Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jan 1957, p. 9

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Elvhlmlcy must ave so have are in the history of modern music huuny popular singer become such controversial tlgure on such short notice Armed with art ovemiud1uitcr pair of blue suede shoes the modest beginnings at real muttoni cbop whiskers and set of double olnted kneu this 21yearold all Americau boy is mailing history And such bombastic history it Wherever he goes they stam pede the theatres When he clears his throat they squcui with delight When he lifts one eyebrow they rise shrieking out at their seats in complete and utter cc atacy Heaven knows what theyd do i1he blew his nose 1t cantbedenicd that he makes music New music means something diticrent to each individual And the closest definition it is probably an harmonic progres sion at sounds which are pleas ing to the ear Who is to say what is most pleasing to whose car There are as many earsas there are sounds To the car or the iarrner the lowing of cattle and perhaps the bicatlng ofiamhs is music To the Hunter the sound oi the shotguns and the haying oi iiiounds is music And lo the teenager going to liigh Scboolin 1956 the mumblt ling oi Elvis Presley is music Who is to deny that this is music It it is true that music is it you have good seed or your own plan to Coop clean and treat it this month or next You can save but do it soon because due to limited stile we can do lio Iiiop Custom Cleaning nitér March 151 Coop mus use this storage space and cleaning equip ment tor the storage and preparation of seed for re sale alter March lst This seed or sale to you is very large tonnage and only by using our space for this from March to seeding can we havo gtthe quantity you want when you want it and thc quality at the greatest possible savings in cost if you will be buying seed grain or cloverorder early 1f cleaning and treating your own do it at Coop now PHONE iaA 66531 000 same ymnoiei commWashed and Thursday Vastlwcek inust Psui Sunday evening 730 Service here every removed in RoyaLVictorisVliog pitai Barrie duhidly that which pleasing to the car by the very nature of the defini tion Elvis is making music He must be making music when countless millions at teenagar find what he is doing to he pleasing to thoear Ylhe tact that he appears to be pleasing to more than the car is not for us to ponder To the tccnagcrhElvis repres ents something This may poss ibly he combination at good looks and nsort of uninhibited attitudetowards lite Away with restrictions on behaviour Down with conventionalisml Elvis thcrctore may represent to teenagers the Emancipation total that is oi Youth Certlinly he represents some thlng in order to arrive at any on swcr tor the strange and hypnotic hold he has on veritable army of youngsters it is tlrst necessary to examine the youngsters at close range Tcenugers are strange group They are completely loveahle and just as completely exasper atlng Poised on the threshold of adult hood they dont know whether to go ahead or to go back With the bodics of adults and the minds and emotions of children their lives literally pulsate with conflicting tensions Every moment brings crisis Some of course are more mat ure than others Tthnorc mature among them Bereavement William Cumminvg telegram on Monday from Fort William telling him oithedealli at his sister Minnie Mrs Firth CROWN HILL Under the leadership ct Mrs Viola Aconiey and Mrs Hilcs Hickling the Hi Homemakcra Club held their achievement day at Guthric onSatilrdaylan Sylvia Chappell receivod county honor certiticate and pin United ChitrghAnnull Annual meeting of Crown Hill UnitedChurch heldwn Mon day Jan 21 at and Mrs Nor man Tucks Allreports showed 1956 tohave been verytsuccesii iul year Following is list of olfieers EldcwThomas Kenny Roy Newson Norval Caldwell Charles Robson William Switzer DruryCecii Chappeil Stew ards William Clark William Rhinehart Mlurice Partridge Miles Hickling Charles Drury Gordon Dunsmore GordonAtkin son Robert nemntjlloyl Part ridge Clarence Smith Trustees Norman Thompson Eldon vAtkin son Harold Drury Howard Cald weil Oscarylilelrllng Treasurer Roy Partridge SecretaryLlioward Caldwell OrganisB Margaret Cough Mrs Norman Tuck Ush ers Howard Caldwell James Kenny John rDunsniore