$9 THE HADLE SPlNS lneludcd in the hum of the elv growing fraternity oicurlers is unique cult who swears no special allegiance hasan bylaws orcqnstitution pays no separate alfiliatlon tccsi yet its member shipls so vast it has alstrong alumni group in every curling club in the land For purposes of identiï¬cation we shall call it the ancient and Benevolent Order of the LostvJums Brotherhood At one time or another idare Say we have all been unwitting members of this legion oi suit érers lfio act in curling ls more martifyi to rucktosser than to have is handle go into re verse curve iust as his stone is approaching the payoff area oddly enough many curl ers swear that It occurs more often with routturn shots which they are inclined to jdeliicryvifh slnwturniiig handle more than with the lnturn This is quite under standabie in view of some of the contortlons have wit ncssed by players who for some unholy reason feel in capableof tmparting that turn without convulslons ot the rith elbow The chief often dera aio those who complete thnvtnrn on the backswlng it thus tind themselves withv armlock on an expended handle that cannot be turned any further without physical torture slow turn is inclined to re verse and to some extent may be dishdvantagcbut bytbevsame tokcnthcrc is always compen sating advantage stone whose handlo is turning slowly will draw much more than one with spinning motion This would scorn to suggest that when you are faced with had house situ ationnnd you want to bury draw behindconvenient guards use whichever turn you normally play with slow handle in my own case my favorite draw when choice presented tself was the outturn which on ice normal pull believe would curlï¬in from four to six Inches more than my inturn Incidentally wouldnt hurt you tU 100k atthescpposineralayens puelurn handle spin so By the same token If you have port to negotiate use the spinning tnrn if the lee pulls sharply and the slow turn back in the Ice unless then are other factors that dictate differently For trains the islow turn will allow more brown control by the sweep us and similarly for an in wick or outwick There iaanother axiom with which most will agree Spill ning rock will travel farther on the ice than one with slow turn Years ago there was young curler at our club who practised this shot by the floor The stone spun like top as he released it from the back when it was hailway up the ice you tion it would nottravel another ten feel but livkopt splnnlngand ally found the rings Although watched this trickshot artist in never once did catch him trying that shot seriously While we are on the subject of the birl therein modern as pect that has arisen as result oi the introduction of artiï¬cial ice in many areas in Canada during the last decade short time ago one of my old curling friends complained that only within the past few years had he thrown out turns that developed straight handle and then lost the turn completely Having played both with and against the complainant knew he wasnt ad lihbing Then when he mentioned the year that artiï¬cial ice was install ed at his ciubtho anSWer flash ed into my mind The water freezes taster over the ammonia in take pipes and ridges form The lhinnerthe ice above the pipes the more noticeable thcse are Thcsc ridges offer more resistance to the cup of stone passing ovcr them so slowturning rock could conceivably loseits turn more easily than on the smooth surlace of natural ice Can ye no gie Jbhaundle twust Jim mie NEXT anrrcnia AHVacctne or Ice Amnesia ui Now DEMONSTRATRSW many bonspiel and club gamesi it there is rnnora kiok usaacarozzi former tackle with Montreal Alouettes has been appointed general manager of BC Lions of the Western lntcrpro vincialFootbaii Union lie re tired from tthAls of the inter grovincial Rugby Footbail Union year ago He has been working vitb the program as live cn name would swear by its forward mo inching forward until it evontu claims manna Landon Flexibles 45 Solcsn Slippers l5 Lacings 44 Miscellanea 43 Dry Cleanabies 42 John As 39 Pyro Backs 38 Frldays8corcs Lacings Soles rn Slippers John As Fiexibles Miscel ianea3 Pyro Back gt Adricn Potvin led the male bowlers with single of 305 and triple 881 Hazel Rayner led the women with single of 264 and triple at 578 Potvins triple score is tops for the league to date can House LEAGUE Tigersld Nevrluzrs 14 Top pers 14 Pinpushers 14 Hopeless cs 14Who Cares 14 King Pins i2 