Av MIDLAND SKI JUMP will be the location or several gig February 24 is the time of the canadian Championship Ski or antic competitions this winter Next Sunday Intematlonal Jumping event Thenih August the first summer ski Invitation Ski Jumping competition will be there February 23 is the date of the Canadian World Championship Trials jumpers under the direction of Pete Petterson madetrial one or the finest ski Jumps on the continent At right are lieElected Puc chairman Eleventh Year At the inaugural meeting of Barrie Public Utilities Commis sion on Jan in ii Robertson wasrcelcetcd chairman and Dr JgrEdwin Wilson chairman of lin ancc This is Mr Robertsons 11th utiveycar as chairman Elson at present mem cr ofthe office staff was ap po nted assistant secretarytreas ilrer EDWIN LSON Reports presented to the meet ing showed the installation of Barrles ï¬fth station to be nearing mple ti This work is being done by the Canadian GeneralElectric Co Thestation is on Penetang Street immediately west of the Greer ansportatin Col property gt waterworks report showed two miles 10793 feet new wa ermainstohave been laid du ng 1956 and 277new rvicesto have been installed Twenty hy drants Were also ations he practice of the waterworks idlepa men has been to pay the stalling wate services meeting passeda in aw which will require pay rn nt of $50 tobe madeat the application for new sta dard service he to be considered theoret found thatiihe of new services problem in comm ssions opera continued would ad on many can blackanthile hlte adian sport her ofCDmmerce plans an international speed skat stalled in new 0n Bay Feb 1517 By BOBBIE ROSENFELD Toronto Globe and Mail in the past 25 years no can has suffered inter nationally more thanspeed skat ing At the moment it is prob ably at its lowest ebb We can look back to the early 30s and consider thoughtfully that in those days Canada was recognized as world power in the ranks of specd skating Charlie German Herbie Flack the Logan brothers Willie and Johnny Percy Johnson Ari Flack Jimmy Good and Jackie Marr among the men the late Gladys Robinson Brent Hattie Donaldson and Lela Brooks Pot or among women gave this ccuntryliccnse to be Home of Champions vOur last international mcel was in 1933 We played host to the North Americnn champion ships at Maple Leaf Gardens Time Start Bounce But perhaps this is the time it will start bouncing back At least the Central Ontario Speed Skating Amateur Association en tertains this hope The association supported by speed skating addicts such as Leonard Ehrlick Perc Johnson Jackie Marr Theo Van Idcrstine and Dougie Byam are going to try to revive the lush days in speed skating at least in One tario The associations steppingoft place will be Barrie In co operation with the Barriecham theCOSSAA ing meet as part of the towns first winter carnival which will be celebrated Feb 1547 Weintend to bring oversome recognized speed skating talent from the NorthAmerican cham pionships which will be staged in Detroit Feb 23 said Leon ard Ehrlick solid worker in the interest of speed skating United States Talent Im going to the North Ameri cans and will try to lineup some of the best United States mater iai for theBarrie meet If we can make it good show we intend to stageseveral other in ternational contests Our ulti mate aim is to hold the 1958 North Arnerican in Ontario he said Kempenfelt Bay will lie the scene of Barries Winter Carnis val In addition to the numer ous speed skating competitions international and native specta tors will be entertained by Lilpiporlunity SPEED SKATING LIKELY BARRIE BIG MEET called championships Jumping will be held there North Americas top barrel jumper Kcnnic LeBclie of Lake Placid NY The dozen orvmolc speed skat ing events will rangefrcm se ion competition to special cradle division for eight and nineyearolds gt We dont expect to offenmuch competition in the international events said Erhiick Our com petitors in the menjs division have dwindled to handful The talent will be drawn from To ronlos Bob Meldrum Al Work man the Pascoe brothers cnny and Jimmieï¬ and Hamilton Ian MacDougali Disian Side tafl ideToro tois houl bc hi to the Collie Factory Waste Tanning Agent TORONTO CPUsing river polluting industrial wastes 0n tario Research Foundation scient ista havedeveloped synthetic leathertanning agent which they believe will cost less than the natural tanning agents nowin use Experiments carried out under contract of the Defence Re search Board have shown that suiphitc liquora waste material from the pulpand paper indus trycan be broken down into two fractions one of which con tains the necessary chemical inJ gradients for the proper curing of leather Normally these ingred ients are found only in tannint rainst oi hieh must be import The idea did not originatewith the ORF scientists but other synthetic methods dcvclopcd as long as 25 years ago were too expensive Now the chemists havcfounil that bythe addition of phenol arclatively inexpen sivemaferjal the sulphite liquor irgcticns can be made to do the JO The chief advantage of the new methodis that in time of war the Canadian tanningin dustry could become selfsuffi cient And if phenol should be in short resoia by gcouid be used instead although it is some what more expensive secondadvantagerone which it is hoped will keep costs down is that the remaining fraction of the sulphite liquor after eitraci non of the tanning agents can be soldfor use in oil well