is providéd by our tiluvmst SHEANES lag 1the soul The Christiin Island throughoil fll Brownies repeating msny langulig on 3ng Guides ii andGuides in reliant months and they were officially wel comed intofthe international sisterhood on Thinking Day which this yearmarked the centenary of the birth of the founder of Guiding Lord BadenPowell in other countlfl 15 last