16 ma mum EXAMINER may am me GRENFEI Juliy Day Service The Sunday School will join with the congregation on Sunday Sept 23 at ll oclock for the Rally Day service Sunday School at 10 oclock Georges Anglican church Osh awa BrideTlvBe BriaM Ilia Donna Graves of Oshawa September bridetobc was en tertained last Saturday evening at miscellaneous showerat the home of Mr and Mrs Russell Harris by Marie Harris and Ma BOND nelptns with ma Clark Thompson lefon Wed nesday to help with eharveat in Saskatchewan gt Plane To Mn 11 Broderick aecompanled his daughter Mrs Cecil Brethat enchrer The Swambermgtiu ll be theatre rum while thenceunher meeting to be beldjat Simone Manor atBcoton when trutwlll be their for all the patientIla was Meeting the September meetlnzot the rte Vair About 25 were present to extend their best wishes Weekend Vlalt Guests At weddine Mr and hire Russell Harris of Thaiatomic vhlunc bu owe wars was held at the church on dlushler Mm Willi Broderick Thursday with an attendance at in Edmonton lhey travelled by ls Mrs Glassford presidedThe Pline 1mm Hilton mecting opened with hymn and Marie Edna Ruth and George at Crawford Ellis spent the weeks tended the SummerGraves wedgend at Guelph with his brothers ding Saturday Sept 15 at SLllhonlu 1nd willer Ems You CAN no IT YOURSELF WITH THESE W0 new FLOOR SANDERS designed especially for home owners MlllllI Your meritorious roll lllnlllc ll new Silillllitl now THE DEMAND IS HEAVY Another new Rental Service for Home owners and Contractors by tittlllihfl553 HARDWARE 80 Dunlap St Barrie Phone PA 82556 WE DELIVER No one goes far on diet of bread and BALANCED FEEDING ALWAYS PAYS Theres no doubt about it no oncwants steady diet of just broad and water lint if youre feeding straight grain alone youre asking your livestock to live and thrive on bread and water And its been proved many times that you cant get the results from grain alone that you get by feeding balanced ratloli Its been hardjob getting grain harvested in manyareas this year and losses have resulted Further losscan result it the grain you do harvest is not fed about 1100 pounds of straight compared to just 650 pounds of combination of SHURGAlN Homlx Concentrate properly For instance it takes grain to put hog to market grain and STRETCH your grain supply by using SHURGAIN Concen trates We canrecommend proï¬table for you ROBINSON ricvllroll page shaman custom mixing program Phone Stroud 52 Collect orgnarrie PA 82687 his aim Quatowl Attended Weddlng Mrs Rynolds and Mildred attended the wedding of Miss Betty Yeoman in Toronto on Saturday Mr and Mrs Efaroou and blr and Mrs Harvey attended the SmithButler wedding in Bee ton on Saturday From Vancouver blrs Ray McAvoy of Vancou vcr BC is viditlng her aunt Mrs Bradley The funeral of ilr Pierson of Boston was held on Monday with burial in thc cemetery here in Hospital Ed Gilmore ts contined to New market hospital Also Wilbert Orr is under the doctors care llarvest Home Services Harvest ilomï¬wmrvicos were held in the Anglican Church on Sunday The Junior Farmers held their mccting in the hall on Wedncs day evening when representa tive trom the Department ot Lands and Forests showed some interesting pictures Bus esa Meeting business meeting of the Wom cns institute was held on Mon day night at Mrs Bert lirodcr icks Mrs William Watt and Mrs Robinson were appointed delegates to attend the area con vention in Barrio Arrangements WAVERLEY Community Sympathy Mrs Dalton Shaw and family have the sympathy of the com munity in their lossu Weekend With Parents Mr and Mrs Warren French of Guelph spent the weekend with their parents Mr and Mrs Herb Swan Mrs Allan Johnson of 2nd Line Flos visited with Mrs Drinkle on Sun day From Brantford Mr and Mrs Morley French and girls of Brnntford speht the weekend with Mr and Mrs Chan les French Weekend Visitors Visitors during the week with Mrs Ernie Robins and labrlly wcrc Mr and Mrs Eric Drinkwlne and son Rickey who returned to their homeln Toronto