The but place to Used Car is behind the whee you no Fiona junus you an prohth drive not In Bio of GOOD USEDCARS 65mg AND 5111 94 95W RD SEDAN Snailflrel Googoom flout 1951 EQRD SEDAN ouremrive now oaint 67500 lQSZï¬METEOR TUDOR Rodin two tone rhor rim or new throulhollt 89500 1952 OLDSMOBILE 98 ednnNew valves and llllcrl New treeone owner 105000 1953 FORD CUSTOM TUDOR om owuerIow mnuu 109500 4953 PONTIAC Hardtop Custom uuo uvo tonz whitewn IIIu ng milere 135900 1953fzEPHYR SEDAN Custom div Good rnluportntlon 65000 gt i954 MERCURY COACH Custom India lc heateru One owner low goneu 147500 CuStOrn TUdor anti equipped Iov mllenxe one own er 169500 1956 MERCURY Fordbr romp Automatic ivilï¬f 12 €235 hen Io mtlu one bouuen tome aphreuut 3295110 he dhu 51 FORD Plhkun when Ammo115 YOU CANISEESTEER STOP in Dependgble UsedlCcii Frqrn IM BARBIE 15 Brodiord StreehvrBarrie no oh ties with maninteusedelrwhen yewean buy thorou checked Dependnhle Car with the reputation of relighlo color to guarantee you satirlneuomlcm ulna lei usbhow which will give you years of satisfactory motoring 1955 DODGE MAYFAIR va Sedan 50in Glass New Tires one owner since new Nicely equippedlwith turn signaisond air conditioned heater 1953 CHEVROLETSEDAN Smart and uptordute with two tone green andheige finish turn signals and roam 1955 PLYMOUTH SAVOY one owner Sedan lnamnrt Laurentihn Blue Equip signalsand air conditioned heater Exeeptionnlly glean inside and out 1953 CHEVROLET COAcH Useful family car with two tone finish very good tiresond radio for your travelling enjoyment i950PLYMOUTH SEDAN Exceptionally good for its yearr Reilnished in monomhas seat covers and new snow tires for winterdriving safety i950 PLYMOUTH COACH Srimrt gunmetal linish Excellent an oil through 1954 FORD TUDOR Very popiiinrrnodel finished in two tone Indstona White and Red Good tiresond in first class mechanical condition 1955 CHEVROLET Well liked V8 Beerirf Sedan invery good order gt 1951 PONTIAC COACH Chmforhhle and reliable trénsportation for the Whole family in this nice looking sage green car ITJANUARYTSCLEARANCE TIME CHECK THESE PRICES FOR BARGAIN BUYS IN GOOD TRANSPORTATION 55I3QDéEvsSEDAN 54 DODGE CLUB COUPE 53 DODGE REGENT SED Overdrive Two tone $1195 53PLY SAVOY very clean 53 FLY COUPE One Owner 51 STUDEBAKER SED 49 CHEM COACH 450 CHEV SEDAN 50 PLY isEDAN 341 KAISERSEDAN 50 DODGE Custom Sed 5o DODGE V2 ton eXp 49 CHEV SE13 DE STUDE 172ton Réfinished Megthood 40 65 Vzï¬on Exp gt you one of these cleangoodinodein emfMonejot 151 unionIII $1 795 lt I$1245 53 REGENT Bolivia Green LwL$I 195 51 PKEFECT door 41 DEMO van ominwa Gm CAR To SUIT VOU AT PRICE THAT IS ALWAYS nxuow THEAVERAGE TRADE in YOUR OLDER VAR Amwhncss TODAY coon coon CAR is coon iNvasruzur 19551CHRYSLER indoor neiuiava Sedui orifuoo gun oy mom owner beenllml net 111 neon white 11 tires custom udio Ind lent covert 1954VDODGE Crusader Sedhn=2 tonelhlue clean loodvrunnlnz car Rnoio 911954 Plymouth Plnn Sodnu tone hlno Good rum run far 1954 CheVrblet DELUXE CLUB COUPE Jet hlek mt cave good III Olin miller 1953 Plymouth SEDAN completely checked over mam price 1953 Plymouth Sabinhop who Green name