Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Jan 1957, p. 12

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lows of motor Sudden Putin lhe nmpathyiot the community is extended to Mr Cousinswhoae brother Albert Cousins passed away very suddenly in Alliston hospital last Saturday Mr and Mrs Cousins were in Alliston on Tuesday attending the funeral urer Marie 31 Trinity WIS Trinity WMS held its Jpnuu fig flfiofifif°f sent 30 dollars to the Presbyterial theme for the do was For lie is 95 dufing 1956 Our Peace The worship service was led by Mrs Campbell the treasurer Mrs Carr vA recitation Happy gave herPrepaid for the year New Yearwas givcnby Christine whlch showed the givingso1 the Finkbeincr Marlc Black playcd society to be over last years One piano solo The study book was new membcr was received takrclri nitric Finkrlzfiuefi meni rs oye ga Mgiewffsfl mi meifmgtfinang and crafts after which treat Mrs Cunningham Mrs Bhairn 5031 ard read letter from Miss arv garet Brown that was published in missionaries reporting telling Paintuldnlury Miss Aileen Gardener visited of her work as missionary at large at Pinchr Creek Alberta lillss Brown is ollr missionary this hm um Mm Emily Garden in York County Hospital Newmar hot on Sunday Miss Gardener year Coldest Spell we Pemnbm 0i fell in Bradford Saturday and broke one arm in two places We coldest spells we have had for all wish her aspecdy recovery years from this painful accident Underwent operation We are glad to hear that George basement of the church on Thurs day Jan 10 The following olfieers were stalled President Gary Sco lat vicepresident Ann Altman secretary Brenda Dutton treasv World Friends secretary Christine Finkbelner ilietreasurer rcportcd having Recovering From Fall The many friends of Mrs Willis SmiUI who had such hadeall in Barrie couple of weeks ago will be pleased to Icarn she has been ahlc toleovc the hospital and is convalescng at the home of Mr and Mrs Wilfrid liutton in Ahgus Mission Band Meets The Busy Beavers Mission Band MOUNT 51 Louis 4H Achievements The girls 4H Homemaking Club attended Achievement Day at Elmvale on Saturday Six girls completed the club prolect Milky Way andreccivcd their awards Congratulations to Clara Amos who received the Mrs Alfred Watt Simcoe County Womens In stitute Scholarship and Teresa Frawlcy who received diploma and pin for provincial honors Teresa has completed 12 Hi homcmaking club projects Jeannette and Jacqueline King and Teresa Frawlcy of Toronto were home for the weekend Patient in Hospital jor operation last week inToronto General Hospital is doing as well as can be expected Mr andMrs Jack Rumble Mac and Jackie were Saturday evening guests of Mr and Mrs Palmer oi Maple EDéAR Church Annual Jan 22 The annual business meeting of the United Church will he held Tuesday cveniugJau 22 at the home of Mr and Mrs KcilhLoes Members are asked to attend if at all possible Mrs Wice and Mrs Shannon of Knock spent day this past week with their sister Mrs Shearv down Home From Hospital Glad to report Mrs Bouncy is able to be home from Soldiers Memorial Hospital Drillia after her recent operation Leave for Hamilton secretaryCheric Hunter Mite box Fairbanks who underwent ma 7nymsfiYfiwEYéllfllihtra hm heldiu January meeting in the through the Mediterranean lower ccnts clutteredflight deck SUEZBOUND The Canadian aircraft carrierilliagnificent races gent of Canadian troops for the United hiation deckload of army vehiclesto theSucz are of the troops watching navyhelicopterit greed 1150 Jackie Harvey 158 70 photo carrying Eliemaid contin mergency Forceand opphoto showssomc of from th Magni WYEBRIDGE Wl Meeting The January meeting ofWye bridge Womens Institute washeld at the home of Mrs Preston on Tuesday with 17 members and two visitorsprcsent made to cater to fou January three of which are to be held in the communityhailand one at Parkside The sum of five dollars is being donated to the Hospital for Sick Children The purchase and installation of hot water tank and two heat ers at the hall was approved speakeris expected to be at the nextmeetiug Lunch was served by the host Mrs Phyllis Clark is patient in Soldiers Memorial Hospital Orillia aria ce numbér attEanlg itiieabuiifil service at Mount St Louis Ceme tery for Mrs Lahey ofToronto and Penctaug formerly Anna Fitzgerald of this community The Very Rev Gerald Lahcy 51 of Loyola College