SIMCOE COUNTY WOMENS INSTITUTES installed their new area executive at the annual c6nvention here last week Oiiicers for coming year are Front row left to right Mrs Wanda iiier or Gravenhurst past presu ident Mrs Campbell of Stroud 2nd vicepresident Mrs Kelis RR Coilingwood lst vicepresident Mrs Lane Coidwater president Miss Dorothy Smith oi Crecmore historical research and current events con vener and auditor Mrs Stan Cranston oi Stayner citizen ship and education convener and auditor Mrs 0t gtMfld can to ion be mm ColumnOct to Hostess Mn MervinJuia Roll call Nurse treplece turn my achoal reader Mrs Clinton Faun la oonvener There will be reading and prize or the beat Thanksgiving uhlcten EadyOa 10 Community Hill Ball call recollection your earliest teacher Convener Mn Ike McFarland Fromm in eludes dis lay of girlx 4H Club Mrs Bulbeck Roll call Agriculture board Book row left to right Mrs Ward Goodieliow or Mlneslng representative to FWIO board Mrs Murray Johnston of Goldwater junior work convener Mrs George Johnston of Mlnesing museum convener Mrs James Bell arr2 ColdvIater resolutions convener Mrs Jack MacPherson oi Orillia community acttzlties and public relations convener Mrs Douthwaite RR Stayner secretary Mrs Beverly Walker Goldwater home economics and health group is Mrs HE Dunn ot agriculture and Canadian industries convener oonvener Missing trorn thc Alliston who was reelected Favero tawny oi Barrie representative on the Federation at Gilford Institute Members Will Take illinery Course The first meeting ot the tail of Giliord Womens Institute was held on Tuesday evening Sept at the home of Mrs Grenville Hughes litter the minutes and reports from standing commit tees the members were ormcd that short course on Mi ncry would be given Jan 22 to 24 Mrs John Hughes was appoint ed to lead the 4H homcmuking club for this year The theme is to be Being Well Dressed and Groomcd The meeting was in charge of Mrs William Sturgeon convcncr ot the committee on agriculture and Canadian industries Mrs Ernest Bell gave talk on the pressnng need for conservation and renewing renewable natur XESOUKCCS interesting paper The Romance of Broom and Miss Aileen Gardiner conducted an oral game Lunch was sewed by the host 85585 CUndlesMembers Tour Museum After September Meet Members at Cundies Womens institute hold their September meeting at the home of Mrs El mcr Wiggins Mary Street Roll call was answered by way to postpone old age Mrs Carruthcrs reported that each member of the June grade class at Cundles had been pre sented with wallet by the inst Itute The quilt made by the members had been sold millincry course is to be held at the home of Mrs Ferris on was decided to order greeting cards The remainder oi thehuslness meeting was given over to plan ning the air booth at the Barrie exhibition Following lunch served by Mrs Ottaway the members had the pleasure at tour of the WI Musv eum Thedcvelopment of this project reflects much credit on the Womens Institutes each member felt its present curator showed greatdeal of insight and appreciation In her work The branch is looking forward to visit from Mrs George Ottaway in the near tuture TecWeGwi Branch Delves Into the Past The September meeting oi Tec Werill Womens institute was held at the home of Mrs Douglas Wilcox with 31 members and eight visitors present The president Mrs Louise Houghton was in the chair and Mrs Mary Love was in charge of the current events and historical Something Grandmother did that am glad dont have to do The motto was Our heritage ls lrom the past and responsibility or the future Mrs Neale of Thornhili the speaker showed slides of anti ques Lunch was served by the has toss and committee North Simcoe WI Branches Begin fall Activities COLDWATER North Simcoe Womcna institute branches have entered upon lull round oi all activities highlight of In stitutc proceedings was the area convention in Barrie where Mrs RLane oi Coldwater was elected president for 195657 Meetings of North Simcoe branches in October have been arranged as ioiiows Goldwater SrOct Hostess Mrs Jack Walker Roll call Places Worth Visiting In On tario Members will hear an ad dress by Jack Tipping on impres sions gained on recent trip to Europe and the British Isles work and dr babies EbenezerOct la Hostess Mrs Jones This baa been de slgnated birthday meeting and members are asked to bring guest prcicrablya grandmother Roll call memory otlmy grandmother There will be potluck supper and ringsong GrenardOct 10 Hones reason or preservation at wild life Mrs Bianey convencr of agriculture and Canadian in dustrles la in charge the pro gram HilladalcOct 30 Hostess Mrs Drennan the best thing that has happened to me this ycilr Program is but cd ouhome economics andheaith and each member is to provide two minutes entertainment HobartCnrleyOct 10 line toss Mrs Balkweil Roll call Where was marrin and name the minister Coidwatcr Junior branch will be entertained There will be games and prizes JarrattCreightonOct Hos tess Mrs Percy Leahcy Roll call handy dish to leave or mans supper neighboring branch will the entertained and there will he demonstration or tell work MeldulOct Hostess Mrs Verne Rumney Convener Mrs Herman Robinson Roll call Somethng new for breakfast There will be speaker iromthc Childrens Aid Society and qucs tion box Each member is asked tolhrlng an apron iorvan apron SI Moonstone0d 31 Hostess Mrs Kent Dunlop Roll call What enjoyed best at the tall ialrs There will be visit train the district