model 195301 sier wmuson 92 AN road mnnlnl wnll tires I953 Cheeriet Deluxe sednn Dnlk gre mum cleuil uood hnino 2111 Custom dio no cows 1953 NcishStatesman Scorn Cirtqm radio Anna green 952 Dodge Int Sean iiut installed new mo DeSOtO Grey Cunom Sedan Automatic Rldlo Light 1952 Bed REGENT SEDA to chbole from 11151 roNTIAcsedm am oiuo Coupe blue 1951 umoum Crlnbrook so llth smell gt 1949 AUSTIN Sednii 1949 rumour1r Srdnn 1948 nulliï¬eder Loywpri Inga cuty llzjlflsejdnm 1m DODGE séoan 11141 KAISER Sedan me some motor oarR Mike oller mo ciiizv coach USEDTRUCK VALUES Ion romIAc Sednn Delivery 1951 um lAtnn rum 1950 GMC lï¬Atnn Panel 1950 chavhourr hymn Express PLYMOUTHS Now ON DISPLAY AT 55 per 51me HAROLD HILL LIMITED Chrysler Plymouth Farso 172182 BRADFORD ST PHONE PA 85355 OFFICE AND saquoou 55ODunlvop West norm Phon PA 82427 35 saAuSnN sou whoop Radio 53 HILLMAN door 52 HUDSON 51 HILLMAN stouon door Wage so mumAdam so nonaz door so MORRIS MINOR door door 41 DODGE door 52 cue Ilatori pickup uh fllï¬ifl 13513 mm iIIuo Aurrmwn mum PHONE Av 85201 Null rm haunt PA 66358 ism FARM EQEIPMENT some can one MORTGAGES AD in ulo wuru WWI11 Apply Box unb Rumr au SEED AND FEED Q1630 Scholftn BALE ciiRv dooch viiyer ri ant condition iirv YhilufdeAlllfloll 1956DODGB ll You mil 82 195211 Dump comhlnnh wkwiihuilncél nnd 1050 Ammo ome or art wheoiure Apmyn3rruh $111 or phone1gtA 29111 131511 ron Mu eii uved luwut of mango Rohinmn hour 11 humor ownimi no lull FREE nsnections We will renm wheel and 1r theiudge No work ed without your nii SEEDS DflHGEBHELBSA Service Dept 4001 PAR2431 WCHANEEL orrnhroak Cluh 91mm niacin Kim mm 52833 1115 Mini by Three oï¬ can gunk ginm snow my pigs9913 as sï¬ï¬‚r Iuo nonrncoru 735 rioni Weather 730 New us New Ronienmer om Melodlull Your own 101w nun ioJo Nan mm min rivalh um Church lorylm 00 mu Jun 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WHOLESALE PRICES INCLUDE SERVICE 36 Mary Street FEED SERVICE Pllk HOG crew 567 rm BOOSTER Hotel Hospitals Mintm um requirement lpor soon sq gross floor um with nuxunum ol lb prr 211000 sq rron floor Area to 15000 14 it groan near urea wi maximum ol Thu Byrlnwlhnlltfome Into mar on the day the It LlflnlllYPlBed by the Council rub cot to the mm or the ohmic unlcipll nomi Read Firn arsecond zima 111 ziih day or SeptemberADr 195$ Read ThirdTime and many pumi our 26th an ax November Angus Tm honroiiariorx obima TOWN or minim Rmzie minor 11 STRAUGBAN Clerk Situation cierk 21 Colper Ition ol the Town of honIo do hereby certify under my mud ud mi the Co ornllon the Above to be true In conect=apy or ByIow No 1179 STRAUGBAN Clerks feed qu where yonrdolhr goes further FEEDMES Anne st runnerA sdz 11611 74950 15m iiimnm Farmers Incite hogs IIIe fed on ShinGain than anyvother 51111110111115 IHATAPPEAIS To 0111 Brynn NOT ArruAi To You SPEAKER ENCLOSURE AUTOMATIC RECORD COME Now roim mu nanonsmATIoN TELESONIE Phone PA 83810 11011111115115 STARTER Custom Grinding Rollins Mourns Mixing Free delivery on mixed teed 111111111115 Small hriving Business hon1e OrilliaDistIic anxious to get settled CALL WESTMAN 511 with good living accommodation Client has 22511 and is