mmwc cant Find Key to have may bavo laughed iocksmithevin those good old days when young couple gotmarried moved into their own homes and lived happily ever alter But with housingtha way it is these days they get married and move in with motherxandsdad with the result thattlie laughter sometimes becomes little hollow solution to the problem at housing or newlyweds in Can adas overcrowded cities is not an easy one But many young cou ples says the Canadian Institute at Plumbing and Heating have solved itby moving in with me thcr and dad yet still having all the comfort and privacy their own home 0lll DQNT TDLERATE THE COLD OEMUEELY omen llytultlfl BRITW PLUMBINGHEATING KM 84 WNW $1 WESl Wrote PA 83710 mm mm SELL It Min Gilli house The ZloveiMay Iliaughiat locksmiths IBiitrr Housing Problems It works this Very otten marriage in the family leaves the parents with Iniriy large home on their hands and only themselves to accommodate By pooling resources not only to ï¬nances but combined skills father and son or fatherlnlaw andsoninltlaw have been able to convert the old family home into convenient duplex provid ing living accommodation for the new family at the same time leaving ampiequartera tor the old folk In the normal twostoreyltouse the institute points out it isonly necossary toprovidc bathroom on the ground floor and kitchen upstairs and most of the job ot making thehousc twotamiiy unit is done in some cases where the hobse is to be occupied by two families that are related it is not even essential that the two units be selfcontained There are howeverflt tewfae tors that should be borne in mind it the conversion is to work out successiuiiy First the location at the kitchen on the upper fiber should it possible be directly above the main kitchen of the installation is so much easier because the water supply pipes drainage electricity and gas facilities can be extended directly up to take care at the upper kitchen Size of the upper kitchen will of course depend toa great ex tent on the layout of the upper tleor and which room is chosen to convert But very small room or even large cupboard may he sutiicient or the purpose Kitchenette units specially design ed to iit intosmail places can be bought tor this type of installa tion For instance combined unitmeasuring little more them la longby it deep will house indium iiiCiliii Hi See us for your Industrial and Building Requirements ANGLES BEAMS PLATES SHEETS BARS Hot and Cold Rolled New large modern equipped 39 nNNESr New mots firm old Io Reservation iodnyl BhflR ZSd the eosti mostntmuï¬vm In Id out Elvinunto mna unin4 out built Ith ilnhll lush0s Iw clvlu ya at nu lam bounty Our Floor Rania Plgn Mo arunam Floor Beauty Pho for Equipment LUMBER COMDANV LtMITEo partot your lumbernc is moot hevmonthly ess than therent If you own our owitiotryo can finan all or provided you or cats Shearda new on eslgned to help you build es urce to mortgage sheards Time ayment Plancan nred pplementva amallmort go hisShe rd Ltd Painswlclt2 milesSorith all on building needsand dvisbry service theadvantageo their urteoua attention high uality mate it quicltdelivcry together wit the eat mat obuildln ad sinkrdnining b0 duvetInd cupboards unit this site will even ho double stairwlth draining board to in over one link Conversely the location otthc bathroomon the ground floor should be saner as possible dic ectiypbelow th main bathroom tor the ram and case iostaiiation Here if space is problem apeclt designednxtures will often provides solution very con Venient threepiece bathroom can be built into space no bigger than ft by Sit cupboard or pantry can sometimes be converted into quite service able and convenient bathroom Here too or in the kitchen above specially designed ï¬xth may provide solutions to the space problem Wash basins no bigger than 14 M14 or sometimes space otherwise too small The newly designed square bathtub can provelusetultoo ï¬tting igio an area no more than 42 yet provi diagonally In any conversion at this sort it is always wise to doyour pian ninx with reliable plumbing contractor looking as it were over your shoulder because in this as in most things experi ence will help to avoid mistakes Eacess Kitchen Spoca Hos Many Possibilities Large oldfashioned