v7 gt 157 ll KQQM IoAIIo DOGSbPEfSTOCK fulï¬l winsmoo xiii mum nlnmmw rBROADLOWOM gt flfmm troumtv es mmrnrsim Buy mmt nos manta orm Puliats MAI iawceits AucolmAiisueL REAL ESTATE PA loud million JAM28405 ppqugfyyfqg riIoPEIITx rot rm mum HELP WANTED ARC WELDER hmumm iltiilzoiAlnx ARC WEIDER dly week tumulny plld medltIl and hospitalisation And Vlclllnn pays SALE lama Antwan iorlocagao demon Phnu PA In lIlo Cycu coda 5va Dnve IIUNIIIS show you an nebaih um ltMl caimviumahyaumm Mtg iodudiuWaiiiowil ymiarui Ianrecords mom PA um Iisui not um MAID tor young man ROOMS FOR RENT pm to snararwa tain beds Poona PA DJMI pvo better and misc you man leu Ll CALI In unic otvhen ry rodts for real tarnished or un humhad Rhoda FA 5m lblb piniontum Mne lo ehien Phone write Human antral location mtry Paras alming DOWNSTAIIB uhmraitbed healed ml Bflvate entrance Poona PA or Phone PA uiolt uui tsloll WANTED LAadIt tarnished heunleeplnl mm lie9d private entrance hydro paid Wm CinrritAl wcAlle PROPERTY FOR RENT Ptsoaa PA um 45min nill mlIor All 3bedroom nflck bungalow are we both very out maple Linn RESALE In ages core till seas oneiii nation ring moi Ind 31 room kltrhuiJnth toad lln it PP °ét°enuloo oe 311 wootlvloflv Ialrharsesaat will led I90 weed Ili all helunl align llnl rsemenI full We Em RUBBER STAMPS MADE1070Rme WEAYMOUTHS BOOK STORE bum 3m mAn boAQo 9W up coma DeVilbiSs Canodq Ltd BARRIE ONTARIO SUBURBAN SBECLAL dovi bedroom bunsaioron admin No it Hittiin am stroud nodm kitchen with ty oi builtla cupboards largo Ilv piece hath hardwood and iv STOREY1 ilArimoolis 1soullabla ior vs dupiaxlng it lug Downstairs MODERN tieauy new and hu IArle lute co lllnlill room MOTQR MECHANICS LICENSED MOTOR MECHANICS F0ll FORD DEALERSHIP PHONE PA 35526 LIflvll FEMALE Sales liei wanted or nlull alore nos 31 liarrc Examiner ldtl hALEs cLiiiiK Ior Iiarrie Ten and Awning Co Apply In person at at nayncld st iio woman to do alterations Ildles and mean clothing Apply has barrio Examiner IIIHI v4 IIDUSEKREPER olred by adult cou le Live In ADS In Mr Lalng ugh st Phone PA Haiti l2 FULL 0R gart time work men dcsira ie Car eascntial has home Examiner WOMAN wanted Io mind child morn lngs in chlldl home Francis SI Phone PA Mud alter pm lioil PRESSEK tor tailor shop in Camp Bordcn steady Job ior right plrty III II II RCAF Pbone iiiiaw PM Good starting salary Unllorm Jun 24 Manager APPII loii WAITRESS complete company benenis ruppued Apply Thursday ited Cllnr Stores narrit llOllSEKBEPBII wanted immediately Ior working parents with and child Apply to Mrs Taylor Centre St Angus or phone Kiirflz Angus RAWLEIGII Business now en in Barrie Trade wcii establish Ex cellent opportunity Full time write at one nawlelghs litpt Alzalns Montreal llo PAY up back bills let Avon help you to earn good income In your spare tim Pleasant and oroiiiahlu work close to home Write Illlu Towers Apt and iii Wilson Ave Toning SALESMAN Ior locui ilnn Hospitaiisa tlon and group insurance iranspon tation supplied Salary and commis slon Apply in wrlllnlln Box Bar rie Exhlnlner giving details at edu cation and experience 1041 WE HAVE on opening Ior an addi tional oung lady in our atiice sin gie girl preferred with matriculation Typing an asset Apply In own hand writing stating age and experience any to Public Utiiitiu Commission link 57 Barrie Ontario iiiltl Ao£ALL EARN Inolvl $50 to $15 per wee In worklnz lor yousseli and start with 20 Investment Sell Imm door In door 225 