By HARRY ECCLES Jonathan Pres Staff Writer Britain the United States and France rushed plans this week to get their Suez Canal Users Am elation functioning within fort nightconvinced that the Egyp tisrrrun canal will he in major snarl soon Ship owners and government officials watched intently as Press ident Nassers Egyptian regime tookioverguiding ships through the vitsl fwaterway nationalized by Egypt replacing western pil ots and technicianswho left their oposts Sept 14 They expected the canal operv atlonf to he in chaos within fortnight withe lineup at each end of ships unable to get through despite the arrival in Egypt of an unstatcd number of Soviet ship pilots to help the Egyptians The snarl would give the American BrltishFreneh sponsored Users Association an opportunity to take over State Secretary Foster Dulles of the United Slates who issaid to have originated the Users As sociation plan was to attend new conference in London this week on the Sue11crsis The Big Three hope the conference of na tions that joined in the Dulles proposal for international control of the Suez will give backing to the Users Association plan Nas ser had rejected the first Dulles proposal for international control of theicanal Egypt Adamant Egypt invitedall the countries she recognizes including Red China to rival conference to ne otiate guarantees that shipping ill continue to move freely through the canal under Egyptian control President Nasser at Cairo re jected the proposal for an asso ciation of canal users asnde claration of war He said the aim of such proposal is not peace but war and aggr ssion against the small countrie Nasser told an audience Egyptian air cadets that Ame can support of theUsers assoc tion lmeans theywill help Bri tain provoke the Egyptian people into clash with Britain The mounting Suez crisis was complicated by fresh outbreaks of violence in Israel Jordanian and Israeli forces were involved sh of incidents threatened to fupsctthé céasefire agreements btalncd by UN secretarygeneral ag Hammarskiold five months ago Jordlan ch god that raeli force of 1000 men wiped out the Jordan police post at Gharandal 12 miles inside Jordan with 10 killed and four musing lmeil um susnusamsv organise broadcasts said the attack was in reprisal for the killing ol three Israelis by Jordan tntiltrators Snrprlsc Vallnl For 22 year the three Con gressmen from HaineJn the 115 House of Representatives have becnilepubltcanh am week in the first state election of this US election year Democrat ï¬nale Cofï¬n 37yearold state party chairmanerch the Repub lican hold fihe Republicans held one seat The vote inanothcr district was so close it may take weeks to decide the winner Muskie 42 alsowas reelected with the largest votc ever given Maine governor Newfoundland Poll Premier Joseph Smallwood of Newfoundland speaking in the legislature last spring said jok ingly he hoped his party would not win all the seats inthe next election The TLiberal premicr said an opposition party wasnee essary The people of the island prov incc will soon be deciding this question The provincial election will be held Oct with nomina tion day Sept 22 The prcsent house standing is Liberals 1I Conservatives four CCF one we ant six Great Crater The circular depression which forms Deep Bay of Reindeer Lake about 250 milés north of Prince Albert Saskagmay be the worlds largest meteorite crater The great depth of the bay in itself and the rim and high hills around it characterize an explo sive crater said Dr Jones of the Domitiion Observa tory who with geologist Walter Pearson of the Saskatchewan re sources department spent August investigating the area He returned to Ottawa with the belief that the circular depression forming Deep Bay was createdby meteorite thousands of years ago but because of its great age proof the bay is meteorite crater may never be available Ice moved down and rubbed away most of the evidence it is at least 700 feet deep and miles across compared to the New Quebec Crater in Quebecs Ungavalahout two miles wide and crater mile across at Wolf Creek Australia RsaanrrsltLIlitx Mutchmorysee retary of the board of evangelism of the United Church of Canada says North America is in danger Democratic Governor Edmund LEI1 10 RIGHT ARE Roy JacksonMoore Loo Angeles OODRIV viieail Dfliiiliiqliid Detergents For Familyiiash comingSbonICanada odd of washday products baawitncfsed several mater tech 15 can itvml ERS Carroll Shelby Dallas and with Domld Henley designer of speed the car that set new international and 22 American Class records at Bonneville Salt Flats Utah Among the records broken were set by GeorgeBsninger on these same Salt Beds in 1940 The records had withstoodnllichsllengcrs for 16 years With thesencw ed Ichievemeutl the AustinHenley now hold eve record in it as from to 3000 miles This model in slighty streamlined version of th Landard AustinHenley sports car with all basic speci fications standard including head lights And