ï¬g Mi 324 male FalrPrlze Winnersf old nltyrvnrl geldingAlix neti er In IlalterHughu an In Indlhirtl Alex sienna Etcill to exblbuor win ln clubHuau BM Twuyur old In orreldln AIvIn Areherltldlnnd bu ooh and nd Mm coals Inn men noonman mmvue took um and ucond or rood more on by ride lint nnd second lprlnl eon rust nnd mend run cult tilst reconc Ind ihlrd hm animal in lnl Ker lull In Ior but turn in human spedIr nemlnzcrorz annam rpeelaluorbert exhibit at harm Ilurbu am MiddlctnII and Green In speelnl hut learn or nurse in Iha Clydendnle pomn and perch eron alarm flu he pronhe Berinm rorelnl Ior but our om term In th above Illnu iietsherlnd stroudsoclety awam ror the but our hone mm ï¬nalist under lunar Yuriln lam run Midland éhnï¬ year old any or geldingBab one Slnrlo rIverwmlnm null lint nnd second Team or RoadltcnWllliam Ialus Hutudy urlver In Ine nondrter nnu Hockney ClanDiane French Zlmvaic urn cuuord Webb urelmey Poulu Pong Tandemcurlord Webb Cecil Freno shclhndlnnlu Slnrlo in hlmeuocccll Ireneh gimrm Webb Mrs Luciachurn If Ev Pair In haliinnnfl Webb Cecil French Mn r2 Meschem Sirlgic turnoutWuhan Imus lint and mondu Special by Tapnlcn OverrII Coacat nlrnnl In haltcr In more alasIco Cecll Frnrlch Special by Iohn iambicbut ex hlht or homes In abovn clamsmu lam runs canLa abonhom roule Strnud unly exhibitor look In inr hull rIrs nnd man for bull cnIr rim ror Junior holler call renlor holler cm lunlor and senior ycanIng Iwo year old dry In rnllh cow thrcc cm or over Brui ed herd get or rc progeny or dun lIerrIorddz Cyrlr Cook Darrin first or bull ycarilnE two ycnr old dry or In mllh eow three your old or over and mm et sirc and or Sr ciler Chnr or Gubert Elmvalc nrrl ror seniorhelrcr call amend or cow Inreo yrnrs or ovnr second or grad ed herd Ilobert Grocnlaw recond ror Junlgr yumling roIIrd nn us all Callingwnod onl ex hibitor took int ror buiirlirs Ind second Iior bun onlrnrlrrr or Junior rnd scnior holler our ï¬rst ror Jun lor and oonldr yearling rust ror two your old llrst Ior cow thrce em or over rust or 5nde herd or hire progeny at nm Ilaï¬urr In one mu re cxh bl gr gitsit lull Illilll In nnd rdecolnd ca rs nn recon or fill rn3égerlorhglfgngeror jun migm not monitor sum Ior yenan rs and second two yenr oldrrstrndreeond cow two mars nm inrlgflrldud herd gct or mic Ill Mnlsxelxu my nan1e solnnxhlhuor Ilrst and second or bull onlrf unioLand scniar heller rat ror Jun or ycrrung trst or two year old tilst and second or ï¬rth tgzceoyesur old um ror graded roe Gum say dun rnn erme IInwkorlone hlbllor took irst rur hull angina Ior and renlor help Iyearling dust r1vcuring illst and tilst and second Sgyoghgo yella in rnded herd re ro BcJetDGIgdup gy in prnule stroud ms or car old halt Cyrll Cook or or Itecr calr arugula race In blaming dï¬ï¬‚ch bm hull ln dalry ownr tchle or flag greeikrh pa rm mm cc of Shorthorn EmgllM redIleswkh By Dr wlndrenn Jan best dnlry two year old Icrnnlo in the town shlpr or ran in Hort Frenchy 5° 25mm Cheviot Lamhic Elmvnlc loi nm rormn first and Escgdlzdblibll shearlln run llrst and second run um no second aged ewe first and reennd lheariln second ewe lamb fir and time In arsca dun Stroud wrulnrn Conn Elm stun Hawkestonc Em Cuscaddcn gt gt rErmlJohn nnm Lambnon Cgscaddï¬n John ï¬nneï¬iflui in VieC ca Cid andthlrd John Fennell rccirliii 1m sneerunz eweC Cnrsenuden first and second VWilliaIn Conn see and Ewe LambC Cmcnllden tint And third John For shropshlre pnwnr cm role nx hibltur for rum first and second for uhenrling lamb first an or no lnmhllrrt and regal5 aged Hub lamb und owo anmbtmGnrc bu nowflollgcan BUDGET your Insurance under BUDQET TERM Fire bility and other insurancemlizcov