wellknown and guaranteed prudiicls Substantial discount SDI cials each month BlziplOnlï¬rJlToz Dept 5130 st Hubert Montreal 1911 wome or Multan USED FURNITURE BUYS DRISSEIIS irons 900 up KIICIIENITABLESliufl up aurms ruin limo up usm srhincs 500 USED CIHSIERIIELDS 1500 up Used CHESTERFIELD CllAIRS limo up CLARKS Home Furnishings 38 Bnyfleid St PHONE PA 32843 SPECIALS AT SIMCOE SALES or SERVICE Minute Spitdef ceiieht condition wood comblnutlon Prune new guarantee Implements SIMCOE SALES c7 SERVICE 30 Snplljli St FISII BIIIINIY good condition PA mzl uooii TABLE liarrls phone PA Mill Illit COAT grey Persian 182 Dunln Sl PA 5263 or 71M Phone PA H155 CHAINS various sites druni Phone PA 56102 Iixe so new 10 Ihg Phone PA Mm like new electric 1111 tepllalol II II 3200 Newton Robinson lira Iia 710 Used nobulll meton $10600 iind up $7500 lller ex I95l Chev lion run snfln with 3300 Mill Take advantage oi the winter months and have your machinch repaired nowwe will pick up and deliver your All work guaranteed at Phone PA 83577 710 Flinn Ilti POTATOES Apply Ros Dellverod 1IiAli Elm 35gt men must clmu Phone good cond We BLBCARO HYGIENE Vacuum clean erarebuilt compietewith attachment and polishes Going tar as Aw Austin The set Billzk wheel discs on Iiurner conveuion unit withlooli nYs rcen talion Walon eoal glrla skating ltirts size In girls blue velvet dress size quantity of other excellent cloth me CILBAM Sepaï¬lon one meg Apply Stan Copeland Garage Phone Cooiuiown 7lMI lot lmnt and re aleuulu on noon throughout Centre hail plan This home mu clean and Plenum ti new CI Ior film per manlh Includinl Inland pflmlpll and uxea No salary mulumenta on till one Owner trulhrred to On lnll Call Al Raul PA 952 any time LARGE HOME some mil price room two store home all rooms are cats largo wood floors three plead DID urnllll lel bllh downstlln NI bl cai not water on heating new roof sad new esvostrough beautimi treed lot In Dow payment only be arranged Cali Al none PA M298 nuytilh DUPLEX wow Iuli price two Iith brick ln come or Invellmcnl home three rooms Ind hllh uptulfl Ind three rooms and toilet duwmtain Currier lot Willi nr Ila anlled In tho VchnItY ill COP can AI hose PA em anytime ARENA AREA ll room hrick home Ioclled Very clan In Item modern kllchen modern th all heating landscaped lot gar For full deulll Intl Ip dllllmdnl to led his very clean all modern older home call Al Rate PA 35293 anytime DUPLEX 12 YEARS OLD ï¬lm full price only years old two bedroom apartment with living room kitchen and bath is lillrl two bedroom artment with vlng room ltitclicn an baih downsiain iull hau menlslnlved air on heating laundry tube This duplex was built Ior duplex And his lupilrlle hydro met ers and entrances Both apartman are modern and are an excellent Iri venmem or good huy for home with income upper apartment rent Inc San per month Cali Al nose PA Mm anytime or further particulars WELLINGTON ST $11500 mu price three bedroom brick one storey name plus uvlng room kitchen and bath iuli basement iorced air all hcsilns laundry tubs larse lot so it 165 Close to IImpPlnl and schools Carrlra ior soo per month including interest prin Ipal and thxed Cali Al nose PA nytisnc NHA RESALE Three bedroom brick home located In the Grove Street lrel Lilia k10 men full Slze hnementwith and III on hellllil lmlr plead LLII hllli Thll In NHA mule wllh nu IIIW mulnmenlx per cent mdlllla For hill ddtalls on Oil home call AI Role PA 55298 HOMES Our selection