kitchens ot ter many possibilities for mod ernization it less space is de sirabiea big kitchen can be eas ily divided into several units Surplus kitchen converted into any one of the following uses dining alcove household office desk and telephone pantry or storeroom or cieaningmmtefiais scnew GRIP litany workmen haveditiicuity driving screws into hardwood at it the handle of the screw driver slipsinyour hand try wrapping the handle withsspiral bands ol iriction tape Th wiil dirty your hands but will extra grip on the driver For best fits the screw slot the shank turning the Tsame amount of ef fort will produce Anothtr aid is tozscrapethe soap before startingrtheni The soap acts as lubricant wtthout swelling the wood or marring the finish PAINSWICK Card Game gentleman tram Toronto Draw at community centre Painswiek Lucky ticket was said by Mac Porter Homemaking Club Attention 4H Homemaking Club members meeting is be ing held on Jan lpm at Painswick old school to catch up on Christmas vacation Please bringrccord books Girl Guides Girl Guide meeting at St Church at pmJani James Muir was home for Christmas vacation from his post at Station JCJKL Kirkland Lake on his returntrip his plane was held up by log and bad weather Pauls sound to broadcast his morning ewscast happy and prosper oust New Year Jim from folks at Painswick LA GUA EOF UN new prize for understatement must go to1lungarys toreign minister1mre Horvath who jus titledhis walkout tram the Gen ers Assemhi complaining of the manner which other dele gatesjhad insulted his govern ment It remains whatianguage would have 10 be used to con vincethe liungarian and Bus governments that pariahdogsrpl the closes ochrane we own0 AF new MABB JP UMBIN HEATING pas3 98 4m Murciaarea 5r rllt 41 Even iarge one designed to lit into aeorner mayvmake ii possibleto use lull ngth lb and save monpy in the long run area may be with planning extension downstairs lavatory or closets for clothing CherryCree and help to or sclfvthreading screws into met results use an extremeiyJong ahanked driver with blade that The longer the more torque orI breads Jobwood screws across abar oi ousehold Lucky winnerol $50 bond was was made at biweekly card game but we hope he landed safe and oanaoe zamx Iao ROOMS BEDROO CLOSETS CUBAGE live Three Measuring4452 The Cherry has an overail length at Cubage oithe houseiis 21500 feet while cubage ot the garage is 4100 feet At least 90foot lot would be required to build this rambling ranch house Assorted plantings at your own choice in the long wndow box under the handso picture windowin the front ii ng room wall can much to dress up the exterior pcarance attention on the charms oiithe picture window The slight root overhang pro vides little protection for the trout door which opens directly on the 18x13 living room How ever partition hides thedining alcove in theleft section at liv ing room from view as you first enter The Cherry Creek large coat closet to thelett of the front entry can serveas the storage place for fcompanys wraps Just as attractive as it is large the living room boasts fireplace and ilt bpck shelves in the back wall ddition to the love ly picture window in the front wall Two more windows pro vide extra light and ventilation alcove which is conveniently ncarto the kitchen Working cohnters cupboards and cabinets line the back and right kitchen wallsin an shaped array The sink is placed under the doublcwindows in the back wailot the llxio room At the right end ottheline of working counter is the selected position for the stov the re trigerator is but few step away agamsl the muttJail Placedin the left front corner at the kitchen ndreceiving exv ght nd ugh the Parker The ocus 1w Livirgc Room Ino xtTO THa CHERva CREEK Rainbling 51a roomy dow looking tent on the side porchi the cozy little breakfast nook provides family eating spot to be used not only for the morning meal but throughout the rest of the day as well in the right kitchcn wall stairs lead down to the full cement basement while in the leit wall ista door opening onthe llxlli side porch Whether you decide to leave this porch open to screen it in orcncloseit with glass youre certain toput it to good use it you prefer this porch area can easily be machnto