Alvin Smith Allan McLea Aiittitors Effie the respect andrecbgnition somexennyn nine Duns of adults the more juvenile place 1031 the emphasis on the admiration other teen389f5 admired butperhaps most of all The more mature normally Wish they jun want to he 10 they were two or three years older The juveniles wish they younger Themore mature oi them are able to fit rebdily comiortably and easily into adult company The more juvenile resent adult company and hwhen conirmged with adult situations are itVk ward and ill at ease But they are all so ioveahle They radiate energy and enthusi asm They are gladto be alive and they show it They want so much tohe recognized but how tew of us adults give them chance their lives lays the pattern tor strange behaviour Teenagers are dentused They want the status and privileges of adulthood with none of the re sponsibilities were but when faced with the prospect otrrweighing relatiVe values they tind they cant This is because they have no permanent set of values Their values change with the wind So do their opinions even those of them mature enoughto have opinions They wantsome They want to be noticed and thing and may do km what 12 sound shah Stocks some nipmoms in 1957 Early in 1956 selected the year 3120001 goldstock 000 an oil stockat $1300 that went to 32000 and auranium stock at $910 that tradedrecently above sisoo sucii MARKET GAINS are the normal outcome of predictable expansion in sound Can The consequent profits repnsentvnewly created weiltb as it isnormally distributed through mounting udian enterprises securitytvalues motors in wiselyédirected selectionsm liowritienosrocxs maroon My 1951 Profitselections You cant shut in last yeastsprofit resultse they are river But theres still lmecnongh ll YOU ACT QUICKLY to consider my 1951 Upon request wlnimmedlately mail you tuy 12 top lneludtngLOWprteed stacks which feel should equator record of my last years list selected situations Detach this ad mix MANNING oy company 11 king Wes Toronto ohmin Stocks all at which moved to higher price levels dur Those selections included copper stock at $875 that sold up to $1950 pipeline stock at $4700 that went to it is lt isso terribly important to them to be admired respected and accepted by others The others today are mostly Elvis Presley fans Part of the hysteria ior Elv isimobvsbysteria the sheep all following the vleade Maybe Elvi tainly he has uses it properly At any rate die and recommended 20 Canadian at $2350 that later soldabove which YOU may share through selected opportunities for en surpass the profit Btid Mail it TDDAY to continue Sometimes lack of this in They want témakeoehisiohs fie He thanked the true ices forthci contidcnce and titled coo ration forIA success toiyean Thameetlng got underway ith prayer tor divineguldance Rasacumming Inf Bernlce Williamson re tiring cli irmin expressed appre ciatio for assistance ol the mem bc ti trahaactlng business in the past year sh dldn seek reelection Brown Carminltuiuellii Archie Tucker Don Galbraith Theghnirm adv ing that insurance schoolthad expired when the contractor had signed oft order that the schoolwouldnut be uninsured and as it had prov edvlmpoasible to hold meeting in the interval Lloyd lethcrby followingiconsultation with some trustees had ensured coverage upgln $100000 at his an expense pending action by the hoard rmige Tuékel some we chairmanis authority to arrange coverage Chairm nDanbysnid the prev Ious chairman Mrs Wiiitnmson had offered to pay hiemporary premium herself rather than have the newrschooi go without insur ance The chairman said the company which had the temporary insur ancehnndl previous coverage which was it ided among Coldwa tcr agencies The companys rep resentativo ljred Helson of Mid land came to Goldwater to inspect the school or information to de termlne the insurance ra discussion was held wtth prin eipai RobertLegato regarding the latterfspractico of buyillg school book sports equipment and mak ing athcrpurchases authorized by the budget Trustee Tucker moved second ed by Trustee Russell that all purchases first be approved by the board TrusteesFred Brown and Carman Russell abstained Don Galbraith voted gainst the motiuhramlZituateriu Fvoied issue by votingagalnst the tion thus tlézwirig the prihcipal make purchases as provide tor