Glue7 in GM mungnu guild QUEEEBDSPWSW Encouragement mm15 unKencouldnnwmn zwunuensutdm moil Mï¬ï¬ï¬ Ind Ken Pieced Cotton QIIilt Ensign MIrllyn Moore Hooked Gregory MIL Clinton ShopptnzBuS nd WI new GeorgeprnMn Ken GouldnlluiWool RugJim Norman wm Work hmhnn Kan Gould Mu nguuighto mim nnle we Wilma1 Gillan Appliqquuiitynghby Hrs Ken Gould Hooked BR Barrie Table Centre nun we MincsinzNVl Mn Clintonlngln Rn lluCoulsou WI MnAlvln ltunl MogulMn udrltnednxWow titulotook anth prize tflkinc entrya nmed Ill mounted horsel head in Milcopper winners in the units elm oméOxéfrurse BizMrs lien Gould udyrledrunmn gt 00 no on lidWnflknold Glad RR Rayner Mrs Thomas Hare Toot cdWlllstHnel Stanford Mrs Thomas Hare Mrs Donald Fergu sonLadys Curved PurseMrs Donald Ferguson Mralhomu Hare Marilyn SiroudllR Stay ner CIrvodWnlletMr Thom as Harmluellstanlordr Barbara Forgie lllt Stlyner Carved Key Cue and Change Purse Mrs Thom Hare Huelstanturd Mrvsmmxld Ferguson Carved or Steamed BeltHaul Stnnfnrd Mrs Donald Ferguson Mrs Tho muHara New idea in Leather Article Hazel Stanford Mrs Donald Ferguson Mrs TthIB Hare Gloves Mrs Thomas HareMrs Gordon Caldwell Shall iy Buy METAL CRAFT Mrs Shelp nl Minesing won second prize for her entry on attractively decorated alumin urn tray WOODWORK LampMrs Ken GouldMrs GeuraeIOrr gt There were no entries in the ceramic section NEEDLECRAFT Mrsunld and Mrs Mae Greg ory 241 Hayï¬eld SL wpre top exhibitors in the neediecralt class Mrs Gould almost swept the show with eight thus 10 sec onds and our thirds but Mrs Gregory was strong competitor with six firsts four seconds and Ihree thirds Other his prize winners in the class were Mrs ll FSutherland of Strand with ï¬ve ï¬rsts and third Mrs Wilma Giifen of Mill esing with two ï¬rsts twosec onds and live thirds Minesing womens institute with three ï¬rststho seconds and third Mrs Orr with two ï¬rsts four seconds and three thirds and Coulson Womensg Institute with modflrsLs two seconds and Stroud womens institute and Napier 78 Burton Aveq etl Mrs Catherine Meiton RR Shanty Bay MfElW00d Bone of Thornto Pat Sprinsof Wye Avale Norman Willoughhyot Stroud Mrs Howard Grier of Wyevale Mrs Max Craig oi Crafï¬hrrst Miniswiclk Worngns ns ueMrs encs Shana an an Barrie MrsGordon Cald H2 Per 99° thanjailer before nthullfFords fdmoise iiordv first in headroom retained to offer big car Wheelbase em in gt Itshere now gtthe ï¬ncstrFyordhf all timcwith the rites sections hi th 1a swecping changes in all Ford history 0N FAIRLANM Bab SeFM we mm It tool revolution in dcsxgn to make pqssrhle Fords newlqw alstolis Women lnstiTnte Mrsl gt gt gt tomeground styling for 57 These lithe and iovelyf57 Fords are Ken Gould Childs Sweater Mrs Catherine Melton Mrs wood BoneyMrs utherlxnd their ï¬eldrlonger then many mediuinpn models Theyre up xi dhh tth ustas Ad it to inches loner tooa scant shoul er Ig yer ares ms In the TEQrd actually up to 9ihcheslongérthani thebiggest cars in ION CUSTOM Launch headroom and legroarnes ever ism Evans mCentre Stf Mens Work Socks Mrsrltn Sutherv Fords longer lower silhouette has been dressed up in high stylet and Mrs 21 ton Faganth 111 love the modern flairthe gtaoéful sweepthe £66519 Moonstone Mra Wilma Qiften gt2an superstarFania end Fulriunl Saamodols however Mens Fancy SeeksMrs ll 17 gallongcUstom and Cï¬slom 300modelcovcr1674 feet long 11 Of this MW kind 0f Ford You um 91583110 or Performance that made Fwd ma1wderVNow Ford ï¬e an Pï¬ï¬ï¬ 18 breathIaklng models inclildlhg5 brandnew slurian wagons gt new Chmm mmxthe L°°k °f T°m°n°w WVCWWHEHQ bmndn¢w VTBsLfnlhe lBOilp 0rd VS thanHp Thu third 39 WW Mm ClhimnFfl Twolungs wheélbdses far greater lehglh lowness mid new kind ofyrnagiclyoull discover whchflyoudrivej the and the ntighty new 24 Hp Thunderh dSpectal V78 all EBB Mrs Child gt ol Fordfor57 starts with the newlnncr Fordï¬nrovedg otthernlqadcd with new engineeringadvancementsiAnd Caaedas iThisisth sVVSI leadership an the new kind of Ford for157 brings yon evenymort of the krndot Sutheb vfv in on At its very foundation IS revolutionaryiltlndiuf chassis ncwcst SIXthe 57 ll Makeris aeallabl 35333 tinge gt gdierggliflzgzzggg0uldln newconlburédtirmï¬s innit aï¬lllfoot wider miawayl an VCustorn 300 unwell and invthrse Popular itati wa nslr LllleGAccEsEOIgIgSGWOOM Dramatienew cantédtailï¬ns gt gt gt gt New thinner raoflinéssweptbackwfndshields New supgrrhin 6211er posts on sedanshr mlé jhgrdmp laak gt IV clefhbrlcs ihsideel2n claim 10 curefar mag 00 Cm uma NéwSaflly urvvedlinslrurizeistpanelwuh recessed controls hWChéiOwfl Disks Newest ï¬nest yawan mg nfa ealI driving easier agild walflslcelggery NewLiï¬gnordshfety New Autom Doorman opénlng nudeusing rear doors New cowl vehlilation for fresher cl gt new Silver Anniversary Va eng New more 13mm Mileage Maker Sixk New wqtehcaolgHFdrdoIriaiicDrive New Sungï¬ller air clemenhéw dispose ollï¬ller gt Révalï¬thnary richflame aï¬eriafpat widerr New EvehKeelrelzr mspension arid 4way1iiglcPaf from sdspensldnbr asaflzrsafe rid New aï¬uhypaid axlelznd tapered rt rhqï¬ ï¬‚osribleFnrdfsrl Iawlpgrquud Mollymore ngivfadlures thatpui Find wholeera ahead