moaned 5me could be used in mowluk adtiiiniitration oa usedh liflinl lthasbeanlound howeverflht weights beyond normal GARDEN By EARL COX Talismanrooted begoniaa are ideal for growing in shaded or semiobaded places The large flowers perfectly formed waxlike in appearance are car ried above the foliage on stout slams if the bulbs are started in the house in early March the plants will be in fullfoliage and ready for planting outdoors in May orearly June So If you babe several shady places around the home grounds where fnothing ever does any good because it is too shady try tuberousrouted begonias this year Actually they glory in shady location and their large brilliantly colored and delicately shaded flowers will produce gorious splash of color all sum merlong in places which all too often areaconsidered unsuitable for growing anything Why not start some lubemus rooted begonia bulbs indoors and have them all ready for planting out Just as soon as all danger of frost is past You can purchase the bulbsfrom any reliable secd house and start them indoors in flan or shollnw boxes contain ing soil mixture of equal parts of loam coarse sand leaf mould and peatmoss To ensure good drainage place layer of cinders or broken pieces of flower pots in the bottoms of the flats or box es of course there is top and bottom to each tuberous rooted begonia bulb and you will have to know which end is which before you plant them The bulbs archidcnted orconcave on one side ahd round on the other side Alwaysplant with tho con cave side up Fill the flator shallow box with the loom coarse sand leaf and peatmass mixture to depth of about three inches Thenpinnt the tuberous rooted begonia bulbs to their own depth Be careful not to cover the crowns of the bulbs Plant concave side up and leave about an inch and half or so of space between each bulb Keep the soil in the container moist after planting the bulbs and set it near the light in warm CHEXllMlli is llllllt silliTltIN suing nion deans AMAZING genres Barrie ruin apply irumNa cndWs For Livestock Poultry Surge Dairy Equipment 11 tsunamiï¬st Phone PA 82992 and room Notloo niucb Water is re quired until growth has con menced Keep the temperature in the upper 60s When the sac ond pair of leaves have been formed the plants may be shift ed from the flat or other con taincrinwhich they were start ed and put in individual or inch pots Use good potting mixturo containing equal parts of leaf mould sand peatmoss and loam good porous soil is best for tnberouorootod begoniaa Of course if it is warm enough out doors and danger of night frosts Is over the plants may be set out direct from the starting flat with out being potted up individually In any event be careful when rc moving thc young plants from the containers in which they were started The best way is to knock the edgeof the flat against something hard to loosen the soil and then gently toss the cake of soil containing the plants from the fist if the cake of soil has been properly loosen cd ttwill come away from the list all in oncpiecc This isbct tcr than digging in after plants Tuberousvrooted begonias grow best in rich soila porous soil that contains plenty of humus They require plenty of water and regular feedings with liquid plant food will work wonders if you want good strong sturdy plants remove the first lot of buds Us uiilly the buds appear in three to the stem and to get larger blooms the two side buds can be nipped off Sincetbe stem is very brit lie take care that you do not break off the centre bud in the process of disbudding You can get wide assortment ofealors in tuberousrooted be gonias including white delicate pink brilliant scarlet red or angc salmon and lovely cop percolored variety to mention few The floWers may be single or double depending on the var lety Somesingles have plain petals or they ay have friiled crispa or mine netais or they may be adorned with crest on the centre of each petal cris tata The double types of tuber nusrooted begonias may resemble camellia or rose or have irilled petals frimhriata Then there are types of tuberousroot ed bcgonias with trailing stems that are suitable for hanging baskets and window boxcs pcndula Many home gardeners grow few tuberousrooted begonias in pots and keep them ondhpwer andah in the shade of course They will bloom from about the first of June until frost They are seldom if ever bothered by insects or disease Althougbthey gloryï¬ih the shade they Will do Very well in anybed not sublect ed to direct sunshine all day long Even ashouse plants they will give splendid results When theautumn frosts cut down the lovely flowers and dis figurethe foliage the bulbs may belifted dried off stored over winter and then started up and planted out next season The bulbs will last about three years You can buy ordinary tuber ousrooted begonia bulbs for few cents each or you can pay dollar or more forafancy new variety Any way you look at it an investment in tuberousrooted begonia bulb will yield big divil dcnds in seasondong color and beauty Tanizoos THE Man who concerned with the 