tail lights its power is sup liedby an Austin A405 engine running on regular premium newline nical improvements within the past third of century The first great change was from the laundry bar to the powdered laundry soap which offered wel come advants cc to the house wife not only terms of product efficiency but in terms of conven ience as it was no longer nee1 essary to cut up the bar in order to use it in the washing machine The second major advance oc curred some nine years ago when the first light duty synthetic de targont powders appeared on the Canadian market Theae light duty detergents brought to wo men new era in dishwashlng Because of the grease cutting abil ltles of the new synthetic powders and their superiority over soaps inhard water women were able to getdish and glassware clean er faster and could let them airdry without need of wiping Not long after the introduch of forgetling her responsibilities to the rest of the world He told thejeneral council of the churchpmeettng at Windsor Ont that because North Ameri cans hiive such high standard of living they are likelytobe content and forget the needsof the world at large Much has been done to help backward countries he said butunfortun atcly there are signs that we are wearying in welldoing There are many evidences of indlffer once Rt Rev James Thomson leading figure in theological teaching since he came to Canada from Scotland in 1930 Was elect ed moderator to succeed th Rev George Darcy of Toronto The new moderatoris deanvof divin ity at McGill University Mon treal Impressive Tribute Air Marshal Billy Bishop Canadas greatest air ace who won the Victoria Cross when airpower was in its infancy was given an impressive military fun eral at Toronto by meair force which he helped to mould into jetage power The Owen Sound Ont man who shot down 72 enemy planes from the cockpit of his frail fight er in the First World War died Sept 11 at West Palm Beach Fla stares High officers of the army navy who was director of recruiting MICROWAVE NETWOR Wm eheduled to go into operation Jan 11957Vtho of rad stations across Canadas gt completion 4Uptodat parallelshowsvarlousscenes Dog the line as the construction stage nears th means tower of an inter station of the line receives the finishing uche trommernbers of the erectioncrew An licopter one of the cohorts Line ictures from tho Toes5on GAF git34 Ithe solated stations takes of assembly point with an undersltmg load ofsupplies for an intermediate station3 Group Captain Poole of Hamilton Director of Systems Ea gineerlng for the RCAF and 19sz of the Bell Special Contracts De artment top over elec tronic equipment already nspslled at notation in crnManitoba North Yihlchihlliemlltvfl homosexual PUSHES wssrwARp during the Second World War among the hardest working people in aCanadian community Their hours are long and strenuous For the sake of their health and men tat poise they must fromttme to time employ sitter and thus have brief holiday from their tasks When mother delegates her responsibility for short time to someone else she must feel conï¬dent that the sitter is suitable person What should mother look for in the person of satis factory helper to mind her children in her absence What are the qualiï¬cations for baby sitter children are safe and they would like to feel that they are also happy But the first requirement of sitter is certainty that the child or children be kept from danger Careful parents areconstantly BAXTER Sunday Visits Mr and Mrs Denney and daughter Dcnise visited on Sun day with MruondMrs Barber Hornlngs Mills ronto called on friends here dur in the past week ï¬trs Gauley Weston called on friends here on Saturday From Toronto Dean of Toronto occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian Church here on Sunday and Will Sundays Suffered Stroke covery is hoped for Mrs John McKnight who suffered stroke on Saturday Will Soon he Horne We are pleased to know that Menary who underwent an oper ation in Torontohospital last Thursday is getting alongwell and will soon be home Mrs Menary Orangeville is spending few days at the home of her son Menary Weekend Visit Wo Miskey and Mrs Mis key and daughters Cheryl and Lynn who spent the past five years at RCAF Station MacDon ald Man spent the weekend with Mr aners Buddick on their way to Céntralis near Station transferred aey where two Miskey has been more Atd The September meeting of Bax ter Ladies Aid washcld at Mrs Browns on Sept 12 with an at visitors The meeting opened with the call to worship and the singing of hymn followed with prayer by Mrs McLachlan Scripture read ng was taken from St Luke Bble study questions prepared by Mrs Turnbullwere answer Marks lwo worthwhile readings were contributed by the programwoml mittee The first The Master Comes wasread by Mrs MDen and the second Your Neighbor read by Mrs Gauleyi With Mrs ochraneiplaylng the accordionpa lovely duetwas sung by Mrs Bruce Edgar and Mrs Gauley Jr The secretarys