ered in nmopthly payment plan Sqdohtflet his nnual pay ment stop yo from hhving the FULLYCQYERAGE INSURANCE protect all need collRobert closely Vlii nan lo sumr Haifa1th onnt rum LambTalker unocnm um Al 3mg aunt my Been In all szTullr Gllnt um Wright would brnker nranl ant and mi It It ILnd x113 Sell In to Shearling Ramw Home int Ind third John Selle munfl Ill lambwl Keltib Rittle on suudn John selle Aflcd ENDW KMUE Int load Selle no Id 11 tile um souruu ocerI mud Jr John sun second me LambKati Rattle sure sprouts was ny brsedTuhcr Grant nw pen lworm llmMChtvint elas CIrIclddUI But two ewe lamb Shrvplhin or SoulhdovmW mustard Dian Cu Specll lambsW Crgrclgrd Boar barn belore September 1935 Johnstnn linwlellune Boar Dom btiwecn September IVS and March ESQW Jnhntnn Clmldden Jnhnstun Bo born Alter March iBSOC Cuntdd lohnstnn Sec ond and third Saw born re September 1955 glgclddcn Johnston second Ind sow born belw cn Sc ternber I955 Ind Ilarcn lossCamnddin Johnston second and thlrd sow born alter March Im Camndden llrat and second Johnston lnlrd and nurth Bust or lonnrtnn Bert bacon hop gear Er Elmvlle Ina slur Cnnrdlrn Clobest pcn Ive ewa our bncon hersGeorge anrm GRAIN Fall WhentMn Clark era Ilon Donnell Elmvalc Mn at iln zlmvIe barleyMn Clark ClarkeJohn McGnth Eunvnlc Mn ar Onls curlyMrs Clark Red CloverMn Martin Mrs Clark TimothyMrs Clark Don Dcil Will llm Elliot Eimvllc Sweet CloverWilliam Elliot spedla by he sccrctnryor Junior lnrmcr hnst bushel of itcdrlcy DillDun McGnIh Best meal at Rodney OIL Hnwnrd Marlin Bimvnlo ROOTS lrixh Cobbler PatIocsMrs clur lllrr II McGrth John Mc GEml III ooc nrors Cnr ohn McGrat hils Mnrun Thrve swede Turnl stnble uro Mlss Cliltvclgct ramnow reo on crmc it rains Vnsoy GARDEN PMch Twu heads or cabbage whllkwul lam Elliot menhnls Phclpston Mrs an Trace Elmvale huï¬wo hendr cabbage redMr laven Two bonds ennllnowcrw Font Mr vonnuls Six Carrots tableMrs Earl lrnce ponacu Six rurnln beetsMrs 2an Trace Six our sweet cornMn Ian Trace Mn hchrath Six Onionvala Fallla John McGrut Mr Evcnhula Six TomatoesRussell anmlenon Collingwaod John Mcarnth so cucumbersMrrx Robert Martin Mrs Illsey Elmvalc Miss Cnl Verlu Two Vc ctahio MurrcwhDon Bell am race Twn Hu hard SquashMm Ell cryzwlilmvnifl Mn Earl Trace Pie PumpkinsMrs Ritchie Eimvllc Cailccilan of garden reduceMr Evenlluls Mrs gglrgracg Dan Bell McIntosh Reds applcsiiusscll Jam lQSOlI Joan McGra Eimvlic xiour Wealthy ApplesRussell In as Four neucloua ApplesRussell Jam sun Four Nonhern iesRu Jamicaon MrafR Kiyirflnllp e1 rour drum chct AppletRussell Jamlcson Four ngplc any other vurlnty varir etYill namedRussell ielou MF ll 173mgI ml nura crva erya letyRuslill Jamlcson gt Four Pears named varietyRusso vomlesnn Mrs Martin Mrs Thurlow Phelpsion DAIRY Crack oi Dairy ButtcrMrm Rit chie Mrs McGrath MnEBri 51 lb rdl btt vc 503 urnrs Mcgrnalth Mrs CryRJtchlc Mrs rive Ins erenrnery huttcrEimvnlc reamery churning crnam clamMrs 11 Mc Grath Mrs Martln Mrs Trace Elu Mrs Ritchie speel By fClute or best five 1b Viriling tllzluttlilBIldls Ritchigi cernm or mos in classMrs Mchath 11 TUESDAY ocrcaclr 2f CLASSES COMMENCING AT Bnccbrldgc Immune brad run or nntItrs ci ritulchlc Inuit uuun In swam n2°ln is 53 six unelm Bunalr Clark In Robéu Itoeh In blur Mrs laud Six Ibochvhnt lfllit mulfluln Inmn In llishie swaysrm mm Three on three butler lamurn Clark Rllchle Mn luclfl Aann rueurn cun Ian lu lue Ian Martin mum mam Clark Mrs mlealo MB In in um rnm callsMn altoble Kn ertlrl Mn Cllfk Anrel CakeKn Wood Wye arme urn hrl incc Mn it nu Light cake icedIn IIIrun Kn Wood Mn Ilehle Chocolate hicr lakeMn Martin Mrs Ritchie rx curr urn ruled telly rollMrs Clark Mn nuehle Mrs mun