Screwball 12 Maiiethcads to Waywards 10 Timberlincs it Aces Hurricanes Rock and Rollers AAs Stragglch No Names Faucetsz Needlch All ats Ramblers Plr ate White Sox Rockets 02 Mens scores high three llat Tony Hamilton 826 single Ralph Thompson 29 high three handicap Cecil Forth 737vhigh Single handicap Hugh Kane Ladios scores high three Highest tradeiii allowancés verMESALEsOF USED CARS HAVE LEFT nnrcms AND WE can organ You MORE onions on THESE DEMONSTRATORS IA really beautif car tic transmiasio terradnwhitewall tires BRIE Gleamin black linisn 1951 Foao oosroiu 30o saoair conditioned hea urn sig 2900 SHORT 390 user 0R YQUR rnnanrircan in Montreal asa TennisEnter Junior leagud SkirChaiiipiOnshipsMainiiiliatlioii Nero simsos lenDayiiOiilaiiolï¬nfliér AlCallingwoodandllieMqunlain Intercollegiate ski championships and the Ontario Junior provmciagskllng championshipswlll be the big drawingicards on the opening and closing days of the 19day Ontnrto Winter Carnival being held at Collingwood and Croigilcth uwmwev we fly The carnival will be staged BlueMountain Resorts one of the provinces leading aklrcentres and inthcxccorgian Bay towns arenaand curllng club On Sat urday alternoon Feb Carni val Queen will be chosen and will be paraded down the main street in the evening accompanied by three bands She will be crowned at the Lions Clot gala Carnival Jamboree the same night in tho arena Tenlay Carnival Carnival dates Feb and 10 do not clash with the dates ol Barries ï¬rst winicr carnival Feb lo and 17 second service club the Coll ingwood Kiwanis Club and Coll ingvvood District Collegiate lnsti tute students are also sponsoring events at the Coliingwood carni val which like Barrles is to be come an annual winter leature On Saturday evening Feb the collegiate students will be holding carnival night on ice in the town arena featuring ahockoy game between the collegiate in stitute and Collingwood Old Boys Evenls between periods of the game will include glrls hockey game and ï¬gure skating The collegiate program begins at 745 oclock At tii2 pm there will he an Old Country Hoedown in the Temple Building sponsored by the localJtlwaniarrs moustache Contest The Lions Saturday night jam borco the following weekend pro mises some unusual entertain ment There will be moustache contest gamingtablcs log saw ing contest dancing on the ice bingo skIagng specialties band contest quartet numbers Carnival cclcbrators will also be invited to watch the mixed bonspicl at tho Collingwood Curl ing Club the same evening and stay for dance aitcrwards Intercollegiate Skiers gtUnivcrsity students from Alma Behh 672 single flat Jack ioMcrrett 249 high three handi cap Tanis Wright 712 high sin gle handicap Marilyn Crosbig 272 I957 roan lliLANlD noon am on Smart twotbnevrcd andwhite Fill equipped with tourch trails mission white wall tires air condlti nedhcating tuin signals Snob boys up lomyaaatartcd atrcoid water no 13 with teams entered from Vasey Goldwater Wanban ahcne andltocnatone Each team is allowed one piaycrovec no coidnter drubbed Moonstone SLiï¬citb Neï¬lroy bulgedtbc twlnotwice for Goldwater Art lute uranium twice Keith Robinson lnarcdthc ti cal was by new innior hockey league tario and Quebec are expected to pm Sign participate in tho intercollegiate Waubauabene took decisive skiing events that open the earH win tram yascy For the win nivai on Friday Feb Sponsor ncrs Leo Copeland scoredume ed by the interproviaciai athle Al Jonugottvm with aingictons tic association the championships going to Pete Gouctt lton Bell will be held at Blue Mountain and John Kingaborough Resorts Cnleuem flunk Scollng for Vasey were Bcv the morning of thciirstday oi the carnival with dowphlll gang agilewa Wu Sign nvent using the DleppcTrail The hill In 030 it Art pmsierstalt on reign Port MCNICO Take country eightmile ccurve Two Games Girls Hockey Coldwater Slalom avertaste scheduled lor Saturday with lumping events Coirllvater giril hockey team lost their last two games with starting at two oclock At pm on Saturday Feb Port hicNicoll On Jpn in it Port the scar 30 and at Goldwa thcre will be banquet for con testants in the akl barn when lerJan tnetoeaii micrzo loss prizes will be presented The ova in Little ILeague matches at log will conclude with the go ginleéarnival night at therar in Collingwood followed by the Kiwanis hoedown Goldwater rink Jan 15 North River Peewecs downed Vascy 21 Vasey bantams worksl winners over