Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Sep 1956, p. 9

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rrornnnanar3 tations to her vey Wilkinson ram am 21 use Country szdedownn 352 25 By JANE mos Womens Editor Western Hoedown is the entertainment slated for Bar rle Country Club members this weekend On Saturday even ing following corn roast there will be square and round dancingin the club house lounge Events getunderway at nine oclock and there will be floor show at 930 and Sing song Featured performers will be the ever popular Sod Bustersfi from Stoufiville complete with call er Dress is jeans and plaid shirts Cribbage Party The first cribbage party of the golf club season on Wednesday evening attracted crowd of close to sixty card players Competition was keen with no less than six indies tied for first prize and five men sharing the top honor spot Mrs Currie lost out on prire by being in sixth place but the first five lad iesMrs Gordon Miller Mrs Ernie Bell Mrs Norbert Moran Mrs Roy Smith and Mrs Ross Hicklingwent home with nwards The prizewinning men were Gor don Miller Roy Smith Robby Robinson John Ough and Norbert Moron Another crib party is planned for the evening of Wednesday Oct starting at cighithirty oclock Field Day Winners While on the subject of the golf club two of the players who won prizes in the ladies field day were not mentioned in the story on Wednesdays sport page Mrs Thompson won the ninehole pluyers low gross and Mrs Hugh Gibson won the ninehole low net Tall Miss qurie One of the Miss Barrie com petition entrants Miss Rose Agius appeared in print slightly larger than she is in the flesh In the feature story about the young MalteseCanadian beauty that ap peared in recent issue of The Examiner she was described as five feet ten inches tall Cor rection Rose Is fivefoottwo one of the shortest competitors in the beauty contest next Saturday night at the Barrie Fair Bridal Entertainments Before her marriage last Siiltlf day in Central United Church to Lloyd Pcarsail the former Cath erine Wilkinson was entertained atTmisCellnneous showers by Mrs Jory and Mrs Bert Cald well Miss Thelma Pearsall and Miss Barbara Perkins The teachers and staff of rim crest School where the bride has been member of the teaching staff and the members of Central United Church CGIT of which she has been leader made presen The brides mother Mrs Har enterlnincd at an afternoon and evenlngtca in PICTURE OF THE WORLDS MOSIlf COMFORTABLE SHOE Itsthe fashionconscious Logrolleréthe only casual classic in alltbe World flawless piece of soft upper leather Walk aoftly as no slices or all walk lightlywalk honor of her daughter before the wedding Presiding at the tea table were Mrs Harriet Roe of Oriilin grand mother of the groom and Mrs Caldwell and Mrs lory Mrs Wilkinson received the guests with her daughter and Mrs George Pcarsail mother of the groom and Mrs Stephen And runyk of Kingston sister of the groom Tea assistants were Mrs Don ald Spencer and Miss Anita Wilk inson of Toronto sisters of the bride and Miss Thelma Peursnll of Toronto sister of the groom all of whom were bridal attend an Mr and Mrs Pearsail enter tained at their home 117 Burton Avenue after the wedding relt hearsai Wedding Guests Among the outortown esis at the CummerGraves wedd ng in Oshawa last Saturday were Mr and Mrs Charles Graves and Donald Graves Mrs Doreen King Mr and Mrs Lewis Graves Graves Mr and Mrs Wallace Graves Mr and Mrs Mears Mr and Mrs MurdockStewart Mr and Mrs Wayne Stewart Mrs Gladys Vair and Jerry Vnir Mr and Mrs Ronald Butson and Tim my Butson Mr and Mrs George Miles and Miss Karen Miles Mr and Mrs Melvin Robertson Mr and Mrs Albert Henderson Mr and Mrs Russell Harris and George Harris Miss Ruth Harris and Miss Edna Harris of Barrie Mr and Mrs Crawford Mr and Mrs Maw and Mrs Henry of Mineslng Mr and Mr Victor Scott Mr and Mrs W1 iam Lomas Mr and Mrs Wil Iinm Carr Mr and Mrs Gordon Carr and Mr and Mrs Percy Briggs of Penetaiiguishene and Mr and Mrs Ernest Craig Mr and Mrs Ted Rex and Mr and Mrs Donald Elgie of Orlllia Entertained Before Wedding Before her marriage last Sntur day in St Georges Anglican Church at Oshawa toArnoid Bruce Cummer of Port Credit the former Donna Louise Graves was