rnree vnrlctlu or dmï¬ cochlu Mrr rree Mn Ritchie rs Mnrun Meat Louurn dime arrr minnow Mrs Clark the undyIm nnrreu Mrs Ron mlcble Mn cANNun raurr CherriesMrs cullIr Mn nu Raufherrielllriflartin lira liltch CISwacrrlelMn nltenlelltrs Pennn MW ItI unable urn mo us HumMayalhrtln Kn Clark PuritanMn Ritchie Mrs Clark llitchlc Mn Clnrx Mustard HellerMrs ll Martin hlrn Itltcnle Tornto JulesMn thcnle Mn Clark JAMS AND JELLIBE Crlhlpplc nd grapeMn lmenlo Illa per mm mnck eurr nd rupberry lun Mrs True rs nltonle sperms Mule Baking Powder rlnrle layer Mrs Ear Trace Four Cnmnr Te Room lrult enhrhllln Canada Packer dnmtltic pln and cake co ctltionlec Mn Clark Mrs Malcly 11 won Ca eMrl Clark lilra lutchle Mrs Tra 11701 but Chili Slucchldrs ll Rit mum Nclllon Co Ltd tor heat it nltehle FLORAL Exmans AnnualsDon Boll Calverley Iz blooms Dahlia Mrs George snoliWyc Gladioll live lkuJ sum or Gla loll1 AIrlcan MnrlroldoMrs StoltyMn Mosely French MrrlcoIdsIllrr Darrell Mrs zu Elmvale Mn It Moscly Colleellon or PctunluDnn null Mrs George srou Mrs vnoas mIchle Collection of RoscFMrI nonell Sweet Pensbird llisey StzgrnlnsIldrs Darrell Mn George1 gt hunt or wlld llowursltlra It Martin Mrs cum Vase anuqueiqurs lurey Mn Khurlnw Table centre plceeMrs George Stott Mrs HIsey Housn aegonlnMrs Mnreeuus icy DoliiESflC NBBDbBcRAFr quilt Appliquhalrs Thuriow Mrs WI ma CI Quilt inced cottonMflThllrlow Mrs the le Quilt aw other kindMrs Thur lowMrs ood sch MflWo un woolMrs Darrell Aigilarl knitted or crochetedMrs LlhmllStElnEl Son Cushion crochetedMrs nubcrt Martln TuningMn Darren Mrs Grier WyevIe amnionMrs Thurinw Miss Ilia Cliverley Nccdie pointMrs porrell William Darrell Mrs Earl Trace Dining Table clothMn Lahren stelner Miss Culverley Butte SetMrsEurl Truce Mn Darrell 51 IoscPHs Joy Dunning illocl of Danniid AP BALLET JAZZ AUITORIUlilI roller COMMENCING SAT AND ZEvsRY SATURDAY mission $2 snrummv only clef ruin RESERVATION m5 5¢l100l Falls Canned malariaMrs rlltchle held on Tuesday Sept 25 at Duntroon or the north township area and at Crecmora on Wed nesday Sept 28 for the south 20A Wa nc cnhe comrctitlan First Mn elnrr Tedd Vang 5am dailies be Show Case 11 won byss tehln ldrs Redpath ï¬rntrisplcceMrs ultchle alrs Dor re chocolate layer cnhe IcedMn Basket or Artcï¬7hlrglslarsgirnllm waffémzze mzerZLrl if ge cups towinncrs oi judging Dccantivn Dublin1 Dryuhlg roll Mm amen contest Marion Bryce andIBill nmduh Pravda Mount St Louis nryadale verlny barren crY PruneTM Calvcrlcy Mrs anorgc ThHPOW Tbreobloorns RosaMn pnrreli ThurII Ham Barric Lourheod Fallis Lollflllced nouro plnni In bloomMiss Calver Srflmz Wmale Button holcsMrs Grier thhccd en Mincalng vcrlcy Ruiz hookegdrugs or tiedMtg ul Mrs Mrs Thllrlow Thoma Mrs Campbell Darrell ehlc Mlss Pat Sprint Mn Hire Mn Darrell Steiner Mn Ross Ritchie Vlaclr Centre Silver Magic Aflenwood wyevnle Mount st Archlt cl slietch or the ne Noilawasaga Notiawasaga school airs Were ll Duntroon Special Prizes Eaton Co to high boys manual Church was meeting inst ner challenge cup to schbulwith livestock was TorontmDominion Bank Stay Rose bowl donated bySimpaon urerlunrl clothMrs amen rs Darrell Ten TowelMrs rhurlow Mrs bir But our article made from citation to ars Ltd towlnncr of junior ntcst Eileen Moles Collingwaod Kiwanis Shield to haul winning highest average points perpupil was won by SS thelci dc Sons Stayner chall rillow CaseMrs rhurlow Mrs Patterson huh of 55 Guest awaitMrs Giflcn Mn Dor Dmsscr ScarfMin calvcrlcy Mrs Drmcr SetMrs irnwley Mir Cedar Grove him Mr Kaakcc Elm rowersn Darrell MisICal challenge cuP to winner of sen iur public speakingcontest was won by wally Danet of SS Teddy Vanciséran Wayllc Cosc