president North Rivermet Hostess Mrs James Boiyea Roll call characteristic of good citizen In charge oi the citizenship pro gram are Mrs Bolyca and Mrs Shaw Speaker wiiibe Millard oi Goldwater VaseyOct Hostess Mrs George Hawke Roll call The most neighborly act bestowed on by Day with gills Roll call What is 21 will be on serving comm WarmlnaieréOct 11 Orange Hail The necuion la Grand mhen Day and greatesti ia oween rank an Goldwaterp will be the WaubauahcnoOct l1 Roll call Ditierent types at apples There will be speaker tor short course onhat and per no homo economic and th Heart Diseases Topic of Nurses Address to WI Hollows Womens institute met this month II the home 01 Mrs Phil Wright There were 13 mem bers preterit As the president Mrs Carr was unable to attend the chair was taken by Mrs Rumble Roll call was How can we keep healthy stats of mind Mrs Rumble read report of the directors meeting in Cooks 2m Mrs Wright convcncr oi health and home economics Wins in charge at the program song was allowed by comments on the motto by Mrs Wright Happb Fess comes from giving not hav ng The branch was honored in hav mg supervisor at nurses train the Simcoe County iicaith Unit Miss Gillespie as speaker She gave an interesting and inform ative talk on heart troubch the physical kindl Members learn ed what to do and especially what not to do in cases at heart at tacks Miss Gillesplealso gave de monstratim on artitlclal respir ation by the Holger Neilson me thod Mrs Art Wright acted as patient Mrs Rumble thanked the spark er and presented her withn small grit oi appreciation on behalf oi the members Mrs Evans entertained with her accordion and Mrs Wright read short article Take Time Out to Live followed bya can test conducted by Mrs Wright and won by Miss Gillespie Lunch was served by the hos toss and lunch committee ce RECORD MANUFACTURE The Canadian manutacturing Industry in 1955 set newrecord highs in value of shipments earn lngs of employees and costo£ ma terials total employment Was lNSiIliNTL FOR THE FIRST TIME higher than in 1854 but lower than in 1953 wrmyAxwrea gum ac names WENBSDAT SEPT Mrs Joy Armstrong Heads Lady Golfers Mn Joy Armatrong unselected president at the idler aeolian ot the Barrie Country Club at the annual meeting at the club house onMonday evening she entered Mn Ray Livingston 0iher members of the new ex ecutive are Miss Beatrice Mc Quade vicevpresldenl Mrs Frank Boyer captain Mr Harry Young viceuptain Mrs Rosa Hickllng secretary Mrs Jack have trees urn Mrs Currie handicap manager Mrs Corby social convener Mrs Smith county delegate and Mrs lrcd Anderton publicity convener mixed cribbage party is be Ing held at the country club on Wednesday evening Oct begin ning at 880 oclock Anyone wish ing to play cardgames other than cribbage is invited to attend The ladies aection is hoping tor an other largo turnout The last par tywas enjoyed by close to players WAsiieA BEACH HARNESS RAcEs THANKSGIVING Wauga Beach sixth annual Thanksgiving Day harness race meet with lull field of North western Ontario horscs will be in action for eight big events on Monday Oct Alv maer sun In Home PA cam EFFECTIVE MONDAY AYFIELD rRoero FOODS CUNoLEs IA 32514 WILL BE owrmn AND OPERATED BY MR MRS Il TAYLOR The former owner Mr item of Barrie IndDlstrict ior Llileyhviahcs to thank the jar their patronage during the past three and onehaiflyears and it is hissincere wish that you will extend the some courtesy to the newproprietora YOUR FIGURE MEASURES SIZES SUMMER Goldwater irDct Hostess research rogram Miss Kathleen Galbraith Roli December and with class Roll call was answered by ot not more than 12 members it wm éflATlENs ruMMv IstENnEIuZEs HIPS heros Magic lathe DoubIEIZipperI GIRDLE Wishfull Opening Double Zipper for Easy No Poll Nolug NoStrain Dressing Double zipup givosdBUble tummv conlrï¬slims ï¬che ofl waist and hips Nothing compares with Wrooolono OI molding your body into procolul flowing lines SIX AMAZING NEW ADJUSiABlE FEATURES combine to give you customill partecllonIhs comion and beauty oI custommode garment Fullopeninq zipper conslruclion assures wraparound Ill and freedom never below possible Youll look taller and slimmal Wear the Wrodovonq iusl once voul never be satisfied with anything else bvStrideEze Mrs Gordon Knecshaw read an MASTERPIECE or gerLINc Marconi AND DEPENDABILVITYQ MASTERPIECE oriELEcrRoNlc ENGINEERING Marconi yLIFETESTED TELEVISION LiteTesting an exclusive Marconi development means that the bugs liable to appear in any TV set are eliminated hetore your Marconi TV Vv is installed in your home Yougct trouble tree performance from the very flrsI BRILlJANT PICTURE TRUE SOU ND EXQUISITE DESIGN Gracious contemporary styling combineswith advanced electronic achievement to make Marconi Masterpiece TV the standoutbuy for 19537 uttering sightandsound oi unequalled beauty completely dependable performance cabinets that are created and crafted smoothly lntotany decorative scheme See try and youll own Master piecel customs 9195 Top quality televisionireceivcrsat price anyolie can afford This modern styled series features such extras as pushbutton control lighted channel in dicator recessed top controls Irs HERE AT tasrl Nrwgsr tArrer For than time you can hflVOIhlyrbthlllI comforland daylo suppe credible power elastic grlveI and sIgroteIlos you sit bend atnch Youllenloy nnmotc ad so and comic at on york and vein lrs New at lonyoli eonirlston fabulous 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