lt9 VisitingSitter Mrl Waltcr Spider spent few days recently with her sisters in Staynerr gt MiasWoodcock of Toronto is visitingher sister Mrs Taylor at the name Visitinglarenta Mrs Harvey Simpson spent part of last week with her par ents Mr and Mrs James Fry of Nohieton Visiting Parents Mr and Mrs Jack Wire To ronto and Mr and Mrs WP Kelman and childrenot Camp Borden visited during the week Iend with their parean Weekend With Parents Mr andMrs Peter cheiste land family of Aurora spent the weekendwith the iatters parentsu iMr hndiMrsGeolgc Butt Backlrona South Mr and Mrs Sid Butler and illir and Mrs Tim Wilson arrived Jhome this week from the sunny soutl Sympathy at Community The sympathy ot the commun iity goes to Rev Mr and Mrs Taylor in the death of the latters father Mr Woodcock of Toronto Traln llits Car car driven by Herb Wrdy of Rich Hill was struck by the am troin on the CPR crossing here on Sunday The car stalled as it approached the crossing and luckily Mr Wrsy hall the presence of mind to jump clear taking his friend Betty Nevis passenger with lilim before the train reached the crossing The car was thrown clear of the tracks intoa vacant lot Convention at Niagara Falls Mr and Mrs GordonMallion went to Niagara Falislast week attending the Bar Association convcntion Music Exams Janet Abrams and Joan Bel fordiwent to Toronto Wednesday Jasttrying theirjth grade in music at tha Tomato Conserv atory of Music They were accom panied by their teacher Miss Bar ton of Beeton and their mothers MrsC Abrams and Mrs Bcl fordi Senior Bridge Club Rhea carter entertained the senior bridge club on Tuésday last Mrs Palmer and Mrs OLeary Mixed Euchre Mr and Mrs ThomaslBarneit Why ilscaiied LIFE INCOME By CHARLES Manson Our Life Income plan isespccially dcsigned for the man orwomltn who wants ACyuaranteed Retirement Income for as long ash or she lives anus Life Insurance rroloclinn until retirement age The cost of Life Income is lower thdu if similar benediswerc pro cd undersepnraic contracts For more information just mail the Tor4 nonrandom urn anemones 2s pounds or mass rooms Pa asses II iwa id likotolmw mowo ursincoMcrtANl Ananrss Keogh Mrs Laura ridge Sr entertained the euchm club on Thursday evening last or and Mrs Wilmer Painters who were subbing carriedoit the prizes Sunday Visit Earle lrwtn and Barry spent Sunday at Drummonds Council as Guest Mr and Mrs Joseph Ballard entertained the members of courr cil and their wivés on Saturday evening last The evening was spent in cardsand games Mrs Palmer and Mr Barnett won the prizes for the cuchro Potluck Supper The annual congregational meeting and pot luck supper was heldin the United Church Still day School room on Wednesday evening Jan 303 Rev W= Garduler was in charge The supper was served at pin then iollowed thevreportjlf the years activities The election of oilicersfwaslas follows Elders Robert McLean Freeman John Dillane Wil liam Wood Wilmot Hayes Gerald Wallace Mrs James Henderson and Mrs Herb Walsh Trustee Board Oliviar Pettit George Wice Arthur Thornpson Andrew Archibald and Alton An derson Board of Stewards Stewart Caimcs Richard Gulley William Hammond George Wice Arthur Thompson Oliver Pcttil William Wood James Tough Walter Hurl hert and John Bullcn Recording secretary Mrs Wice treasurer Harvey Simpson on velopc steward Fred Kant and itor Freeman Left for Home Flo and Mrs David Flanncry and three children left on Saturn day for their home in Moose Jaw Saskatchewan after two weeks stay with Mrs Flanncrys mother Mrs Claridge CLOWESV Oshawa Visit Mrand Mrs Fraser visit ed at Oshawa recently Buffalo Trip Mrs Ali Perkin and Mrs Perkin are visiting in Buffalo this week Mrs Shelswcll of Hawkw stone is visiting with Alf Perkin and girls this week Extended Tour Mr and Mrs Dieker are having an extended tour of the southern states withMr and Mrs Daugherty of Barrie Weekend Guests Misses Helen and Phyllis Fraser spent the weekend with Myrna and Carol Shelsweli Edgar Mr and Mrs Marchildon and Rita visited at Penetangon Sunday Weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Marchildon were Mr and Mrs Reynolds and family Miss Theresa Marchildon and Joseph LaVerdiere of Karrie At Coopers Falls Mr and ers Hutchinson and family spent Sunday at Coopers Falls Weekend Visitors Miss Sharon Lyons of Guthrie spent the weekend with her grandfather Alf Hutchinson Mrs Bartho omew and fami