gloves miredMrs Dorrcll Mrr won gthe merc andiso prizes for ten nncy PunPMrsThnrlow Mrs House coatMn Thurlnw Ladys PylamasMra Al utt Rexdnle Practical ApronMrs drl Mrr Fancy ApmnMn Giflcn Mus Pat zcnmpbeil Wyevnie ï¬ed lockckMrs Gilinn Menr wear work slimMus Cal ghast points Teddy Vanilla the Ceiling oqd Hurd WM ws £12636 3bost1nzbmnvor Housedrm Mrr Darrell Mrs rhurv poultry Hammpnds Giiicï¬ Mrs ColiingWood for best livestock hm no or Mu it was won by Llndn Vanusa eed his 18 or sszon cxh drug store prlze south Fair at cL cmorc Eaton prize to high boy Eld n2 WmM Gm red aowmnn ss 23 high girl Mary BowmanSS 23 Chnppcnge cup donated by To rontthDomiuiou Bank Crecmure to schoolwilh best ah wm of Any other hind shirtl Ba Cal livestock SS 23 socks Irnlcted courseMd Faliia rs Grier Sockak knitted IlneMrr Wood Clmflgn CoverMrs CRitchie are wool iacketMm alum rs anceElmvalc Bablys bonnet nooues muteMrs Hell gt Chlidl pulloverer Mu heed Child VBSEYI brassMrs Vic Campbell DarreIIMrs lhurlnw Cnl cont irom Childs dress with Babys dressMrs mlbuu Babys NightgownMrs nltchie Nb ti Ien wmuer unlo mo Pubs son CushionMn porreu Mg magma IiPIIblelin Falls lasts lSIusiln HesllpCrec Mittaknitled tinFMra Thurlow 002 ing rdl it Mm Crcemore Chetamed set thre piccnsMll Don10 challenge cup donated bypree more Creamery to Winners of ludg Dre from nldaémlenBi ing contest DiunneRaIllhIrdSS Challenge cup donated by Seed Co Creemore recitation on cup donated by etel id Creemorer Fublic svï¬ik Elizabeth Tilden old grrment 14 Ray Emarton SS 14 Decks Hare Mrs Doggï¬fungMr school mug highest average points per pupli SS23 To boysor girl winnlngvlnghcst Mumrord Shield Childs PyjamasMrs lGliIefl Mn number of points$5 in merchan Enya antsMrs Ritchie Article made with thenhiya Rit To pupilhaving best at poultry fléshllght or equivnlL disc by Freethys Hardware K1tchen Apron from mnna shirt MarvaOVfllllli SS 23 Mrs Imehle Mrs Grler Exhibit Lenther goods tooled or carved eggdonated by Mays Hardware Any other handicrnnMls mm Creemore Eldred Bowing23 vwx SpeclniTEbenczer croulnnaVnn Glrla amendking Club Special Tu pupil having stlivestcck alas SourIn New mun exhibit pen and pen Ii set donas tedbyrHcslips Drugstore Mar Lom cmfld garct Metheral Creelnore NlAg 2b E71 vv Ennnnudnnrsmrcnnmn 33 ï¬nd me me man Council on Holiday In disturbed linked the emitter purchase at more parking met ers and upfnr dllcunlou MordAnd More latest traillc commuted report rei commended the purchase at Duncansltillcr Parking me This In quicklylollowed by an amendment from the chnirnun all that committed Alderman Harry Hichic requesting thepurchase of 285 VAlderman iiarhhly said ha had been talking to man at some Contract Néw VEinlnallllcl Baptist Churchrsiwardedio EmeryCo Thc cbntract for the new Eln Baptist awarded to the EmeryEIIgineer ing and Contracting Co Ltd at congregational week The contract price is$114 11951 Totaigcost oi the project including iuruishings and equip mcnt will be $150000 The announcement was made by the pastor of the church Rev NullmeyEr Construction is tahsgin immediately with oc cupancy inthc lateapling oi 1957 The newchurch will accommo date over 500 it includes an education wing whichalong with lower dltoriumwill accum modate bleachool ot ovcr400 The churchds also completely equipping modern nurscry ior 15 babies Thebolldlng which is expected luhe the most modern church ediï¬ce in Barrie is being built orl lhc wmt side of St Vincent Street between Pcnetang and CM ringtonatrecls The congregation is presently usilig VCodringtou School Auditorium tor Su day services Theold church on Collier Street which harbeeu purchased by the Emcrylcompany will continue tube