Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Feb 1957, p. 11

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mumm assoc mail 1951 wherein be most Barrie achoo ThinkingDds wear theihtnldltiohdlh if gammy Celebration 64 ny mountains Wopaqns Editor girls wenring blue andgbroyvn unliorma ln lassroohis this Friday Every yeafon ruary 2znd Guldeaknd8rownies costumes as tribiilo to the founder otitha Guide andficout movement Lord Badenwowell and Lady Baden Poweil on theirjoint birthdays This years Thinking Day is special commemoration as it marksthe centenaryfofthe oundcrs birth on the huhdredth anniversary everyanc who is or ever has been Guide or member of group committee or ever connected in any way with the organization is asked to Join in the celebration tryputting ligbtin her window on1 Friday evening if possible trefoil the symbol at Guiding isto be placed in front of the light Across The lcc There are several specialcvents planned for the week and one of the most interesting will take place on Christian island where the only lndian Guide company and Brownie puck inihe Georg ian area have been formed in recent months On the evening of Thinking Day approximately thirteen Guides Indy eighteen Brownies will be officially enroll cdiby the division commissioner for North Simcoe and Parry Sound Mrs MargaretKilioran of Wauhausheno The fact that Guiding has cornc to Christian Island is due entire to the efforts of the wife of the Indian agent onihe islund Mrs cane according to the commiss dncr From England she is former Guide and has always been interested in the movement lier husbands job gives her plenty of opportunity for pioneer ing in the field She organized her Brownie pack about year ago while the Guides have becn more recent development The purpose of Mrs Killorans visit on Friday will be to give the Indian population an idea of what Guiding does tor their children His not thecommissioners first visit to the island nor is it the Christian island childrens first contact With other Guides and Brownies Waubaushene Brownies entertained the neighboring pack ata Halloween party in theiall trip to the Georgian Bayre seivc is quite an adventure at this time of year The commis si nerand husband John wil be making the journey via Lafontaine to be met at Cedar Point by loam of horses driver and sleigh from the islandand driven four miles across the ice Centenary Project All Guides Brownies cubs and autumn icnis AND museum STRAINS MAY iiiRELIEVE numilv oohhingrelieifiom muscularcom noon and strains no rheumatic ncheo Iraoften at ad by few mom to brief rubbing with Netvslane analgesic properties and penetrn mg power in many arttannin bringnlmoli immediate tillefxlfVVIth Nervilineg long nfienfilyofmsangee nArf unniow ourselfr we ee gtflifle Narvilina in th medicine cahinetAt your druggiatr ms Scouts will be wearing centenary badges throughout 1857 and if they complete the special pro icct for the year they will be presented with Stars which they will be entitled to wear throughout their lives The project ls threetold First the boy or girl must pay personal tribute to Ihc founder of the movement by making his orher home better place to live in by helping around the house etc Then the stai candidate must do something outside the home pcr haps lenda helping hand to the Childrens Aid Society or do something for hospital or an old peoples home The third part ol the project consists of having Br time at rricctings to learn more about the Lord BadenPowell number of local Guides have already done some special work in connection with the second part of the project Thirteen mem berswof the Second Barrie Conn pany cleaned the kitchen wood work and ceiling in Barries new YMCA The girls allfrom St Giles Anglican Mission were Faye Carter Mary Deagle Joan Gra ham Gayle Gray Pamela Rubery Dianne MacDonald Sharon Black Mary Harrington Sally Lou Ahcrn Pat Ahern Carol Agnew Colleen Campbell and Barbara Burbidge world Friendship All money taken in this week at pack and company meetings is sent to the World Friendship Fund to help further Guiding throughout the world This year thelcontributionswill help Guides from other companies finance their tripto Canada for world camp innihisnprovince and help sendCnnndian Guides to thethree other campsbeing held in the Philippines SwliZcrland and Eng énqc Festiqu Performance Thosewho have been used to going to Toronto on Saturday night during the annualliwanis Festival to hear the Barrie Dis trictCollegiate Band perform are asked to note that the musicians are playing on Friday evening in stead this year The reasonfor this is the