Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jan 1957, p. 3

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Council Approve Huron Grant Continued trot Pita one tion tinlatent local anditourist interest in beginnings From virtually unknown lerm in 1940 JHuronlahas through the efforts of its local chambers of commerce and mun lcipal councils become byword for historical development in what Dr John Fisher refers yes the peninsula of history Education and lnlplratlon with an annual budget seldom exceeding $3000 drawn from its it member municipalities the ssoclatlari hus attempted to bring about by education and in spiration what money often can not buy Through the encouragement of the association Julilength colored film was madeonvthe lile of Etienne Brule 30min utc color lilm on NorihCentral Huronia was privately financed and two provincial government motion pictures have recently featured its historical attractions Since the advent of television Huronia has been quick to capi talize on its photogenicassets Nearly half dozen CBC films have centred around its recreated Huron lndian village its mus eums and Its summer school of Indian Archaeology The Na tlonal Film Board has also issued ihrcequartcr page photographic newspaper mat feature on the Huronia story which was carried in daily and weekly papers from coast to coast The association itself spon snred crlcs of 25 TV spot pro grams telling of pointsof tourist interest throughout the area Through the districts over 800 hotels motels and cabin and cot tage resorts are each year distri buted over 40000 pieces of tour ist literature with an historical emphasis Many of these folders and pamphlets have been directly created and paid for by the as sociation some such as The Story of Simcoc County are the work of closely allied agencies lt may be of interest to note that since its inception the as sociation has produced and sold close to 20000 local histories as souvenirs at 25c and son each and the Simeoe County Council has authorized an expenditure of over 57000 for 000 copies of its wellillustrated county his toryLeaeh ing somewhat unique Builders Contractors or Farmers yo and No Hemlock Spruce and Pine Lumber Rough or Dressed Del2varod on the ion by truck Writaioiprloaai Cincinnati lliMBlill co rm Loring Ontario IIIIlIIlY IlIlIIIIIl Emulsion QoALirv AMAsz Low mics Burris Fmsnnly rumrmcnows For Livestock Poultry Surge Equipment 443 31 iatratlon SLIM PBINGLE will be directing the country Boys the trst Winter band concert sponsored by the Barrie citizens Band on Sunday Tom Evans right is the director of the Sky tnersanother combination appearing onthe program The lrd group of musicians who are scheduled to iippear is the Hound Dogs under the direction of Chick Webb this iield gt01 tburist proniov lions in addition illustrated for lure articles have been prepared or specific publications and sub missions made to governmental committees on tourism Development The association however has not been content merely toxpub licizo the status one it has worked diligently to foster arch aeological research in coopera tion with the University at West ern Ontario the University of Toronto and the Royal Ontario Museum to mark historic sites and to help history tell its story more interestingly Among the more recent his toricai projects undertaken in Huronin are the leilowing Founding ol lluronin Museum Midland lndian and pioneer museum Over 15000 paid admissions an nuaily Locally financed Founding of Fort Peneteng uishenelluseum Pcnetnng Naval and military museum of port lBl214 period Over 10000 paid admissions each year Locally financed Huron lndinn Village Mid land Full scale recreation of 17m century lndian community Over 20000 paid admissions in 1956 Financed by local service club Survey of historic NinerIile Portage from Kempenfelt Bay to Willow Creek in 1955 Pin anced by Barrie chamber of corn merce Unveiling oi historicai cairns and plaques at Allisth to Sir Frederick Banting at Ealrvalley to Sir Sam Steele of the RNWMP and Capt Elmes Steele at Brad fdldto PratW Day toLt Miller Worsley RN at Wasaga Beach etc Revitalization of Womens In stitute Museum at Barrie Research into lIuron Fishing Weirs at the Narrows hetween Lakes Couehiching and Simcoe Survey and published report Huronia Yesterday Today and Tomorrow by Jury on potential tourist development overentire area Sponsorship of and awarding of scholarships at the annual Uni versity oi Western Ontario sum mer school of lndian archaeology heldin Huronia Awarding of