on Sun day Other Sunday visitors were Mrs Tony Willette and Mrs Frank Drinkwinc of Toronto Motoring To North Mr and Mrs Lorne Carruthcrs Gordon Sallows and Miss Norma Hounsome motored to Bala and points north on Sunday Mr and Mrs Harvey Brown and family and George Brock of Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs George Brock Plans For Opening Plans are being made for the opening at the new United Church hall on Oct 21 with the fowl supper Oct 24 Mr and Mrs Dim Edwards of Midland spent few days at Hornsbyslafter being on trip down through the States Supper Griests Saturday snpper guests of Mr and Mrs Angus Rawn were Mr and Mrs Frank Ram and Mr and Mrs Phillip Lamb of Barrie The occasion was Ralph Ravrns eighth birthday To North nay Mrs John OMalley has goneto North Bay where she is convab es tei Mrs Earl Leyburne Home At Weekend JackEakley and Mr and Mrs Cecil Townes were home from Hershom for the weekend Mrs Townes remained after having spent the summer with her bus band at Hershorn fully paid and Satisfied IF YOUIRE SPEEDER Speeders denftroally get away with itTheyj at has up lrnefAco dent facts prov that ekcessive speed alway catchesmpWithyou eyentuallyAIl= Speeders aro potential killers ONTARIO prayer by Mrs McLean Mrs Kneuharr read the Scripture Mr love gave splendid talk onthe study book which was much ap ed by verse containing the word Saved Next meeting will be held the parsonage Ar rangements were made for serv lug meals at Beeton Fair also bauar in October Everyone was delighted to have Jean WatLVelr ma Smith and Cami Ann Barker come over from schooland sing for them which they did very well Meeting closed with hymn and benediction Mrs Wilcox and Pdnéhitobinson served delicious un Girl Guide News lst Bond Head Corps met in the Commuunity Hall on Sept 13 at pm There were 20girls present seven visitors and two leadclslBdnd Head Company were pleased to welcome four Guides from Bccton who are be ing trained to act asPatrol Lear ders in the Beeton Guides also their leaders capt Nicol and Lt Rutledge During instruction per iod the Guides worked on tendélc foot knots second class semalt phorc and first class Guide hist ory 0R0 STATION The Late Mrs Jones Emma native of Oro Township Mrs Jones Emms passed away in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Sept 1956 following very brief illness Margaret Charlotte Leigh was born in Hawkestonc Nov 1875 the daughter of John Leigh and Margaret Mc Leod and it was in this village she spent her girlhood where she was an ardent worker in the var ious activities ot the then Method ist Church and it was to this McLeod predated Roll call was answer NOTICE OF ISSUE OFDEBENTU The Boqrdof Trustees of the Roman thholic Separate School Section NumbérHIZ in the Township of Innisfil aYLAw No erentlre Illr lhenwaa united In ones Elbert bums save or hrlefperlod spell ILGnthrie their entire married life wulived on their farm at cremation unanimpreneoeaedhlawue in April oflmg and since then Mrs Emma resided with her son Raymond on the homestead Surviving members of the lam lly include Mrs Harold Gratrtx and Raymond of Oro Station Basil Murray and Elvin mm of Barrie Mrs Charles ï¬llet Pon tlex Sash Mn Without Jones Midland and Mrsulielth McLeod also one sister Mrs Mary Prld Fort Francis Slater Mrs Jennie Jones Inglewood predeceased the late Mrs Emma over year ago Three brothers also remain mound and John Leigh Hawkestone and Cameron Leigh of Silver Heights Alberta who after an absence of 41 years paid abricf visit this summer to the home of his childhood when all the members of the family were present Many beautiful floral offerings expressed sympathy and the high regard in which Mrs Emma was old in the community v4phmvt vs rr flkrfï¬ WWW NondénfRoblmn Tam Visiting Ben Mrs arcopt woman is vis ltlng her son and daughterslndaw Mr and Mrs Don Brown Sunday Gum Mr and Mn Elmer Wiggins of Barrie and Wilfred Paris of Brad ford were guests of Mr and Mrs Grenville Halbert on Sunday