increased number of bands there will be three groups competing in the seven oclock class and eight in tlie eight oclock c1ass Saturday islnow being devoted to the junior band classes in which the collegiate is entering its Probationers They will be competing with thirteen other student groups Theres always good listening on CBC Radio BadenPowell being kind to brother or sister rms CHARMING atan inssoni seesaw buttonon apron is made from versatile Anne AdamsPrinh ed Pattern that every mothershould have in her ttern collection The little girls dress pattern comes thtwolslecveiver sions and also low or high neckiln It can be used to make sun dress or Sunday dresspasc ooi dress or party frock Because directions for laying outthe patternon tab rioxcuttlng and sewingthesdress areprinted on pattern parts sewing is easy as can be For the dress shown aboveourpattern designer choseo pretty pink print in combed cotton woven ith rayon She made the apron of solid pink and trimmedvitrwith pink rick rack braid and matching pearl buttons Thls fabric lounders nicely staysfresh andnew lookingtoo Our PrintedPattern 4717 comes in Childrens Sizes and 10 Size dresswith high neck and sleeves requires 13 dyards of 45inch material and the apron reQulres 1V4 yars Send THIRTYFIVE CENTS in coinsfo PrintedPattern 4717 Amie Adams The Barrie Examiner so Front StuWesc Toronto Ont damagefitting The marriage of Miss Jonn the eceiitigxi that followed Blanche Bebb daughter ofers at the home of the brides par Bebb and the late FrankBebh 01 cats the mother of the bride re uuJD the Salads Tea contest Anderson and Mrs Stroud therparsonage of Burton taffeta and was carrying Barrie to Frederick William Galloway ot Huntsville son of Mrs Galloway and theme WI liam Gnllowa of Barrie5took place onAFrid Feb 5195 at eight oclock in the evening Rev ceremony which took plac Jnited Church gt The bride was wearing of beige lace gtwith matching hat audadark brown accessories She and tawny gold roses Her attendant Miss Margaret Hatherill Barrie Was in green am of yellow poms Charles Alexander of Toronto was groomsman who assisted was in black and Trimble officiated atthe twopiece cnsemble of Persi turquoise withblack accessori carried arcascade of gardenias it affects restaurant meals it has been difficult to understand ceived inbluewearing pink aclt cessories The grooms mother was wearing cessories Outoftotvn guests were from To to avclling thebridej chose She wore gardenia corsage Mr andiMrs Galloway will be malt ng their home untsville NUISANCE rax Br sh Columbias five per cent sales tax is in need of fur ther overhauling particularly as why the tax should have been applied to such mealsin the first placecaribou Observer Februaryimcetfng was innparty mood Zlicld in the school last Tuesday eveniu it was attended by members an their valenc Gameson cdokinoiefiand vlieuehrcucfe enjoyed by grpup that numbered about er brief session at business incl were given to lucky euchrc phefl delicious bullet lunrh wu edjoyed gt Museum Curator Addresses WI At Crossland Crossland Womens lnatltutc February meeting last Thursday at the home of Mrs Loughecd was attendedhy 17 members and three visitors Roll call was answered bynam log something which has been dis covered The motto Tor the nnnth was Seek sndyouwill ind The branch decided to enter Mrs were named committee Mem bers will sell tickets on their air project Mrs Anderson introduced the eaker Mrs Charles Newton districtpicsident for Centre Sim coe As it was the historical re search meeting Mrs Newton had invited Mrs George Ottaway cur CWL Regidnal Conference Here Sunday St Marys Catholic Womens League will be best for the re gional conference of Catholic wolt ihcns leagues on Sunday Feb 14 Sessions will commence at pm in St Josephs Auditorium Mrs Gettings regional chain man will be In charge of the meeting The speaker will be Mrs Ward Markle president of the Archdiocesan Council of the CWL Tea will be served Adi members are urged toyat in rsliNevils is Hostess To Beihel Group Mrs Nevlls was hostess to Bethel Anglican EWA lastWed hesdny Al sound 17 hers and lrsi Idonthly meeting Following the opening prayer and the hymn Breatheion Me Breath fof God scripture selec tion from St Mathew 15th chap ler verses to wagread by Mrsszwmes Rolbeall wisraii of scripture swered by verse with the word heart quiltfwas qdilted forvtbe bale Newi Lowell and Sunnidale Comersthave accepted Bethels invitation to join the members tn World Day of Prayer service on March at the Church of the Messiah Lunch was served by the hos tessesMrs Presser Mrs McQuay and Mrs 5Calder iLTHE GREENFRONf