nsnan demon Reev listens to the applause which greetédhls election as warden Left background is and Reeve were two N4 of Bradford oniol Nottawasagkf ccesstui candidates Medonteh rot Orlllia ave reported ar financially imcoc Con ty Council which enabled the asso $964 as Carmen Downey VDeputy Reeve or Vespra and to his left is Reeve Kenneth Curtis for the wardenshi of Midland also failed to secure the major ity voteirequlredn Viiopuioiionf INSW 131072 Town of Barrie pop ulation has now increas ed to 13012 wlth the mddltlon at 60 more on the municipal assessment roll as theend or 1958 Thlsrlntormatlon was provided today by Town Clérk Ben Straughen Néwsysiemf To EnsoreNo Overlooking Following complaints nese tion and motions reterrcii to Barrie Town Council willadopt system of filing which is designed to eliminate this pdssibiiit Un finished business will be ybrought continuously belore council until action is taken Thea system adopted is the suggestion Iof Town Manager Walter Gigg ihSpeairlng to the motion or the option oi the syatc Deputy Reeve Lester Cooire set This is bring lorward system an will ensure that business rcicrre to committees does not get lost Mayor Kiozle felt that th wouldbe very important ini provcmcnt Alderman Wil iiamsviclcomcd the idea because he still had two matters on wbic he had had no reply from la iiibc the speaker at the convcn ion 01 the Simcoc North Liberal As sociatlon tobe hcld at Elmvaie Cmmunity Hall on Feb be Liberalsgcandidato 191 kimono North riding willhc convcntlo to run or candi Graydon Kohl Currie QC and RaiplrT Sncl grove all oi Barrie andWil iinm Campbell of inmvalo feiisKIwanis Re Development Are we not in Canada taking our present progress for granted and developing sense of compiae ency This questionwas posed at Kiwanis Club ot Barrie yd mehtlng Monday at community House by Ivor Wagner of owcn Sound generaifmanager ofwthe Dollllllloll Transportation Co Mr Wagucruwho was introduced by riftin and thanked by Ki Wanian TR Bobler is the first chairman of the Georgian Bay Dc velopmcnt Association formed less than twoï¬ycars ag Individual Matter regress oniy matter of on iViduals Mr Wagner pointed outllistory shows that those countries which have developed Reeve William Keller complacency have slipped into g9 oblivion The onlylprogress ever achieved anywhere hasycome nly through imo and eitforvex gt by individuals Joseph Dyer Re outed He mm JosephDyer oi iElmvaie was jclected president iora second Year Hunter andrctcrrcd to therecently ishod report of the Gordon Royal Commission Premier Frosts Plah The Georgian Bay Development Association came about when ice Frost of Ontario decided to lo schirhart Assessor Lloyd Ne committees Were being neglected ting Georgian Bay counc Feliciicitions Io Worden The Inn on ment at the clce than of Reeve Fisher Gnntan as this yeara Warden of Simcoe County we groctcdby iengrand spontaneous applause irom the council and members the pub lic who tilled thecouncil cham ber and overlxoWed into the ad jacent rooms In zflCCDLdlIICD with custom Councillor Gantons movcrvand secondcr Deputy nccvc Dalton Jermey of edonlezand Deputy Reeve Verricrc ot Pcneiangulshr enc introduced him to Judge unlxflrvle prior tohls taking the His return irom robing marked the first appearanceln county counciloi Warden Fisher Ganton ud Vhlsmalclen speech in this of iice was one otalriccrc thanks for the honor bestowed on him eel it not only anhannr to me but to the municipality which eprcscnt said Warden Canton realize thcimport mice at my oiilccand accept it with deep humility No Adiouniment Necessary The Warden then called on lluilgc Harvie tor tow words his Honor inlormcd councilthat this year it would not be necessary to adjourn it had been this with that of Supreme Court Thisyour here clash of dates promo Court cs were all non iury Therefore no adjustment would be necessary since not so many people Would be involved iiis Honor was also of the opinion that tho provincewould relich the fcouoty oi the burden oi maintaining court houses Whiic this one in Simcoe was credit to the foresight of the there were many in province under couniy admi tration which were disgrace Judgc ic had been sittin ii on committee which had set up iiistudy methods of improving the jilstice within the province At torney Gcncral Kclso Roberts had made the suggestion that this mi ht be an opportune time the province toassume comV of court he Ldcvot conducted by Rev free Central United Churc ric ivho gavc ashori address dRcvFALuck of FirstBap tistZChurch Ba ie wh oilowed in county coun given two incan ce it could can sta Piece of Advice Worship Mayor Willard Kinzie Barrie oiiereiihisvco gratula totheynwardonand extended warm welcome on or the town to all county nclllors He oilercd the coun ty council one pieccof adviceto ensur the furtherance of the to page three John Marshaih ï¬les inAII er Wagner gave anaptline the composition an scupetoï¬thc aurie responded dapar ment