of NHA homes is excell ent gt This selection includes homes with down payments as low as sumo with monthly payments as low as 52 per month lnciuoins Interest and pan clpll plus Miles New In the time to hlly your home willie the Interest rate ll unly per cent For In pulm inenl to see these humea Alana EA Inllmeel m4 iath buirmG on SELL ANY TYPE OF PROPERTY on 3le VISIT OUR NE LOCATION WWW 91 rlloflSTZ Room rooto tiled throughout who down room acre lot plus room unï¬nished wilt Good Income pau fll oi cupboard Ila Plenly OK and tnthem pianla been It Inlnnct lb lltlu plece bl In Ilkhen Iallil raspberry Ina well WANTED IMMEDIATELY bedroom house In bod dlnncl Not necessarily new ALSO YOUR LIEIING INVITED LIST wmi minr llIRN MOVE Olfl GORDON being hssnascha by other build inn moflllleslnd iosou Clll Dun Connell Evening phone PA omn LIMITED REAL ESTATE fialzoxms 102 DUNLOP ST WEST PHONE PA 8590I mice HoursD en lo pm SAVE Pull cellar with hot undoa lower down plyment nillltt MANY um 65 c3005 mom ioaidit 80000 TO 100000 ON NHA HOMES interest rates have gone up to u7 These house are being sold at the sign sate ONLY FEW LEET OAKLEY PARK BEDROOM HOMES OFFERING CHOICE OF STYLES BUILT BY CROSLEY CONSTRUCTION oakley Park controlled mhdllelnn Just two blocks irom Oakley Park Public School with lplclonl lots is located and the new colloginte CDOWN PAYMENTS $1973 to $2695 $5311 to PLUIS TAKE $6442 anion km bedroom and iv piece loath upstairs Pull eon creie pound haunten Ported lll till hellllll Hill Dr Styx mortnll and terms uilt by one Barriea hm Contact Dan council Zvehlnll phone PA ITIM NEAR Ilv0M llaley home In llnmlvulala condlllon mmlhnul Dmnled butllliullf iLlrlQ modern kl cucn iiv room and dininl room I11 bedroom Ind bath Good garage Low taxes Tenn amnled Clll Percy Fold Evenlnll Phone PA 13511 SHAPED nuNGALoWfllm Very beauiilui hull brick home In choice loclllonSt Vincent inn is large modern rooms wlih lots oi exttu BuiltIn exhaust an In balhrooiu apple orcha In kitchen vanity larl IM Inn No chance hush0 nvn Pnnr FULL Piuc Slim menu In good brick building little rooms all heating Bus stops at your door ACID to school church and shopping Largo lot 61 its Terms Ir ranged Contact Percy rord Dialling can PA um EDGE or TOWN PULL PRICE um 13 storeyi bedrooms upmln bsdroorn downnod sized kitchen and livin room piece bath Extra arse lot so Lynx iï¬owmtsxeclowudawn on psymon on met Cali PercyFord Evely ihgs phone PA new We have buycss waiting tor the ioiiowiacl bedroom bungalow iaisly close to downtown must for worklhop Alan llllly new duplex central location Phonsi Dan connuIL Eveninu PA 57702 ws ALWAYS lisz MANY OTHER LISTINGS only low can be shown In our ads at time so It you do not ace what you want here1uat call our oriice during the day PA um IiiA 253 phtlina Pelrey Pord even cannon PA mml CALI us ABOUT Summer cottages run and acreso Bulldlnl loll Phone PA H9 anytime SLESSOR Real Estate CCUITS Re ESlaiEB ke ll Owen sneer lï¬rfl Ilvlill room bedroom lndhlh china cabinet In dining room Na iuiiy salteantalned ClintV have and dry basement suitable lncolna producliil hm dupllxal cw limes in Mill termini tonne NIIA homes with low down payment ikio UNFURNVISHED 3ROOM APARTMENT nwaArll IAUNIIIIY Phone PA $4124 ision manual Aplnlientllilosi£l 11 DOMED nun IVIIIAliIn Fab lslo Phona PA Rm Ii IINIIJRNIIBID room Iplflmnl Ilh bath Phone PA SW 1540 hionitnx bedroom apartment avail lble Feb Phcnc PA 5H 5le PA 37206 apply