HARDWARE china white Enamel big chicken Glrrs MIDWINTER Silos Jfc00K1roTsf White Enamel with red trimibaii handle gt Gals capacity mums satisfies Covered withred trimwill hold oria 101bs roast $29 afar Simeon County Womena institute Museum at Barrie io speak She described heryiajt as museum meeting in Godarich remarking that she feltprouder than over BarrieJlusdum allt mouthshe had gained Lint fro her vialbtoGoduieb Museum Muuuma should be tutfrest ins piacu not gloomy and bit ulcolor is great bcl She had on displain dun run his clothes 1004mm all made by band Mrs Oitaway closed by invit ing all to visit the Barrie Museum She was thanked by Mrs Ar cher Mrs Andersén them52¢ xiiis Lyons Ashton to take the choir wblls Mrs McElwalnnrcad a3 addrcaa Mrs Newton caente Mrs Lyons with llie ember shlp certificate and pin as char ter member who was at the first meeting 48 years ago Mrs Ly ons thanked all saying she would ulwayaapprcciate the honor and still thought very much of Cross llnd Mrs Wallace of Elmvalc is also charter member As she was unable to be present her certificate and pin will be sent to her Five charter members of Crossland branch have been made life incmbe Miss Maggie llealeyI Elmva Mrs Ashton Lyons Elmva Mrs Wal lace Elrnvalc Mrs ii Borihwick Elmvaie and Mrs James Strath Grassland Borthwick who gave short talk on the founder of the Wo mens institute and its growth The song Grandfathers Clock was sung and quiz on the We mens Institute was conducted by Mrs Lougheed First prize was won by Mrs McElwain and second by Mrs Newton current events were reviewed by Mrs Archer draw was won by Mrs Borthwlck Thclunch committee for the next meeting will he Mrs Ar cher Mrsl Anderson Mrs Lougheed andllirs Rs Stroud CHANGE or us nor FLUSHES Why Iufler rim hot flushes mi tension irritabilky weak neon loo or appetite aches and palnaaim le anemic during of ifs Remember in Clinical Tesla the majority women mjoyod trikiugrdicfwrth Ncw Formula midim Tablets as Compound Moot likElyyou will be helped too So we 9cm no ll Muses II If ImgetPinkhlmatromyourDru Swia Take to 30 days as direct to louheomgseulyourcomptornlu oudonnxexpcricnceamhng dial send us the empty carton for cheerful refund of your money We have thousands of tooumon laid on file from satisfied more Join them today Try our sole noriak plun Gu our can iouoe New Formula din inklzom Tlltleta with dod tonic iron or Compaunawimw at PINKMAMHOIEUR NIAllla radial candldntes in examina Coneuvatory at Music in Toronto in Barrie The names are arrang ed in order of merit The programconvcner was Mrs belifPatriclaSooti Suzanna Isi rig Tillman Pattie church Marilyn Davidson eq uni honora Bryon Bretbct pan Carol Davidson Judith Sarjeant equal Grade Theoryst clan boon on John Pellettier Mary Doidge Judy Simor equal Anita Smith Darlene Law Inne Law equal Jean McFad ycn William Luck Carol Grr ham Frances Newton FINE onus Almost all highgrade opal come from Australia where ihe first black opal was found at th start of the century Examihainns The folldwing list of rch tlonnbeld recently by the Royal Grade TheoryHistory pant Shirley Constable Grade IV Theory History ass HaydenCooper Grade 11 Theory Harmony and History pus Sandra King Harmony in class honors Doug Morten Gradc Theorym class hon Jrs Wilfred DeGeer Mrs Noel Stephenson equal Florence An demon Nancy Orser equal Catherine Coutts Rosita Pitt Jan MacDonald Dorothy Camp ruby her Itch uwua our mu nun Don solar scrotal cannon Look your most enchanting cell with our permanent ware Special including cutting shampoo and setting Choose your own style Ruby Beauty Salon 124DUNLOPSTE1ST PHONE FA 8442 Phillips ii Phillips llllSli lll FllSllllIll Announcing Spring ilrrivol SUiTs Coats Blouses Dress sweaters Skirts Smari2Pc Outfits Millinery Lingerie Brassieres Hosiery Come In And See Widefieeflié sictiii Hosiery sue 99 Pair $HOPPNG JAM QREE CDT FACTiEURERS lIlE your kitchenandhoiluoom ENJOY CAREFIiEE geriRsMsmwiih no money worries through Life Insuroncekcarefully planned NOW Ask the Man iron Manufacturers for details 2l7 INSURANCE COMPANV vaewillhclp you modernize No home improvement adds more bea ty comfort convenience and valuethan modernized bathrooms and kitchen Wc will show you the newest materials give you suggestions for custom restyl ieg Think how tile pearance of your rooms an easier they will he healthyA complete doityourself job housewife can do youvih touch wi who will install and an easy budget pla toget onwithdhe job on longer evenings co Why and talk things over is us Youn rand insane TICKETS mm intuit LTD

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