administration oi Jan day witnessed the election or donte Township as Worden mental in the success of the ex in Medonte Township Long bcioretwo yesterday allt tcinoon the public had begun to fill the Council Chamber Extra choirs had to be brought in to accommodate public pressradio and television personnclf Shortly alter the appointed time the County Clerk Fred Hunter call cdthc meeting to order and wel comcd the Councillors tothc first session of lhc ycar Welcome Newcomers llc particularly wclcomcdtho twelve new councillors and intro duccd them lhcy were Lester Cooke BarriefCharles Kenlt nedyand Garï¬eld Case Coiling wood Frank Gray Cijcomore Mervyn Denney Essa Township Campbell lgnisiil Mrs Minnie Mayhem Tay Township Pinchin Midland MC He obtained the required majority vote in the second ballot He is veteran or County Council having served asva council lor since 194 During the past yarhe was largely instru ardenSimeoe Coun gull Council Chamber at the Cburt HouseBarriepyestcr Fisher Canton Reeve or Me 01 Slmcoe County or l95l perimental penal form located Donaldorillia Thomas Joslin Oriliia Toyship Kenneth GilA gsple and George MacKay ro Reeve Allan Todd otlnnlsiil and Reeve Anthony Beck were also introduced toCouncll as now councillors for 1957 but they have served on County Council in former years Nine Candidates During the regulation tcn mln utcs allowedffor nominations nine candidates were put forward for the Wardensliip Headlngithc list was Reeve James Patton oi NDQIBWBSBEI proposed by Reeve Abner Rawn of Suunldala and seconded by Charles Kennedy Reeve of Colilngwood Follow lug him were Reeves Arthur Evans pl Bradford Curtislodd mittee which consistsol chairmen olbllstandlng mittens ill be to consider mottfé iiipolicy prior to fulldiscussion in Council It is felt that debate on such questions as natural gas lranchise would benefit ii=vicws of chairmen of committees arci obtained before hurl the grounds that neither Wards 5or ercre represented on the annexation committee Ald errnan Hersey preferred Some Milder Partly Sunny Snow Expected Gonuino winter brought lour daysot xerowcathcr in row Temperatures are re corded at Mincts Point i2 fectabove bay levelnot in the wind Snow level is neon 13 three inches Frost will go decp Tow trucks have been busy and commuters have moved other than by auto in many cases Temperaiucrs were liigh Low 13 15 Jan 14 14 Jan 15 sinkiNdcoMmIITEEADDs ANOTHERCOMMITTEETO usr mittee in this committéc Kcllcr Midland Small and Maurice Fisher Canton Mc donic Jenney and Verrierch George Llsk TecumsethA hel iord VKcnnclh Curtis orillia McDonald Selby Burns Waics Tossoroutio Middleton and Cage liloutcalm Maurice Tim Township Cage and Qucsncllc Lawsonliobinson Elmvaic Trace and Berlin Candidate Vilbdraw Withthc close 01 nominations came the withdrawals made with lhc appihval oi the candidatcs moversand seconders The last five candldatcs on lhe list with drcwjthcir meslcaving Patton Evans kell and Fisher Ganton in thurninningdor warden in Mithdrawing his name Reeve Lawson Robiuson hoped that some timeduring the com ingJDil ycarshe might have the opportunity to stand for the high cst oliice nlthe County but he tell this was not the tiinc Reeve Curtis also declined honor on the samejgrounds though he felt thatfthchonor to Orlliia was long overdue Ollc Vote he election Aliy opcnvoto the success at candidate has to get majority Lallthc votes cast Jhctqial is number oi votos avastii that success iuljcaiididatc had topoll asyot bl nmnaflmgf am oliol oi ese Alderman Paddison ques bother the motion seek change was in order for it requested the Mayor to make the nomination This Was taking the power away from the striking committee and putting it inthe hand of the Mayor Alderman ii Pratt wondered if Alderman liciscydid not wish to stand on the Annex oncom mittee Alderman Hersey replied that he felt honored to bonom atcd to serve on it Aldeniia Marsellus made his maiden speech in support of Alderman licrsey Ithink Aid erman Hersey has the right hit think Ward Eor Gahoiiid he rep resented onihe annexation com it was ï¬nallyagreod tomake no change in the cu the com ttecs as bytho strki mini ee consist ngo Mayor Murray Mi Deputy Re Le tcrCoolreAldermon Plddh son and RG ids Couuell Comiruttccs The toll wing standing comm tees oi the 1957 counciliwere ap pointed With the firs named as chairman Finance Propertyand Assess mcnt Reeve MMiils Alden me Hambly Hersey Morrow Wollare Recreation and Com munity Service Aldermen Morrow Hambly Ev an Jan 16 early 3° Below zero Hersey Reeve Jo Mills Turn to page three please itution of votcis madefliy the municipalitylkwi helargcst as lnthisease it would allot Ganton rcgis tcred 24 votes Patton 17 Keller l5 and Ev Because Evans pulled the lowest number at votesth was automatically drop pcd on the second ballot and the second Jailot gave Canton the re ty or the nor of the secondballot were Canton 35 2D Kalle 14 iii bc held atthc cntrc Alliston on uncheon