Tlllln stl ROOMBD arimcnt parIly turn lshcd Child we come Phone Pltlatfldl IH in Pultrlisl Home apartment hul cd all nveaicnces Phone PA 704 I5IDI1 5ROOMRILJII Ithcdga Itinan In duplex Downst rs Phnngllk mam l5lDll FURNISHED Aplflmenl Pril Ind stove Cenlql Apply alter tum PA 84442 I5Io ROOM Iellcurllllned helltd lpiiflc ment partly Iurnlshed Phono PA all ioIIHI MODERN House In Stayed Apply wTï¬ lain Gibhlna strou Phone 39H stroud iHm ROOM heated apartment Electric stave andromgoratov Plioaa PA M252 lsloii PunNisiion bed oittine room ground Iloor Apply so Mlple Ave Phone PA 91524 151011 noohtan self contained heated un furnllhed Iplnmenl5 Phone PA M720 isiMl HEATED unlurulabed Central Phone PA 83845 151012 FURNISHED and heated bedroom and hllchenlmlnt room Phone PA alter oclock Imam uniurnishad apartment scp arate entrance convenient location Phone PA Milo lsioll BOOMBD Home with pleca blith onn mlle loulhwelt mm Alllndule Phone PA 55635 lsfï¬dl ROOM unlumiaiaed lpmmenl For articular phone PA 34111 or 31y 2i outtan Ave ti itooM tarnished apartment with Illy slave lull hot Inter Adults nnly Phone PA Mflll 154 nouM Apartment rtl iurnlshcd Shire bllhmnm PCB Phone PA mm 15lo1 imminent artsnent heavy wli ing children we come Available Feb houePAB7mn lower duplex location you scit contained Ap ly Campbell Ave or phone FA 15 us voLKsWAGoN grey with custom radludm miles ncWJPhonerPA otiii alter eao pan l51lHl ROOM ull contained tunllth more House Inihmin and sense is iolml Ibwtll NEW LAIIGB Apartment bedrooml wAiud nicely outer home Reasonable ml PA an alter ahlo Mm ll lnL Phone waif YUINIIIIID Rm or rented arato Clean nurtaa ï¬eï¬orlyphdhe PA NKPHABLI Bed bull en mm unutoj mm pain evening MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS no collection no charge credit Bum Elm SNQWPEOUGHING DRIVFWAYS PARKING LOTS BlO Phone PA 92961 Diinms Molten DASZH Electric Motors to Ross so Barrie PHONE PA 85307 ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE Molar Hm and Main HAROLD HART 38rd Electric own 53 Owen st Amatrom noni pouring all audï¬nhalï¬ IQ umicnnu PIJIUO WI ï¬ghts Ill Town St DR WOODSTOCK BAYWOQD Animal Hospital large and Small Animals tarnished bedrome in Phone tsIoll FURNISH Room In winn Mn Vary cur 0510 if 54in cioor to MICE AM Mllfllnll Null Mu lIlNI only Phone PA N51 to in H1 PlimJA In BIm lm Ph PA 82206 545 FLOOR COVERING wA WOLFENDEN Phone PA nmxsaiom amemm Phone PA 32907 HIGHEST PRICES PAID for admins Phone PA 663311 PA 448 In II been cllllIneIle FltIIMWDI INDUSTRIAL IRON bastion at Wee Phone PA 66331 or PA 84720 wu Bdrrie Metal Salvage SCRAP IRON MET ALS FURB mmm LIVE POULTRY ï¬nmflemimniefl oliihinifleï¬ Blunt parIa RA 0296 MAX PUSHKOFFH AND custom Yard and Dulce 204 Turin at iilu iii in inflates ed IIIth Evaporator wanted Pln rise It by it Phone Barrie Iszrlz yloii AB LOB Ind Boll winked Egldllom Lumber Ind Crate Ltd PD USED PIANO accord Player Radio Televllloli Chiiln Tibial Curd Tr Phone PA 854 ELLWOOD BLACK FARM BROKER RR Slian Ely Pb BARRIE 30314 acres South 61 Elm elm lug village school andchurehes miles to village mill to Barrio Ali level and under cultivation room lirlck house 1th dairy hash good staminp water bowls slio hog pen and hen house All In on ceiient condition rank rtiute dclinglvbiil 150 acres south or Barrie with 90 acres workable balance swampand Puttrenrnnnlng water in pasture mine housr neediif RPInt osnl oarnsax lelthLiaxsoona good travel road close SlDl AND