annual prizes in countywide contest on local his tory Acquisition of Forget site ioutheastqt Midland by local service club and excavation of prelluron community thereon Erection of eight new 0n T6 saves $$s cannot NOW From Simeoe Coop Take advantageot thoton lowing learly delivery dls counts $200 per ton livery cash discount on deliv ery or generous payment plan available Quantity aniscounts Divldchds Trucking Allowance dimer and Save SIMCOE coor 2591innislil SL Phonemicom for early dc Ontarios outstanding Weather Today Cloudy and Cool With More Show Since Saturday the week was moderate wth thaw light raln and snow until Wednes dayhwlthneold north west wlarls Temnenturesdropped since Light snow Iellthllv morning early at zero but hackup to 14 It am Temperatures were lan 19 Jan 20 Jan 21 Jan 22 Jan 23 Jan 24 early tario Archaeological and Historic Sites Board historlcnl plaques scheduled for 1957 Promotion Through Speakers The association through its executiyeaiso carries on pro gram of education and promo tion through provincewlde speak ing engagements Among those more active in this endeavor are Mr and Mrs Wlury Rev ltlcCatfreySJ Thor Hansen Didace Grise and the recently retired association secretary Cranston Each of these per sons carries on this work with out compensatlon in connection with its educa tional nrogram the association and its related agencies have made special endeavor to loster school visits to Huronias historic sites This last spring for ex ample reinseto 2000 individual letterSwele sent to sehoolprin cipals throughout Central on tario offering guided tours To date over assesjrom pbints as Kaidistan as 200 miles have taken advantage of this plan It may also be of interest that the Ontario Arehaeological and Historic Sites Board which is working in the provincial field as does the National Historic Sites and Monuments Board in thejiederal ticld lioiess than three members out of the nine member hoard come from ochave been closely associated with this associationW Jury for ms University of Weste Ontario 5Father McCailley direetoi of Martyrs Shrine and Cranston former secretary got Huronia Historic Sites and Tour ist Association who is the boards chairnian The measure of the success of these endeavors only history will record In the interval itHcan be safely said that Huroniss tourist industry haslgtown as steadily as has the appreciationbyrils year roundresidents of their historical heritage WOODTENDERS 1WAilTED1F0RZW TOWNSHIPSCHOOL AREA one li°££sii2iLtpfiiisiiii fourfoot body hardwood The wood to be made up of at lenst so in lo and the halaneebeeeh All wood to be deliveredto the schools not later Mlpnjunevltl l957 Dalston II co Crnllllum Bcords Jarratt 1310115 Edgar Com Hlll View Svcorda Will Corners coma Rugby comfflnwkeflnne cords Ora Stnllon cards Nevtp eordl cords Thelowcitkor It la canarlly mamas 93 55 bershlp and student loan with Clown cords Argyle page one thouth of committee and the society was tooo operate 3th have no authoth to re commend anyichango in admin henld Firmly our duty to make available funds forwhich we are tegallyiiable pltu granular protection work gt which we thinkls necessary Councillorthorns Little tonuaiked whatwas the into you administration it war led at zapereent of the do ar CounclllorVSmall reminded the council that the Childrens Aid Society win set up under Its own charter like hosoital board Councillor Calman Downey Vespn said he kit the CA5 last year had operated 55000380 under the budget set tor the overdralt it had Incurred was due to matters beyond its con trol Auditors had advised against going on the per diem rate this ye have been on this commit tee three years continued Coun cillor Downey At the last meeting heard the tirrt re semblance to con ration when do the best they could on any grant givenv New Principal Continued from page one ilea 11938 and hnveitwtr child ren Elaine 14 and John 12 Rotarian Mr Hamilton has served as secretary of the crip pled childrens committee of the service club and as secretary treasurer and chairman of mem Heds adirector and secretary oflioma Active in community service he has been division manager of the united appeal for the hospital YMCAoand Salvation Army in Brnntford and is member of the Boy Scout group committee the cadet services of Canada Presbyterian he has been gers of the PresbyteriangMens Association The new priucipais favorite sports are curling nnd gelling and heeuloys reading gardening and dramatics as pastime and hobbies lt9 Coldwater Loses To Elnivale 74 Goldwater