Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jan 1957, p. 2

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By srxvn mmst vnnv INTERESTED SPECTATOR One of the most interested persons attending the fightlat the Ma lo Leaf Gardensthisellening will be James Parker Humes gift to the fistie beavywelghtranks JamuflJuwn lntown for only few minutes yesterday and we were lucky enough to speak to him just before he took off for the Queen City Asked why he was here to attendthe fights James skillfully spoke about the welterweight scrap between Vince Martinez and Pedro Antonio Piminez Martinez it seems is one of Js stablematrs After Parker mentioned how it should be good fight etc we brought up the pointthat there was also heavyweight bout onvtbecard the prin ciplcsbcing George Chuvan of Tannto and comparative unknown Walter Hater stalling for second we remind the reader that young Chuvalo is being touted as realcomer Canadas hottest heavyweight boxing prospect Whatrabout James Have they forgottenhlm Probably not but James is heretoget look atlhis fellowrChuvalo himself and seew tall of the raving is about Oleie heavyweight scrap itlelf James says he is not loo in tercslcdlloia inlercstedhowevcr in Chuvalo He said that young George shouldnt have too much trouble with Hafcr who Parker has seen and said hes not too impressive queried about the possibility of himself stepping between the rope with Chuvaio James modestly replied that Chuvalo is not ready yet jMaybe by summertime and may be not James added Jamch did admit however that he was very interested in Chuv alo and would like very much to trade blows with him Reverting to the main event again Parker said he always likes to attend the good ones He figures Jiminez is very tough boy and should give stablcmate Vinnie Martinez very rought evening with record andoff the telephone we feel that should Chuvalo take Hater as handily as suggests then his managers will un doubtcdiy bring up the question of Parkerchuvalo date in the sum mer They could probably heat up the place right now for that matter JUST NOTES Bradford Brads Fords of the OHA lntermediate loop have new coach in the person of Bob Lynn until last week the clubsregular goalie Lynn played hockey with Toronto Mnrlboros and other OHA organizations before playing with professionaltenms across the border His wealth of hockey experience should be real asset to the Bradford aggregation His goaletending duties were can ably taken over by his understudy Bill Orr Joe Magani who had been acting as playing coach of the team found that coaching and playing in addition to his usual business responsibilities was too much for him and he requested that he be relieved of his coaching duties As cog in thoBradford story Joes experience has most valuable steady ing influence on the younger members of the squad Strong winds and bitter col made the weekend not too lensant for the skiers Several braved winds Saturday at Midlan Fewer could stand the cold Sunday at Midland or lilidhurst while the cold stopped the funseekers at Midland it did not stop Midland ski in structor Pete Peterson and few aides from working on the Widest jumpon the continent while one enthusiast was levelling and packing the landing raise Pete and another fellow were packing the jump itself Strong winds made this latter task bitter one but the menwere determined and soundly defeated the elements Agucat in the Barrie Flyers dressing room after Sundays game in Toronto was Bob Senior the outstanding goalie with the club inst seasonBob is employed as cage custodian by the KitchenerWaterloo Dutchmen of the OHA Sr Loop Haiold Baldy Cottons first comment regarding his scouting trip through Northern Ontario Boy was it cold He their opined that he didnt consider the Porcupine Juvenile League breeding spot of such stars asrReal Chevrefils Allan StanleyDean PrenticeBep Guidolin Pete Babando and Bill Barilko as good as it was year ago Gord Thompson the big defenceroan who was in and out of the Flyers training camp this fall Was on the blueline oi the Toronto Marlboros yesterday trim Marlins raj Cotrell scored the Barrie goal and Hines was the Guelph amarksman Spearnv potted three forHamil ton Colpltts Pengelly Psutka were In ACtlon Corsan Osborne and Blain scored the others Quinn with two and All leagues of the Legion Mln walkerwere me Mame goalie All Divisions Of Legion Hockey or Hockey System in Barrie saw tars action last week In the NHL section only one It could be that the St MichaelsCoilege Main Guelph Blltmores charting the Barrie Myers mo than the scheddleplanned It1s nqt secretthat both theMnlorsand the Madbatters havetaken more than their share northerly