enlertainedby several Barrie and Oshawa friends Miss Marie Harris who was one of the bridal attendants held miscellaneous shower in her ban or at her home in Barrie and Mrs Wilson Scott of Oshawa was hostess at miscellaneous show er in the brides honor attended by girls of the office staff of the Werner Company of Canada Barrie 1955 contest being spon sored at the fall exhibition of the Barrie Agricultural Society by The Examiner had anoariy con nection with this newspaper Sheila Stephens of 62 Shirley Avenue who celebrated her 17th birthday on Sept is now glamorous teenager buta few years back she was carrier the only girl on the staff at the time She delivered Examiners on her bicycle along the Parkside Drive Sopbia StreetSunnidole Road route before entering arrie Dis trlct Collegiate lnatitu where she is now in Grade 12 Sheila is one of three collegiate students entered in the beauty contest One of her schoolmates who is also aspiringto the Miss Barrie title iSyenrold Evelina Ricci Grade 10 student ls ex cited atthe moment ahoutithe thought of eheerleading at the first football game of the season next week Pretty petite Evelina WIBIVQSH beerleaderlast year by her fellow students Both Sheila and Evelina work in the summer time and after school but after that theirvinter ests vary Sheila tail blue eyed honey blonde like clothes and is more interested infashion than anything else She was jun ior commentator at the home lo is Limited The company staff presented the bride with wardrobe case School Board Chairman Wi Addrefss PTA St Marys Parent Teacher As sociaiion is holding its first meet ing of the fall season on Tuesday Sept 25 at 830 pm at St Tos ephs Auditorium Dr 1M Grassland chairman of St Marys school board will discuss Taxes and School Grants The teachers wrlivbe introduced and parents will have an oppor tunity to chat with them over cup of coffee the Ryerson Institute of Technol ogyl baby sitting and reading English also shown talent for oratory lnGrade 10 winner in the Lions Club orator ical finals at the school Her sub jecH Lilly Dache wrote to the famous hat designer for information for Sheilas talk and she sent the young student gorsage to wear on competition 83 photographyshe belongs to the collegiate camera club and to swim and ski Stephens shehas one brother Richar attchding collcgi Evelinas interests centre aroun dshqins and ter to States She also likes horses and SHEILA STEPHEN One of the entrants in the Misseconomics department fashion show at the collegiate lastyear and is planning on taking task and beauty culture course at Right now she does lot of her favorite subject She has she was top prize Her mother Sheila is also interested in likes Daughter of Mr and Mrs Earl year der who is also ivis Presley gt lar reco coll tor ShedlS forher idols latest pla come in from the United namu Au soul would like to go riding some day ltalianCanadian girl came to Bar rie less than 10 years ago when her father railroader was moVA ed here with the Canadian Na tional Railways She is the dough ter of Mr and Mrs Michael Ricci 15 Burton Avenue Scbool she used to be interested in dancing and took top and hal let lessons from Mrs Isobel Hob son of the Allandale Dancing time modelling career but she is planning on more than that After completing high school tends to take special commer EVELINA RICCI clal course and become score Born in Capreol the young tary Tiny in stature she is soft latin hunty with her light olive skin and dancing hazel eyes Her brown hair worn ina short gamin cut is naturally wavy Evelina is 52 tall and weighs 113 pounds She wears size nine dress Her measurements are hust 33 waist 23 hips 35 Sheila is 55lé tall and wears size 12 dress She weighs 120 pounds Her bust waist and hip measurements are 35 24 35 She wears her blonde hair in student at The Joan Garrick School of Evelina wouldnt mind part she in blue eyes and her wide friendly grin PLANT HEDGE ORDERWNOWI on up srmna snnun son nu naps5 ALSD CANADAS runsr cowunln DAMIEN 017ml BROOKDALEKINGSWAY NU RSERIES In III In Salli 0min fleWMfieukfihifieltuéfitth 945 an Junlor Intermediate long bob Sheilas most striking features are her iongvlashed large flTUB PROBLEMS to Barrlea Local Excllnlu Farrier who makesend sells for only