Guests At Weddlnl number from here attended the SmithltButler wedding in Bee ton on Saturday Sunday Visitor Miss Edith Aspden was Cameron of Toronto visited at Whired Bells on Sunday Junior Farmer Church Service The South Simone Junior Fann ers church service our held in the church Sunday evening Ross Beatty of Stnynér was the speak er BrideTom Honored very bappyevent of last Wed nesday was shower in honor of MlsaKay Burner one of our very popular young ladies and bride tobc of next week Kay has been help and inspiration in our com The funeral took place on Mon munity and our very best wishes day Sept 10 at am Station Un ited Church with interment in the adjoining cemetery Rev Leonard Warr was in charge of the service and paid tribute to the life of devoted mother and staunch Christian The casketbearers were Archie Beasley Archie Somers James Pearsall Mervyn Emms Norman Leigh and Joseph Emms intimate friends and nephews of the de ceased Friends were present from Al ton Brampton Minette Midland Toronto and Sudbury 0f the lateMraEmms it may be truly said She fought good light finishedthc course and kept the faith SCHUMACHER CP Sixr tccn of 21 graduates from Schu macher high school have decided on college or university courses or these six want to be teachers four nurses Qgt HINES CREEK Alta CF llungry coyotes have been taking toll of chickens and sheep west of this town lntbe Peace River region One farmer reported the loss of 80 chickens RES ByLaw of the Board of Trustees of the Roman Catholic Separate rï¬tmaed Wanama entrained School Section No 12 in the Township of lnnisfil to authorize the borrowing 01 $7900000 upondcbenturcs for the construction and equipment of new school WHEREAS it is deemed expodlem to borrow for the purpose ofeon4 atruetlng and equipping of new school building the lulll of SeventyNine Thousand Dollars 57900000 upontlu credit or the Board or Trustees or the Roman Catholic Separate School Section No 12 in the Township oi Innlalll AND WHEREAS the site on which the school In to be erected baa boon approved by the rnlorily or the school supporters expressed by nreaolutlon passed at speci meeting called for that purpose AND WHEREAS the Department of Education by letter dated the soul day of April 1958 has given tentative apprvvl of the proposed aebeol for Legislative purposes up to but not exceeding SeventyNine Thousand Dollars 97900000 aublect to the condition but out in the raid lett AND WHEREAS ltts expcdlcï¬h tormke the principal the said debt rcpayablo In annual instalments dï¬inl the period or twenty to years next after the date or the issue of but debenlum and that the said debentures shall bear Interest payable annually the rates mown in the third column of Schedule attached to this byl AND WHEREAS by Order dated the lOth day of August less the Ontario Municipal Board has approved the purpore ol the said borrowing and tbn panting of this debenture bylaw AND WHEREAS the amount or the whole rateable property lnr Roman Catholic Separate School purposes in the said school nection according tn the last revised assessmentroil thereof in lesl than 0000000 AND WHEREAS the board obTrusteca ot the Roman CathollcSeparate School Section No 11 In the Township lnnlsfll bu no debenture debt THEREFORE the board or Trustees or the Roman Catholic Separate Snbonl Section no la in the Township of lnulaftl ENACTS as Poucws For the purpose at constructing and equipping new school the Board of Trustees nhnll borrow on thecredlt of the said Board or Trustees Iurn not exceedlnn seventyNine Thousand Dalian $71300000 and shall issue deben turea thnrnror The debentures ehnll be dated the 15th day of December 1856 be larued at one time and Shall be payable with interest in annual lnrtnlmeuta durinl the period of an years next after the date of laaue thereof and the rate or interest and the respective amount or principal and interest payable in each or such years shall be as designated in Schedule heretd annexed which ran