Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jan 1957, p. 13

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ing Barrie as 5° Retepi pad umn By JANEHARRTNGTON The picture on theright is womens Editor that or Miss Kathleen fTory Thompson daughter of Crownlittorney Thompson QC at work in london England The attractive young lady from Barrie is now receptionist at Ontario House In the photograph which Fred Grant cllpped from the Victoria British Columbia Times she is giving information to in quiring Britons hopeful of exeth terity for new life in Canada Tory sailed for England at the beginning of September aboard the SS Homeric and is living in Londonvwlth three other Clanadv in girls one cousin from To ronto who went over lew months earlier She had been working in To ronto in nursery school after taking course in child manage ment at the Ryerson lostllute of Technology She was planning to stay in England year when she left Canada and from the looks of it ls fairly well settled for at least that iong The picture caption reports that hundreds of letters day asking about conditions in the Domin ion have also been an ng at the Canadian centre abroad As the countrys growth quickens campaign for new citizens has in tensificd Miss Thompson may be boost future home to the emigrants Artists Entértoined Following last evenings Com munity Concert the artists Mar garet Parsonsand her husband Clifford Poole were entertained by the local executive and work ers at the home of Mr and Mrs Ralph Snelgrove 23 Theresa Street Opening Night Barrie and District Home and School Council willget underway officially on Monday evening un der the chairmanship of its presr ldent Mrs McLaughlin of Bax ter The president and at least five members of each member association will meet in Hilicrest School at eightfiftecn to discuss their problems workshop has been planned involving four dis cussion groups Need Volunteer Workers The Barrie branchmf the Red Cross Society needs volunteer knitters and sewers as its stock has been depleted through var ious disasters such as the Hungar ian situation Active groups both in and out of town have been con tributing to the work room but with over twelve hundred in LiOns Auxiliary Has Been Busy Wiih Welfare Work The Ladies Auiiiliary to the Barri Lions Club held its first mceting of the year onMonday at Commun House with the President Mrs Gerald presiding The welfare committee reported giving assistance to the Lions Club in filling and delivering hampers to nine families Two hampers were given to arm fam ily The families consisted of17 duits 22 boys and 16 girls onation of money was also given to thehospital to purchase dress ing gowns and slippers for chil Woodger Mrs Bud Thomasgave report on theHungarian Relief Fund donation of $50 has been made to thisworthy cause Mr Tony Saso introduced the speake Mr andMrs Robert Clifton who took the club on an nteresting tour of WalesThey Vtravelledllsoine 3200miles by cai on their overseastrip last summer MrsFrank Craig on behalf of gin restrictions and aus fants garments made here and shipped out to divisional head quarters to replenish empty ware houses more workers would be appreciated Anyone wishing to help is ask ed to contact Mrs Lowe at PArkway 32802 July anonuory Although this is only January the committee of women making arrangements for the ninth an nual Slmcoc County Quilt and Rug Fairbeing held from July tiventyrfourth to July twenty sevcnth at Collingwoodhas al ready becn busy Chairwoman Mrs Kell of Collingwood has announ ed that the theme of the 1957 air will be Family Living To show the variety of ways in which family can enjoy quilts and rugs in modern setting rooms willlllustrate their use in master bedroom girls roo boys room the nursery and summer cottage Another new attraction will be demonstration oi the fine points of qui ing by an outstanding au thority and booths where quilt and rug designs and county crafts may be bought will again be set up along with the hits and pieces booth that was so popular this year County craftswomcn will also give demonstrations of rug and quilt making Members of this years commit tee are Mrs Spearlng of Stay iier Miss Olga Mawdsley of OH lia and Mrs Douthwaite of Stayner They urge all residents to make new quilts for display or for sale andmost important to forage for old articles Vacationing In Florida Miss RutiiFieldman and Mrs Emily Magiliof ShantyBay who are travelling in Florida recently visited the Manatee County Publt lic Reach managed by the Anna Maria Island Kiwanis Club near Bradenton on the lower west coast of the southern fstate Plan WOEkshop in Leadership Development Plans have been made to hold community recreation leader ship workshop in Barrie every second week throughout the win ter months The first session will be held on WednesdayJan 18 at 815 pm at Commun House Anyone interested Jnleader ship of young peoples clubs or community recreation who can plan to attend regularly is wel come to come The emphasis will be upon leadershipdevelopment Jack Patersonof the commun ity programs branch of the de partment of education will be the resource counsellor With his help members will be introduced to number of leadership exper icnces which will extend their effectiveness in working with people and dealing with group uations