22week course which ended in Barrie day Left to right Stevens Ontario werediroctiy fire fighting on Wednes unblénu Progress of the0ntar Gov dongterm plan to ac ting luau andreturn milcltlgonqutn Park the Provinces largestfrovtnctal new no earthenwa ion of the Ontario Eire MarshalaOftlce Instructor Farrell aiso of the Ontariorfire scootsf Featore Penetang Carnival Early in March PENEFANGUISHENEThous ands of people will be leaving the cities and toWnan Ontario and bordering statesto spend the first weekend of March enjoying the pleasures of winter sports in the Winter Wonderland of Hur onia at the annual lcnctang win ter Carnival Feature attraction this year will again be Georgian Bay Scouts roaring at speeds of more than 100 miles per hour over the ice of Penctang Bay These mechanical behemolhs spawned originally in the minds or residents of the 300th Islands of Georgian Bay to provide win tcr transportation from their isolated positions to town over uncertain ice surfaces are pe cullar to this section of Ontario and seldom seen anywhere else combination of sled boat and aircraft the strange ma chines are designed to travel at fast clips over ice and show But when suddenly as does happen at limes ice gives way to open water the machines are equally capable of negotiating the wct stretches Essentially they are watertight sleds driven by an airsorawvpow credgcnerally by an airplane ens gine and steered by alargc rud der mounted to the rear of the airstream During the twoday carnival scheduled forSaturday and Sun dayltiareh ands upwards of 15 of these machines will be on hand providing ï¬thrillsias they race over the ice surface OfPeile tang Bay At the conclusion of their racing sessions many spec tators take adavntage of thc op portunity of riding these novel transports Another fcature quieter but still offering plenty of thrills andtsuspense will bejan ice fishing derby Thousands of people will be bobbing line hookand bait through holes drill ed in the ice seeking to win first prize of boat and outboard melon Largest fish brolight tothe surface through twohour per iod decides the Winner and there and enthusiasm as contestants feel the tug of afish on their hook suspended out of sight 10 to 20 feet below the ice surface Third major attraction provid esentertainrnent for the nimrod in his attempts to shatterclay pigeons in the brightlight of attractioh are plenty of squeals of delight winter day on the ice The has of shotguns being fired will fill thaatr immidawn to dust ascoa iestants fire 25 roundseach in their attempts to wingthe Win ter Wonderland Trapshooting Contest Woven throughout the mesh of fibres of thcthree majorattrac films will he host ofminor events tokcep thingshumming for the entire timo during the twoday period lhe carnival plans underway for activitlcs which include monster parade barnstormlrig airplanes dances blanket tossing acrobatic dis plays wood chopping mutt moccasin dance ice skating races and junior fishing derby Robinson MP for Sim eoe East and Deputy Speaker of Canadas House of Commans has already issued challenge for the logsawing contest Mr Robin son native of Penctang will challenge any man of his own age and weight to see which can saw through log in the best time For the teenagers highlight of the carnival will be selection of Carnival Queen Preliminaries willbc held throughout the month preceding the carnival and the opening ceremonies will include selection of the Queen to reign supreme throughout the celebra lOnJ Japanese Guest Dr Shokci yamada of Tokyo Japan was weekendguest of George Kellathis home here errvanish hasfbeen practising medicinein Japan for five years and is now taking special course in TorontoUniversity He lives in the same fraternity house as George Kell Second Euchre day last was well attended and very enjoyable Thirteen tables with prize winners as gallows La dies Mrs ThomasGriffiths Mrs WJ DaleSandMrs Fred Ham hly menErnie Hughes Norman Nailly and Mr Weauer Toronto Visit Mr and Mrs Grenville Hughes were visiting ianoronto on Sun day Club Dance Thc dance on Friday evening sponsored by the badminton club chestra was votedthe verybesti There is to be arepcat uancegin andseventYéorsagoashéwas ahï¬gly ddckling Look at her now smiling aclh assured the centre of attractio It wasnt always that as child she had uneventeeth and was Eelfmnsclous about it Knowing that savanna long Marshals Office committee has racing snowshoeing broom ball The second cuchre on ihursx was very fine success The or nmiznia of Canadas 12 prime ministers to date nine have been Causew atiye three have been Liberals Whoevchs destined to be Can the 13th which may or may not be lucky depending on what lies ahead both in this country and the world andwhich is not for us to seeat this time Pembroke Observ Friday Feb if with the same orchestra Mr and Mrs Monday in Toronto YPUMeettag The regular meeting of the Young Peoples Union was held at Glenna Stewarts on Jan 21 Meeting opened with hymn 348 which was followed with prayer by Carol Grahani Wesley Presser read the Scripture were read and