begin geglpred to he and form part or this bylaw enturca shall be paybhle as to both princl al and interest lnwiul money of Canada and shall be payable at theDCanadian Rank in commerce In the Town of Barrie or at the principal office or the raid Bank l4n thcncity at Toronto said debentures shall be sealed with the seal the co olntion nnd rlnned by tho Trurtees and by the Treuur The nip lutereatnzoupona shall be signed by the Treasurer and his sign re thereon may be written Commenclng in the year use and dimmer in each ear in vihlch leelolmenlpr principal of thcsald debt and interest becamzs due the Boar or Trustees Shall levy and collect you specific rum shown for the respective in the fourth column of SChEdIIlE Such sum lb 19V Ind collected by special rate therefor over and above another ram in the same manner and from the likeperlona and property by from or out of which other separate school rates may be levied andcollected and mm all lormer separate school Supportersliable fortheaald debentum The said sum ofchentyNlne Thouaadd Dollars mambo so borrowed and lntereat thereon and the said debentures shall he and the same are hereby made menarpe upon the achoolhouse properly and premllel or any rather Eli orpcrsonai property vested III the Board 01 upon the IEPIIISB school rates hereinafter impos by the raid Board and any ratepayerwho Isn separate school supporter at the time when the loan in effected on the security or the property or rates shall while resident within the section or untclpallty within which the Rep school is sltuateoontlnne to be able ior the rate to be levied for repayment or the money be secured unto the said debentures together wltblntorerl thereon ahall have been Thu byvlaw shall come into effect when it has been approved by The Ontario Municipal nonrd advertised inaocordanco with the Separate school Ant and received third reading READ tintnnd second time thli 11 daypr My 1953 near thirdtlrne and llnnlly passed this at day at Auguatjfld CARL SCHELL Chairman McGUlRI Telme DEIDRWZD Tnutea JAMES CLYNESeeretaryltTrearnror 7fllcnctang st earlla scapunanca interest on Principal Maturity lat five years interest mg on Principal Maturity 1nd nvoyean interest my on Principal Maturity are this years interest up Principal Total mas 6591 assess mus 570325 amas 070015 deans 605950 MIm doom douse 965250 slam email carom emu 1775 snob PM JACK 7T 50011 INSURANCE AGENCY FlreCarBondAllClassea Thornton Phone Ivy 15r13 Alnlrelnry MiaCouttiand Alargnpumbertromhereenr mndneishhonln eyed cup of tea with Mr and ity for many year1 It Donald Coututn Barrie on themmanymore happy Sunday it being their fiftieth gather ALLAUTUM TIME mumps 13241 i5 WHEN YOU NEE Yes rrlends now lathe tang toppers your inel tank ind frenu with the finest ruel roll Kleenflo Call us now for prompt delivery l7 Phone PA 312461 BARRIE VieSARJEN Co KLEENFLO CLEANSCREWED BUILDING FUEL OIL BARRIE COAL SUPPLIES dkouc 246 added Ian no telling lung card have at akin noelre newt Illusion oaloar Elilv PERMAEILL APPROVED ETHYLENE GLYCOI Proteltla down to 62 below any l00 approved Ethylinc Glycol with newand Improved lnlllbilon to pravanr mt corrosion dogging and osmiumCant nvapovall Nann Ioai lo lieu enlists and carflnlalr Never naedl Inllln One mung lash all winter Flu UPN wBemv inenth too only than day too late VSAVESAFELYI GALLON quash 79 Equal to many ol the Ba known brand rolling up In pollonl allnulls Maximum nu Glycol with In auvnt run and cor lldn Np nddln Youre be nullth vanmp ell willie Sold only in denied eonlnlnm Inetcfl MeijiDEB HOSE CONNECTIONSOr mm quality lo malt can end unek WATER PIIMP VLUBRICANT Hill 535 rm under more to Iqu HEATER osraosr Moron Pita in less nandTAr 698 BRAND NEW WATER PUMPS sliso Atiowancl sort You oin it Find Precision annehl 199 GALLON polar Md Mn with special Hydel operation nowi Long Llleluolaroll IlllSE NeaWiduty multlply lylhh oil corrosion end onle inlanle Aalétv er 44 initial lrl eoolini Iyallnr 96 DUNth STREET wasr PAllS