METAL SCRAP musk Ill Id Flinn Zlfl Bradtord Box 311 Brl ii 7W mics mas BATIERIES It hltl Lam and lily Iumllhlnll lule IhIalor IllaYWCA It 16 Oman SL to like Ind POSITIONS WANTED HWY 2521NOHTH GILMORE Mm hiIthy llOUSEWOllK byslhe day oliices etc Phone PA once 210 WILL CARE lot preschool or school age children thio mother Worlts Onk Icy Parlt dlslrlct Phone PA 83553 HIO RELIABLE young lady will look alter children in her own home while mother Works in Cundles distrch Phone PA zlll YouNGLAnY would like position as housekeeper tor bachelor or mother less home Have years old child Phone zany stroud zll iixPBluENcEn Painter Decorator Ior many years requires work Bloudlng Paper hanging and blending specialty For Iree cstim ales at reasonable ratu please call IISZISI Barrie 2lol EXECUTIVE now employed ii scare lnryIrensurei In Toronto wishes to muv to Baffle Experienced In pm ductlofl sales and accounting College educltlon Ind degree Replies must he cuniidentiul Apply Box Elm Ex aminer 2914 MORTGAGES $1500 WILL our simian sisst mort esge on acre Iarm Box barrie Examiner 421012 Accommodation Wanted rnooM modern apartment wanted with stove and itll Nd children Un furnished Phone PA inn HI SEED AND FEED BALBII IlAYior role Will deliver ok phone PA salad iliiH HAY AND smAw ior sale We do liver Apply itell Giliord Phone Lenny ilrzz iolaoii WANTEDI Good Milling Wheat Phone Bdrm Bradford or IBM Stewart Lien lord in Bradturd 107 Goon QUALITY Baled lily mixed or sale also quantity ot Oats Elin Stong Bradford 89m ioioii and Home Is one went Apply Sam RR zï¬ii or phone Elmvale sisal COW Flfl Holstein Ind Durham llx tel old due In erch Aim Pure Apply Ewart $5M nuvs lot 80 254 with room cabin lz it near sehooi miles irosa barrio Smnll deposit and ply merits acceptable Write airs Lowrcy iio Vancouver Dflve Guelph or phonc Taylor 18105 Guelph V1DII BLACK AND beltltcr Drill like new 550 Solamaader oil burners sidesch Kegs Concrete Flinn bal wedges so cwt bssrcls Rooting Pitch barrel Plcturc Window Frame 15 ieet aypsoc Lath all or 10 ion leet Asbestos Base Board sus each ApplyNorlial Robbins Everett FOUNDMl Agent arm station Learmelt Iack in Barrie ward Phnne Lcimy 17rd l1 whlle till irons Oakley Pasit Childs pet Anyone at rioon or utter pro Rewarld LIVESTOCK Eon SALE use tine Herd sire llrll Ivy YORKSHIRE nears one month Nichoiso ncung REGISTERED Holstein Bull ridlng yours Apply red Berkshire Holt lenscit RR Barrie MAicthxreA 9I0ltI flexin years Sound Phuno 1131 Owen Sound 9911 llillES loll ililllil tillIIMIIS Deodllnémrcopy pin week db pt0édllll Issue liliaobims Port MounAYAArlinnAii AdminAv oi mandolin io omen l3 worthm nimum 80c Foliowmg canoe uiiv Insertions rdasin uniono CASH itATE woldmlnlm in 60 iibliowiiigconsecutive insertions ad Ilium BE PAID would word minimum Page Liveviniiertiona ads OPPOSITE QUEENS HOTEL on PHDNE PA Maoho OBLIGATION LACEY REALTOR SISLID 20 Quantity it in Fine Lining Cement Wheelbarrow with rubberliirea or special prices phim LosiANp POUND wnst watch Apply to flu STEAYSHulIdly morning Gray and res knowing it wherehauls pleiilephone PA 66301 PUREBRBD lImlhid Bull servicebl Robert Orrock sllilz Mam leerieyr BIIHI miré and bone weighing2iiw with silver Ines Ind lulll Willie mllklnll and Wackltin RR Owen CLIFF BROWN REALTOR FOR Homes Iii Battle at District HME Coon SEL non io nous mini PHONE PA ozolil 1311 Brown lioroid Fomar Chnlle head cm BRQWN REALTOR mill 51 BUYING IT WllLtPAY Y0 MODERN EUNGALOW