Montreal is her aMtimo while Keith is stationed 31 ThulSdnY flfld fracture at Gander Newfoundland iMr and Mrs McCullough wh have been living in the vil lage for the past two years left Friday for Hamilton where McCullough will remain for WliJanuardeleeting January meeting of the WI was old at Mrs Sheardowns with good attendance Following the opening exercises letters of thanks for Christmas treats were read Thé roll call unending hint was answered by the men only child W1 Scholarship The MrsAlircd Watt Simcne County Womens lnstitutfi ScholE arshi won by Clara mos lilouiii St Louis has been estab hers with various hints Mrs gshcd by WéimenshhiustituéesI in Dodgy gay mottgo EA llrJlng imcoe ounyin noro wor isie esou air Alfrod Watt native of Collin and will lighten any heart with wood and the first president of splendid paper Arrangements the Associated Country Women were nmde for quilting the of the World ior4Hilhomemak February meeting at Mrs ms club members who have wells The haudpieced quilt top shown progress and development was donated by Mrs Dicker to through cluh work Clara has the birthday tea and card WWW he 10 Ome party is to be held Feb 15 to making duh pmefl wlh =Mt5 celebrate the 60thanniversary of lab 3W1 mdmg 99 1° the WI Following the business the ladies had the pleasureyof having Mr Knight speak on post al service and show very inter esting film on pioneer days in post office work Lunch was served at the close of the meet ing MrsuE Hutchinson and Mrs well assisted the hostess reseutation was made at Achievement Day at rElrnvale on Saturday Jan 12 Mrs James 132211 of Eady chairman of the scholarsbip cornmittce for Simcoe County introduced Ciara to the group and Mrs Douthwaiteof Stayner secretarytreasurer of the area WI made the prose tation of cheque to Clara for he futurc educatio At present Clara student in Grade 12 at Midlandlenctsng District High School She plan to take degree course hom economics at MacDonald nstituto Guelph Clara is the daughter of Mr and Ingram Amosvof Mount CITY POPULATION DOWN Populationofthe City of To ronto declined by 13658 in the 195156 periodat the same time population of the citys metro politan area increased by 23 43 custom sum carillon It you hive goadseed of your ownfplan to Coop clean and treat itthis month at You can save but soon because due to lim dspac wocan do JDAIRYMENZ For re miik atrlowerieed shaman DA RATION $5500 cleaning equip ment for 4h storage and oi seedtor real Mrs William Fallis were Allan ess assisted by Mrs Ellery and Mrs lithatters Fractures Hip Sam Ellery had the misfortune is in He was removed to St Andre Hospital by ambulanc We wish him speedy recover Weekend Visitors Weekend visitors with Mr and Jackson of HamiltonMrsi Claude Falls and son John and Miss Eleai nor Dix of Toronto Mrs lim Tay lor and Nancy and Bernice of illllsdalc and Mrs Harvre ston of second line of Flos Social Evening AV good number attended the so cial evening of cards and games lnthe hall Fridaynlght Ten ta bles of ouchre were played LMrs Raymond Eakleyr wendhe prize for high score foriadics and for the most lone hands Ed Mo Wottcrs won high scorefor mén Consolation prizeswent to Wilson liuifman suds Shirley Sims gt Fishing 0n Lake Someof the local men have moved their fishing houses to Lake Simcoe Mrs Torn Reynolds of Waverley spent day recently visiting relal tives in the village Jean Douglas was in Toronto Saturday KNOCK numnvnunrs Mrs Herb Shannon and Mrs Bruce Wice visted with lthirir sis er MrsC Sheardown of Edgar on Wednesdayvlasty Mr an Mrs Chris Sha on and familyof Cooksville ted with Herb Shannons recent Mr and Mrs Herb Shari on and Rhoda Maeand Mruaud Mr Bruce Wice and Ross were Sun day visitors with Mr and Mr Barry Clark ofFairview Beach increases Imk Slipper riym committees to be moved had made into 18 members and three the general fund reviewed th producflon Eariyuunu lube Brown 111 high tri le Beulah Brendon 447 three high games Doug smut 283 Lorne Harvey M6 Norman Harvey 221 high triple purchase 1iato League latticth ee highj games GertieWoodrow 288 and 196 Olive Anderson 231 high trip Gertie Wootlrow M17 mens high games Ray Hounsome 242 John Grimshy lm Jack Armatrollg 213 high triple John Grimsby575 Elect flaillxecntivo meeting olwthe Community Memorial Hall was hcldFrida night Election of officers was held ith Herman Harvey liam Madlll Walt Stanley Brow Mrs