an extra om and can serve as tlrst floor utility room should you decide to use it for this pur ready accesss the ard Reached through lde door from the porch as well as through the front entrance the onecar garage hastwo windows onetn the right wall and another in the leftwaii Theres plenty at over head and regular storage space intbls ZOXla garage Three bedrooms and the bath room occupy the remaining area in lhecberryv Creek these rooms are connected lay hall way leading from door in the right living room Wall Good Ventilation There are two good sized clos ets one in 131 right wail ardan other in the left wall the 11 foot square bedroom Thusthis room can easily be shared Double windows in the back vwatl pro vide good lighting and ventila tion An extra close opening on the hallway just betorethe door to this bedroom can be usedtor an household storage purpose lhlé linen closet is conveniently placed between theirnaster bed room and the iront bedroom Measuring 146xu the back corner bedroom is designed as the master bedroom gross ven tilatioh is ssurcd by two win dows one Is piaced in the right waliland the second is in the back wa The spacious closet Afsocgates DESIGNERS nasmnnimn common uhnrllmprfsrnmn DRAUGHT macaw Pixie53371 and nUiLnrNGs warms adios Best On Wood 4F in the that wall can easily serve the storage needs at both occupants ot this pleasant bed room Cross ventilation also is guar anteed in the front bedroom be cause there isooeewindow in the trout wall and another inthe right wall This izxllA room also has good slacdaioset Opening on the connecting hall wayto thaieft oi the from bed room theall modernbathroom contains room or both atub and shower One window in the trout waii provides sufficient light and fventilatian for the roam Blueprlnts Available Completerpisns nand spec ice tions for thisxhouse and all other Home otthe Week designs are available at moderate cost Woii ype Cieoners hours the ot sohp and Vwater tor cleaningtioors ut oak or other hardwood is trowncd on by most authorities on home maintenance lflused irenuentlysoap and wn ter may mar the finish andraise the grain oi the wood causing rough surface Cleaning should be done with waitbase type of cieaner manu factured espec iiyfor hardwood floors in addition to cleaning the Aflcors snch preparations leave thin waxy ï¬lm which protects the wood trom dirt and spent on meal preparation and ing floor plans for bringing the Canaan Styling ofSink Area Deapite the jgrowingttebdeney toward larger kitchena incorpor atingnumemus Work and play centres the styling ol the rink area still is of primary import ance It is the centre where two thirds ot the kitchen time is cleanup tasks Kitchen remodeliera should keep thls fact in mind planning specialists emphasize when mak kitchen upto date Eirst give the location of the sink centre the closest scrutiny toprovide ample storage cabinets and handy acces sory items nearby Then proceed caretuily with the remaining ccn res aueh as the range and re trigerator areas wGILFORD Baptismal Service An impressivebaptiamal service was held in our church on Sun day when Mr and Mrs Keith Keli presented their liltl daugh ter Joy Ami Iorbaplls Visi tors attending the service were Mr and Mrs Richardson grandparents Mrs John Keil grandmother and Mr and Mrs Charles Wilcox Bond llead Christmas Visitors Visitors withliir andvittrauPauI Russell for Christmas were Mr and Mrs Gordon Hafenbrack and son Russell of Toronto Mrs Stetheam Kneesbaw ot Coulsons Hill Miss Eyaiinc Sawyer spent sct cral days of her Christmas hol days with her grandparents Mr and Mrs Frank Hughes Farm Forum ll andllrs Lou Neiliy spent Dec 29 with Mr and Mrs Selby Carr to celebrate withtbem their 41Ihweddtno anniversary Let us Check your homexor Overloaded Circuits lion Phases Flickering Lights Poor Lighting gt ramgfttum PLAYASAFE IN 57 Faulty Wiring Can Cause 2Flrel We Undertake gt RESIDENTIAL AND INDUSTRIAL WIRING normawomc LIGHTING FIXTURES HEATING INSTALLATIONS wwwm Qily Burner Siilestrvi rooms on some The Farm Forum meeting will be held on Monday Jan at the Service so 54 Sophinscaast Res 193 Bayfieid St Theres more to moving than motion cAaTAoec STORAGE LTB new helps bring outiis natural beau range in pesos C01ha arm VAN LiNESAgent