visited recently with Mr and Pollock Mrs Laura Rooney spent the weekend with Dr and Mrsltookl in Barri Anniversary Sup era Mr and Mrs Gailng attend ed the annual anniversary supper of Emmanuel Baptist Church Barrie at Guthrie recently Baby Shower number of ladies attended the baby shower for Mrs Partridge at Mrs Edgar vary ing was had by calarmy card party was held at the school last Friday eveningmwith oyable even minutes Prizes went toChnrlés Sim on Maurice Hayes Mrs anney and Mrs Part Innorplull William Sunnybrook Hospital Toronto Romance an the cards wh you choose your chkhavel cards on everyone cute sophisticated son ritimentall Malone is apatient in KILGOUR genersl man ngarnf The GreatWartime As surance Company reported In year of continued progress and growth to the companys annual was 3130 lorla lotpl Borg no on Feb 1m tonr and Mn Thomaa soil in Baydeld st tron aolslvneltAt no al union ll vlsante an ab 1W7 lo on clm Bollmtdr at Shan ty Bay non Clrunes John GODDIBONKC Fayl Victoria Kmi III Home on Feb Il51to sat ana Mn Goodmn IncaMnrto numontl as Linda Lochlr REYNOLDSAt RDYII Victoria on son 5149 collard Kuwait llR4 Barrie non Paul ilualn llYMIKTAt ltnyal Victoria Hospital Home on Feb 1951to SISB Ind Mn Stinky Tymrn Remy St lonlrmy Nomanh waatuuat Royal Vlctorta Hotpltal sune on Feb ml to and Mn Altrdd Wlillin Ianll Ion CilltmltLEYAt Lambert Lodge on Wronglama Feb 1961 Bertha Canon formerly ol nuno and Ton onto wife or the lm Albert Chat terley Ind dear antel of LIII tun Fred mouldan at Mldhun Ind dear mother of mo Restlnl at the letter Puntn1 ehnasl ml St Clair Ave near Dultarlnl Toronto or union Frldny Feb at and pan Interment Prospect Cemetery AV EMORIAM loving nlmon or my dear mother who mined away no less dear father John Andre pasad uwl Jul 151055 Sometime note on oidllahloned aonl Brim thought you In 40111 hearts your amemortca linger Always under fund and true Theres not adly dear mm and Dad we do not think at you 12 nmunbmd by son Robert Ivy and family who passed away Feb Fruit our happy home and circle God has taken on Jovet Borne uway from sin and sorrow To btttar homo nhnvo ddly miflcd by wire Mary son Ralph and mtly gt1 lolmaroNln loving memory or dear lather wtlllam Johnston who passLd away Dec 22 199 And while he lies in peaceful aleep ills memory we shall slwaya keep Evcr remembered by Mlyme and Betty 11 INNBYln Invlll late mw Melt IWIY Feb 1935 The world may changefroln year to year And friends from day to any But never will the one aye loved From memory Plsd away Drar remembered by the rsmlly Kirkland Lake and trimaran rnunao In lovlnl memory at Charles Thurlow who passed away Feb 1940 Hts memory is undo today As in the hour ha passed Evnr remembered by Betty Thomson memorymta dear sister page way Feb lo 1955 In lovea garden of memories meet every memory or the hey who passed day Sadly mtased Mary Ernle Alex and Myru Thompson1n loving memory Allre Thompson who issuesway Nov 10 last and his wife Ellen Janc Thompson Feb101950 Their weary hours and days ot Thelrtroublcd night are past And in our aching hearta know Xheflhuve found mcetreat as vingly remembered by Front THOMPSONIn loving memory my dear mother Ellen lnnsgrhompsnn who passed away Feb la lass Yau were wonderml mother or memory will never grow nod rashloned slnllcwut of un shlne lt moulded your cart out gold on needed ll new star in heaven Lbeautlftal light to shine so out of this old world of sorrow He chose you deanmouler of mine 4hdiy lnlssedby dadotel Ednlai CALL THE EXAMINER FOR romaine an Nara can mbertand ser dlllnl will gcta chance made ient in Lilo the end fromgtho cry begllfnlhf anddt bait tilde thalcotewas23zfor Stmnl detenaiv lay andgood team workanthemm ot the forward result in final score 53 The Iuniamlllfd shit trouble but managed to accomplish uleir aim of defeatingOrililt VUp lintil the end tha third quartcr the Barrie team Washebin But the when the bdasteda onepoiatvictory The final score Midi flleSenlnrsglostl byorle paint nd thchunldrswvan by one pal ln order to be champions both teams must win all their re maining games Heres hoping our girls will be more at home and more conï¬dent meetlng Miaislld on th ir ome court gh The oys also challenged 0111 lie on their owngroundon Friday when at roe basketball teams and volley allztearn travelled to On iiiia Orillia Seniors couldnt seem to miss the bilsiretwi1ile same just couldnt