ingactualconibatimgkin back schedule however it seems legions play each other they clobber Barrie On three different occasions when the hayelbcen scheduled to play theMnrlhoros attire Gardenaythe lure mentloned clubs have preceded them on the fc Those some have been sensational always decidedhy Just one goal in favor of the Biltmores The aftemrathsbetwlxtthe more and Mariies have been much less pleasing Not only did the game was played with Boston outscoring New York 74Psuka had two goals for the winners Hamilton Banting Ellis Pengelly and Thurlow had the others Sniith Corkan McKnight Lynn scoredfor the Rangers In the AHL section Hershey topped Cleveland 33 outscored Springfield videncc defeated offalo Harris scored twice for Hershey Perry thdes Cook Noakes Crowe and Ayers had singletons Henry Reynolds nd Homer scor ed for Clevelan Saunby nd CaldVvell scored for Rochester and Latour potted the Springfield Wingrove Ryan hompson and Symes the Providence goals Buffalo gt Senior so cad Owen Sound Windsor Thomp son ltyder Lunan and Widtle and cared twrce for Little League Al Coldwater In the ope games ofthi Little League at Goldwater rink Yasey teams won two games and led Vone w1thColdwater Vasey eewees edged Goldwater 14 the bantarn fixture was 33 score andvVase midgets managed 32 win over Coldwater Next gamesfeature North River and Moonstone The assoc ion of three teams each from the four centres is again managed by Ernie Godfrey of Coldwater TEAMS Hockey League this season stric ly honiebrev Senior entries in clinic lesherton Shelburne Hone Wood Dromore Royals Jove 12 re Flesherton Honeywood arkdaie audASIa er Rocket Flyers lose but they got few potholx poorergamesoutof theirsystem gt Different Story Friday night atlhome however it was an entirelydifferent story The game against theHullless St Catharines TeePces whlle chippy at times wasnonetheless everything hockey game should be especially pr thehome fans The Flyers were really flying led by possibly the youngest Dad dy in the oHA Danny Patrick Patrick whose wife gave birth to son Thursday evening popped in two goals assisted on another andt on all comers It wasua good ght for the tough centre who states hell be better from here on in But Danny wasnt quite the whole show Thework of Jimmy Josephson who has been let down this scason also cheered the hearts of the 700 or so home town fans Jimmy had goal and an st andplayedlsmart ag grassive hockey He continued that play into yesterdays game with the Marlboros In that Friday game the Barrie boys also betrayed their earlier pattern of tiring in the stretch It was midway through the second period before the Flyers scored their second goal of the game From thalt point on exactly 19 seconds later theytook the lead and added to it Patrick shines It was Patrick who put the Fly ers on evenvlerms with the Tceps in the second and it was he again who 19 seconds later gave the locals their edge Danny got out of the penalty box just in time to catch relay from Dick Cherry 3nd John Chnsczewski His next the eventual winner carom off Taken roarguard GordL vnday sta Hoekstra and Jack McKenzie refugee of the Western Chnada hockey wars scoredfor St Cath arines before Patricks bombs Dale Rolfe 15 Chasczewski Josephson andrBilly Forhan 11 scored the other Barrie goals in that order At Toronto yesterday the Mar lies scoredearly in each oflthe ds in dumping the Fly At least three of theToronto goals should not have been scored Wally Boyera goal in the first period was chalked upfto poor de fensive work on the Flych part He maneuvered tromthe corner out in front ofthe Flycrs not without being checked Then in the second period Kenny Girard scored on solo rinklengthdash Bob Nev third period tally was scored with Dale Rolfe batting at his stick Chasczewski was in the sin bin at the time Nevin had two of the Marlie goals John Biseley hadthe fifth Good stickwork byJimmy Joseph and pavedthe way for the Flyers lone market in thelirst period Trapped inside the Marlie zone Jimmy dropped the disc back to Murray Davisonat the hlueline Davisans drve was right on and kickednout by the Toronto goal tender Jack Kane was johnnyon thespo to raiphome the rebound ICE CHIP Kane played well considering was his first game week Tommy Black toiled wellin To nto asdid Barry Ash bee who to be shaking an earlysea wrist fracture He was carry ng the cry well Bob tiifscorz by null an reprimandé lay st Mikes lineup Sunda Boyer bad recurrence La Ie injury oath third terdays game to the missed St Mikesw guests at the Barri Wednesday Sundays Surnm MARLBOROS goal dolencehithompson Case Neal Anderson Brew rwtrda M9 Aleese Boyer Nevin Kennedy Murchi Marquis Glrard Risele BARRI goal