North River in the midget Junior Championships The Ontario junior provincial cncounter Vasey edged North flivcr 53in gt ski championships on SundayFeb it the closing day of the carnival will be fourday event with slalom downhill cross country and jumping competitions Week Long Program Events are schcduled every night throughoutcarnival wool in CollingwoodArcna On litan day Feb there will he town league hockey followed by minor hockey Tuesday evening and adult skating Wednesday An ln termediate game Coliing wood vs Paisley is scheduled for Thursday and there will be pub lic skating Friday night chosen Saturday afternoon Feb at BlueMountain Resorts The huge torchlight parade headed by the queanwiil proceed alorfigllurv ontaro Street in Collingwoodhc ginning at 730 pun gt HOCKEY QLDTIMER COWS CP Cecil no line 87 was honored recently on departure from this AlbertaMom tans border town for Central Alberta lie coached the first Carnival Queen hockey team in the Crowsncst The carnival queen will ho Pass MINES MASSAGE Sllllilii BillllS For the convenience otDiaorlmlnatlng People Dalnes now have Private Sauna Room hours advance notice is required to re servc this completely private Sauna Bath This Is anadditlonal Sauna Room We cordially invite you to relax in privacy and warm comfort Appointment only Telephone c1111 Please advise itrmasaagc requested limits Cordlally niuano aw Daines roan Your present corwillprobobly cover the down payment on one of theselux and iaur ganacaus lion will enable you to mégr jthe only payments but of iii come Lr Come in and have the model you nder entirelyno OFFICES AND SHOWROOMS MARK SQUARE rns xxamnvmrwzbnasnay Jan Tim SPORTS lltlllililnilliliiil We Lou or and Hockey leaguepnllghtawerc wiped booka at Allister Arenadurinl 11ch credit delvrhcn their chain for manly Provost uid the lofanteera failed to show atgaine the pastweek 1neadayropcdec vient toxtha Service Corp School Wags who made it twolor two when theyfllued 8343111 Cough grad his Div Column Bender by lhe late affair went to the Armoured corps Tanks who kept Jheirwinning2waya intact with an job over Signals itawas 41 inthc first period ior the Wags over the Benders 11 at the end of the second and both dubs stcbcd pat oi counters in finalntrame Standing Including Jaa ECASC ltCAC Div Col Sign Services RCS at start 29 Jan Thursdays action pits Div Col umn against the Servicerinthe opener at while Signalstaclde Service Corps in the latc aIlIir BASKETBALL pair at games worked their way oft the Borden boop loop agenda last Wednesday evening with theicut down court at the Service Corps School gyin hous ingthe action The Wags grabbed their tirst twopointer in convincing fashion in the opener when they tagged the Tankers with 7328 count And the late aifair aw Rev Bob Fields youthful Angus crew worktheirsccond straight win of the campaign when the upset the Scrviccscomblnatlou by 5536 count Standing Effectlvcwnn 22 ll Angus RCASC Services acac the Services tackling in theopcncr at 7wliilcthe Air gus crew take on thoTankers in the late affair gt VOLLEYBALL On one hall lho not pro gramwent as plannedat the Sig nals drill hall last Tuesday even ing with two ofzvfour scheduled games going lintoi the defaults The pair th the Armoured Corps stretch thcii Toad atthe top of the standings when they hand ed the Service Corps School team Mshutout and the Medicsth 21 verdict on the books against the Services combination The Benders and the cards as were played saw end ha lntllcptlc masq it heals acre Services Mods RCASC Div Col Pm Immanan Tabloid liCAMC Over loo com petitorsand officials participated in an indoor tabloid sportspro gram last Thursday as part of recreational training program at the Medical Corps School The program organized by the sports olficcr and handled by the ol tlcera qualifying course and the warrant officer assessmentcourse proved bangup success wlth the tourney being in doubt right up to the last event The Junior NCO team carded 68 points and squeeud sixpoint win in program that included rifle shooting volleyball shot put rope iimbing standing broad lump high lump relay racc mass tugobwar and amemury test oinNn nwisLLnn The bobwhite quail of the southeastern United States does not liko4o fly and gets itslfood seeds and insects on the ground leNVTERI TUNEUP Helps your car to start easier in severe cold welth cr lllllllilillllflll Morons LTD SERVICE caNmr 65 Collier St ra 32437 clinics OI