Social recreation skills icluding knowledge games play party games and square dances wi also be developed Learning by doing will be the keynote and everyonewill have to be reparcd to participate The workshop is being spon interesting inquiries mm maximum missi 13 Still fgJ69809531Cléi9lm sour or rnnavnnnio Smeolii creamy TroopW withieblter red The Iguests uelinlng Who or incl goodness would notltoopt be no the eve an faLsenp lied MockThrtle of Alice in Wonderland lame been lob Miss Karnnnmv THOMPSON answershopéful Brltons The Royal Victoria Hospital Womens Auxiliary heldiits first meeting for 1957 at thehospitai on Tuesday afternoon Mrs Fred Eplett the new pres ident presided and 93 members answered roll call Plans for the years work as suggested by the executive were presented for the approval of the group The first item for consideration was membership drive headed by Mrs Christie Mrs Wai ter Perkins and Mrs Warren Wil gar Mrs Gable explained thatthe work is increasing conA slantly wtih the heavy patient load and while not too many ac tive members can be accommodat ed in the restricted working space associate members to help Unity Auxiliary Organizer Visifrs Collier WMS Group The January meetingui Unity Auxiliary of Collier Street Unit ed Church was held at the home of Mrs Alan Sarjeant Kempen felt Drive Twentyfour were present The annual report for 1956 was given by Mrs RobertSarjeant Mrs Fern Campbells group was in charge with MrsBcth Sarjeant and Mrs Grace Jack presenting the devotional The highlight of the evening was the visit of Mrs CvC Parsons one of the original organizers of Un ity who installedthe officers for 1957 The knowledge and in formation she passed on to the group were both rewarding and dainty lunch was served by the hostessaod her committee AuxililaryNeeds MOre Membersilnl57 with the Sunshine Cart serving in the homesno on all special projectswould be great assist ance to the hospital Therefore drive for membership was need ed gt Mrs It Heflron reportedthe Sunshine Cart was so well receiv ed she expected it would needJo be taken to thepatients every day before long it help could be secured Smocksfoi the work ers on the Sunshine Cart are ing purchased llirs AMeCarroll displayed sample wrought iron collection jar she had had made Thirty of these llttiecontaincrs were or dered purchased to be placed in the business section The two soft drink machines placed by the auxiliary in the hospital are providing needed service forvisitors and staff ilirs Elrick treasurer gave the final statement for 1956 This statement was ordered audited and made available for the press by thenext meeting Mrs Heffren 21m Donna313u1 lockandiMrs Godden will have charge of the Sunshine Cart They asked for knitteis to make baby clothes The auxiliary will hold shower for the cart at later date At present it istakcn to all the patients Tuesdayand Thursday afternoons MrsHogan will again head the voluntary workers assisted by Mrs Kohlmeyer Committee members are Mrs Caldwell and Mrs Elrick Mrs Cable is in charge of sewing and Mrs or chard is social hostcss Activities planned fortheycar Include hostess night Ex ceptionally fine prizes have al ready hecn donated This project qndso are offering ster instead of mockturtle he might have sung the praises of aoup of the evening in the above manner For Iupper buffet or for late evening refresh menl few dishes can compare with flavorful soup Such soup it presented in chafing sh over candle warmer is likely to be conversation piece especially if it is an ele gant lobster bisque The follow ing recipe foi lohstcr bisque has pmven succcss on numerous party occasions lobster Blsqnei leans ins each lobster OR lcan 14 oz frozen lobster tablespoons butter tablespoon minced onion chicken bouillon cubes cup boiling water cins 10 015 each chicken soup with rice léscup butter cup flour quart table cream teaspoon salt 14 teaspoon pepper to teaspoon cayenne $7 cup dry sherry Drainrthe cannedlobstcr meat and remove the tinehaped piece of cartilage in the meat of the claws if using frozen cooked lobster meat thaw it overnight at refrigerator temperature Cut the meat into chunks and saute with the chopped onion in talv icspoons of butter until heated through Dimelve the chicken the flour Gra ually Idd the chicken bouillon and the chicken soup with rice Cook and stir to make thick sauce Heat the cream Add the sauted lobster and onion to the sauce and beat below boiling point for about minutes Stir inthe hot Cream and add seasonings Add the sherry and blend well Serye piping hot Makes 16 servings lwillbe chaired MrsiMcCarroll larfthrs Kay Drizlie andl wlllbe held during the last weekof Feb ruary There willbe the usual spring and fall rummage sales hospital day tea bakeless bake sale tag dayand possibly mixedcard party to wind up the Mrs Christie Mrs Doris Grant Mrs Flett and Mrs AWilliam scooper will look after stamping otall hospital linens Mrs Clay ton Stewart and Mrs Walter Bay liss have charge of the hospital vending machines Following the meeting linem hers eninyed lunch served by Mrs Caldwell and Mrs Donna Bul lock iANuAiav LWe Vvislito rncike roomfor many new inés bouillon cubes in boiling water Melt the of butter in deep saucepa and blend in fGéorges an WillPVreaclii Hére Tbecoiigregallon of St GearV ges Anglican Churchle hear