VcGlNN One at the more charming as port at thniNorth American ln dian isgbis almost inborn ability to appreciate the beauties at gncv turev Therun the moon the sear the winds and light breez es the rub otwnterthe calm invert rnihrrormol IV quiet 12 yng tt ct greont little woodlandJnlmals mthcse CENIREVESPRA JamuVOrrock ot Bgrlaill spending eronl Mrs Sid Money spent day at Surhoro Got and ountry Club where Wear Ever Brustl held their annual convention and luncheon telson spent the holidays lit their uncle William Cantu Maple Holiday Maple anley blaster William and Robert Valley Sunday School sunnny School will be held at How oboe Join en and biggerboys getting togele oa one of tho convenient vtold days andrfloodiugthe rink that to being got ready in Ted Paitcr sons ï¬eld JWa undentuad the sprinkler and pump nreready and lung and we know the creek still there so what about some is nearly weekend Vlsli Mlsl Nancy Cameron natudEnt nurse at Toronto llospiinl too sick Children sp nLihe weekeud gt out no readero interested lngnnr little church and lithium cem awry IRWIN present with oak tions or solutions to someone cioee Iliad Caught in Mixer Donald Cameron last Friday had the misfortune to have This left hand caught in the feed mix er ondreéelved nbndly cut palm and two fingers requiringa num beret latches and at time of writing isca palientithoyai Vic torin Hospital Barrie can not amuse son meet nun nnylajln Re lonestry Ball Socialeveoing Everyooe welcome Door prints Col AIchihhhAnd ll otConcord Mabel MeGinnls font and Mrs Al Toronto were weekend ndaitora Days panghm Visit Mr andllrs Laurence Brown and ltogerlick Brown and airs Monteith spent Sunday with Mr nd lira Lloyd Langley golden er Horticultural My ramnun IEEONEPA will Vcapra innitnit Society Contest prize donated by Llt BKUPIIL cm In Alberta pl HBrown ol RCAF oil Brown tucking course at Cold Lake Alberta wn Hm Midhurst united Church WA met at Mrs Peacocka with 19 members Meeting was opened by thepreaident MrsC Frank comv Mrs Lynn Rossellhad the devotions lira Mason the mi Homry meeting were log30 Day audits lclth Weekly Euchre There were all tables at the weekly euthrc Prizes eventual soo ladies the Richudson Mn Schaudlen Mrs Enyu cameo tion Mn ll Monkilh Gelltl Mr McFadden Mr Miller Alex Me eeeonsolation Dave Bow dz in on meeting Midhum Lexie inlet onch nerdny presen had profound ondv soulinspir ing significance for the lndian Back in the days before the white man came to rob him his torcst habitat the simple lowly savage lived out his days in woodland quiet with the wig wnm as his shelter by nightnnd she broad blue airy as his roof by Us The lndian had music in his life and this muslcwas in close harmony with nature hlusie of course as we know it in its many different forms is somethingcompietely undream ed at by primitive types of people living as that do in the natural surroundings of forest or junglel The music at the lndian was entirely dilfcrcnt to that to which our modern ear is accustomed The Indiana had different sorts of flutes and whistles split and hollowedof sumacvor cedar or box elder Sometimes the flute or whistle was used the med iclne man to help lm in the warding off of evil spirits And just as nature In all its beauty entered into the life of the Indian and became an integ ralpart so italso entered into his musicthe inspiration for the songs coming ram descriptions ofthc glory of the forest or the sunset orthe path of moonlight on the still waters Thereiwns music in the wig wams and music around the camp tires Indian mothers softly erooned their paponses to sleep with such lullabics as Little fox want to keel you you are my own little baby The lndians were so accustom ed to living among woodland creatures that even their terms of endearment used the names of animals Their children were named Little Squirrel and Tiny Beaver and Baby Rab bits The Indians thought that everyone should be kind and cheerful when near baby so that it would not get discouraged and gt lndian music made greater use nrrytlunn than or melody The beat oi the tomtoms at certain times couldmean only war But the tomtom was not the only kind of dlflllllyihtly had The in dians possessed near as many lids of drums rattles as the home of Sid hioneSonSun day Jan 13 awn Home irom Hospital