used inrwéelr day services untili the new build lug is completed Architccta for tllenevvkchurch were Hankssndlrwin of Temple uperlencc in the matter who was oi the opinion that meters with penny nickel and dim slots were not satisfactory The man could work them with wire Alderman Robert Gold was of the opinion that the town had enough parking meters or the time being Alderman VWil liamt said he would like to see these meters operating under Wm ter conditioning before any more were purchased Alderman Mciurk sug gcdited that the cowldrainer was tryng to get some ng latcomp lished through the backdoor which the council would not ap prpvc thraugh the front door Reevc Willard Kinzie put torwnrd an amendment to the amendment that tenders should be called lor the 265 meters Alderman Michic said You are going to have split decision three ways and we are going to lose out on this rcpanTthe is no need to call for tenders have the invited tenders on my file Put to the vote the amendment to the amendment was lost Thc amendment to the report was alsa lost and the council iinully approv ed the purchase of 200 Duncan Mille meters The Old Post Olfice Two letters were received from Julian Ferguson MC MP rcdpcct ing the Old Post Office and as result the Council is to make alirmolier of $15000 for the building to Crown Assets Dispos al Corporation Coupledwith this and backed by the Chambercf Commerce is move to approach the ONE or the removal of the freight sheds at Barrie and the ultimate transfer ancc at the Barrie station tn Al landale Thus would more parking spllzcc down town he made avail Special speed Restrictions The Board of Police Commis sioncrs have advised against the implimcntlng oi the requestol lug residents bf Strahanc Avenue for rcducti speed limit in that area because of the children They have however recommended the erection of Playground Arca signs Does Not Smoke LnngEnough Because oi complaints rcc ved respecting lhcnnokeirom the chimney oleorrisDliryv police have k3thch observation and report to council that at no time duringtho observationwu any intrinsement at thcnuokc by law seen The bylaw Inakuiit on ailenccto emit black smoke or more than six mlnuterin the hour The police reported that thelong est time that they saw was iaur minutes lt Mobile Homu comprehensive bylaw bu been drawn up rcgulaiinglhe establish ment and conduct of mobile horns parks in Barrie This received at pruvai of council on Mondiy it covers every aspect Automatic Signal Crossing ihc council are altering no ub jeclian to the proposed change ov or by the CNR ol the crossing gates at Essa Road from manual to automatic signal crossing with gates provided the town isnot required to pay any cost oiinstal latiun or maintenance Coupled with this was the re cummcndatlon oi the tratiic com mittee that there should be no leltvlurn from Essa Road on to Gowan Street The reason for this is to obviate the possibility of car being held on the crossing when train ls caming The aug gcstion received Council approval Lowcst Costs suggestion from Alderman Puddison at previous meet ing that bad planning of truck use on jobs raised the cost of municipal jobs brought written reply mm Large public works director in which he gave the lollowing cumparativc figures to show that Barrie costs for ma in public works were the low es These figures are from left tor Barrie Guelph Kitchener and Owen Sound Sanitary $323 $400 $400 $450 Scwcrh 14 walks $211 $750 $240 $250 his $3 in 00 00 250 The cost figures are or tool ruu pporscr WHAT uou OWN msmes BU PHONE 233 INSRA 18 COLLIER STREEI TAGMATcH cownov BILLY ffTHlf MIGHTY scilu vsksus SONNY gov CAsleY LITTLE slit SPECIAL din