Goldwaters Inter mediate OHA team was da ieated 74 by Elmvnlc in Cold water ink The match was played during the temporaryinii resulting in ragged play all times in stanza one Elinvaie led 20 on goals by MorleyASpiker and Roy Ceilings nitheesecondperiod Jilin addedra marker when Mer hinson scored on Spikers pass Goldwaters tally was by Don Beaudoin assistedby Alvin Emmsand Everett Johnston Stan Ritchie then beat Coldwater net minder Harry Engeland Before the middle frame ended Emms scored forColdwnter Doug Orton got goal for Cold waterat the start otthe third per Jod on receip from Deug en making it Goals followed by MorleySpike from Elmvaie Doug Peden Coldwater Closing counters were both bySpiker who chalked up four for Eimvaie Letroy Drops Tilt TOCoIdwater 86 Goldwater Playing at Br lordsr Monday Goldwater ln ermcdiatc team took third placein the OHA loop by outplay ing Letroy Neither team had won game to dat rid the loss placed Lefrcy the cellar LE froy meets Coldwater again in Coldwaterrink tonight Goldwater led 51 atthc end the second period hntLeiroydande loekcdtliecountlat 86 in th at period Coldwater obtained two more markers before the Th nnly tally ofthe first period wasby Goldwaters Doug Peden ists by Doug 0rton and Doug Miticr leden Emma mith WTddd found thenetshtbf add Mr Cumberland and they would lllr Hamilton is captain in secretary of the board of mana Patient chamnnA tWonaenl Callegflm italvfnrnnao on Ian 20 11a in we um Anthony Crawford nu Bettleclntoah nasalr nncaalAt am Vlctorla nupltu 01 Jan inn to no and luv Dean run so Ion lain mun mum unins Fiiehsl 64 scarlet smiled Blues 48 Greens 89 Yellow 29 Needy1 Scores Searieta2 Yellow Green Beds Blues Fuehsla Tern t0 or Allen Interna THANKS In on man at our um we to ex mu our heartlelt thlnbto our mend and mi oor for the CARD kindness and mph uao into lhlloalalour who we especially than Trt his torhi consoling yards or Poltnlkotl or hll kind men on lhe lowly ll IN MEMORIAM nnnwLin iwlu memory0 who placed wa huuhum and ii emery of owing Horenee Doulatl who placed ALIfl as Lanny the world without you Lile to mu not the sumo to who loved no our to7m youhtlll mat bomtlnll lnul in IIlrden ot God mi you dear you were one or ordemembered by her loving no it and aid in loving memory dear wile lnd mother Florence Beast Hankln who paucdpway Jln 851m gt Those whom in no out of light But never out mind They are chart lntha heart or those they is behind Loving all her ways Until nd lust tn the 2nd of her sinusesyam true in heart and nilnd nuntum memorlu she left behtpd nur remembered her husband pon Ernie daug tenlnlavr su and grandchildren unvnnsd loving memory of rm and and father Ernett ezzlonl who departed this world when your life was brightest Just when your years were but You were called lrnn1 this warm of sorrow To some or eternal mt HUIIUBlflBln Iovlnl memory hurl Hurtllblae who polled 55 The way he lpoke and nation The littlethings he laid and did Are withua all the willie For dawn the ladezol memories The ltlhtlr never aim Untl menus forget to shine we will remember him 5ldly mlascd hla nnrtublsa and mly nunrunisrttn loving me qiler lather and grandfather Ch Hurtubise who owed ay wife Clllre From memory so Evcr remembered by his sun Joe and nelensnuosanr Peter and Tina nilevlnr memory 01 or or Lniiisln Danes who 11534 ed away Jun 27 105i udly missed by her Inmlly ll OADEFIn loving memory of our dear mother It Louhl Oldcl who new lent hell ever tell OADESlri lovingmemory I71 dear mother who entered Into reaton Jam21 You can only yes one mother kind on true No other friend Illlllll world Wlll he lllad you Far ail herlovlng kindness Slit asked nolhllll In return it all the world desertsyell To your mothcr you can tu 50 WIN haven mothe Cllelllll her with CIR For youll never knowthe henrtnche nlll you see herdvaunt chat awn 21lvss Ever mold thou ht fwlfeandl ly SPRINGanovan memory of villa and mother llenrtetta who puns WI 15 God knew iiinaeth suffering That hills were hard to climb So lieclpsed nu weary eyelids Andwhlapered Peace be thine By the lleyot rest in fair Away in he beautiful hills God Some or we know not when We will meet our loved one there Fsaniy missed hv her Isaac and family of our Myrtle Jones single of 272 Gertie Dickie had the top tripieitotaiot 586 MENSMMOR LEAGUE First Division VWrights 33 Seven Up 18 Hydro 15 Hydro 13 Delux Legion Second Division Copco 19 HEP Cats 16 DoniaSheardlfl Webbs 18 Georges 10 Leglon Mohdays Scores Delux 0Hydro Hydro Wrightl Seven Up 5Leglonl Cépaco ZEeorgeB Denis