John Patterson its home from Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie where he was patient for few days John was cranking the truck and the crank did not re lease after the motor started and caught Johns left hand breaking CQFOP sxllllle enlclts Specialized Kill lltUln Strains LINE Canadas leading Hybrid chicken for efficient eggpro duetlon lt SKYLINE DUAL PURPOSE For years Ontarios fore most strains for eggs and meat SERVICE Prompt Coop service is nvr nilahle on your poultly prolr lems haincd personnel equipped to assist you Con tact either AL DENMUIKE or Al uuumwtt PA 87929 PH PA 84034 at her home here Vestry fleeting Christ church is holding Ls iln null Vestry meeting on Jan 25 at the home oi Mr and Mrs JOiIIk Wallwlll at pm it is hoped TSAVEIrfan Y¢stantl there were trih Thcy had small hand drums carried by leather thongs to be used while the player was riding or dancing They had rattles made of ï¬urds tortoise shell or rawhide and birchbark boxes filled with pebbles of various sizes Their largest instrument was drum mode by stretching skins over stakes driven into the ground and six or eight players would sit around it thumping as they song Their lookouts kept small flute which could be used worn the tribe at an approaching enemy The enemy in turn would think that the low musieai sound they heard was that of lover screnndlng his maiden Every lndian boy at the age of 12 went out into the wilderness to prepare ior manhood There he would stay alone and fasting until he had received song from the Great Spirit This song was supposed to call tohls aid in time at need the spirits which theIndians believed dwelt in every living thing birds and beasts and trees Thus the music oi the lndian was very much akin to nature Perhaps it was also the most natural of music Copyright 1956 mime or Without smaisml 500 per ton discount from now until Jan 15 1957 We will also take orders on 39 ton lots Stock uplnow and saver Free Delivery gt smile 5PPV THE CANADIAN BANK OF Hivggi 5le nostrils 75o eraucnrs acnoss embryo relive you BurieDnvlrysiEquipmcnt 17 hlulcasier PA gt Whatever you want saving is this surest way to get it Add regularly to your savings nebount and watch your bninncevgrow Coil in today at our nearest branch and open anaccount Well gladly help yoln BAR nm BRANCH women minions cooe PAS6531 This is WINTER EMPLDY MnNt LAmrmulv Wflhh in Barrie one showsemau sgtvlifliflnihi Wé make loans to CopsoIdafe Bil5 Got colh hereto ply miny at your bills lilen haw only one convenient pnymnnt to mnlrn each month This single pnyment oilon Ieutlun in total amount you now poy Phone inr your loan innnavirit to the ofï¬ce or come tonn $50 525907 Slgwuplfuqnltvy cram NEW AMI nnonol nnnnu Co now rolled outselan mutton eo Onlylhnwlamo Illa han usages BENEFICIAL FINANCE cannon KOIMEIU msomu Km MOWI up 10 3p mourns Io nutAn not mnn our to built 43 one ma an Communlty Ilall Meeting There was splendid attend ance at the ï¬rst annual meeting oi the new Community Hall Wednesdaynight AH Bell chairman for the meeting called on the secletaryvlreasuror Mrsl Gilbert Mehfastor whogave very gratltying report of the splendid job done by the board of directors caretaker and the different fund raising committees who have worked and given un ingiy of time and labor in to msth to the community for itsuse and pleasure hail rrireeyot debt with the exception oiva $8000 debenture which they pita to reduce as soon as possible Selection of olticers then took place an resulted as foilows board of etors Willard Dob son Lou Truax Tom Exell Gilv bert Mehiaster and McCann Weekly Euchre There were 11 tables attending the woolly euehre with prizes awarded as follows any Mrs Tom ehands IvanJIolmcs convenient omensJVhiefl is nearest youP IARHIE 15 Blyfloid Street 2nd Floor éPArlflvly 35931 51V LlA 33 Mlsslsugl Street East 2nd Floor FAlrvlovt 17353 OVEN HENINGS IV APPOINTMENT PHONE POI EVENINQ Nob ylEXiiiVilllEli lam Waii until pm and it your carrier has not arrived then call Mrs Jack Ellis spent Wednesday with thelatteï¬ sisters at GrandVaii and Laure co in usi4f brlngs you Theres ven more ins do com and outslde road cornncc than last brimfuioi deligh nsw ronsloli onions on as bignew Do gt V5 in its ï¬ei 215 horses strong aka new67 Dodge uraeii Discover how can mil he