Brooks defence vmrds Cherry Forhln Rolfe Pat rick Norrena Black Josephson Loveday Edwards Flrst Period Mnrlies Boyer Nevin Brewer Marlies Nevin Elyers Kane Josephson Davison 1925 Penalties Forhan 650 Thoprp son 1342 Second Period Marlies Girard ltiselel 137 Penalties Chasczcwaki 1057 Nevin 1300 Brewer 1713 Third Period Morlies Nevin Kenncdy Brewer Marlies Riseley Kennedy Girardl Penaltl Thompson as ozewski 420 Andersondfiil ane 955 Brewer 1230 Bisoley 10kt Patrick and Neale 1757 Shots on goal 1328 621 By Toronto By Barrie Fridays Summary ST CATHARINE goal Ed wardsydefence Gendr Morton Robazza Hiilman Ravlicli wards MeDermott Cosburn Mik ita Hockstra MeKenzi Ewer Mgkl Grosso ICorupe BARBIE goal Brooks defence Davison ChaSczevvski Ashbee for wards Cherry Forhan Rolfe Pat rick Norrena Bl Josephson LovedayEdwards Firstvleriod Flyers Loveday Josephson Teens Hoekstrn Gendron McKenzie 34 Penaltie Davison 755 Chase zewslti 1027 Maki 1828 Second Period McKenzie Hoekstra Flyers Patr Chasczewski Cherry Flyers Pairic Flyersh Rolfe Forhan ouch Pa ck Penaltfe hnsczcwskt228 Ro bazza 308 GendronSDSl lgers Josephs lie Loveda lyers Forhan Bob Boucher was missing from Dnvlsonfcbasctewaki Ashbee for but these 1sz that stop them framing nlfieen akl Jump at Mt ion was andyolleylial act last afternoon The results re mxed Ba wdn two of tbethree bosketbal contests and heir Orillia oppon ents won thev leyball tourna ment The Barrie Juniors and Bantams were victors in the basketball The juniors led all the way in opping Orillia 4636 The locals led2212 at the half and enjoy ed thej some liopoint margin throughoutn Garnerded the localrhoopv stars with 20 points Jim Page Don irkpatrick and George Boor man chippedin with eight apiece Gary Frase had twooniots ForOrillla sco rs 14 llal 4225 Stan Moran Jim Pratt and Re Boorinan pac th chors wit 12 11 and 11 points respectively Ken Power ardrs Mulliganand Lgnger dvtw apiece 11 had dozen points for0ril Cooperr follovIed with seven llljarns had three Cros UST EDUCATE lterms of the British gt and Pete Beterson left th Instructor and John Pristowright one of Canadas loremost jumpers were two of the three men who braved the snow drifts and spentmost of Baturday packing snowon the jump and reuse The men are the clock ran out before the B1361 boys could catch up Bob Millar an A1 boy in school ing the seniors went in favor of Iprlllia The score was 663 tilillin2 Seniors Win The Orillin students started Scoresof Games lnDisl tHockey several district they games of local interest were played over the weekend Elmvaie arvestcrs replacing the defunct Camp Borden Wagon ners scored four goals in the second period to edgercolling woodlle 15413 inan 0HA tcr mediate contest KArchie Blanchard scored twice for the Regals andAbWalmsley John LnehappeilJlarry Stan Bitchi and Henry Adams cored forvElmyale ale tied Stayner 83 in COHL termediate game at Markdale Gullen 2and Bell wood re the Stayner scorers Angus Fitzsirnmons Jack Milne andlltred Alton scored forMark In interme iate hockay at Guthrie Orndruhbed Lefroy 122 Hastings and Norrend had three goals apiece to had tw nd MllesForbes Boblt ertson nd Rhlnehart glee Smurthwaite scored for vLefroy ed for Milton Elmira Polar defeated rill ia Sat ofior innit preparing for two big jumps to beflheld Midlnnd within the next few wee me riround topped the honpsters with 27point performance lim Quinlan bad points forBar and John Bearcroft hadjnine La gt ry Lauzon six John Saso seven and Ken Mulligan and Harold Kemptwo apiece McLeodv hadJSV points to top the Drillia scorers Smuckj had 14 Unherty 13 Hill 12Clause10Aand Connor two 0rillia won the volleyballt nament two straight games On Fridayat BDCl pColling woods hantam and juniorzbaskct ballteams will be the gueslsColv lingwood hasnt any sailor cl in any sport First game starts at pm Thornton BUM SAFETY can repeat in we said in ther yearslake chance wh gtyou are in wuteir and see that your hiidreh have their annual warning before tragedy strikes Temlskamin Speaker gt meson JANUARY rs Intermediate Ch Hockey Elmvale at lefroy at Bradford Arena wnnnasongianuann OHA Junior St ichaeis Collcge Majors Barrie at Barrie Arena fortunsonv JANUARY BDHL at Barrie Arena Elm vnle vs Armoured and CGEJs Intro JANuanv 13 OHA Junior Toronto Marl boros vs Barrie Flycrs at arunnail JANUARY Borrie Legion Minor Hockey at Barrie Arena BBEWERY LIMIJED DEATH bvt cARaON MONOXIDE Mufflers and Exhaust Pl should notfileak during win terl drivingwhen window are 1qu closed wnY CHANCE rr REPLACE WORN EXlIAUSI PARTS NOW ounsnnvrcn on nonunion morons 35 Collier St ea solar DAN hound Plac to Boy GEREIELDMo ord

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