the roll call was answered by naming book from the Bible Dont forget the coun ty skatingparty at Guthrie on Jan 31 The next meeting is at Margaret Sturgeans on Feb Chute spent was turned war to Marjorie Todd andDon Sawyer stewardship and training conveners It was open ed with hymn after which Allan Stewart gave reading Stan Toddfread poem and Sylvia Kell read Fiight Frorn Hungary The meeting closed with hymn and the Mizpah benediction seven commercial leases and 22 privatercottag adas ncttt prime minister will be The minutcs ljar its natural atate as an unspoiled public playgroundj is announced by thellon Clare mapledoram Minister uplands acquiring volttile lve offiut right ofpurcliasethe minister said liasJcaulted titdate inthc outright return to the Crown of leases Fortyliv dddltionai le scs are ntiprcsent under acquisi ion negotiations by the Department of Public Works rh° longterm plan to return Algonquin Park to its naturalun developedstatevhaa been pro gressing adily since it was first put intoeffect in 1954 This ac quisiti cy willlbe very gradual one and should be ac complished wi in period of 42 years from eeption Present leasesmay be renews ed for one additional 21year term following the expiration of the existing tenure ln the interim however the Department reserves the rightto purchase 1e im provements on any lease where the lessee wishes to sellor asaizn and it is considered to be in thepublieintcrcstthat the provemenlsba purchased Thus the whole of Algonquin Park will be admi is cred for the benefit ofthe people of Ontario and its visitors in perpetuity lllld the construction vanddevelopment of park facilities will based on this concept of complete Crown ownership The buildings on nnumber of these acquired properties have Thqnext partof the meeting been standing for many years the minister explained and are considered to have outlived their usefulness They do not conform to modern standards of construc tion and are fire hazards The commercial establish merits in particuta were popr fige ri ks and presented hazards to both thooperators and their guests The acquisition of all pro perties is handled by the Depart ment of Pub Works through ne gotiations with the lessees Each building acquired is care fully examined to determine whe acquired diamtitling and tale ailmciof tiul procedure Thm of establishments Ive be matted and one being old Highland of th mantledoo Tba lnn iconeeump le Dialljwood construction itwasbuilt about Myuca go reachingtbo Par byrall only means of ones ceptby com ava for rg attendrag our was firetrap and had served its usefulness Eight of the private establishments also have been dis mantied All Inns of equipment such pumping units electric plants furnishingscte acquired as part of the purchase together within salvagcable construction mhterial is ahippodta the D6plrtments 22 district field headduarbero to be used where possible in new core atructioan it LOT soros In Canadathere is one passen inay lead to ostprgc woman pactMu hernia men Why hveaqlnnak HWIWMMW pear In this newspaper on available ticglossy prtnh norm seams lfxltl mac 100 an sw 1s TPHONE PA 82414 riia Barrio Bunnie utornobiio for evcmasvpei BRIGHTER EUTUREv Lackol market for wheat has forced farmers in thisarea lntodiversifylng their crops and expanding livestock production IncIdlan ycltl DRAFTSMEN few short months=you can be cashing big pay cheques There is atremendous demand for draftsmen We Will train you at home in your aparetimeto be drafts man No drafting background or previous training needed All books and instructions for aa little as $250 agvcelr or $600 month Established 1897 not for profit Draftsman are desperately needed by industry HERES YOUR CHANCETO PREPARE Eon BIG 51mm rev AND coop FUTURE As nnamsmim Write For AMERICAN Sena ï¬recglnforniation 01 para 53 24 homewoon AVE HAMILTON MAIL without any obligation completeinformation andtlï¬d page book on over 50 goodpaying jobs including draftsman Name Address Ago it ew iisilédflii me simian IflflheJflbecIuswei ind expert dental care her father saved of it through special account at the Royal And when the time camelie had1h money to payfor treatment that hclped transform shy little into ratlianbyoung woman The nccdfor read dash often substantial sums may come expectcdlyvliiats why its wise to form the habitof living fixed amohnt cvcry montthrough aavings account at the Royal After all Ws thing eiyIiock door latches keep doorssafeiy shut under impact Ia Oriflow shock absorbers soak up bumps for more effectively than other types Shortcht turning diameter on mauymodelaforeasiesthandling 26 Baked enamel finiahis fade resistant keeps sparkle for years millions of miles of hauling Alligator hood openavto full90i for easiest engine servicing Lowest express loadin heights mean less work on and and unload Industrys momicst cabample rspaoe for threemen Independ ad Forum limit styling that builds prestige for your husonaa straight line roadseaaily atn lance Jo Biggest behindtho seat storage areainthetmck busiu own Itanlknotl menisciw conmi hangings MOVIE avsl an in