report was and given Roll call was answered with verse from the Bible containing Neighbor Du ng the business session committee was appointed to look amateel uakgtractinr an it rtlops of the line ri he agstrl after decorating the church for the anniversary on Sunday Oct The offering was taken and dedicated with prayer by Mrs McKnight The meeting we rought to by singing hymn follow ing with the Lords Prayer repent ed in unison Daintyrefreshments were served by thelunch commx tee Mrs McKnight Mrs Denney and Mrsu Walkorn latent thy and lunch committee was by Mrs Inlay Sr Mothers of small children are Parents want to know that their Beyer and son Bruce be in charge for the next two complete and speedy re tendance of 11 members and two Sahsiuc My Baby Sitter By NANCY CLEAVER checking to make sure that the home environment of babies and children is as free as possible from accident hazards At the same time sitter must be an alert person Noone can foresee what may happen to baby or on active childl Always leave your phone number with your sitter where you may be reached The medicine cabinet should be out of reach and locked But sitter should not bury herself in magazine and be quite oblivious to small Jun lorg attempt to climb up and pry open the forbidden door Mothers appreciate baby sit ter who acts like responsible personand takes the same care of the house as she would of her own home sitter bringsher own careless or careful habits with her Marks of well brought up adolescent are unmistakable and are valued What about the mlnlmum age level of sitter very young girl should not have to actln an emergency For that reason in some places age 14 is suggested as the youngest age for sitter Age ig not always reliable standard because alsyearold with sev eral younger brothers and sisters is likely to be more experienced dBycarhld only girls it rushes time and energy and good judgmentlto find sitter who suits any particular home or family One mother often recommends sitter to another mother church group leader of adolescents sometimes mentions the nam es of possible sitters Oc caslonally the ad section of the daily paper oanlcs notices of people eager to offer their services to care for children or parents searching forbitg ters An interview with sitter and check on at least two of her re ferences and on her health are essential before sitter is engag ed By her promptness her ap pearance her voiceand language mother can gain fairly aceu ate picture of the prospective ters home background The re lationship between mother and sitter is an intimate one If the two are attracted to each other when they first meet arrange ments are more likely to work out in satisfactory way forth em ployer and employee People whether young or old who are not keen about children even if they are hardpressed for money should not be sitters Vlf th dislike their work they will hm drttwell ennuicom instinctively whether or not an other person is interested inthem They respond to kindness and at fection as flower turns to the sunshine mothermay fall to real ice at once that sitter is not genuinely fondsof her child But if the childs comments later reveal that he ï¬des not matter to the sitter if he shows no desire to see her again better part with the sitter at once and look for an other onet gt Sltterspare expensive enough that it is worthwhile taking time to locate satisfactqrycne Then she must be treated withconsider ation paid well and promptly so that she ill want toicontinue be ing other substitute when nee ded COPYRIGHT in frhandilngymingxtersthanrmanyrï¬Ã©tï¬ rafymrï¬jemuymin can of thelight duty synthetics the heavy duty powdered synthetic laundry products designed for the main family wash were hunched This step represented as great so advancement over the powdered laundry soaps as did the powdered laundry soapsover the bar soaps At first thought of in terms of product best designed for hard water women soon found that in all types of water the hiavyvduty synthetics offered distinct and demonstrable advantages over pobdered soaps Heavy duty syn scum and film gave rich active suds in both hard and soft water andvin terms of all roundeffl clency outperformed the soaps Within the past few years the heavy duty detergan have all but taken over the market for both laundry and dishwashlng The change from soaps to de tergents has been dramatic one and the lncrease ln washing efficiency has been substantial However for long time manu facturers of washday products havercalizrd that the ultimate for laundry products must lie in the direction of liquids for no powder no matter how efficient it might be can provide the con centrated washing power CCDH omy convenience and efficiency offs liquid For many years the manufac turers ot laundry products have been working to achieve satis factory liquid formula As in the core of the original powdered dc tcrgents they were first able to develop light duty liquid marin designed for dlshwashing