LARGE slimmer ro canons room WiiiiiiliS PiliiS Baum ToaoNro 25 avatar or Be airlnr Remodelling Cold storage Clamlns BEASONABLS rmcas SATISFACTION GUARANTEED it iPAINI YOUR thisis how it looks Planting time ishere for the flowers that srowin the spring By SANDLER oI Bmlon that wraps your foot in one large shipment so you can still colortui tulips daffodils hyacinths etc But see us soon while Holland Bulbsuppiies aresfnplsl Wejust received VI sleet your favorite varieties colorfu home in your no othood with topH LHousePaIm HARDWARE 134ESSA ROAD DEAGLE HARDWARE membrane smear URRY BROS 36 aAymnnsrnnfaT 2mian um Wait until p111 and if your carrier has notyarrived thencall 34 PA 433 And Copy Will Be Delivered ro Yourfidln Yr roa HIS pm Plan to Attend Diocesan Service Alf SUNDAY serrations 23 less BURTON AVE UNITED CHURCH Minister Rev Trinible 35 no Mr Daniels Organist SUNDAY SEPTEMBER confess 945 LapSUNDAY senoor coirBEGINan um 11 MORNING WORSHIP SUNDAY SEflmER 23 use ll 7psxiagWhat DoWe Want in 10 up Hbllyjlniied Chard EVERYONE WELCOME t5==l liftrm CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH noble and Toronto diesCecil BrennBA Mr Warren Maelean SUNDAY SEPTEMEER 231958 nun VIIEV II SANDERS BA Chairman of Simcoe Presbytery and Minister of th Churchill JUNIOR CONGREGATION CHURCH SCHOOL nnd Senior Departments 11 ampBeginners and Primary Departanentl nunEVENING WORSHJPIV REV II SANDERS 815 panegnu Peoples Rev ruin Field of Angus wiu speak on the subject THE BOY AND GIRL RELATIONSHIP See You in Church Im The Salvation Army Citadel 60 Collier Street Major and Mrs Robert White SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 21 1956 10150PEN Am 11 In HOLINEBS DEETING 230 tumCOMPANY MEETING 615OPEN AIR pmSalvatlon Meeting Broadcast CKBB Bright Happy Singing Good Gospel Messages All are welcome to make the Army their Church home SAINT EORGES sauna new NewtonSmith BA or anlst Mrs SHAW ATCM ca irleadcrMrs 11 Srnetburst aimnow connumonl slurMORNING PRAYER SUNDAY scnoon Witness Toronto am your moons mzl cnmsrnn scan Services Sunday School Maple Leaf Gardens 11 armREALITY 10m rnun awn MALL 29 High Street Barrie gt TRINIT ans ANGLlCAN MISSION 95 Cook Street oswemomHnAmr Sermo REV Bean 930 amHunior Sunday Sehool The Minister at both services sUnitcd Church Méet From Generationto Gederntio Sacrament of infant Baptism pmIlie Buls of Success BJSYoung Peoples Society Angucan SI ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN cuuscn Owen and Worsley Sta aev JAMES rsaousou Mlniater CLARKE Mos nae moi Organist and Cholrnnster mane Sacrament of the Lords Supper um 100 lamThe Chnrch schoOI for all ages coats TO cannon ESSA ROAD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister nay mum nA organist ME FRANK BUTCHER sum serrations 23 945 nrch School Ages and up urnNursery am Kindelllmll 11 am Everyone Welcome 21 COLLIER sr umrso Minister Rev Lewis MAID Ofllnilt and Cho Lloyd Tufford SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 93 1956 11 LillaMORNING SERVICE 0n becoming and reniaininga Christian Broadcast cxao run cannon scnoor 945 an Junior Intermediate and Senior Depts 1100 aml5renuraery baby su ting Nursery Kindergarten and Departments The Evening Service will be next Sunday Sept sumptian of Standard time gi 30 with the rigs Welcome TRINITY CHURCH 24 Collier EL SEPTEMBERVZS TRINITY 800 lm HOLY COMMUNION 930 munMorning Prayer Sermon The Revlohn Riddel Church Nursery Senior Sunday School 1100 ahaEvery Member Visit Service MR LAYMAN THE REV READ Church Nursery Junior Sunday School 700 pmSAID EVENSON =TA I==l FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Clapperton St at Worsloy REV LUCK Mao Minister mss amtva Organist andVChoirlMder SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 231958 950 InfSUNDAY SCHOOL 11 an pm by the Goldbn Circle Song Service Club 1015 am59m Sum Convention of Ontario and Quebec mij commonerer cannon of The Christian and Missionary Alliance CORNER BEECH Donor STREET EAST Clientnnl valentine Pastor REGEULARIASERYICEB In Please oto Change Time EMMANUEL BAPTIST FELLOWSHIP OF EVANGEIJCAL BAPTISTS REV Emlng ANNULLMEYEnyPASlOR 945 nanBible School lCongréxatlonal Meetln LatestNew Our Building

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