sum to and the marklwith their shots The incvlt able result was 04434 forVOrillia The Junior hoy seemcdto have the same trouble as the girls The game was close and excitingail the waijith Oriliia leading by few points until the very end At the end of the game hescore was tied30ltin llnovertime Barrie asserted itself and came out on top by acorc of 4840 TheBantams defeated Oriilia by score phat28 but the volley ball team returned defeated out of three gameshorillia wontluee and llarrlenone lnureuoalnbebatlngr All you Fellows and Gals who like good argument Cowan who is adebatlngyclub at BBC unis something well worthwhile fot anyone with an opinion of hisor her own ZThisdroneplace you to voice that opinion DressUp Mon oy The atmosphere BDCI Inst Monday was quitadiff eat from the usual fMonday Morning Blues An experiment was triedunder the auspices of the Key Club Classrooms were filial with iris in heels or good flats andvear rings and boys in suits or sports jackets with white shirts and ties The effect was quite astounding so lets keep up the good work lass Pam LastVJridaylnight Grade 10 class partywas held in the new gym Th main feature was danc ing sp clal numbers silchaa an all snowball fro finish or athe evening ice ughnuts and In hospital friends arelsorry Mrs Allan Bonneyvis pit Vict Vï¬ospital We hope Mrs ldwin who on know is patjen in hospital1 Will be able to return home soon gnus don Joryhad oerton slls renloyed at Royal Victori Hos tat on Monday licensesnave elected rectora warden and peoples wardenpre tb Ital Vestry the car had bcqo Bucceuff in 01 receiptLand disbursement were greaterthan thcprevious 33 Mrs Douglas iiiown treasurer otthe WA reported splendid year in which Mrs Arthur Reid had been presented with aiite membership in recognition of bér long sortice as part it ty ar25 Neroi 391 some ndw fdmisllings torthe chancel and new chinaware for the church hall TheWA also organ Christmas and Hal loween parties for the young people With nly 18 members this organization rniscd nahrly Mrs Brown also rpoke briefly abou the responsibilltlcsfol the newly formed chancel guildg of which sh is the president Mrs AArthnr sold envelope Womans Association Crown Hill WA regular meet log was held at MrLRoy rm ridgcs Wednesday Feb Promptly at 1215 the ladies gag theredvfor delicious potluck dinner Theafternoon was spent in sewing cancer dressings and the usual business mecthlg co ducted by the president Mrs Switzer socialhalthour co eluded most pleasant mcetln Womenslnstitute Crown Hill Womens institute will meet at Mrs on lfeb Hut tension convener Switzer willrbe in charge ltoy Newsonl will he the 5p lloll call any something nice to the pcraon on your right Tca hostages Mrs Smith and Mrs Thompson Mrs Arthur Reid organistMrs Jamieson assistant organism Mrs Marrow Miss Eleanor Jenmtt TREATMENT Brnvoto the Lindsay theatre manager who stopped the show on recent Friday night andall enccdn group of noisy teenagers with tralghtforwardavarning Dealt wi firmly and fairly the effervescent boys and girls will behave and be as wellmannered as their parents orgrandparents Gananoque Vchorte tamreported that envelope giv had increased during 1950 She alsdxspoke on be if of the Sundayschocl After asolne discuss the meeting decidedxta purchase prolt per rchoir pews tor the chancel as soon as possible Mention wad madeot lhc high light ofthe year which was the tub ee ervlce lnAugust it was nted out that thisyvss great success becausc many members of the congregation ha workcd togetbcrto make it so vote of thanks was tendered the rector tor hisluntiring efforts in con nection wlth the plans for this greatserliice ers elected we Vestry cle Neville Jamieson sidesmen Jennett Peter Meher Kenneth Elliott Fred Johnsto Sidney Bourne George Watso laydelegates to Synod Mercer DBrown SS Supt Bhiiiii Till171mm Measles REFRIGERATION co its owner his ahai059 firstcours to last every dish on aur Varied aplcures delight prepared tram the finest foods mosphereyhlghty onductiva to yourcomplete enjoymen and at very reasonable prices 94 deftly served in gracious DllflNGVBOOM bran OilEEliSHuTEI UNLOP ST EAST drill is an expertly BESERVATIQNS rno iii 82424 745 p111 Storm Sosh HARoto 239 Bradford st urn noun SHOP For ESTIMATE no human Off an order cistern sash it over $10000 GRAHAM PhonaiA 195 illsiulll we leibplNo susmcsswlnll service parsonnrl lllltliWflE was