These products have offered im mediate and demonstrable advantz ages to the housewives and their popularity is growing daily However as in the case of the light duty powdered detergents they have their limitations and are not particularly suited for heavy duty laundry Heavy duty liquids however will not be long in coming to Canada Already such product has been introduc ed in the US and in those areas where it has appeared it has been received with tremendous enthus iasm the housewives understood from informed sources thdt the time is not far distant when such products will by available in the Canadian mar ket New heavy duty liquid dc tergents especially designed familywash will offer greater cleaning power superior While abilit and landing pr venient and economical form liquid also prevents sneezing and washday hayfever so prevalent when using deter cnt powders it is expected that base liquid de tergents rwill be concentrated with spacesaving advantages and like the light duty liquids be packed in cans which are practic ally unbreakable and not prone to become soggy and fall apart Soon probably in matter of few weeks Canadian house wives will be able to enjoy the tremendous advantages which the new ermof heavy duty liquid de tergents will br Ridout Acquires independent Real Estate Limited The acquisition by the itldout Organization of Independent Real Estate Limited will mean the mediate enlargemea the Rid out uInvestment Dtv on under tihe management of Altstet eI Independent Real Estate Limit ed which has proved itself most progresstve young company oper atingmainly in the investment Tield will now come under t5 control of the Ridout Organizav tion and Andrew Chepely prev Inusly the principal of Independ ent Real Estate Limited has now been appointed sssistdnt manager of the Bidou nvestment Divis ion Accompany ng Mr Chepely in this acquisition are thefollowing other rpembm of his orga tion George Davies Adounan DeSzoeczy and Hegyi In dependent Real Estate Limited have previously concentrated up on cooperative building apart ments one of their first successes being Torontos first cooperative apartment building at Kinsdale Boulevard With the enlargemenrof the Ridout Investment Dlvisiongreat er conce tration will he made in thetle detergents did away with NEW HOS Mr and Mn Archie Waniesx Warren Sharon and Janet were recent visitors of Mrsnd Hrs Harold Woolen and family of Hg bert Miss Marlon Hall and Murray Hall weregucsLs on Saunday at the TrippTownes wedding held in Elmvale Presbyterian Church Miss Irene Saunorlc is attend ing Barrie Collegiate this year Midland VIslt Lira Kirkpatrick and Ross vis ited to Midlandvon Sunday with Mr and HrLNBalph Brisk the latter being in hospital there Walter Hall Sr of Acton Vis Ed here on Sunday with his fam At Waveflcy McmorlalScrvlce Mr and Mrs Jack Cameron Mrs Fred Vlneyllll and Gladys and Show wcre among those who attended the memorial service at Waverley on Sunday Clarence Atkinson Elaine Dale and Murray and Miss Elsie Jen nett attended the social evening held in Allenwood School Baby Shower On Monday evening baby shower was rheldat the homcpf Mr and Mrs Jack Cameron ior Catherine and Cameron twin son and daughter of Mr and Mrs win Sage program of read ings contestssongs as was enjoyed folloWed by the present ation ofmany preilyand useful gifts bountiful lunchY conclud ed the evening Everett Edwards Was in Barrie last week on jury duty Mr and MrsSteve Rawn and Mr and Mrs Cllne Rnwn Larry and Anne were recent visitors of Mr and Mrs Allen Sinclair and Judy Collingwcod mum WMAY 5m 21 1958 15 Newsra sweats Wasiidiy mam lm all for long engage ment Muriel It means our marriage will be that much shorted Pltlllll All TYPES WALL TILE BATHROOM FIXTURES BBOAPLOOM 117100 SANDING Br FINISHES WAXES PAINTS SHELLAC VARNISIIES VISIT OUR suowaoon MULCASTER smear FEBEIISIIN IllIll smelt snnvrcs Phone PA 82613 at corms with ference herons the ra developing coopera tive building field oweeraserZ art classes now BEGINNING Janitor BEFORE sorrewmen so and be entitled to our FREE Lesson the ioanvgarrickr DANS on terms yfl select When you borrow from HFC you select your own repayment plan arranged to ï¬t your income Take as long as 24 months to return the money 0r paysooner if you like The sooner your loan is repaid the is it costs Loans from $50 to SlOOO madcin one day Borrowwithcontidenoc from HFC Canadas only consumer ï¬nance company by 78 ycars experience as mini second so plum wt 35 om gLsctdIuwlmm 08 lluronNIrlo 5m and floorjpltonc 90 00D ONT fégrence Day Makes THE DAY YOU ENROL AT the loan garrlck school courses reasonAL manometer MODELLING poise neroamenr PERSONALITY expacmmc Manama In 1th Few Short Weeks you and your friendswlll see the amaring dif AFTER Joan Garrick Training Joan Garrick Training MISS JUNE oasis lt31 school on saris and approved and thetreasurer and sick committee reports were anks to theihostess barn on Examiiayuons 271 7pm ititenslve six months course