dri mg Age 21 16 29 Sales or contactbackground helpful This weekend top Canadian REVIVAL match strides with her US rivals he said MissColllct is one of our most promising skaters Shc displayed plenty of potential in last yearslntercity meet at Buffalo whcrc shewon the 220 440 and 880 races However said Ehrlick by bringing in the best from the North American championships we hope to increase the interest capabilities and potential of our own skaters What has happcncd to our once healthy and lively speed skating picture We the same old story and one that confronts much or our amatcur sport to day lack of proper facilities Speed skating which has slipped steadiiy in this arcathe past in years really hit the skids when we lost Varsitys openair llllk about five years ago said Ehrlick We havent been able to get decent training place sine WhenVarsitywas avail able its large ice surface was perfect Teach Fundamentals We used to command corn er of the rink whorc we could teach fundamentals For ad vanced work Varsity used to open its doors an hour before the general public was admitted so that we could get in some training licks he said We used to skate about 25 miies every night Today the speed skaters have to go wherever ice is liable Trouble is on the publ rinks the speedsters are not allowed to do any unnecessary fast skat ing hutmust keep pace with the pleasure skaters The city has offered the speed skaters the use of public rinks after lo pm But according to Ehrlick theice is in bad cond on and parents wont permit their youngsters out at that late hour lts regrettable that proper fa ciiities arent available thusiasts trying desperately to revch sport in which Can adians once reigned as world champions llPELINE PROBLEM Without pu ingfeatbers from the eagles tail it can be stated with some authority that the uyerl wbelming majo tyvof Canadians do not want of theirrnajor natural resources gas dispensed by and for the benefit oftheir cousins south of theborder until Assistant pension has created new ope lngs for men an going to be in the open avoid button sides turned downward for en mpressivc personality and appear EliCEllen starting salarydep ding HrghSchool graduate or quivalent nunï¬ï¬wsh leaps At left two Toronto iassies Verlo and Gail Miller some of the tops withPetterson From left toright are urge all enthusiasts to attend the big February eventsAt John Pristov Louis Masher Julo Cote Pete Patterson Hans centre Julo Cote of Toronto is shown taking off from Egder and Eric iKurrleL First Aid For Winter Sports SL John Ambulance hccding the winter season today issued some first aid suggestions for winter sports enthusiasts Their first suggutlon that ski crs skaters and others who arc lone outings An injury under such circumstances could mean1 death Something to remember espec iallyfor skiers is how to make an improvised stretcher gt0ne good way is to use two coats Turn the sleeves outside in Place the coats with their lower ends touching each other Pass aski through the sleeves on each side and then button the coals up gate or door also makes good stretcher common hazard oi winter sports is frostbite Stlohn warns specifically against the popular remedy of rubbing the frosthitten part with snow Such treatment can do severe damage Gradual warming by body heat is the safest way to relieve frost bite For instance if the face or car is affected cover theJrozen natchewith gloved handwuntli normal color and sensation re turn ln the case of frozen fingers or toes remove gloves or boots tight clothing should not be worn The hand may be placed under the clothing in the armpit the feet wrapped in warm blanket or snuggledundér com panions jacket Danger spots for frostbite are the ose chinears fingersfand toes St John says that persons exposed to severccold should learnrto watch each other for ell taie change of color whjte patchon red face Numbness in hands or feet should be recog nizedas danger slgn fro longed freezing will do irrepar able damage All cases of severe frostbite resulting from prolongcd ex posure to coldyinpcrsons who have been lost orimmobilizcd by other injuries must be recognized as seriousf injuries it is especially important in such cases that there be ncsud den application of heat Place helperson in cool room remove theclothes if wet dry ntly and wrap in biankcL rAvoid any direct heat Give nourishment and stim ulants suchas milk coffee or tea As improvementshows the room may be made warmer Close proximity to fire howdver must be avoide fora time person sufferingfrom severe exposure should of course be attended by adoctor as soon as guahficatlons plus car yllowy LENEplcml nanrowon neeoeo Already we have heard the sour notes of dissatisfaction that we should be bringing people into his country than robbing Can mstinghome Dollar for ollar its greatest TV buy on the ma brought to you at this ama reduction right in anero ma enema ExaMiNan MoNnaYJaNuanY 21 195713 adians of jobs There isno room needs manpower recruits to for such talk Loaders are reil match hcr stride crating cvcry daythat Qanada Pcmbrokc Observer Firestone STORES INCH ILEVISIONf the rkct zing thc season when TV viewing is at its best Features that are offered in high er priced modelsz $upor Cascade Tunerv Aiin beaker Automatichange Findcr Removable Safety Glass Convenient AcrossTheTop Tuning rnxdajoomrnara INCLUDING RABBIT IEHIIS ms oMODELizzoo REGULAR $27500 ONICE fftrc tom aroma Equally Enos rIon in MUD AND sNow