Sherd 2HEP5 Leighton chhs Silverthornvlmd the top sin gle of 855 Miller had the top triple total oi 711 MnNs mason LEAGUE First Division CN Telegraphs la Lakeview l5 Dom Auto 15 Legion 2714 Knewells 13 tax Depot SecondTJivlston Barbers 20 Westons 20 Copaco lBrSmith Farm ll Stewarts Tuesdays Scores Legion Eltenwells CNT 713X Depot Lakcview 2Dom Auto SmithFnrm OBarbcrs Corner Cupboard 0Westons Copnco 7Stewarts Quinlan topped the bowlers in both departments with single of 333 and triple of 880 van roun anacun CTC 50 Graves 87 NuScrvice 31 Norris 30 Tuesdays Scores CTC 7Norris Graves 5Nu Service Ron Graves had the high at 564 George Ahern had the top single oi 247 BAthlE nxawllnnn LEAGUE Head Pin Comets 65 Klugers 583 Blue Streaks 53 Quiet Types 43 Ink Spots 41 Bouters 34 Mondays Scores Ink Spots0Klugers Blue Streaks 5Routers Quiet fipes Momets bowler ot the night with single of 293 and triple of 723 Doris Dunn had single score of 226 Midhurst Station Robert Peacock dery Year Buttery iiwnyi yiicviausc of hilirokencasc post or coverliringall your hamsproblems to All Pot tcr llarrlc BatteryEspcrt Corner Cupboard triple Jack Kerneyrwns thetop male Berhetthada wastripievtptal Mr and Mrs WRodway and Gail of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Charles Bow William Day Miss Alp and Miss Victori no ital mun air on Law no Strontium LawAt no al Barrie on In daughter annulmentAt Toronto acne1i iso Itl Private Pattenta Pavilion on an nu Ilr Indira on Hum shanty Meton At shitLute city Utah on Jan 2t 1061 to and In James McConhey summon Preston MeDutllAmAl ltoyal Vlctoriaflna plltllu Barrio on Jan II 151 to Ind In William HthrmlM Hello hart son TAYLORfit Royal Victm Hupltd Barrie on Jan 14 57 to asr and InnJam Tutor male daughter Joyce THOMPIDNAt Rtle Victodl HM Ella Baffle on Jan 19311 gt and Ira Thompmn School St near Camp Borden Robert emuu IKBLLYAt Royal Victoria normal Barrie on Jan 23 L957 to Mr Ind Mn is Skelly ilo Dunlap5¢ West dlflflhleli Ann HIM ll LOUISAt Royal Victoria Howi lll Blflll on Jan 57 to CPI and In St Louis Corinne Crestellt€amp Borden Ion Bob en vmu McGinnls of Toronto spentthe weekend at Mr and Mrs Charles Days Mr and Mrs Broley and Brenda ot Barrie spent Sunday at Mr and MrsKltohertvPeacocks You dont ime to marry ul hnt youll be mighty glad you In no to give snur unity WileApproved mun Ameri can Van Lines move call us iodu If youre moving soon our estimate in runs in Campbell Limited agents ror North American vn Lines my ing and Storage numn Ave Phone es 535 The engagement is announced of onan Blanch Bob daughter of Mrs Babb aj late Mr Frank Bebb ofBarriento Freder ick William Galloway son ofiirs Galloway and the lateldrwilllam Galloway of Barrie the marriage to take place earlyin Ffbru Mr and Mrs Ed Cavanaugh wish to announce the engagement of their daughterLJoan Ellenta llan Gregory Shruhsole son of airs Shruhsoleand the late Mr ahrubsole of Barrie the marriage to take place at St Mnrys Church Barrie on February 16 at 10 ans 11 FUEL OIL When You Call Simcoe Petro leum Day or Night You Are Assured 0t ToServc You Your ru Receives Prompt Attention lwhen Ever You Call Sfmcoe Petroleum TEXRW Service Station Owned Operated By Edson Marshall Wice Tiiiln St PA $2563 or PAS5089 MINES MIISSIISE Private Sauna Room hours Silllllil IIHTIIS For the enhveniencc of Discriminatlng People Dairies now have navanee noticcis required to re servejhls completely private Sauna Bath This is an nddltlnnal Sauna Room We cordially invite you to relax in privacy and warm coiniurt Appointment only Telephone 81111 Please advise if lilassagerequestedl Cordialiy GM annsw Daines Pay leftbvier seasonal bills and reduce high monthly pay rnorits with prompt loan here We like to say Yesl when you nskifor loan Phone for your loan in one whit or come in Or cum GETAHEAD TH BILL CLEANUP Mill Loans up to 525904 30 months to rollvim leans over $500 convenient silicawhich no Dannis15mins 2mm onlLuasz Miuaugsdm Elam Flee BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO lovuthlv upsis Misti Lav RAVEL BEHIND TH HARRIES Representing ALL It OLDE AL ham im LNAIKD NH tll Hill li EXAitiiPi UNIX hi liil tree ii 1mm iilunmluy 31 tlitllm its lt nu In lilil il iiz t3 OLD POST OFFICE FACIN Phone PA 84400 Barrie rw l5 DXY ltl MUN lluni innit Alli STEAMSHIP HOTEL HERTZ RENTvACAR RESERVRTHQNS CONTACT YOUR CIINIIIIIIIN NATIONAL llillLWIlYS BUREAU TH RA BOOKING ITIC Ii Tll lll Ili III FARE$ Tunnitu ltllllll litllrii ipplltuhlu Regina 33 upon amtI

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