rerinoii by minister from anan at its morning service on Sunday luvaohn Xainane from Holy Trinity Church Ogaka who is taking thdeIto work at Wy cliffe College University of Tor onto Willalso show pictureshoi thelifé in Japen and Christian church work in his country at the p111 serviee at St Georges Themorning service will be at the regular time 11 oclock second generation Christian Mr Yariiiine graduated from the Momoyama Theological College in Osaka in 1950 and became as sistant rector at Christ Church Ashiyo nearby centre This was hlsoriginai parish and his parents are present members of that congregation gt in 1951 he became rector of Trinity Church it addition to mean Mayor Speaker Barrie WI Meeting Barrie Womens institute reg ularmeeting on Tuesday at the home of Mrs liarry Lynn 159 Toronto streetwas attended by 29 members and three visitois Mrs Lackeyformer1y ofRarrie new resident of Bracebrldge Mrs Carr of Thornton and the speaker Mayor Wanda Miller of GravenhursL Mrs Miller expressed her thanks forbcing asked back to her home town She spoke on the business of beinga female mayor stress ing that not nearly enough wo menare interested in politics Women should get out and serve on councils and school boards Mrs Miller served on school board and council before taking overthe office of mayor She is serving her fourth term as mayor ofgcraverihurst The town is of ten referred to as the town with female mayor Mrs Miller who has been an institute member for 28 years reviewed her grand associations with the organization She is pleased and proudto belong to the Womens institute very humorous story finished her wonderful talk which all en ioyedyery much Mrsillrihglo thanked Mrs Miller recording of some of the highlights of the meeting was pot luck lunch parochial duties he il parttime chaplain at liomoyanxa1 Boys HighSchoob an Anglican school and member of the trustee board He is climber of the diocesan newspaper editorial board thediocesan committee of evangelism and education and the draft prayer book revision committee Mr Yamane ischaplaln to the diocesan organization of the Girls Friendly Society His wife Miriam and daughte Grace fivejyears old are lo the rectory in Osaka during his year of study abroad made and will be aired ovcr CFOR Orlllia on Wednesday Jan ld at 115pm Tribute waspatd toMrs Cor bett with lone minute of silence and Mrs Bowie reading nsalm meeting for program plan ning will be held at the home of Mrs Jacobs 223 Hayfield Street not at Mrs Morris home as pre viously announced on Jan 16 from 10 mm to pm with Mrs Bristow sang twp lovely solos accompanied at the paino by Mrsiadden Mrs Ley re poriedon the sick for Mrs Hirb ehey Sevenparcels went out to shutins at Christmas Plans were made to have chicken dinner to celebrate the Institutes 60th anniversary it was decided to ask Cundles and Coronation Hill Institutes to join the branch on Feb 20 MrsPringie read paper on the school for retarded children written by MrsnG Bowles who was absent The next meeting will be at the home oLMrs Fadden 162rances Streeton Feb Each member is to bring homemade Valenlt tine and wina prize Tea hostesses are Mrs Lynn Mrs Preston Mrs Wager nnd Mrs Rodgers Plans jfbe Womens Auxiliaryto 102 Lafitte Squadron had first in ling ofthe newyear on Wed nudayevenlngnat the home of lira Charles Meltrun Dalton Street with the new president Mrs ArthurIWllson pnaiding Monte Barnes chairman of the air cadetcivtiian committee was the speakerfor the evening He gave financial report on and run operationsrand reviewe air cadet activities for the mothers yions were made for thelar ent Awards Night being held on Jan 25 Tho nextmeetiog of the puxil iary will take the form of social evening and card party at the home of Mrs Black on Clap Perlon Street Fificen members attended this weeks meeting IBIG SAVINGS am This Mom DUMNG urn sac aanvo nu song PlltlBllZMS to amino underlainin inrricr who moles and uti tar oniy canoe smnmofl TO CHOOSE FROM Wllililiis lliiiS BARR WRONTO zs pounce as Reallflnr gt Remodelling Cold storage Cleaning QEASONABLS HICKS sarisraoriou RATS saitvicn youvcan nnraNn We service all makes and mode RAY SCOTT 31 VESPRA ST Our Workmanshlp is guaranteed Tileasonableratesh mat pinion We Can Help you Transform your gBasemenlfiinlo guy iiecrell vvaw rent it Every ram needs rec orn where chii dren and grownups alike can have beds of fun cii tertoin friends enioy ing hobbies or just laid ireioiting Westm help you design just the room youneed the club thanked theguests med he sum county creation servicel social half hour was enJoyed information may be Withrefreshmcnts frotnthe organization Converting your basementintoa useful health fnlreeréatlonroom lob which is lots of fun It can he doh lg ens stages throughoutthe long gt uwlnter evenlngflandall thefamily can help ROYALDQULTON OS WEDGWOODGSONS Theres its of satisfaction in iobthatyouve COALPQRT SHELLY MYOTT TVSQN Vdone all and youre adding value to your CANADIAN AND AMERICAN oine allthetime Knottyplfie is dé fortliis VERY reinpansy fr lftemfsllihwelllsaovlnquio 5qu Her ore orfew samples MARIEl Crown cal 20 pcs RANDQ ROSEfSoVerei TAFFORDSHIRE ROSE would demaii ouriainousBloe Goal As iti for yourself oSAREA ZMARY ST BARRIE cow En Miro flu flow PARKWAY 8246l

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