HKLandcrkin Mrs William Slithcrlau add twumcmhcrsof ilspnointod lo the Plans were made have hard wateron L1 as soon as thcwca series of euchrésis to com rnence at endloi January and ere appointed piaque in memory of Dr IsletJud Sir William Mulock is beingrequested The old hall is storhge roam The financial rcport showed $15335 on hand Rcccipts were $171359 and cxpenscs were $126024 WMS Meeting ThoWMS held its firstmect ing of the year ln the church on Thursday with an atteu ace of The meeting openedwith hymn and the missionarthcme repeated in unison Mrs Glassiord different officers to give their annual roports Mrs Bateman secretary gave to eport ruff all meetings Mrs Andrews was the only member who had 81 tended all meetings Mrs Kneeshow treasurer of called on th different activities and accom plishments that had made weli oversaw for the expense iund Mrs Ferg Sutherland reported for the WMS Thereore 29 life and active members The alloca tion of $375 was reached and sent to Presbytery MrsWilliom Watts children deali the ladies for electing with the word bone Mrs Nichol of hymn and Rev mouuced the benediction Mrs Andrews his arm Brothel bcrvdd lunch at the social hour day evening lan very successful yea vetage attendance an encouraging year ms Bateman the new ook 1he chair Iiid thanked Roll tl was answered committee was Illpolnted tn ing the 23rd Psalm Rev Mr Ream the spoke gave ofsplondid and lnspiring talkon missionary work bean ty vote of thanks was tendered Mriiearn for his kindness The meetlug closed with In MrL GUilHRiE Churchiltnnnal meetlnl Gothrie Presbyterian Cll rch eld their annual meeting onzFri at the showed hurch All reports weekend Visit Aubrey Kerr of Toronto spent the weekend with his aunt Mrs William Walker Mrsnd Mrs Rattle and daughters of Miliken spent Sun day Rattle and family th Mr and liars Gerald It 1IitY vaurina Psconfrlaél lprecisiaiiMixeastirt nnd Grower Local Manufactured Finisher No Carrying Charges andyou pay only List Price the dny of purchase whether it be bag or 100 bags narcissism for livestoeknnd poultry Purina Chows Surgehairy Equipment 11 MulcasterSt PA aassz curtains ortho base ment Windham caieteria lunch was discussed for meeting Mrs Brown md tb scripture and thc president led prayer Everyone was pleased Ito have Beeton present to the annual Ve our Veals arri Chlppell of Crown mu has been ape ow 11 with her tin Foyston Uaderwea Jo Veils Rivcr on Jan roan tolundergo Friday hitn ccrainly vbeo Rev funeral of Mrs home of aiming Mr gand law Camperdown Confined to House Mr 11ch has been confined to MINESING Coupler aobrmegnuve when at the honJanud witness lllu ed an impressive service when the executive algthe Couples Club was inltalled into Mildew Rev Returned to Toronto has rotumed to Tom time Operation on operation on llrs Veals accompanied WatergPlpesfisted This severecold weather has heen hardteat for tho faewly laid villag water pipes an gto go out to the town tap to get pad of wate for tea Campefdown Funeral Yeais conducted the it has not to have In the Job by truck erto In prbd Gilrsy at the liter and sonlu Mrs ward in rumors to iarrs Packed wim spending some months with doughtcr Mrs Mervin Pork ito and No Easiest spruce and Pine Llilbu Inth or Dressed Delivered tsunami Port Boring Ontario rowdy ismactive plaid he ran lmini can rosr PAH IN CANADA 5325 design on springfrarne Waterproof hag detach able for washing ideal for litter swlmsultsbabys needs lusrauon nrrr No amount 34 Addrcss Make and Year of Car in block letters 1o Send Cash Nam eronrim Derek no ooxm nowusvmw ronouro VTade Inquiries 1nvitea 601411911 10110 seageriiustopen theta gatet anyo ChevrdletsSIX our load and you see what wo swoon wityh ChGVY station wagonshstan stow meansrheres up to cu for the handsomest And Chevroiet perfdrznaaoe measures up act of cargo area via hauling inyour fa houdi zestfully suspension and poorer that moire light of even half ndedi Haw aiook at Chevys SLW gtChevys your perfedt partner makes even the comingand oinga powerful pleasure How can lg fail IChevroleriiringsyml the happies hand mg on the road An Dive braking of course and host of special fineperformance features no other lowcost calf can beginto match lus iry the¢arefrce kindoi ginger and grace tho yours only in thevgreatcst of all road can 1957 fastestselling carChevrolet oaturaiiyl

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