roamed modern bungalow Alla dale district all heated large garag pension arranged 2STOREYj DWELLING Large briekz store Weill la lot located 10 uilielyugithgfrrl Highway in use hale12 bathroo Ea lgrglecégnnï¬f INInI too tarrrom position Poisessigls or have pm 1V2 STOREY DWELLING Frame tore dwellluzonJilgh way Sou an Ior sale rent trade tor something in town new at present LISTINGS WANiED Go BOAKE NoT BROKE BOAKE BlioxEn idsPA RBIDENCEJPAV Moss ammo shit nnown Already the address at titty happy millerOakley Park ones you these new home teatures CIiiy orick canstniction Decorsung and Painting to your choice oi colors Kltchen iind bathroom Illa of your choice Arhorlte counter lulu Hardwood throughout roll Fitemu creed nlr all heiillnu 5Iorsu windowsund screens included in contract price Sodded iront lawns ement walks and grtwelled drives Wroughi iron railing on porch CONTACT chosmli CONSTRUCTION HENRY BERNICK PA B2610 HENRY EIRICK as MICHIE nmrolis PA 185583 01 lolly melnber iii the Bottle EDIstrict Real Estate Baa HENRY lMcGOEY TOUGH ELRICKN REALTORS REALEsTATE SERVICE BUYING pit SELLING oAPPltAISALs Henry Elrlck Michia Realtors 151 240 104 topmost Phone FAA5583 OFFER AjCOMPLIrrE sEiévicESlAiloN AND LUN soon FORSALE handled on Mnlii Hithwly IHUNT VILLE AREA CONULT US ON 1qu Down Psysnearnousxae Plum Exchange oi Pmperuu auonal Houllnl lam olaceioe Properties onentais Bublnzsd apporlurdtiaa Propmy Ilanaxuuent PHONES McGOEY ompctsat heal retate Service oPriva cilia privateincooss bosses ennuil rig service PHONE PA 33442 in less hoadtftop with Arepllce tiled bath basement PERSONnL land strcet BPfld 1957 without my written moment iP Canonisz MAluuAdl cult Mamala wailre Speciallne mil Patabiiahed ma Over ï¬nentlé rich and poor married cfglcken PM Of BUILDINGiThAoEs PERCE¢ LARGE on SMALL noiili EPAnts hump BOARDS For RenllL clll PA mm than omce PA omitsmusing PA was film ï¬EAbESTIATE as hum BROKERS mfluolvd and coandcatlai Jiatiiiga and NBA tihanclog plana as eclalty service on buying ind of selection at arms and mail It dlm ullilusmTlopertiu rsoia Isacoatin Bow Greeo HIS14m NEW BEDROOM brick hunnldw with downtown location large living room divided May be purchased under NHA Apply lihrury Lanel°lDl2 ALBERT John Fisher at La cumbcn Ill not be re rponsihlc Ior any debts incurred in name alter this datethnlury ld 304149 ii 000 lllnlll new slmeIQMi 356 than DoAii BUILDING CONTRACTS ild ulsmai Jabs elven special attention during the Winter apartment or rent Immediately Phone PA 59452 litter 6pin jibHT noun iumishcd apartsaent over looking bay Good location on bus route Phone PA 5450 lsioil noomo heated uniurairhed apart racatscii contained clean and quiet Adults Phone PA iSloil rluvnit aronm Apartment on main bus line Available Peb Garage available PhonePA m4 5104 inith iumlshed apirtrochtprivate bath Adults only immediate posses sion Phone PA noise alter loioii HEATED mcht all conveniences Availhie Isa la strand Phone to stroud isiizti APARTMENT ï¬lln ï¬led or IlnIIInillh ed grivlle bath suit couple Phone PA or lpply Blake 5L Apt Nu 55tf nooivi Isirhishcd apartment avail IbleFeh iAbstsihcrs No children PhancPA iimz or apply 122 Male tedgs 15911 summon Bedroom clothes close at and hot plate in each wiu rent to suitable party 59 Wonley SL Phone PA you lSlcil Liiaaivi loodern apartment available Feb separate entrance and laundry room quite central $85 month Phone PA szan 330mi mrnished or partly iurnished aparuacnt