by the budget Truste Tucker moved second loae would you oak wall Improperly adminis tered nnction one or THE 51 is an my roam afternoon edby Trustee Gaibraiththiit the on um consum Believe about use tab atom christ corrinsing theme The plant climbing which are light phian color sit the no school was held over only amnifimfii ct n1 Dun by Indwlgnnzld Galbnithboth ion school trustees attended the pedal Quitolion meeting Nougat ame candidateatottli woman on the School Baird Pedcn was nominated to vacancy EM Threat flood threat occurred in Goldwater Tuesday iollowing two days of mild weather with heavy Tuesday morning water aspourlng over the Coldwiter dam near Epletts mill inheivy volume and below the am was ted by eaviolicn creek iai grounds Rising water en teredthe basemeht of Mrs lovers home and stores sl rig the main street tcared damage to gt basements Thc ice broke ntvflahdrshilted to apolnt be idw theHighways bridgc ln the By evening on ice jtm occurred at the Reinblrd street bridge thelriver bank oven tiowed covering the Reihbird street roadway and caused water to start running intosome homes Tuesday night the temperature dropped rapidly andthe river lovel tell again avertingtioud damage ChurchNews St MatthiasAnglican Church Vestry meeting was heldtollowi ing is congregational supper in the Parish Hall on Jan 21 The Official Board or theCold water Charge of the United Church met Jan 22 and the park sonage committeeconvened the same evening Mrs Eplett entertained the senior choir to lunch andvan illustrated travelogue taikinv the Unitedciiurch par ors Rev Charles Carter continued his riboh se address KIDNEY for it The chairman decided the architects travelling expcnses ot Ifyonhad nhuainedetfizohlena raéhggru which bouldinyoiveagieat advice of rNVaturalJ you zwould esteeman Theu Whtt about your end or business counsellor it could mean great loss to our family We amgladto not as sole Executor or in con xecuwru you might appoint eiiiusis moiferric Dunlap auto hoo 123 mime hySandnKlnnborougblt llat lollie =w othog decoratedtbe side of the windowmt Corn llerWArtCorn¢lithom° proprietor had trupiealwu plant in loom onwtho inside of mnctcn Palks strait between India and the northern shore otC€ylduhu nupimumyllwidthpt miles ion tout Wlltll III notuse All nodes ne puts out waxlike blooms on noun an whcnithe open but Dorothy hovering had any uh Mr Motorist You Are Slipping and New Jim Kitchenjs nost were pleaseddo hear he had un dergone succelaiulrurgery in Toronto hospital this1 week and hoped he would soon be back in Coldwater At rdenc Banquet Goldwater rcsldentsat the War dens banquet tnGuthrie were Lloyd Lctherhy MPP and Mrs Letherby past warden 2H Epiett tanner Reeve Andrew Dunlap and village clerk Chcater Martin Two lorrner residents Judge Gllarvlieaand Ernest Miller tool part inthe procee ings Fails To Quality Douglas Peden the only nom inee to till single vacancy on the Col er Publi Boatdlailed to qunlliy owing the special nomlnation meeting Village clerk Chester Martin Isaid You Can Stop This KE Sifliltl TRACTION SNOWIIRES This winter tread tire lsdeslgned with hundreds of biting tread angles and curves to tear at snow grip on ice and protect from side slips skids and spins eouaurfvx iN EVERY PRICE RANGE Begun 29 manna ave noon sanvrce PHONEPA 83922 7ugjnlturef hIOWSDQCifliSA Exh ion and Cl rkisbringyou sovihgs antipetiirnitura PlEGELMAHOGANYv VENEE Enemy THENCE Mfllolis om bone unsoio resse wnh levelled glass yRegulor 20900 Fumrousnow racist line qoaiiiysuiie hiahumiured or finest quality Mahogany Veneervand finished in the ever popular SeamistSturdllyconstructed with centre guides and stalls on all drawers 31 wide1 Ldeepj and 42 big is 52 ionglD deep and 32 aea have wide Sklar Piece siue uality Suites in long wearing Rep fabrics in choicgof Wine or Brown with matching BoltaElex on Regular 24900 FURNITURE SHOW SPECIAL 311d buk Famous Sltlurliuer gives you the finest in convertible rain All SklarJurniturejs neatly tailored and hasSylmerfl Treated fabrics for longerwear Ask for demon stratidn of this lovelysuite so the Early more wonderiul values on Furniture cia beds with glide away arms which assures you com runnuiiiiias ottable bed by night anda tine chestcrtield by day Then PA 82843

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