uwn entrance immedian possession Arthur Perry phone ism Crecmore 15811 noowi Apartment uniurnlshed pri vule entrance Aduan pre noolviIin unmrnished artspent heated private bath newly eeorated dryer chnvenlencu lmmedllle pour enloll Apply 10 Mulclilel SI 152111 algarim iurnislscd apartment rooms and bath central downtown quiet Adults only Available at once Phone PAuasn heiore pro 151011 QUIET bright ceit contained unmrli ished good closet space Adul atslncrs qu avail Phone PA on 15min arenamum hisla street agrooass self conulned floor Responsible business cou ic preferred Avdlhhle Feb no labname Exam lacr Isttt WILL mm cleln meal Ills private entrance bath continuum warnI waterelectilc wove orcpiace block Loniwe Others flelwnlble PA 82715 Hm cw mailth Pl nnly Ab le and heated sol ble or cnu Itwlth out children immediate llnneulon Apply MAlfle st Aliandaleflor phone PA1H91 lilfldl INNISWOODApIrtmanu modern lei tankInna room And athrooos Rlb dialled lt uorurnlahe water Laundry llclllucln Ibkl Adults Phone PA 34288 lcr mediate Mflhen co Leo BIL NEW MOBILE homeltorzreni bed roomli cln Ia beds and Ollgu°tlll Idfl lo com ly urnlshed Jaw innings onburtonAv M481 mi In bedroom modern apart iiilint kitchenette and bath 1510 room apartmenta all haltedr ween Phouo PA Milli double TELEVISION RADIO JACK WEBSTER AwONABEACE PHONE STROUD IBIS ANYTIME correétly FOR COMPETENT EFFICIENTflOME TYPINGSERVICE CALL gt PA 66358 Justsioï¬by NEWg ELNA SEWING 305 St Barrie You are cordially Invited Luise he newELNA AllC snwmo MACHINE No Obligation gt list Mflédies in Re ive SLIPEit HLIleQIJBIN tor rentby II SIGNSJIY los owe otrvic iruclc iotterl sills screen Allow curds toddler 55 um one he Phone PA pens PHONEPA8579Z siuu PHILLIPS SPARTON on DISPLAY 594 Are you having irouble in gettingyour typing dorle Hit NOTHING TO BUY 155 um 0m lowuhlP Gulliflh Iiel elxht mom brick house In Iplendld candlllnn Vlllh modern kllclien Ind attached garage large bani barojith nabilng or more than to humnew buildings this is an dxcellenl stock lullam or dairy iarm In good ionic Borden on gravel road clusetu the rived road llrle brick lidii him goodnlbles Steel drlvd shed 76 never mung well with wind mill this is one at the very best flange and two acres onpavod road or sale or rent country home southal Burdewilh modern conveniences exchange ï¬fty or ane hundied 1cm SaverII flna dairy anus north mth Barrie flunk Ind grnln arms In all plm or the Counly Wflle or phone oouect oio AUTOMOBILE 55 VOLKSWAGEN trade Telml PHONE Da PA 66696 Evenings PA 89257 131011 Butring or Selling trucks very reasonable rates with complete insurance STEVENSON ALL TYPE OF INSUch PHONE PA 8520 loAsl mum WNW ST nti whitishii OPPORTUNITY i953 its air Club Coupe 20200 actual mug motonc light and darlt blue haish Scat covers slan new tons radio bac up washess undereostcd lienla vieed dealers since new In lully riveo tir Mechanically market in Pontiac sh nelivory condition PhonePA Lulu IBIS DODOE sedan asec antcaitv good PA scion 1an no Dump Truckwltii Cdmet no tor nd short wheelbase Apply Dennis Moran Ann st or phonemA lHli siilioniincll sedan od new Jnulhr sits cash and take Is loo Burto in silo ll J5 lliiplelnent hhedllnd tilher 50 acres between Ailirton andCamp Infill In lhls splendid hrmlnlf Irel ud Like new Low mileage Tali smsIlA We nuance late asodel cara pd It 1952 STUDEBAKBR Deluxe overdrive unddr seat heater oust tramLooks like new WhitInna Ictorifl st Wea Itlliltnn